Ken Watanabe

Ken Watanabe

Nascimento : 1959-10-21, Koide, Niigata, Japan


Kensaku Watanabe (Niigata, 21 de outubro de 1959) é um ator japonês. Foi nomeado para um Oscar e para o prêmio Globo de Ouro em 2004, na categoria de melhor ator coadjuvante, pelo filme O Último Samurai. Foi também indicado na categoria de melhor ator (2007) e melhor ator coadjuvante (1999, 2002 e 2003) pela Academia Japonesa de Cinema. Atuou também em Batman Begins e Memórias de uma gueixa (ambos de 2005), Cartas de Iwo Jima (2006) e A Origem, Conspiração Xangai (2010) e Godzilla (2014) "Transformers: A Era da Extinção" e "Transformers: O Último Cavaleiro".


Ken Watanabe
Ken Watanabe
Ken Watanabe
Ken Watanabe
Ken Watanabe
Ken Watanabe


Em meio a uma futura guerra entre a raça humana e as forças da inteligência artificial, Joshua, um endurecido ex-agente das forças especiais que lamenta o desaparecimento de sua esposa, é recrutado para caçar e matar o Criador, o indescritível arquiteto da IA avançada que desenvolveu uma arma misteriosa com o poder de acabar com a guerra - e a própria humanidade.
Fukushima: Ameaça Nuclear
Masao Yoshida
Quando a usina nuclear de Fukushima é atingida por um terremoto seguido de um tsunami, a ameaça de explosão é iminente. Mesmo com risco de contaminação, engenheiros arriscam tudo para evitar um desastre de proporções incalculáveis.
Godzilla II: Rei dos Monstros
Dr. Ishiro Serizawa
A agência cripto-zoológica Monarch enfrenta uma quantidade de monstros de proporções inimagináveis, incluindo o poderoso Godzilla. O réptil gigantesco irá colidir com Mothra, Rodan e o maior e mais poderoso inimigo de todos – o rei Ghidorah de três cabeças.
Pokémon: Detetive Pikachu
Lieutenant Hide Yoshida
Num mundo onde as pessoas colecionam Pokémons para travarem batalhas, um rapaz conhece um Pokemón inteligente que sabe falar e quer tornar-se detetive.
An Artist of the Floating World
Ono Masuji
In the face of the misery in his homeland, the artist Masuji Ono was unwilling to devote his art solely to the celebration of physical beauty. Instead, he put his work in the service of the imperialist movement that led Japan into WWII.
The King and I
The King of Siam
The multi-award winning and critically acclaimed Lincoln Center Theater’s production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s The King And I comes to cinemas in this unmissable event recorded live from London’s iconic Palladium.
Bel Canto
Katsumi Hosokawa
Roxane Coss, uma famosa soprano americana, viaja para uma país vivendo sob uma ditadura militar, na América do Sul, para dar um concerto privado na festa de aniversário do rico industrial japonês Katsumi Hosokawa. Mas as coisas não saem como planejado, e o bonito encontro é tomado pelo medo quando a casa é invadida por guerrilheiros fortemente armados, liderados pelo general Benjamin, exigindo a libertação de seus companheiros presos.
Ilha dos Cachorros
Head Surgeon (voice)
Atari Kobayashi é um garoto japonês de 12 anos de idade. Ele mora na cidade de Megasaki, sob tutela do corrupto prefeito Kobayashi. O político aprova uma nova lei que proíbe os cachorros de morarem no local, fazendo com que todos os animais sejam enviados a uma ilha vizinha repleta de lixo. Como não aceita se separar do cachorro Spots, Atari convoca os amigos, rouba um jato em miniatura e parte em busca de seu fiel amigo, aventura que transforma completamente a vida da cidade.
7 Guardians of the Tomb
Uma descoberta inocente de um imperador mumificado bem-preservado de 200 aC A China descobre um pesadelo de 2000 anos de idade – um segredo que deveria ter permanecido enterrado.
Transformers: O Último Cavaleiro
Drift (voice)
Optimus Prime encontra seu planeta natal, Cybertron, agora um planeta morto, e descobre que foi responsável por matá-lo. Ele encontra uma maneira de trazer o planeta de volta à vida, mas para isso precisa encontrar um artefato que está na Terra.
Dirty, Clean, & Inbetween
Restaurant Patron
The Memories of Happiness
Taro Miura
Taro's business failed and he got divorced. He also left his family's home. 5 years later, his oldest daughter Natsumi, second daughter Yuka and ex-wife Junko still live in the same house which Taro left. One day, Taro, who has been having difficulties paying his rent, visits his daughter Natsumi's office to ask for a loan. Natsumi is the bread winner for the family since he left., so she becomes angry at him. Later, Taro arrives at his former house unannounced and begins to live there.
Yohei Maki
Um ano se passa após um brutal assassinato de várias pessoas em uma casa sem que os assassinos sejam encontrados. As consequências deste caso não resolvido, no entanto, impactam e conectam as vidas de diversas outras pessoas diferentes em três cidades japonesas distintas, entrelaçando suas histórias em um ambiente de medo, insegurança e raiva.
O Mar de Árvores
Takumi Nakamura
A floresta Aokigahara, conhecida também como "Sea of Trees", localizada aos pés do Monte Fuji, é famosa por ter um alto índice de suicídios. Dois homens, o americano Arthur Brennan (Matthew McConaughey) e o japonês Takumi Nakamura (Ken Watanabe), vão até lá com este pensamento, mas acabam iniciando uma jornada de reflexão e sobrevivência mata adentro.
Evolution Within Extinction
The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Age of Extinction".
Snow Jack
Reiji Kurata
A blackmail arrives at Appi ski resort. “We demand 30,000,000 yen as consolation money for the destruction of the environment. If you do not respond to the demand, a time bomb set on the ski slope will be detonated.” If the bomb goes off, it will not only hurt the skiers but trigger an avalanche and cause a major catastrophe. The general manager of the ski pistes, Kurata (Ken Watanabe) pleads for an immediate shutdown of the ski site and reporting to the police, but the president of the ski resort gives priority to business interests and decides to negotiate with the blackmailer. And a negotiation process for a despicable ransom case with a massive hostage of all the skiers at the resort begins.
Transformers: Era da Extinção
Drift (voice)
Um mecânico chamado Cade descobre algo que atrai a atenção dos Autobots, dos Decepticons e ainda de um funcionário governamental paranóico.
Dr. Ishiro Serizawa
Joe Brody criou o filho sozinho após a morte da esposa em um acidente na usina nuclear em que ambos trabalhavam, no Japão. Ele nunca aceitou a catástrofe e quinze anos depois continua remoendo o acontecido, tentando encontrar alguma explicação. Ford Brody, agora adulto, é soldado do exército americano e precisa lutar desesperadamente para salvar a população mundial e em especial sua família do gigantesco, inabalável e incrivelmente assustador monstro Godzilla.
Os Imperdoáveis
Jubee Kamata
Remake do filme Os Imperdoáveis, de Clint Eastwood. E um vilarejo, um grupo de cowboys corta o rosto de uma prostituta e não são punidos. Insatisfeitas com a impunidade do grupo e a postura do Xerife da cidade, as prostitutas colocam um preço pela cabeça dos cowboys responsáveis pelo ocorrido. As ofertas atraem para o local dois personagens que mudaram completamente a vida dos habitantes.
Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home
Junichiro Kawaguchi
In May 2003, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (or JAXA) launched an unmanned spacecraft of their own development to retrieve samples from an asteroid. Seven long years later, Hayabusa achieved its goal and was the first of any kind of craft launched from Earth to safely return samples of this kind to home base. The story was one of such great national pride for Japan, and in the wake of the tsunami and resulting tragedies in Japan it’s strong nationalistic message became the subject of no less than three rival films. Yukihiko Tsutsumi’s high-profile effort, simply titled Hayabusa (2011) starred the incomparable Toshiyuki Nishida. Most recently, Welcome Home, Hayabusa (2012) was released to Japanese audiences. Slipping in between those two was Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home, concentrating on the people on the ground who helped return the probe safely.
A School Behind Bars
"A School Behind Bars" centers around Asahi Junior High School, which is located within Nagano Matsumoto Boy's prison in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture - the only public school in Japan that is located inside a prison. The school's students are all prisoners ranging in age from 20-70. The students are carefully selected after taking an entrance exam and being selected by the school's admission board.
A Origem
Um ladrão que rouba segredos corporativos por meio do uso da tecnologia de compartilhamento de sonhos, recebe a tarefa inversa de plantar uma ideia na mente de um Diretor Executivo.
Conspiração Xangai
Paul Soames (John Cusack) é um americano que retorna para Xangai quatro meses antes do ataque a Pearl Harbor na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ele encontra a cidade tomada pelos japoneses e pela corrupção, e descobre que seu amigo foi assassinado. Enquanto tenta descobrir o motivo da morte, ele se envolve com uma bela mulher e desvenda um segredo muito maior que o governo americano está escondendo.
The Unbroken
Hajime Onchi
Onchi was exiled to posts around Asia and Africa due to his work as head of a labor union for National Air Line. He is ordered to return to head office after ten years, and continues to struggle. When a National Air Line plane is involved in the worst air disaster in Japanese history, he is assigned to console and provide restitution to the families of the victims.
Circo dos Horrores - Aprendiz de Vampiro
Mr. Tall
Darren, de 16 anos, era igual aos outros miúdos do seu bairro suburbano. Saía com os amigos, tinha boas notas na escola e raramente arranjava problemas. Mas quando ele e o seu melhor amigo descobrem um Circo dos Horrores ambulante, as coisas começam a mudar para Darren. É nesse preciso momento que um vampiro chamado Larten Crepsley o transforma em algo, bem sedento de sangue. O novo morto-vivo irá juntar-se ao Circo dos Horrores, um espectáculo ambulante cheio de criaturas monstruosas, desde um miúdo-cobra e um lobisomen, a uma mulher de barbas ou um apresentador gigante. Enquanto Darren vai descobrindo os seus poderes neste mundo sombrio, ele torna-se numa precioso peão entre vampiros e os seus mortíferos antagonistas. E na luta pela sobrevivência, tentará impedir que seja destruído aquilo que resta da sua humanidade.
Ursos e seus filhotes precisam atravessar o gelo que está derretendo em busca de comida do outro lado. Elefante e seu filhote enfrentam uma jornada árdua à procura de água. Baleia precisa proteger o filhote durante a migração.
Cartas de Iwo Jima
General Tadamichi Kuribayashi
Junho de 1944. Tadamichi Kuribayashi (Ken Watanabe), o tenente-general do exército imperial japonês, chega na ilha de Iwo Jima. Muito respeitado por ser um hábil estrategista, Kuribayashi estudara nos Estados Unidos, onde fizera grandes amigos e conhecia o exército ocidental e sua capacidade tecnológica. Por isso, o Japão colocou em suas mãos o destino de Iwo Jima, considerada a última linha defesa do país. Ao contrário dos outros comandantes, Kuribayashi moderniza o modo de agir, alterando a estratégia que era usada. Ele supervisiona a construção de uma fortaleza subterrânea, feita de túneis que davam para as suas tropas a estratégia ideal contra as forças americanas, que começam a desembarcar na ilha em 19 de fevereiro de 1945.
Memories of Tomorrow
Masayuki Saeki
After being stricken with Alzheimer's disease in the prime of his life, a successful young businessman slips slowly away from his loving family.
Memórias de uma Gueixa
Chiyo foi vendida a uma casa de gueixas quando ainda era menina, em 1929, onde é maltratada pelos donos e por Hatsumomo, uma gueixa que tem inveja de sua beleza. Acolhida por Mameha, a principal rival de Hatsumomo, Chiyo ao crescer se torna a gueixa Sayuri. Reconhecida, ela passa a desfrutar de uma sociedade repleta de riquezas e privilégios até que a 2ª Guerra Mundial modifica radicalmente sua realidade no Japão.
Batman - O Início
Decoy Ra's al Ghul
Logo após o assassinato dos seus pais, o herdeiro do império industrial Wayne viaja pelo mundo, procurando meios para lutar contra a injustiça e virar o medo contra aqueles que perseguem os indefesos. No regresso da viagem, Bruce Wayne percebe que pode assumir um alter-ego, o de homem-morcego, um super-herói finalmente capaz de combater as forças do mal e proteger a sua cidade e o mundo.
Year One in the North
Komatsubara Hideaki
In 1868, after the fall of the Shogun-dominated Japan, the new government orders people from Awaji, near Kobe, to re-locate to the northern part of Hokkaido. These people once supported the now displaced Samurais of the older days. After two years, over 500 of them settled in their new land under the leadership of Hideaki, husband of Shino. However, as crops fail he is to go to Sapporo to learn new techniques of farming, leaving his wife and daughter for 5 years. All this time, the new community is constantly watched by the government which choose to again uproot them from their new homes.
O Último Samurai
Moritsugu Katsumoto
Em 1870 é enviado ao Japão o capitão Nathan Algren, um conceituado militar norte-americano. A missão de Algren é treinar as tropas do imperador Meiji, para que elas possam eliminar os últimos samurais que ainda vivem na região. Porém, após ser capturado pelo inimigo, Algren aprende com Katsumoto o código de honra dos samurais e passa a ficar em dúvida sobre que lado apoiar.
Another Battle/Conspiracy
Fujimaki Hiroaki
Katsunori Takahashi and Ken Watanabe star in a modern yakuza tale in the classic Japanese film series, Battles Without Honor and Humanity, directed by Hajime Hashimoto.
Masanobu Azuma
At the turn of the 20th Century amongst tension between China and Japan, a Japanese swindler in Shanghai plans to profit by selling weapons. He steals arms from the Japanese military and sells them to the rich Chinese.
Dawn of a New Day: The Man Behind VHS
A Japanese film that tells the tale of the birth of VHS. It follows Kagatani Shizuo, an electronics employee who rallies his coworkers to save their jobs by increasing sales. They do this by developing the VHS standard. They battle with Sony and their standard and ultimately prevail.
Drowning Fish
When corporate executives are blackmailed into public displays of nudity on the busy streets of Shinjuku, the big guns are called out to locate "Oboreru Sakana". The "big guns" are a misfit duo of ethically questionable characters who must infiltrate a gay nightclub and "fit in" while they search for clues. What ensues is both hilarious and action-packed. Oboreru Sakana is a rather ambitious and often hilarious contemporary crime thriller. Its narrative swings from the grisly to the humorous and pulls in as many pop culture elements as it can manage.
Zawa-zawa Shimokita-sawa
Director Jun Ichikawa spins this affectionate portrait of the people who populate Shimokitazawa, a bohemian corner of Tokyo filled with small theater companies and smoky coffeehouses.
Space Travelers
Sakamaki ("Crusher")
Three bank robbers, who declare themselves to be Space Travelers, take six persons as hostages when they are surrounded by the police. Among the hostages, there is a terrorist with a hidden bomb. In order to escape, the robbers ask the hostages to pretend to be part of the gang. Surprisingly, the hostages soon enjoy doing so. On that strange day, the bank becomes a tropical paradise...
Detective Sako Akio
Tetsuro Haga is a troubled gangster, living under the assumed identity Ise for ten years, to escape jail for gunning down his cruel adoptive father. His life begins to unravel when a journalist following him takes an interest in the wife of a boyhood chum, and the wife of another close friend takes an interest in Ise. A couple of murders later, Ise/Haga goes on the run and also sets out for revenge.
Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald
Raita Onuki
A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.
Baian the Assassin: Showdown
Dr. Baian
Second television special.
Hanzo, the Razor
During Tenpo period, Bakuhu announced a law regulating expenditures in order to improve the financial situation. However, Doshin of a government office Itami Hanzo, called Kamisori Hanzo, challenged Bakuhu's oppressive way. Because of this, his father Magobei was told to kill himself by the Bakuhu and Hanzo himself was demoted. Five years later, Hanzo came back to the government office and implement a law regulating expenditures. He stands up for revenge Torii Kainokami who desires power as he likes.
Chronicle of the Town Magistrate
Mochizuki Koheita
In a maelstrom of evil, can a new magistrate, samurai Mochizuki Koheita, with a reputation like an alley cat, bring order to the town of Horisoto, or is he, too a corrupt villain looking to gain wealth from the oppressed people? From the pen of famed samurai author Yamamoto Shugoro, this exciting tale turns the tables on the standard samurai story with a unique lead character previously portrayed in Ichikawa Kon’s “Dora Heita.”
Ganryujima: Kojiro and Musashi
The classic tale of duel on Ganryu Island between Kojiro and Musashi. After the Battle of Sekigahara, it had become clear that the "age of swords" was over and had become the "age of guns". In the 16th Year of Keityo (1611), the lord of Ogura Castle in Kyushu admitted Sasaki Kojiro’s because of his great sword techniques. However, a group within the feudal clan which supported to use guns considered Kojiro an obstacle in their goals and has the well-known ronin, Miyamoto Musashi, fight him. Now because of political gain and greed, two honorable men are to fight to the death on Ganryu Island!
Oda Nobunaga
Among the great ‘Warlords’ in Japanese history, Oda Nobunaga holds a unique place. In effect, his military success led to the ultimate unification of the country. This historically accurate portrayal of Nobunaga’s life and times is highlighted by many of Japan’s biggest stars, most notably Watanabe Ken in the lead role. Bloody realistic fighting, massive battles, and castle intrigues all drawn from historical sources bring this 2 part drama to new heights in storytelling.
A Naive History of the Bakumatsu Era
Ryoma Sakamoto
In the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, there was a cute warrior, Souji Okita, who belonged to the armed police of the shogunate in Kyoto. Very few knew that Souji was not a boy, but a woman. Souji loved the vice-leader of the armed police, Toshizou Hijikata. Souji suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and coughed up blood during a battle. Toshizou helped her but said that he did not care for the girl with a smell of blood. Souji had a real talent for swordsmanship and no one but Ryouma Sakamoto could compete with her. Ryouma was a liberal intellectual and tried to carry out a revolution without blood. However, the bloody Meiji Restoration broke out and Souji killed Ryouma who lost his dream. Because a friendship had sprung up between Toshizou and Ryouma, Toshizou got angry and slashed at Souji with a sword. Unwillingly, she unsheathed her sword and thought that she might get love if she was killed by the man she loved.
Baian the Assassin
Dr. Baian
First television special.
Commando Invasion
The leader of a group of American commandos has 5 days to kidnap a VC General to prove his innocence after all his men are killed in an abortive raid.
The Sea and Poison
Two interns and a nurse are interrogated by American MPs for their involvement in an atrocity during the war: the vivisections of a downed American air crew.
The Making of 'Tampopo'
Documentary about the making of Juzo Itami's film "Tampopo" (1985).
O primeiro Western-Spaguetti japonês! Neste hino bem-humorado para as alegrias da comida, a história principal é sobre o motorista do caminhão Goro, um cowboy do asfalto, que "cavalga" para a cidade como um Shane moderno para ajudar a viúva e chefe de cozinha Tampopo a transformar seu restaurante no lugar perfeito para o conhecido Udon, a sopa de macarrão japonesa. Entrelaçadas nesta história principal temos uma série de pequenas histórias sobre a importância dos alimentos. Desde um gangster que mistura sexo quente com alimentos, até uma velha que aterroriza um vendedor de legumes por compulsivamente apertar suas mercadorias.
Kekkon Annai Mystery
A 19-year-old girl Hiroko Terasawa working in a matching agency promises her client Masakazu Sekine that she'll pose as his fiancée for a remarkable cash reward. Hiroko moves to Sekine's mansion and prepares to attend the family's meeting. However, this only turns out to be a prelude of a bloody fight over the family's legacy.
MacArthur's Children
Tetsuo Nakai
In this drama at the end of World War II, the inhabitants of a small Japanese fishing village must come to terms with their nation's defeat and the sudden occupation of General MacArthur and his troops.
Bruce's Fists Of Vengeance
To compete in his friend Peter's martial arts tournament, Jack flies into Manila from Hong Kong and brings along a book of secret Jeet Kune Do techniques that was entrusted to him by the late martial arts legend Bruce Lee. During the competition, Jack witnesses Peter's defeat at the hands and feet of his academy's rival master, Miguel. Peter gets the book from Jack, just as Miguel learns about its existence. Miguel sends his best fighters to seize the book. Instead, they kidnap Jack and Peter's girlfriend Miriam and hold them ransom in exchange for the book. Now, working commando, Peter uses the secrets of the book to free his woman and best friend.
Based on the real-life Honno-ji Incident, in which famed warlord Oda Nobunaga was assassinated at a temple in Kyoto in 1582.
Kensuke's Kingdom
A young boy Michael is taken by his family on a round-the-world sailing trip. But when a storm strikes, Michael and his dog Stella are swept overboard and washed up on a remote island. They struggle to survive, but one day Michael wakes to find fresh fish and coconut milk by his cave. He discovers his mysterious benefactor is Kensuke, a former Japanese soldier, creator of a treetop kingdom and protector of the orangutans. Slowly, communicating through drawings rather than words, Michael and Kensuke form a friendship. But something threatens to destroy the fragile world Kensuke has created. A thrilling adventure story with a poignant message that will resonate with audiences across the world.