Quatro pessoas moram no mesmo prédio, mas se evitam pelas diferenças em como vivem, no que acreditam e de onde vêm. Elas provavelmente nunca falariam umas com as outras, porém, um acontecimento as aproxima. Lentamente e de modo doloroso, elas começam a reconhecer a essência e a humanidade de cada um.
20 years ago, Vesna moved her family to Zagreb, away from the events that almost destroyed their lives. However, an unexpected call will bring back the memory of a secret that she has been trying to hide all these years.
This comedy of the absurd is set in the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. The hero, Ljiljan is a young peasant poet who joins the Partisan movement just before it falls apart, abandoned by its leader Tito. The last remaining hope for resisting Nazism is to assassinate Hitler. Ljiljan’s task is to write a song that will allow his Partisan band to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the SS – by entering an SS talent show. If they win the competition, they will be invited to perform before Hitler and the NDH’s high command. This is a satirical coming-of-age tale with a difference, capturing the craziness, comedy and horror of war in the Balkans.
Župnik u ispovjedaonici
Em uma pitoresca vila na Dalmácia, há mais funerais do que nascimentos. Fabian (Kresimir Mikic) é um jovem padre indicado para ser o novo pároco desse lugar. Ao ouvir a confissão de um dos fiéis, ele descobre que a baixa natalidade é culpa da alta venda de preservativos. Horrorizado e querendo modificar essa situação, ele tem uma brilhante e drástica ideia: perfurar todas as camisinhas antes que elas sejam vendidas. Para isso, se junta ao jornaleiro Petar (Niksa Butijer) e ao farmacêutico Marin (Marija Skaricic). Só que o "milagroso" "boom" de bebês causa consequências inesperadas.
This is a story of the Croatian journalist Sinisa Glavasevic, the Croatian Radio station in Vukovar and sufferings of all Vukovar's inhabitants during the siege. At the same time this is also an archetypal story of love for one's own hometown, of integrity and responsibility of the individual who, at the hardest trials of his own conscience and responsibility, chooses to take the more difficult path, in circumstances where others - the average and the conformist - abandon ship. Sinisa decided to stay.
This TV series follows the life of Andrija Hebrang (1899-1949), a Croatian and Yugoslav communist politician. A member of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia until his dismissal, he served as the 4th Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Croatia.
Djuro is a Romany, he has a large, happy family, and earns a living appearing in Serbian porn films. And it's through his sarcastic perspective that we follow the story of the Croatian war veteran Martin. He falls in love with a beautiful girl who plays Little Red Riding Hood in a porn version of the fairy tale. She is also a prostitute. To be with her, Martin has to buy her from her pimp. A tragicomic story of love in a world where it seems all human values are put up for sale or destined for cynical destruction
Ante and Dusko are two Dream Team players. Besides being a Croat and a Serb who fought on opposite sides in the war, both used to be volleyball players. Today, they live normal lives, one in a remote craggy region, the other in Banja Luka. There is little chance of them ever meeting again. The International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague has indicted Colonel Skoko, a hero to some, a criminal to the others. The two main witnesses to his defense, Mato and Joso, have disappeared without a trace. Skoko's sponsor from the intelligence circles, Antisa, wants to find two men resembling Mato and Joso, to impersonate them before the Hague investigators, and hopefully bring down the indictments. Naturally, the two men he finds are none other than our heroes, Ante and Dusko.
Decorrendo entre as atrocidades da guerra dos Balcãs, Testemunhas é recontado, ao estilo de Rashomon, do ponto de vista de várias personagens, acrescentando novas informações sobre a complexidade da guerra e da humanidade. Começando dentro de uma casa rústica com uma mulher em preto (Mirjana Karanovic) em pé ao lado do caixão do marido, Testemunhas entrelaça as histórias de uma pequena cidade a confrontar-se com o ódio étnico e profundas ambiguidades morais.