Sabine Sun

Sabine Sun

Nascimento : 1940-04-15, Antibes, Alpes-Maritimes, France


Sabine Sun
Sabine Sun


Run for Your Life
Ann Moorcroft
Major Charles Forsythe is a Vietnam veteran U.S. Army officer stationed near Rome. He is a brutal, if effective, commander who was "fragged" by his own men in Vietnam. When he is denied promotion because of the number of men injured during his training exercises, he takes out his anger by beating his pregnant wife Sarah. She miscarries. On her release from the hospital, Sarah is determined to get back into shape and begins running. She meets Alan Morani a former Olympic runner who is a paraplegic as the result of a car accident. Morani offers to coach Sarah to run in the Rome marathon, a race which her husband has won two years in a row. Sarah realizes that winning the race is the best way to avenge the death of her baby and destroy her husband's ego.
O Xeque Mate
Dr. Zilenka
Philip Kimberly, the former head of the British Secret Service who defected to Russia, is given plastic surgery and sent back to Britain by the KGB to retrieve some vital documents. With the documents in hand, he instead plays off MI6 and the KGB against each other.
A noisy and absurd re-telling of the great 1950 invasion of Inchon during the Korean War which was masterminded by General Douglas MacArthur.
The Amazons
Alena Johnston is Antione, the War Goddess of the Amazons, who must mate with the Greek king Theseus to propogate her race. Traditionally this is done only out of duty, but this time she falls in love with her "boy toy"... a definite no-no for an Amazon queen. Helmed by James Bond director Terence Young and based on a story co-authored by Robert Graves, this sexy and spectacular entry in the sword-and-sandal genre features an incredible bevy of Euro-cult starlets including Rosanna Yanni, Helga Line and Luciana Paluzzi, plus a lyrical score by Academy Award-winner Riz Ortolani.
Os Segredos da Cosa Nostra
Jane (uncredited)
Um membro da máfia Americana, Joseph Valachi cumpre pena de prisão e aceita ser testemunha especializada num importante julgamento de mafiosos filmado para a TV. Perante as câmaras, desvenda a história da sua vida: desde a sua infância aos primeiros encontros com membros veteranos da máfia, culminando com o seu casamento com a filha do próprio padrinho assassinado. Quando Joe Valachi vê a sua cabeça a prémio posta por Don Vito Genovese, não lhe restam senão medidas desesperadas para se proteger enquanto está na prisão. Uma tentativa mal sucedida de lhe cortarem a garganta coloca-o à beira de quebrar o código de silêncio.
Un beau ténébreux
Os Visitantes da Noite
The nurse
Durante a Guerra da Coréia, Joe Martin (Charles Bronson) acaba preso por golpear um coronel. Em uma prisão alemã, ele reencontra seu ex-comandante de batalhão e juntos eles planejam uma fuga. Porém, as coisas dão errado e Joe escapa sozinho, deixando seus companheiros para trás. Anos depois morando na França, ele é obrigado a trabalhar para um chefão do tráfico com ligações ao seu passado, quando este sequestra sua esposa (Liv Ullmann) e a mantém como refém.
Love Life in Luxembourg
The story of a hotel boss that, from time to time, observes the couples in the rooms and even films them.
The Sextrovert
Philippe de Valmont, an important Banyuls wine producer, asks his friend Patrick, an attractive adventurer, to take care of Desirella, a cover girl very much in demand, who has an affair with her lesbian friend, Nicole. Patrick carries out his mission so stylishly that Desirella soon falls in love with him. Nicole, as for her, doesn't accept the situation. She is determined to seek revenge.
Versatile Lovers
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Tropic of Cancer
Expat American writer Henry Miller hustles his way through Paris in a series of amorous encounters while trying to find his literary voice.
Las piernas de la serpiente
Os Sicilianos
Simone, prostitute
Um jovem e ambicioso mafioso planeja um elaborado roubo de diamantes enquanto seduz a filha de um implacável patriarca, mas um determinado comissário de polícia começa a cercar todos eles.
Sadistic Hallucinations
In a mysterious French castle dark meetings and apparitions happen, seasoned by nauseating erotic menages. The involvement frantically increases up to the amazing epilogue.
The Scarlet Lady
Comedy about a self-made woman in Paris contemplating the idea of suicide at first, then murder.
Sou Pago Para Matar
Belgian Prostitute
A cold hearted American hit man goes to Europe for "one last score". His encounter with a beautiful young woman casts self doubt on his lifeblood, and influences him to resist carrying out the contract.
Mr. Freedom
Betty Bopper
Mr. Freedom, a bellowing good-ol'-boy superhero decked out in copious football padding, jets to France to cut off a Commie invasion from Switzerland. A destructive, arrogant patriot in tight pants, Freedom joins forces with Marie Madeleine to combat lefty freethinkers, as well as the insidious evildoers Moujik Man and inflatable Red China Man, culminating in a star-spangled showdown.
Se Encontrar Sartana, Reze Pela Sua Morte
Meg / Maggie
Tudo começa com o violento roubo a uma diligência, quando um cofre repleto de ouro é roubado e os passageiros são massacrados pelos bandidos. Após uma série de traições e tiroteios, o fruto do roubo acaba nas mãos do assassino Lasky. Mas o anti-herói Sartana começa a investigar o crime e segue a pista dos seus autores. Primeiro filme da série "Sartana" oficial. Continuação: "Eu Sou Sartana" (1969)
Erotic Urge
The Madman of Lab Four
La baronne
This talkative and unevenly paced feature finds Fou (Jean Lefebvre) the inventor of a gas that makes the users fall in love. He is chased by his boss, the police, and spies, who seek to secure the secret recipe for their own selfish purposes. A shadowy American underworld figure tries to intimidate the inventor. A half-hearted attempt at comedy tries to go along with the double dealing and trickery of the thin plot of the film.
Mexican Slayride
Secret Agent Francis Coplan, is given the task of finding priceless artwork stolen by the Nazis' in 1943. The trail leads to Mexico, where Coplan challenges a "secret" organization in order to re-gain the paintings.
Kill Me Gently
Joyce Sellers
One of Tony and Brad's best with the boys on the hunt for a treasure of missing LSD that has been stolen by a criminal organization. Their quest eventually leads the boys to far-off desert oil ruins where much of the film's best action occurs.
The Three Fantastic Supermen
Madame Astrid Countess of Boidieux
FBI agent Brad joins Tony and Nick, the self styled Supermen who battle crime wearing bullet-proof super-suits. They are on a case involving radioactive counterfeit money and people who can be broken down into precious jewels.
A Noite dos Generais
Hamburg Prostitute (uncredited)
Em 1942, uma prostituta polonesa é assassinada em Varsóvia. A suspeita recai sobre três generais de alto escalão, e o Major Grau da Inteligência Alemã busca justiça apesar das atrocidades cometidas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. As pistas levam Grau de Varsóvia para Paris e direto para o plano de assassinar Adolf Hitler em 1944, no qual dois dos generais estão profundamente envolvidos. O caso de Grau fica inacabado até 1965, quando então o verdadeiro assassino é levado à justiça. (e 16 Anos)
Ces messieurs de la famille
Une prostituée au commissariat
Esse Mundo é dos Loucos
Mimi la Rose (uncredited)
Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, Charles é enviado à uma cidade da França para desativar uma bomba colocada lá pelos alemães. No entanto Charles é perseguido por alguns alemães e vai parar em um hospício onde os presos se convencem de que ele é o “Rei de Copas”. Sentindo-se na obrigação de ajudar os loucos, ele decide levá-los para fora da cidade.
Les enquiquineurs
Trap for the Assassin
This one is generally looked upon as the best version of the old-fashioned melodrama by Jules Mary.Riccardo Freda,who was mainly known for his horror movies,tried also his hand at spy thrillers in the wake of James Bond ("Coplan Ouvre Le Feu à Mexico") ,and had a penchant for old French melodramas (before "Roger la Honte" ,he redid "Les Deux Orphelines " -D.W.GRiffith's "orphans of the storm-. Georges Géret replaces Lucien Coedel and Irene Pappas takes on Maria Casarès's part of his mistress.Freda 's movie is more compact ,with a running time of 105 min,whereas Cayatte's version (1945-46) spread over two episodes with a total time exceeding 3 hours.It also benefited from the use of color .But all in all,it's the same old story.
As Long as You've Got Your Health
An anthology film consisting of four stories. (1) A man reads a Dracula novel while in bed, but cannot seem to tell the novel from reality, causing sleep troubles. (2) A man cannot escape the absurd ads he saw at the movie theater that day. (3) A polluted and construction ridden town keeps everybody on edge, sending one man to the doctor. (4) A hunter, a farmer and a couple on a picnic unknowingly cause continuous trouble one another.
Under Your Hat
Une hôtesse du tripot (uncredited)
An illegal gambling den where players can lose millions... and the owners make their fortune.
O Que É Que Há Gatinha?
Um playboy que se recusa a desistir de seu estilo de vida hedonista para se estabelecer e se casar com seu verdadeiro amor busca ajuda de um psicanalista demente que, por sua vez, está tendo seus próprios problemas românticos.
The Uninhibited
Vincent is recovering from a nervous breakdown in a seaside village on the Costa Brava. He enters into an affair with nightclub owner Jenny, but their relationship changes when she falls for alcoholic author Pascal Regnier, who is struggling to resume his writing career. Vincent eventually returns home, leaving Jenny to stay on with Pascal and his young son Daniel.
Déclic et des claques
Angélica, a Marquesa dos Anjos
Une invitée au dîner chez Peyrac (uncredited)
In 17th-century France, beautiful country maiden Angélique marries wealthy neighbor Jeoffray de Peyrac out of convenience, but eventually, she falls in love with him. So when Jeoffray is arrested and then vanishes, she bravely sets out to find him. This is the first of many dramas based on Anne and Serge Golon's novels about strong-willed Angélique and her adventures during the reign of Louis XIV, the Sun King.
A Caça ao Homem
A few stories about a marriages and it's problems.
Strip-teaseuses ou ces femmes que l'on croit faciles
French comedy.
FX 18, Secret Agent
Secret agent FX-18 goes undercover to break up an espionage ring.