Hubert de Lapparent

Hubert de Lapparent

Nascimento : 1919-04-19, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France

Morte : 2021-09-14


Hubert de Lapparent


Les Joyeuses Colonies de vacances
Le châtelain
An owner of a mansion decides to rent his house to the summer camp. What a mistake...
Like a Pot of Strawberries
Le chef de la publicité
Planeta Fantástico
Additional Voices (voice)
No planeta Ygam vivem humanóides chamados de Oms, que são escravos (ou animais de estimação) dos Draggs, uma raça de gigantes com mais de dez metros de altura, olhos vermelhos e pele azul. O planeta é um lugar indefinido onde os homens parecem insetos aos olhos dos Draggs.
The Dominici Affair
Veteran of the Resistance (uncredited)
In August 1952, a family of British tourists is found by the roadside in Haute Provence, brutally murdered. In the ensuing, very public, investigation a local landowner, 75 year old Gaston Dominici, is arrested for the murders, having been denounced by his sons. Under police interrogation, Dominici confesses to have killed the family and it looks certain that he will be charged, tried and sentenced to death. But then the case begins to collapse. The old man retracts his confession and the lack of evidence against him becomes apparent…
Les Patates
In a village in the Ardennes, during the German occupation, finding rations is becoming almost impossible. Clovis, an ordinary labourer, decides to cross the occupied zone to bring back enough potatoes to feed his family. His plan is a success but Clovis rapidly becomes obsessed with storing the precious tubers.
O Exército das Sombras
Começando em outubro de 1942, o filme acompanha vários meses na vida de alguns combatentes congregados em torno de Phillipe Gerbier, um sossegado engenheiro civil que, na realidade, é um dos maiores líderes da Resistência.
maître d'armes
Base on Paul Féval's "Le Bossu" ("The Hunchback")
The Great Gadget
Le consul
A scientist from the East happens in France where it is supposed to improve one of his inventions. But it is much more interested in the fact to enjoy it and have fun ...
Idiot in Paris
Le commissaire Pingeon
Goubi, the simpleton of his village in the French Department Allier, has but one wish: to see Paris. One day, the truckers Grafouillère deposit a drunk Goubi in the biggest market of Paris (the "Halles"). The poor man is completely lost, but the meat merchant Dessertine takes him under his wings when he hears that Goubi was likewise 'raised by the State'...
O Fantasma Contra Scotland Yard
In the third and final episode of the trilogy, Fantômas imposes a head tax on the rich, threatening to kill those who do not comply.
Paris Está em Chamas?
L'huissier à Matignon
A verdadeira história da retirada do exército alemão de Paris em 1944. Neste filme longo e cheio de estrelas, vemos as lutas das várias facções da resistência francesa para recuperar o controle de Paris, perto do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O general nazista encarregado de Paris, Dietrich von Choltitz (Fröbe), têm ordens de Hitler para queimar a cidade se ele não puder controlá-lo ou se os Aliados chegarem muito perto. Grande parte do drama gira em torno das deliberações morais do General Dietrich, do embaixador sueco Raoul Nordling (Orson Welles), e dos ansiosos mas desesperadas líderes da resistência francesa.
Three Disordered Children
M. Simonet
A man falsely recognize two teenagers and one child as his own children in order to avoid jail so his life becomes more and more chaotic.
Ces dames s'en mêlent
Jeff Gordon, famoso agente do FBI a quem nenhuma mulher pode resistir, está em Paris para desmantelar uma rede de falsificadores... Sua investigação o leva da boate da Sra. Lily ao apartamento da bela Wanda. O agente disfarçado logo se vê confrontado com duas gangues rivais!
Let the Shooters Shoot
Trouble Among Widows
Guillaume Valmont
When Guillaume Valmont dies in a car accident, the only thing he leaves his wife Isabelle is his pharmacy. She never loved her older husband and she regards his death as a deliverance. At the funeral, she meets Judith, widow too, and she soon realises that her husband had been leading a double life. A short while later, the pharmacy is broken into, but nothing is stolen. Police Inspector Laforêt is put in charge of the case. Isabelle becomes suspicious when Judith offers to buy the pharmacy.
The Day and the Hour
It's the spring of 1944 and Therese is in a hurry to get back to Paris. The trains aren't running from the village where she has gone to visit her father's grave and to fill two suitcases with food. Some British and American planes have been shot down and the Germans want to know where the pilots are hiding. An acquaintance has clearance to drive to Paris with a truckload of goats. After she is in the truck Therese discovers that two British pilots and an American pilot are back there with the goats. She must get the men on a train to Paris and to a safe house there, where there is no room for the American. Can she leave him at the Metro station trying to figure out the map?
Arsène Lupin Contra Arsène Lupin
le croque-mort
O industrial André Laroche acaba de falecer. Em seu funeral está François de Vierne, a quem sua mãe confessa "Laroche era Arsène Lupin, e você é seu filho". Arsène Lupin teve outro filho, Gérard Dagmar, dançarino, mágico e às vezes ladrão. François de Vierne aprende com o tabelião que deve procurar o tesouro real da Poldávia. Este tesouro é sucessivamente encontrado por Gérard, levado de volta por François, roubado pelo cônsul da Poldávia, o sinistro Von Krantz, que não hesita em que o pequeno príncipe da Poldávia, irmão da bela Catarina, seja raptado. Finalmente o tesouro é recuperado. François e um jovem jornalista, Nathalie, Gérard e a princesa Catherine só precisam girar o amor perfeito.
Os Três Mosqueteiros
D'Artagnan is back from England with a message for the queen. Buckingham has declared that he was ready to attack France to deliver Anne of Austria. D'Artagnan ends up arrested and thrown into prison. Musketeers wonder how to rescue their friend.
A Verdade
Un avocat
Dominique Marceau está sendo julgada pelo assassinato de Gilbert Tellier. Os advogados duelam implacavelmente, elaborando explicações de por que a linda, ociosa e inconstante garota matou o talentoso e ambicioso maestro recém-formado pela conservatório. Foi paixão, vingança, desespero, um acidente? Os conhecidos de Gilbert testemunham, assim como os ex-amantes de Dominique, sua irmã Annie, e o violinista estudioso contratado por Gilbert. As evidências progressivamente pintam um quadro mais atenuada das personalidades de Dominique e Gilbert, e de seu relacionamento, muito diferente das eloquentes e convincentes explicações dos advogados.
Recourse in Grace
Mario di Donati, a deserter from the Italian army, lives in Paris under a false name with Germaine, his French lover. When the latter learns about his hidden past, she feels hurt by Mario's lack of trust in her and she distances herself from him. In despair, Mario surrenders to the law but, at the time of trial, he runs away to join the woman he loves.
A grande aventura de Arsène Lupin
Le consul
Arsène Lupin e o seu cúmplice La Ballu roubam uma villa. Sendo incomodados pela polícia, eles têm tempo para tirar uma foto. Esta pintura representa um fresco em três partes, La Ballu rouba a segunda pintura. A terceira pintura está no Museu de Florença, mas quando Lupin chega, a pintura já se foi.
Amar é Minha Profissão
L'avocat du bijoutier
In Case of Adversity é um filme de drama francês de 1958, dirigido por Claude Autant-Lara, estrelado por Jean Gabin, Brigitte Bardot e Edwige Feuillère. Foi lançado como Love Is My Profession nos Estados Unidos.
Girl and the River
Elie - un cultivateur
The heroine in L'Eau Vive is the unwilling heir to a fortune. Young Hortense (Pascale Audret) has always known that her family was greedy, but until she inherits her father's hidden millions she has no idea how loathsome her relatives could be. Surrounded on all sides by grubby, outstretched hands, Hortense takes some comfort in the fact that her legacy is still missing. When the money is finally recovered, our heroine does the "right thing" with her windfall, leaving her mercenary family empty-handed. Throughout the film, Hortense's dilemma is likened to a government dam project not far from her home; as the bridge grows in size, so too does Hortense's resolve to rise above the nastiness all around her.
Gaston's Private Secretary (uncredited)
Gaston Lachaille é o solteiro mais cobiçado de Paris, sendo rico, bonito, bem vestido e com vários criados ao seu dispor. Gigi é uma jovem irrequieta, que recebe aulas de sua tia Alicia para se tornar uma dama da aristocracia. Eles são amigos, até que Gaston começa a se sentir atraído por Gigi.
Le temps des oeufs durs
Le serveur de la brasserie
Uma Parisiense
L'huissier du président
Une Parisienne é um filme de comédia francês de 1957 dirigido por Michel Boisrond e estrelado por Brigitte Bardot.
Paris Music Hall
The publicist Henri Michelin is looking for a new star for the review of Eden, a music hall led by Bendix.
Vindima Trágica
Berger (uncredited)
A young Italian fugitive and his older protective brother hide among the grape pickers at a vineyard in Provence.
Arsénio Lupin
The jewelry seller
Arsénio Lupin, o multifacetado ladrão cavalheiro, rouba duas obras-primas do Presidente do Conselho. Algum tempo depois, fazendo-se passar por Monsieur Gilles, um viticultor que está se casando com sua única filha, ele pede a vários joalheiros que venham a sua mansão e lhes rouba suas pedras preciosas. As próximas vítimas de André Laroche (a nova identidade de Lupin) serão ninguém menos que um marajá e o próprio Kaiser Wilhelm II.
O Corcunda de Notre Dame
Guillaume de Harancourt
Durante o Festival dos Tolos, o corcunda Quasimodo, está sendo humilhado e atormentado. Mas ninguém pode atingi-lo, pois ele é protegido pelo chefe de justiça da cidade, Frollo. Além de estar cheio de problemas, Frollo está com a consciência atormentada pela beleza da cigana Esmeralda. Quando Frollo envia Quasimodo para cortejar a cigana para ele, o corcunda acaba assustando-a e é preso. Como o tempo, Esmeralda passa a sentir pena de Quasimodo e tenta libertá-lo.
A Travessia de Paris
Nervous hostage
Dois homens, um pintor e um cara pobre, têm que atravessar Paris à noite durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e entregar carne no mercado negro. Enquanto andam pelas ruas escuras de Paris, eles encontram vários personagens e aventuras até serem presos pela polícia alemã. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Papa, Mama, My Wife and Me
Le commissaire du cross (uncredited)
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
Les Hommes en blanc
A patient
One Hundred Francs Per Second
Le spectateur qui change de place (uncredited)
Philippe, an employee at the Bourdinet firm, having been caught kissing Jacqueline, his boss's daughter, is fired. Some time later, Bourdinet launches a radio quiz show to boost his business. Philippe then decides to compete in the hope of telling the thousands of listeners what he thinks of the industrialist. A blow on the head having given him a gift of second sight, the competitor becomes impeccable and wins astronomical sums to the great despair of Bourdinet. Everything will work out in the end and Philippe will be able to marry Jacqueline.
Matrimonial Agency
Noël is a bachelor who inherits a matrimonial agency. After contemplating selling it, he chooses to manage it.
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
In order to please Martineau, a wealthy industrialist, cynical Gabory accepts to organize a rigged beauty contest whose winner will be Françoise, Martineau's young mistress. However, there are other comely contestants among whom Christiane, the daughter of a general, Jackie, an unemployed actress, Colette, the daughter of a distiller and Marie, a secretary engaged to serious-minded construction foreman Robert. So, will things turn out exactly the way Martineau and Gabory want them...?
Without Leaving an Address
Un balayeur devant l'hôpital (uncredited)
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.
Jamaican Man
Jacques Mervel, also known as "L'Homme de la Jamaïque" makes use of his talents as a gun runner in Tangiers, Morocco. After triumphing over a rival gang, he decides to quit the job and to start a new life with Vicky, a pretty young nurse. In Paris, a doctor lets him know that he is affected by leprosy. In desperation, Jacques runs away from Vicky to spare her. When she realizes the reason why Jacques has disappeared from her life, she joins him with a view to helping him fight the disease.
Manon - Anjo Perverso
França, recém-libertada do jugo alemão. Apanhados como clandestinos a bordo de um navio, Manon, uma jovem que foi acusada de colaborar com os nazistas, e Robert, um soldado da Resistência que a salvou das represálias, contam ao capitão sobre os muitos desafios que enfrentaram para sobreviver. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)