Guy Dufaux
Nascimento : 1943-07-18, Lille, France
Director of Photography
Um famoso pianista no crepúsculo de sua carreira encontra um crítico de música de espírito livre que logo se torna seu rock quando seu estado mental se deteriora.
Director of Photography
Durante o século 17, a rainha Cristina está determinada a modernizar a Suécia. Criada como um príncipe sob rigorosa educação luterana, a rainha enfrenta grande resistência tanto em sua missão modernizadora como em acabar com a sangrenta Guerra dos Trinta Anos, entre protestantes e católicos. Em meio a isso, ela se esforça para entender o amor que sente por sua dama de companhia, a condessa Ebba Sparre. Dividida entre conflitos de aspirações políticas e pessoais, Cristina opta por tomar uma das decisões mais controversas da história.
Director of Photography
Coretta Scott King, esposa do Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., e Betty Shabazz, esposa de Malcom X, apresentam um paralelo entre suas vidas. Quando seus maridos foram assassinados, estas duas mulheres não só tiveram que aderir à luta pelos direitos civis, mas também seguir adiante para poder criar seus filhos.
Director of Photography
Tres vizinhos misteriosos convivem com as noticias de um serial killer que está a solta. Em uma noite um dos moradores ve alguem suspeito no jardim do edificio. Será que o assassino está mais próximo do que aparenta? Quem será a próxima vitima?
Director of Photography
Poirier is a lieutenant with the metropolitan police. More often than not, his dyed-in-the-wool idealism leads to disaster instead of successful arrests. Ventura is a member of the French Secret Service. A polyglot spy with abs of steel. Following a series of unpredictable events, our two policemen find themselves working together, somewhat reluctantly. From culture shocks to linguistic surprises, from wild chases to practical lessons, the two men will look beyond their differences to discover the true meaning of friendship.
Director of Photography
No final de sua vida, Barney Panofsky relembra seus triunfos e tragédias, começando pela relação malfadada com Clara, com quem se casa quando ela fica grávida. Quando o relacionamento se desfaz, ele retorna a Montreal e se casa mais duas vezes, encontrando, finalmente, a felicidade com Miriam, sua terceira esposa. Em meio a isso tudo, Barney se sustenta com seu trabalho na televisão, cria os filhos e ouve os conselhos do pai.
Homeless Person
"The Trotsky", uma comédia sobre um jovem, Leon Bronstein (Jay Baruchel), que se considera a reincarnação do ícone da Revolução Soviética Leon Trotsky. E se o seu pai achou que era um boa ideia enviá-lo para uma escola pública, depois de Leon ter incentivado uma greve na fábrica de roupas do pai, depressa ele se vai arrepender devido aos atos do filho na escola.
Director of Photography
"The Trotsky", uma comédia sobre um jovem, Leon Bronstein (Jay Baruchel), que se considera a reincarnação do ícone da Revolução Soviética Leon Trotsky. E se o seu pai achou que era um boa ideia enviá-lo para uma escola pública, depois de Leon ter incentivado uma greve na fábrica de roupas do pai, depressa ele se vai arrepender devido aos atos do filho na escola.
Director of Photography
Em seus sonhos, Jean-Marc LeBlanc (Marc Labrèche) é um cavaleiro valente, uma estrela dos palcos, um artista que vive com mulheres a seus pés e em sua cama. Mas, na realidade, é um sujeito muito diferente. Cidadão comum, seu trabalho é ouvir pacientemente pessoas que chegam a seu departamento procurando ajuda. Em casa, sua mulher está muito ocupada para prestar atenção nele e seus filhos adolescentes não lhe dão a mínima. A tentação de seguir vivendo em sua terra de sonhos é muito grande, mas Jean-Marc decide se dar uma última chance no mundo real.
Docudrama produzido pela TV Francesa, abrange o período de vida de María Antonieta, na França, a partir dos 15 anos até sua morte, descrevendo também como as pessoas reagiram a ela (coletivamente, bem como individualmente) e por quê.
Director of Photography
This film, originally made for tv, stars William H. Macy as a mute superintendent of a apartment building that is falling apart who becomes the unwilling guardian to a young girl with a bit of an attitude. The film is an updated and Americanized version of the 1962 feature film Gigot starring Jackie Gleason, who also wrote the original story.
Director of Photography
À beira da morte e com dificuldades em aceitar seu passado, Rémy busca encontrar a paz. Para tanto recebe a ajuda de Sébastien, seu filho ausente, sua ex-mulher e velhos amigos.
Director of Photography
Based on the true story of a woman named Ruth Gruber who travels to Europe to help escort 1000 Jewish War victims to the United States. She comes to love and feel sorry for them all, and fights for their rights to live in America.
Director of Photography
An ex-con gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Director of Photography
A young girl is plucked from small-town obscurity and thrust into the spotlight of the glamorous world of super-models.
Director of Photography
Nessa versão made-for-TV, numa colaboração com o canal A&E, do clássico da literatura escrito por F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mira Sorvino interpreta Daisy Buchanan, Toby Stephens é Jay Gatsby e Paul Rudd como Nick Carraway.
Director of Photography
“The Eye” é um agente da polícia secreta britânica, designado a espionar uma sedutora e enigmática mulher, Joanna Eris, suspeita de chantagear o filho de um funcionário oficial do Estado. Utilizando uma aparelhagem high-tech, “The Eye” desenvolve um jogo de voyeurismo e sedução com Joanna, alguém com quem nunca pode falar ou capturar, apenas observar.
Director of Photography
An up-and-coming indie band consider signing a record deal.
Director of Photography
Freda Lopez, an aspiring musician, travels with her husband to the beautiful beaches of Georgia where she befriends Camilla, an odd and exotic elderly woman who plays the violin. When the two embark on a journey together, Camilla reclaims a lost love and makes peace with herself and her son, while Freda discovers inner resources she never knew she had.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Leo, ou Leolo como prefere ser chamado, é um garoto solitário e sonhador, apaixonado pela Itália. Ele também admira muito seu irmão mais velho, um fisiculturista tão grande quanto frágil, e sua sensual vizinha, com quem sonha situações um tanto ousadas para a sua pouca idade.
Director of Photography
This historical drama with music examines the life and times of Émile Nelligan, one of the major Canadian poets of the 19th century who struggled through a difficult childhood with the help of his loving mother, only to see his career cut short by tragic circumstances.
Director of Photography
A man and a woman, who are both trying to run away from the banalities of life, fall in love.
Director of Photography
Um grupo de atores começa a fazer uma versão teatral de A Paixão de Cristo, que é aclamada pelo público, mas vista com maus olhos pela Igreja.
Director of Photography
Jovem trava uma amizade com seu boneco Pin. Isso motiva a desconfiança e o medo de todos já que, cada vez mais, essa relação torna-se mais estranha.
Director of Photography
A veteran New York City Police Lieutenant's investigation of a woman's murder uncovers corruption in high places.
Director of Photography
Enquanto preparam um jantar, quatro homens conversam entre si sobre assuntos diversos. Ao mesmo tempo, em uma academia de ginástica, quatro mulheres conversam sobre os problemas de relacionamento entre homens e mulheres.
Director of Photography
A government ministry's fast-rising head of security asks a shadowy fixer, Meursault, to steal a bag from an armored truck. Meursault goes to Théo, a former night club owner, in prison for two years on false charges, who's being released in exchange for information about Montreal's underworld. Théo agrees to steal the bag for money and safe passage to the US for himself and his son Robin. Théo brings in two helpers, Gilder, ex-con and set designer, and Roxanne, Gilder's friend, a tough-minded petty thief. Their elaborate plan blows up when a guard, Marcel, takes his responsibilities too seriously. What happens to father and son? Will any of the thieves escape
Director of Photography
This poignant human drama is phrased as a "small sonata" in three movements -- a novel approach by director and writer Micheline Lactôt to tell the story of two teenage girls. In the first movement, Chantal (Pascale Bussieres) rides the same bus every day and slowly develops an infatuation with the bus driver. Their interactions are expressed through gestures and glances and facial expressions, but not words. Just as Chantal is getting old enough, and maybe courageous enough to actually say something to the driver, fate steps in and she loses her chance. In the second movement, Louisette (Marcia Pilote) hides out on a fishing boat and is discovered by a Bulgarian fisherman who treats her with kindness and consideration and they spend a special evening together -- without being able to speak a word in the other's language. In the third movement, Chantal and Louisette become friends, and as kindred spirits they share a sense of loss and hopelessness.
Director of Photography
In this spectacular feature-length documentary, oceanographer Jacques Cousteau and an NFB crew sail up the St. Lawrence River to the Great Lakes on board the specially equipped vessel, the Calypso. They explore the countryside from their helicopter and plumb the depths of the waters in their diving saucer. They encounter shipwrecks, the Manicouagan power dam, Niagara Falls, the locks of the St. Lawrence Seaway and an underwater chase with caribou.
Director of Photography
Three generations of a family struggle to be open with each other during a week of summer vacation at their country cottage.
Camera Operator
This documentary records the journey undertaken by Jacques Cousteau, his 24-member team, and an NFB film crew to explore the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, one of the world's richest fishing areas. They discover shipwrecks, film icebergs and observe beluga whales, humpback whales and harp seals. The film also includes a fascinating sequence showing Calypso divers freeing a calf whale entrapped in a fishing net.
Director of Photography
A middle-aged man travels to France and is discouraged by the attitudes of the people concerning his native land until he meets and begins relationships with two lonely women.
Director of Photography
The true identity of an undercover RCMP narcotics agent is discovered by the criminals he is investigating and his family pays the price.
Director of Photography
After another cardiac arrest, Armand knows he don't have long to live. But after more then 70 years in the same house, he doesn't want to die somewhere other then home. His wife Rose has secretly decided she will die as she lived: with him.
Assistant Camera
In the late 1960s, with the triumph of bilingualism and biculturalism, New Brunswick's Université de Moncton became the setting for the awakening of Acadian nationalism after centuries of defeatism and resignation. Although 40% of the province's population spoke French, they had been unable to make their voices heard. The movement started with students-sit-ins, demonstrations against Parliament, run-ins with the police - and soon spread to a majority of Acadians. The film captures the behind-the-scenes action and the students' determination to bring about change. An invaluable document of the rebirth of a people.
Assistant Director
Essay-film on a crucial issue: the notion of belonging to a country. Lingered sentimentalism or deep psychological reality if one believes it is rooted in the heart of man? The action here takes place in the context of a nation that seeks: the French Canadians, and other people without a country: the Indians of Quebec, the Bretons of France. And here is the fundamental question posed: what are the "viable" peoples whose "maturity" allows them to "give" the autonomy and territory? And what is the environment that people can call "their country"?