Ian MacDonald

Ian MacDonald

Nascimento : 1914-06-28, Great Falls, Montana, USA

Morte : 1978-04-11


Ian MacDonald


Falta Um Para Vingar
Celebrated detective traces and finds beneficiaries to the will of a gold prospector murdered by bushwhackers.
Duel at Apache Wells
Marcus Wolf
A young man returns home after several years absence to find that a gang is after not only his family ranch, but his girlfriend as well.
Marcado Para a Morte
A police detective finds himself entangled in the web of the underworld when he falls in love with a nightclub singer accused of murdering a crooked lawyer.
Stagecoach To Fury
Sheriff Ross
A group of stagecoach passengers are held hostage by bandits waiting for a shipment of gold they plan to steal.
Two-Gun Lady
Jud Ivers
A young woman teaches herself to become a sharpshooter so she can hunt down the three men who murdered her parents. She finds a sheriff who is willing to help her track them down.
The Lonesome Trail
Back from the Indian wars, a cowboy wages a single-handed war against a land baron and his henchmen. After his shooting hand is disabled, he masters the bow and arrow to take on the gang one arrow at a time!
The Lonesome Trail
Back from the Indian wars, a cowboy wages a single-handed war against a land baron and his henchmen. After his shooting hand is disabled, he masters the bow and arrow to take on the gang one arrow at a time!
The Silver Star
A third generation deputy sheriff doubts whether or not he has the guts for the job that killed both his father and grandfather. His doubts are re-enforced when three vicious gunmen arrive in town. From the original 35mm widescreen negative.
The Silver Star
A third generation deputy sheriff doubts whether or not he has the guts for the job that killed both his father and grandfather. His doubts are re-enforced when three vicious gunmen arrive in town. From the original 35mm widescreen negative.
A young man seeks his father's killers among lumberjacks, and discovers that they are actually timber barons who also seek to control lumber mills. Based on the novel of the same name.
O Egípcio
Ship's Captain
No Egito antigo, Sinhue, um órfão pobre, se torna um médico brilhante e é indicado para servir o novo faraó. Conforme Sinhue descobre as intrigas e segredos da corte da turbulenta 18a. dinastia, ele tem as respostas que procurava há muitos anos.
Apache: O Último Bravo
O filme conta a história de Massai, o último guerreiro apache na luta pelos direitos do seu povo, dando origem a uma das maiores lendas do sudoeste americano. Começou em 1886 com a rendição de Gerônimo, um líder apache invencível, que decide não se render à força da cavalaria dos Estados Unidos.
Johnny Guitar
Viena construiu um saloon fora da cidade, e espera construir sua própria cidade quando a estrada de ferro chegar até lá, mas os moradores da cidade querem que ela se vá. Quando quatro homens roubam a diligência e matam um homem, os delegados da cidade, liderados por Emma Pequeno, vão até o saloon para pegar quatro amigos de Viena, o Dancin Kid e seus homens. Viena fica firme contra eles, e é auxiliada pela presença de um velho conhecido dela, Johnny Guitar, que não é o que parece.
Herança Sagrada
Três anos após o final das Guerras Apache, o chefe pacificador Cochise vem a falecer. O seu filho mais velho, Taza (Rock Hudson), também divide com o pai as mesmas idéias sobre a paz entre os povos, mas seu irmão Naiche (Bart Roberts) anseia pela guerra... e também por destronar seu irmão e conseguir o amor de Oona (Barbara Rush). Naiche não perde tempo para começar uma nova briga com o homem branco, e graças ao orgulho desmedido do oficial da cavalaria local, o estopim da guerra finalmente explode. O renegado capturado Gerônimo (Ian MacDonald) logo se junta a eles nessa nova batalha, e ninguém sabe ao certo quem poderá vencer essa guerra que parece nunca ter fim...
Sangue na Terra
Wildcatter Jeff Dawson does his best to bring in a gusher in Mexico despite continual bandit raids. He asks for help from his ex-employer Ward Conway, but Conway, now married to Dawson's ex-lover Marina refuses, fearing that his wife will want to renew her romance with the other man.
A Perilous Journey
A ship of women embarks on a voyage to California. Director R. G. Springsteen's 1953 adventure drama stars Vera Ralston, David Brian, Virginia Grey, Charles Winninger, Veda Ann Borg and Hope Emerson.
Os Mensageiros do Perigo
Frustrado com a falta de oportunidades em sua cidade natal, o jovem Jess Harker planeja deixa-la, mas o guarda da diligencia convence seu chefe a dar trabalho a Jess como condutor.
Chief Megissogwon
A young Indian brave attempts to bring peace to two warring tribes.
Toughest Man in Arizona
Steve Girard
Marshal Landry captures outlaw Girard and bringing him in finds a woman and two children, the only survivors of an Indian attack. Later, transferring the prisoner his brothers free him. Then a stage is robbed of a silver shipment by Girard and his brothers. Examining telegrams gets Landry a confession from Girard's girlfriend. The telegraph line has been tapped and the telegrapher is the supposedly dead husband of the woman he brough in. Now knowing Girard's location he sets out after him.
Trágica Emboscada
Yellow Eagle
The only white survivor of a Crow Indian raid on a wagon train is a young boy. He is rescued by the Sioux, and the Sioux chief raises him as an Indian in very way. Years later, the white men and the Sioux threaten to go to war and the Indian-raised white man is torn between his racial loyalties and his adopted tribe.
The Brigand
Maj. Schrock
Carlos Delargo, the banished son of a royal princess of Mandorra, is returned to the kingdom to be tried for a murder change. However, he is freed by King Lorenzo, whom bears a remarkable resemblance to Delargo. When the king is wounded by assassins sent by Napoleon, Delargo takes over the throne at the request of the Prime Minister in a plot to thwart the traitors. He also falls in love with Princess Teresa, the king's fiancée.
Matar ou Morrer
Frank Miller
Para o xerife Will Kane (Gary Cooper), o dia do seu casamento será marcado não pela emoção, mas pela adrenalina e a perseguição com o perigoso bandido Frank Miller. Miller fugiu atrás de vingança, já que Kane o colocou na prisão. Mas, agora, nem a população local irá ajudá-lo.
A Tragédia do Meu Destino
Joe Crossland
A crime gang leader is losing her sight, so while her lover goes into hiding, she checks in to the hospital for extensive surgery to recover her eyesight. There she is treated by a handsome young doctor. As expected not only does the doctor successfully open her eyes, he also opens her heart for him.
Flechas Incendiárias
Tombstone Jack
A mysterious outlaw known as the Sidewinder, phantom leader of renegade Ute Indians, terrorizes the people of the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. When rancher Tex McCloud has his place burned out, he vows to find and kill the Sidewinder.
Homens do Deserto
O sargento. Mike Kincaid da Legião Estrangeira Francesa aprende, a partir de um prisioneiro , que um ataque em breve será feito.
O Manto da Morte
The Sundance Kid
It's 1874 and the Texas Rangers have been reorganized. But Sam Bass has assembled a group of notorious outlaws into a gang the Rangers are unable to cope with. So the Ranger Major releases two men from prison who are familiar with the movements and locations used by Bass and his men and sends them out to find him.
New Mexico
Pvt. Daniels
Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing policies that will provoke a conflict, and Chief Acoma is not willing to let himself be insulted.
Thunder in God's Country
Hidden Valley has managed to retain its Old Western atmosphere, free of modern-day corruption, until escaped convict Smitty arrives with plans of taking over and opening the town up as a gambling resort. It's up to Rex Allen and his pals to put a stop to it and sing a few songs along the way.
O Gavião do Deserto
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
Passos na Noite
Detective Casey (uncredited)
O Sargento Detetive Mark Dixon quer ser algo que seu velho pai não era: um cara do lado certo da lei. Será que a natureza cruel de Dixon vai extrair dele a melhor?
Colt .45
Gun salesman Steve Farrell gets two of his new Colt .45 pistols stolen from him by ruthless killer Jason Brett but vows to recover them.
Território Comanche
Irmãos e vilões, Maureen O'Hara e Charles Drake vão perturbar o sossego dos comanches para garimpar prata. É então que surge o simpático desbravador MacDonald Carey, que, ao som de um beijo estalado, traz a moça de volta ao bom caminho. Mas o irmão dela é mau de nascença e a luta será cruenta.
Montana: Terra Proibida
Slim Reeves
O pastor australiano Morgan Lane chega a Montana em busca de pastagens de propriedade do governo e acampa suas ovelhas na linha de fronteira - onde termina a pastagem ruim e começa a pastagem boa - criada pelos barões do gado para evitar que as ovelhas se afastem na grama boa.
A Ladra
Hogan - Store Detective (uncredited)
Uma mulher secretamente sofrendo de cleptomania é hipnotizada em um esforço para curar sua condição. Logo depois, ela é encontrada no local de um assassinato sem memória de como ela chegou lá e aparentemente não há como provar sua inocência.
Carlos Tassuma
After living abroad for several years, journalist John Royer returns to the United States just after the U.S. enters World War II. His boast that he could easily smuggle rubber, a key wartime natural resource, out of Malaya has him tasked with doing just that. He manages to get someone from his past, Carnaghan, sprung from Alactraz and together they head off to South East Asia posing as Irishmen. Once there, Carnaghan lines up some of his old cronies and with Royer and a few plantation owners plans to smuggle the rubber out from under the Japanese army's watchful eye.
Fúria Sanguinária
Um criminoso psicopata com um complexo-mãe (Complexo de Édipo) faz uma fuga ousada da prisão e depois lidera a sua antiga quadrilha num assalto à folha de pagamento de uma fábrica de produtos químicos. Após o assalto, os eventos tomam um rumo louco.
Streets of San Francisco
Luke Fraser
A police detective (Robert Armstrong) and his wife (Mae Clarke) adopt the wayward son (Gary Gray) of a slain gangster.
Joe Palooka in the Big Fight
Gangsters frame Joe on a drunk charge and a murder rap so they can put their own fighter into a big event. Joe investigates in an attempt to prove his innocence.
Falam os Sinos
Mr. Matthews (uncredited)
Two nuns arrive unannounced in the small New England town of Bethlehem, where they recruit various townspeople to help them build a children's hospital.
A Taverna do Caminho
Police captain
A night club owner becomes infatuated with a torch singer and frames his best friend/manager for embezzlement when the chanteuse falls in love with him.
The Man from Colorado
Two friends return home after their discharge from the army after the Civil War. However, one of them has had deep-rooted psychological damage due to his experiences during the war, and as his behavior becomes more erratic--and violent--his friend desperately tries to find a way to help him.
16 Fathoms Deep
A bitterly jealous sponge fisherman tries to sabotage a fellow diver.
Speed to Spare
Pusher Wilkes
Stunt driver Cliff Jordan takes a job with his old pal Jerry McGee, branch manager of an express trucking firm. Jerry is married to Mary, Cliff's former girl friend. Also working for Jerry is Pete Simmons, son of the owner Al Simmons, and office secretary Jane Chandler, who is Pete's sweetheart. Before long, Cliff has made enemies of Pusher Wilks, a trucker whose run he takes over, and also Pete, whose girl he is trying to take over. Pusher sabotages Cliff's rig at every opportunity causing several near-fatal accidents.
Port Said
Travel author Leslie Sears arrives in Cairo, Egypt, to meet with Greg Stewart, an old war buddy who is a theater booking agent in Port Said. Leslie telephones Greg and arranges a rendezvous, but shortly after the conversation ends, Greg is murdered.
Mr. Reckless
Jim Halsey
An oil well digger tries to win back his former girlfriend, now engaged to another man.
The Woman from Tangier
Paul Moreles
This one has Nylon, an American dancer fleeing Morocco after her employer gets into trouble with the police, and she stops off at Tangiers on her way to Gibraltar. $50,000, in gold, is stolen from the ship's safe and the captain tells the police that the purser was the thief and that he had to kill him in self defense, but the purser must have hidden the money before he got dead. The purser isn't in any position to make a disclaimer. Everybody buys that with the exception of an insurance detective, Shapley, who, along with the audience, suspects the captain of being the thief shows up to investigate further. Written By Les Adams
My Girl Tisa
Guard (uncredited)
1905 was a period of heavy immigration from Europe to America before laws were passed restricting the flow of immigrants. Almost every character in this movie is a recent arrival. Tisa has been in America only four months, yet she is holding four jobs to save enough money to pay for her father's boat passage to America. She works in a garment factory in Greenwich Village owned by Mr. Grumbach, who is studying to pass his citizenship test. Denek, a brash young man, tries to help her but gets her into trouble and her deportation is ordered by an immigration judge.
Prisioneiro do Passado
Cop in Bus Depot (uncredited)
A man convicted of murdering his wife escapes from prison and works with a woman to try and prove his innocence.
Deep Valley
Blast Foreman
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
Fúria Abrasadora
Walt Shipley
A cattle-vs.-sheepman feud loses Connie Dickason her fiance, but gains her his ranch, which she determines to run alone in opposition to Frank Ivey, "boss" of the valley, whom her father Ben wanted her to marry. She hires recovering alcoholic Dave Nash as foreman and a crew of Ivey's enemies. Ivey fights back with violence and destruction, but Dave is determined to counter him legally... a feeling not shared by his associates. Connie's boast that, as a woman, she doesn't need guns proves justified, but plenty of gunplay results.
Sua Única Saída
A Callum (uncredited)
Um menino assombrado por pesadelos sobre a noite em que toda a sua família foi assassinada é criado por uma família vizinha na década de 1880. Ele se apaixona por sua adorável irmã adotiva, mas seu desagradável irmão adotivo e tio misterioso o querem morto. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
The Strange Woman
Boat Captain
Isaiah, a 19th-century businessman, has his eye on the beautiful and very young Jenny. Finally of age, she accepts his marriage proposal, but their love affair quickly turns sour. Ephraim, Isaiah's college-age son, comes for a visit, immediately striking up a chemistry with Jenny. She promises marriage -- if he murders his father first. But Jenny also swoons for John, the fiancé of her best friend, Meg.
North of the Rockies
Henchman Lazare
Morgan and his gang are smuggling furs across the border. Both the Mounties on the Canadian side and Tex Martin on the American side are after them. When Morgan sets up Tex to be found with furs, Mountie Bill arrests him. But he lets him go hoping he will lead him to the gang and eventually the two join forces.
The Adventures of Martin Eden
'Butch' Raglan
Author writes about his experiences sailing at sea, struggles to get his work published.
Swamp Woman
Det. Lt. Rance
Famed striptease artist Ann Corio stars as Annabelle, a cabaret dancer who returns to the Florida bayous whence she came.
O Intrépido General Custer
Soldier (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Secret of the Wastelands
Hoppy is leading a scientific expedition and the Chinese who have a hidden settlement nearby are trying to stop them. Saulters and his outlaw gang are also in the area looking for a gold mine. When Saulters men attack, the gold mine is found. Hoppy agrees to file for the Chinese and heads after Saulters in the chase to the land office.
Vaqueiro Detetive
Henchman "Elbows"
Buck Peters arranges for Hoppy, California, Johnny and other cowboys to go to the aid of friends whose cattle are being rustled. Hoppy and California locate the rustlers' hideout and join the gang by posing as outlaws themselves, but must find a way to let the rest of the posse know where they are.
Madame Guillotine
During the French Revolution, a revolutionary falls in love with and marries an aristocratic woman.