Michio Ito


Spring and Chaos
Key Animation
Set in the beginning of the 20th century Japan, the film follows the bright and eccentric Kenji from his late student years through his adulthood. Kenji suffers the tragedy of being an artist whose art isn't recognized during his lifetime. Based on the life of the author Kenji Miyazawa, the film depicts his brief but intense existence.
Tenchi Muyo! in Love
Key Animation
O maior vilão do universo, Kain, liberta-se de seu aprisionamento na Polícia Galáctica e foge para destruir a Família Real Jurai e, assim, tomar o poder do planeta. Kain volta ao passado para matar Achika, filha do príncipe Yosho, na Terra. Mas Achika é a mãe de Tenchi, e por causa disso, Tenchi começa a desaparecer no presente.