Erno Crisa

Erno Crisa

Nascimento : 1914-03-10, Biserta, Tunisia

Morte : 1968-04-05


Erno Crisa (10 March 1914 – 4 April 1968) was an Italian film actor. He appeared in more than 50 films between 1944 and 1968. His last film was the spaghetti western Sugar Colt. Source: Article "Erno Crisa" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Erno Crisa
Erno Crisa


Angélica e o Sultão
Ambassadeur turc
This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.
Sugar Colt
In order to avenge a friend and to fulfill his last wish, Rocco has to find out what happened to an army corps that has mysteriously disappeared. He therefore puts on the disguise of a doctor and starts investigating in a somewhat uncomfortable town
Pecos Vem para Matar
'El Supremo'
Três músicos chegam a uma aldeia mexicana destruída por El Supremo e aprendem, com o único sobrevivente, do tesouro perdido de Montezuma escondido num templo asteca. Ao longo do caminho chega Pecos e a busca prossegue.
Death Is Nimble, Death Is Quick
Two Yanks are hired to protect a rich lady from a sinister underworld group. Lots of jungle thrills, martial arts, ancient temples, huge explosions, & even sci-fi elements. Watch for Harris' great karate fight inside a crumbling temple, surrounded by masked members of an ancient sect.
A Vingança dos Vikings
Viking chief Thorvald dies from a mortal combat wound. He realizes his son Erloff is not a worthy successor, but his will divides his property equally between him and Erik, the valiant son of his sister, who also gets his weapons and the mission to lead a sea-faring expedition to find new land for a settlement, crucial as their Scandinavian home village won't be able to resist the might of the Danish kingdom.
Seven Rebel Gladiators
The ruthless Roman tribune, Vadio, joins forces with the evil Morakeb to take over the throne of Aristea, usurping King Krontal and stealing away his lovely daughter in the process. Meanwhile, Marco Aulo, now a Roman centurion, comes to Aristea to learn where his legions war funds have gone. Vadio has him framed for treason and is thrown into the arena to fight a group of six formidable gladiators. During the fights, Marco refuses to kill those he defeats until finally, he himself loses after exhaustion takes its toll. Admiring this man, the six warriors join him and together they escape Vadio's clutches and plot to free the kingdom from the two conspiring killers.
Brennus, Enemy of Rome
Decio Vatinio
AKA: Brennus, Enemy of Rome, AKA: Battle of the Valiant A 1963 film about the sack of Rome in 387 BC
Golias e os Pecadores da Babilônia
Goliath battles for the freedom of the Babylonian people.
Le due leggi
Colossus of the Arena
A powerful man posing as a gladiator in Rome's fourth century discovers a plan to put the beautiful Queen in prison, which he thwarts by exposing a sinister duke as a traitor.
Caesar Against the Pirates
Julius Caesar flees Rome because of a conspiration against him and takes refuge by the king of Bitinia. He finds a woman there and while he escorts her to Rhodes their ship is attacked. Caught by the pirates he asks for help to get back to Rome.
Maciste Contra os Mouros
In the late 1500s, forces of the Duke of Malaga topple the Sacred Obelisk in the North African city of Melida before they're defeated by the local Sheik. The Shiek's men then sail to Spain and kidnap the Duke's daughter, Isabella.
Taras Bulba
Italian adaptation of the historical novella of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.
Questi fantasmi
Passport for a Corpse
When a robbery goes wrong the only survivor tries to smuggle himself across the border by hiding in a coffin. When he gets out of the coffin he finds himself locked in a morgue freezer with three dead bodies. While trying to escape the morgue and his isolation he slowly starts going mad and hallucinating. Throughout the film he is haunted or menaced by a woman who may or may not be real. Unique and strange film that gets more and more weird as it goes along.
The Bacchantes
The god Dionysus decides to pay a visit to the city of Thebes. Dionysus wants to be the worshiped by the masses, but the kingdom is suffering a horrific drought and the king Pentheus wants instead to sacrifice a virgin to the God Demeter.
O Sepulcro dos Reis / A Filha de Cleópatra
Kefren - Tegi's Councellor
The beautiful young Sushila is forced into a political marriage with young Pharaoh Nemorat in order to consolidate power. However, the young Pharaoh is beset with mental illness and the marriage becomes dangerous, all the while the chief advisor Kefren and his scheming mistress plot to destroy the unstable pair.
O Sol Por Testemunha
Inspector Riccordi
Tom Ripley é um talentoso imitador, golpista, dissimulado e tudo mais de um criminoso improvisador. Mas há muito mais esperando Tom Ripley do que ele mesmo poderia imaginar.
Os Cossacos
Set in the 1850s in Czar Alexander II's Russia, this drama and adventure film focuses on the strife between the Circassian Muslims, led by Shamil and Czar Alexander.
O Incêndio de Cartago
200 aC, Roma e Cartago estão em conflito. Navios de guerra são enviando para a batalha sobre o controle de Cartago. Contra este pano de fundo de guerra está uma confusão romântica entre duas mulheres apaixonadas pelo mesmo guerreiro e dois homens apaixonados pela mesma mulher. Com o progresso amoroso e militar, torna-se claro que Cartago vai queimar e, pelo menos, alguns dos antigos amantes vão se queimar também, em mais de uma maneira.
I mafiosi
Due selvaggi a corte
Marino Contarini
Marco Venier comes back to his father's home town with his Black servant Kato.
The Black Archer
A mysterious archer who dresses in black is out for revenge against the bandits who killed his father.
La Fille de feu
Larry Gordon
Don Juan
Don Juan Tenorio
Don Juan is arrested during one of his raids loving, just as he intended to seduce the daughter of the Governor, who was about to marry. His faithful servant, too accustomed to be all sticks, passed by him to save his skin, a situation that will allow you to win the love of a beautiful comic. Meanwhile, the real Don Juan is reduced to the status of servant.
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Oliver Mellors
Based on D. H. Lawrence’s 1928 novel of the same name, Lady Chatterley’s Lover stars Danielle Darrieux, Leo Genn, and Erno Crisa in this controversial tale of adultery! After her husband is paralyzed from fighting in WWI, Lady Chatterley feels a loss of intimacy between her husband and herself, and decides to have an affair with the gamekeeper, a man of a lower class.
La Tierra del Fuego se apaga
In the faraway lands of the south of the Patagonia, in a town made up of wrongdoers and thieves, a mysterious and solitary man takes a prostitute to live with him at his ranch. However, her past follows her, and he is forced to face it head on.
O Ouro de Nápoles
Don Nicola (segment "Teresa")
Seis histórias incomuns descrevem um pouco a cidade de Nápoles: uma vendedora de pizza com humor instável, que perdeu o anel de noivado; uma prostituta que se casa; um palhaço que tem sua vida explorada por um gangster; um jogador fracassado; um professor que diz vender sabedoria; o funeral de uma criança morta.
These Phantoms
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
Reeds and mud
Tonet lives an intense love story with Neleta, whom he has known since childhood, but the young man will be forced to leave the Albufera of Valencia and serve in the war in Cuba. During his absence, Neleta marries the rich innkeeper Canyamel. Upon the return of the war, Tonet and Neleta cannot avoid their adulterous relationship, provoking the talk of the people of the village.
Mata Hari's Daughter
Principe Anak
In this espionage film, Mata Hari's daughter takes the mantle from her notorious mother and entangles her self in an Asian web of intrigue and war.
Violenza sul lago
Di qua, di là del Piave
Cavalcade of Song
Il guappo
Marchese di Roccaverdina
A Sicilian nobleman is very jealous of his mistress and when she gets married flies off his handle and commits a murder of which an innocent man is accused. He is however tormented by his conscience.
Sunday Heroes
Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to rig it. He refuses the offer but he actually begins playing like an amateur and the crowd begin to smell something fishy going on.
Half a Century of Song
Through a series of scenes inspired by famous songs, various episodes of Italian life in the last fifty years are recalled.
The Affairs of Messalina
A story, set in Rome of 44 A.D., concerning the amorous and political intrigues of the evil Empress Messalina, the wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius, and her eventual hounding to death.
The Last Sentence
Piero is the leader of a group of university students who lead a carefree life. Finding himself in trouble and in need of money, he turns to criminal means—receiving aid from Daniela, the daughter of a rigid magistrate.
The Counterfeiters
Producers of phony currency become the object of a crackdown by law enforcement agencies.
O Drama da Linha Branca
Following World War II, the Allies designate that an unidentified town in the Trieste area as being partly Yugoslavian and partly Italian. A white line of demarcation splits the town in half and the townspeople are given just a short time to decides on which side of the line they will live. This leads to the dividing of homes, friends, families and the church and tensions run high.
A young woman who inherits her uncle's nightclub, invents a gangster husband in order to gain respect.
The Figurehead
Le Guen
At sea, sailors have got to make do with what they have. François is in love with.... the figurehead, the bust of a gorgeous woman.
Christine se marie
In order to engage in life experiences, Christine takes the civil status of her three sisters to marry as many times.
The Last Judgment
In Central Europe, resistance to the Germans in growing. But the partisan leader is denounced and killed. His daughter and the son of the traitor love each other. Condemned by his comrades, the informer commits suicide in front of the young couple.
St. Val's Mystery
Dédé, the wanderer
Désiré Le Sec has just won the "amateur policeman contest" and he is so glad he 's telling all the people around.He is an insure agent ,and his boss,his uncle,is annoyed :a man took out a big life insurance and died soon afterward.
Hoboes in Paradise
In a Provençal village, two jolly good fellows, Boule and Pons, decide to dress as Saint Anthony and Saint Nicholas for the distribution of presents to the children on the feast of Saint Nicholas. They unfortunately get killed by a cart and find themselves in Hell where Lucifer and his demons duly torment them. They are saved by a prayer which helps them to climb the stairway to Paradise. Saint Peter, taken in by the applicants' disguise, lets them in. When the two true Saints show up, trouble follows. Luckily, thanks to the intervention of the Virgin Mary, the two friends are acquitted at their celestial trial and allowed to return to Earth.
Coup de tête
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
Sideral Cruises
L'homme sur le manège (uncredited)
Robert and Françoise Monier make a hot air balloon to fly to the stratosphere. After a visit to Venus, they return home, but have only aged 15 days whereas 25 years have passed on Earth.