Michael Brandner

Michael Brandner

Nascimento : 1951-11-22, Augsburg, Germany


Michael Brandner


Hubert ohne Staller - Dem Himmel ganz nah
Reimund Girwidz
Plano A
No período pós-guerra, um grupo de judeus germano-poloneses e sobreviventes do Holocausto, ao mesmo tempo, planejam manipular o abastecimento de água em várias grandes cidades da Alemanha ocupada, envenenando a água potável, em retaliação ao Holocausto e outros crimes cometidos durante o período da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Zum Glück zurück
Kurt Merlinger
Meister des Todes 2
Kurt Weisgerber
Vom Traum zum Terror - München '72
Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Hubert und Staller – Eine schöne Bescherung
Reimund Girwidz
During the Christmas holidays, Hubert and Staller investigate the demise of an elderly pensioner who died suspiciously but unnoticed a year earlier.
Eine Hochzeit platzt selten allein
Robert Dillinger
Mata Hari – Tanz mit dem Tod
Pierre Bouchardon
In 1916, the officer of the German secret service Elsbeth Schragmüller trains the end-of-career exotic dancer Mata Hari as secret agent. Schragmüller has finally an ear directly in the influential circles of Paris, while Mata Hari can uphold her mundane life despite lack of engagements. Both have great hope for this intelligence mission.
Rainer Schmid
After some faked medicine is found, an Interpol agent searches for evidence against high rank chairmen of medical companies.
Von oben nach unten
Paul Legert
Hubert und Staller - Unter Wölfen
Reimund Girwidz
Jana und der Buschpilot - Einsame Entscheidung
Philip Lavar
Utta Danella: Lügen haben schöne Beine
Dr. Dieter Schleib
Meister des Todes
Kurt Weisgerber
Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.
Joseph Conradi
The Monuments Men - Os Caçadores de Tesouros
Durante o declínio de Hitler na Alemanha, um grupo de 13 especialistas vindos de países diferentes é reunido para reencontrar obras de arte roubadas pelos nazistas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. George Stout (George Clooney), um oficial americano e conservador de obras de arte, lidera a equipe.
Hubert und Staller - Die ins Gras beißen
Reimund Girwidz
Helden - Wenn Dein Land Dich braucht
Lutz Bornhak
Scientists try to simulate the Big Bang and the experiment gets out of control. While satellites come down and chaos arises, the stories of several people trying to survive is told.
My Husband, An Assassin
Minette and Paul are married and seem to lead a happy family life. But when Paul began gradually to move away from his wife, it decides to spin and managed to watch the tryst he gave Nora, his new conquest, in a hotel room. The betrayed wife keeps to herself what she witnessed, even when it crosses the opera which was favored by her husband. Following a violent altercation between two lovers, the master mysteriously disappears. The former partner it makes contact with Minette and claims that Paul murdered Nora. To support his point, he shows Minette photo of a dead body could be that of the missing young woman ... A crossover lover-like thriller, where the characters and spectators alike struggle to discern truth from falsehood.
Nicht mit mir, Liebling
Eduard Frings
Das große Comeback
Horst Büggel
Kann denn Liebe Sünde sein?
Maria needs sex like others need air to breathe. Thanks to their attractiveness , there is always a willing bed play. Maria's 17 -year-old son Laurin is also the result of a one-night stand - and yet he is his mother's pride . However , Laurin is one of theirsEscapades unenthusiastic . Worse still, the devout boy thinks his mother is the walking mortal sin , which is just fine with his plan to evict the new pastor .
Mein eigen Fleisch und Blut
Dr. Lammer
Three musically talented children look to the future, but their hopes crumble when Germany and Russia enter into war.
A Real Prostituta Errante
Graf von Keilburg
Constança, 1410. Maria, filha do burguês mais rico da cidade, está às vésperas de se casar com um prestigioso advogado, filho de um conde. Embora o compromisso encha de orgulho o pai da menina, ansioso por enobrecer, Marie não está apenas convencida do noivo, que ela só viu duas vezes. Suas suspeitas são confirmadas tragicamente na véspera do casamento quando, após a assinatura do contrato de casamento, um estranho invade a casa garantindo que Marie tenha dormido com outros homens em troca de presentes, como uma vil prostituta. A partir desse momento, a vida da menina dará uma terrível reviravolta inesperada. Sozinha, com sua reputação arruinada, ela não terá escolha para sobreviver a não ser fazer parceria com uma prostituta e ficar nas estradas.
Der Psycho Pate
Ponto de Colisão
Innenminister Horst Kathöfer
After a mid-air collision, an uncontrollable passenger plane with 90 souls on board speeds through the skies over Germany. The impact point for the inevitable plane crash is easily calculated: the center of Berlin. Now the race is on to prevent the catastrophe. Will the plane have to be shot down by fighter pilots?
Hanna und die Bankräuber
Durch diese Nacht
Heinz König
During the day Paul works in a Berlin pet shop and in the evening he works on his career as a comedian. Things are going really badly until he cracks jokes about his best buddy Hotte and his girlfriend Susi. The audience goes wild with excitement! But Hotte and Susi are pissed off. Paul has to decide: friendship or career?
Tischlein deck dich
No one takes the clumsy Max Klopstock seriously. Even the gluttonous goat makes fun of him. Max wants to prove his worth to his father and lovely Lotte. So he packs his knapsack and heads out into the world like his older brothers Emil and Joeckel did.
Die Jahrhundertlawine
Bürgermeister Raymond Lutz
In the Austrian Alps have found the body of a young woman who died in a skiing accident eight years earlier. Dr. Marc Pelletier decides to return to the scene, as it is the brother of his ex-girlfriend. When he reach the ski resort, a dreadful avalanche buries all the people.
Gefühlte XXS - Vollschlank & frisch verliebt
Walter Heinsen
Utta Danella - Mit dir die Sterne sehen
Wilhelm 'Willi' Brunner
Pretty Floriane does not believe in love anymore, since she has learned that her boyfriend is really married and does not even think about leaving his wife. Surprisingly, the charming townspeople Sebastian comes into their lives: The handsome contractor was actually just passing through - but after a car breakdown, he hired himself in Florianes small country inn. It does not take long for an intimate love to develop between the two. But then it turns out that Sebastian also has a girlfriend who is ready to fight him.
Ossi’s Eleven
Bruno Franke
Die Masche mit der Liebe
Hendrik Heinichen
Military Academy
The movie deals with a guy who gets to join the German Bundeswehr involuntarily because a colleague loses his denial papers in order to get the chance to get down on his girlfriend. When entering the Bundeswehr he acts like a giant idiot and of course gets in one room with some of the biggest losers around. The loser turns out to be a hero and leads his loser-colleagues to win a contest with the local US army squad.
Der Mann im Heuhaufen
Hans Evers
In the Name of Love
A funny story about bachelor party went wrong...
Als der Fremde kam
Heirate meine Frau
Axel Kroll
Emilia - Familienbande
The tale of Siegfried, a fearless dragon slayer who wins the heart of Celtic beauty Kriemhild.
Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne
Markus Niederlander
Die Bullenbraut – Ihr erster Fall
Dietmar Gessner
Giacomo Casanova
De Bernis
Sergeant Pepper
Bernd Bauer
A dog who was named after the Beatles album, inherits his master's fortune. His owner's two children, however, devise a plan to make off with his wealth.
Crazy Race 2 - Warum die Mauer wirklich fiel
Hans Ecker
In 1989, Jenny Ecker, an 18-year-old daughter of an entrepreneur, flees from Hildesheim to the east - out of love. The teenager has fallen hopelessly in love with an East Berliner. Jenny’s parents are foaming from wrath and offer a reward: One-hundred thousand, later even a million, deutschmarks for whoever brings them their daughter back. The prospect of so much money gets east and west into quite a disarray – and in the end, the Wall really falls.
Uma Princesa de Férias
Herr Kunze
Princesa Sofia decide comemorar o aniversário em Berlim sem a aprovação e segurança da família real.
A Queda! As Últimas Horas de Hitler
H. Fritzche
Em 1942, o jovem Traudl Junge tem o que parece ser a melhor profissão do mundo: ele é secretário de Hitler. Três anos depois, o império se resume a um abrigo subterrâneo e, de lá, Traudl narra os últimos dias da vida de do ditador.
Garotas Procuram... 2
Karl Heinz
Seqüência da comédia Garotas Procuram que mostra três divertidas amigas em busca de amor e diversão, e ainda todas as crises de relacionamento que existem no mundo moderno. Dessa vez, elas resolvem morar juntas mesmo sem ter um tostão. A solução parece simples para elas: encontrar namorados ricos. Mas essa busca pode ser muito complicada quando as coisas não se revelam assim tão verdadeiras já que duas delas começam a namorar ricos falsos e outra simplesmente ignora o que está apaixonado por ela. Convivendo em um minúsculo apartamento, elas vivem várias confusões e garantem diversão nessa comédia jovial e muito astral.
Zerbrechliche Zeugin
A male prostitute and a handicapped girl witness a murder.
Im Schatten der Macht
Holger Börner
Tiger Eyes See Better
Judith leads a busy life with her daughter Lissi and her job as statistician.
Tochter meines Herzens
Stefan Maurer
Problemzone Mann
Leo & Claire
Fritz Haeberlein
In 1933 Nuremberg, successful Jewish businessman Leo Katzenberger owns an apartment building and runs a shoe store. A devoted family man, he has a good relationship with his loving wife Claire. As the climate in Germany grows increasingly dangerous, bombshell Irene moves to the neighborhood. After forming an unlikely friendship, his relationship with Irene is immediately regarded with suspicion.
Bis dass dein Tod uns scheidet
If It Don't Fit, Use a Bigger Hammer
Ernst Wiesenkamp
Frustrated with their lazy new intern, a trio of offbeat builders decide to teach him a lesson with a series of escalating pranks.
Ich bring Dich hinter Gitter
Ein Sack voll Geld
Rolli Wisotzki
Nice gift: Shortly before Christmas loses parcel delivery Wolfgang Paschke the debit card, the driver's license and his job. Famously, he also stumbles on a money bag, but a little later he is gone again. Great excitement before the festival!
Es muss Liebe sein
Hansi Gibs
Venus and Mars
After years of absence 26-year old Kay returns to her home town. Her soccer coach died and the girls from the team all gather for the funeral. The stories of Celeste, Lisa and Marie seem to prove what Kay has long suspected: love makes you unhappy. But Kay's mother predicts that when Venus lines up with Mars, Kay will meet the man of her dreams. Then suddenly a mysterious American appears and an unpredictable adventure begins that changes Kay's idea of a happy life.
Ein unmöglicher Mann
Alois Zenthuber
Ich beiß zurück
Die Unbesiegbaren
Andreas Bruckner
Ne günstige Gelegenheit
Gerd Steinbach
Verschwinde von hier
Harry König
Ein Mann wie eine Waffe
Einfach raus
Dieter Korn
Die Schläfer
Der Kuss des Killers
A policewoman is put on a man with organized crime connections to gain access to a trafficking ring. However, she does not know that he is a hit man for this ring and so they start an affair that can mean many problems for both of them.
In a perfect commercial style we are introduced to a beautiful woman working for spiritual welfare. A man who has turned on the gas, calls her for help
Mein Papa ist kein Mörder
Sterben ist gesünder
Michael Töggel
60 Minuten Todesangst
Josef Bender
Tresko – Amigo Affäre
Black Jack
Der Sandmann
Hermann Krieger
The ambitious young Ina Littmann is an investigative journalist for the TV talk show "Eye in Eye". Her current subject is Henry Kupfer, who wrote a bestseller about a psychopathic killer after he was himself in prison for 8 years for manslaughter. As an entry for the show Ina plans to use a current series of brutal murders among prostitutes. When Ina meets Kupfer, she is despised and fascinated at the same time. Soon she's convinced that Kupfer not only writes about murders, but commits them himself. She smells a smash hit and prepares to prove him guilty on the show.
Club Las Piranjas
Karl-Heinz Schadletzki
Karl-Heinz, a filling-station attendant, and his family, Herta, a retiree, Kurt, a drugstore branch manager, and Margot, a divorced man-hunter, have only one thing in common: they have booked a holiday at Club Las Piranjas, where they want to relax from their nerve-racking occupations. But there are three people knowing a way to prevent this. Most notably the two animators Edwin and Biggy, who don't allow any amusement outside their own plans, and of course the always drunken club chief Mrs. Wenger, whose only thought is, that there shouldn't be any reclamation from the travel agency. Apart from the scruffy condition of the Club (no water in the pool, etc). and the obscure Club activities involving Biggy and Edwin, the vacation becomes a complete horror trip, with only one end in sight, which is to part from the club as soon as possible. Written by Stefan Fey
North Curve
Hartmut Halbroth
Ein Treffen mit Rimbaud