Allen K. Wood

Nascimento : 1898-10-08, Sioux City, Iowa, USA

Morte : 1977-12-14


Gaily, Gaily
Production Supervisor
After runaway Ben Young is robbed and left on his own, he is taken in by Lil, the head of a Chicago brothel. Acting as a surrogate mother for Ben, who thinks she runs a boardinghouse, Lil gets him a job with Francis Sullivan at the local newspaper. As Ben is exposed to the workings of the big city, he realizes the extent of government corruption and sets out on the daunting task of reforming Chicago politics, finding several allies along the way.
Some Kind of a Nut
Associate Producer
A New York City bank teller becomes a media celebrity when he refuses to comply with his employer's demands that he shave his beard.
O Mordomo Trapaceiro
Production Supervisor
When Miss Vicki's father dies, she becomes the world's greatest philanthropist. Unfortunately, she is flat broke! Her loyal butler, Claude Fitzwilliam, leads the household staff to rob from various businesses by charging goods to various wealthy people and misdirecting the shipments, all to keep Miss Vicki's standard of living.
A Hora da Pistola
Production Supervisor
As armas não sossegam por muito tempo quando os justiceiros Wyatt Earp e Doc Holliday enfrentam foras-da-lei no velho Oeste. James Garner (Maverick) e Jason Robards * (ganhador do Oscar®, Todos os Homens do Presidente) são os lendários pistoleiros desta eletrizante história baseada em fatos, considerada "o mais próximo que alguém já chegou de contar a verdadeira história do tiroteio de OK Corral" (segundo o L.A. Herald-Examiner). A poeira nem teve tempo de baixar em OK Corral, e os famosos irmãos Clanton estão em busca de vingança. Um a um, eles matam os irmãos de Wyatt Earp - mas não darão o último tiro desta história. Com a autoridade da sua estrela de xerife e Doc Holliday (Robards) como braço direito, Earp (Garner) prepara o ato de vingança que o Oeste nunca mais vai esquecer.
No Calor da Noite
Production Supervisor
Quando um rico empresário que planejava construir uma fábrica na cidade de Sparta, no estado do Mississipi, é encontrado assassinado em uma rua escura, o chefe de polícia Bill Gillespie pede a seus homens que procurem nas cercanias. O guarda Sam encontra o negro Virgil Tibbs na estação, esperando o trem das três da manhã para Memphis e suspeita dele. Ao revistá-lo e ver a carteira de Tibbs com muito dinheiro, Sam resolve levá-lo para a delegacia.
A Volta dos Sete Homens
Production Supervisor
Seis anos se passaram desde que Chico (Julian Mateos) cavalgou ao lado de Chris Adams (Bryner) e de seu bando pistoleiro. Neste meio tempo, ele casou-se com a bela Petra (Elisa Monters) e prometeu abandonar suas armas para sempre. Mas o cruel fora-da-lei Lorca (Emilio Fernandez) começa a aterrorizar sua cidade. Chico e outros cinco corajosos pistoleiros decidem enfrentá-los. Agora, com as probabilidades contra eles, os sete bravos surgem com suas armas fumegantes para enfrentar o tiroteio de suas vidas… Naquela que pode ser sua última batalha!
Production Supervisor
Abner Hale, a rigid and humorless New England missionary, marries the beautiful Jerusha Bromley and takes her to the exotic island kingdom of Hawaii, intent on converting the natives. But the clash between the two cultures is too great and instead of understanding there comes tragedy.
À Sombra de um Gigante
Production Supervisor
Um oficial do Exército americano é recrutado por Israel, que ainda não existe, para ajudá-los a formar um exército. Ele é perturbado por este súbito apelo às suas raízes judaicas. Cada um dos vizinhos árabes de Israel prometeu invadir o país mal preparado logo que a criação é concedida. Ele é feito comandante das forças israelenses logo antes do início da guerra.
Nas Trilhas da Aventura
Production Supervisor
O aclamado diretor John Sturges (Sete Homens e um Destino, Sem Lei Sem Alma) vira todas as lendas do Oeste de cabeça para baixo nesta estupenda comédia sobre o ano em que Denver quase foi devastada por um dilúvio - de whisky - e teve que ter quarenta carregamentos importados trazidos por um território cruel - e sedento! Os premiados Burt Lancaster e Martin Landau juntam-se à ótima Lee Remick neste lindamente filmado épico de aventura que tem "tanto gargalhadas quanto arrepios" (The Hollywood Reporter)! Também estrelando Jim Hutton, Brian Keith e Donald Pleasence, esse irreverente e literalmente seco olhar sobre a fronteira americana é "possivelmente o western mais engraçado já feito!"
Beija-me, Idiota
Production Manager
O professor de piano ciumento Orville Spooner manda sua linda esposa, Zelda, passear pela noite, enquanto ele tenta vender uma música para o famoso cantor de boate Dino, que está encalhado na cidade. Dino, o charmoso e lascivo cantor de Las Vegas, a caminho de Hollywood fica sem gasolina em Climax, Nevada. O atendente do oleoso posto de gasolina é Barney Millsap, um possível letrista que escreve canções pop com Orville Spooner, o professor de piano local. Sabotando o carro de Dino, Barney cria um esquema para que Dino cante uma de suas músicas em um especial de TV. Para entreter Dino, Barney contata a prostituta da cidade, Polly, contratando-a para fingir ser a esposa de Orville, Zelda, por uma noite. Ela não gosta de Dino, mas adora ser a esposa substituta de Orville. Dino vai até um bar, onde conhece o verdadeiro Zelda, e eles passam a noite juntos enquanto Polly passa com Orville. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Kings of the Sun
Production Supervisor
In order to flee from powerful enemies, young Mayan king Balam leads his people north across the Gulf of Mexico to the coast of what will become the United States. They build a home in the new land but come into conflict with a tribe of Native Americans led by their chief, Black Eagle, while both Balam and Black Eagle fall in love the beautiful Mayan princess Ixchel.
Toys in the Attic
Production Manager
Julian Berniers returns from Illinois with his young bride Lily Prine to the family in New Orleans. His spinster sisters Carrie and Anna welcome the couple, who arrive with expensive gifts. The sisters hope Julian will help with their expenses, and he tells them that while his profitable factory went out of business, he did manage to save money. It turns out that Julian pulled off a real estate scam and took off with the money. Carrie is obsessed with her brother. Her jealousy of Lily pushes her to discover the shady land deal for herself and she does everything she can to wreck their marriage.
A Grande Evasão
Production Supervisor
Para reduzir o risco de fugas, a Luftwaffe decidiu transferir para um campo de prisioneiros de segurança máxima uma parte dos seus mais audaciosos prisioneiros de guerra Aliados, quase todos com um longo currículo de fugas fracassadas. Decididos a não baixar os braços e a, pelo menos, provocarem a maior confusão possível entre os captores Alemães, um grupo de prisioneiros decide organizar uma fuga em massa de 250 prisioneiros numa só noite.
Talhado para Campeão
Production Supervisor
Walter Gulick (Elvis Presley) é um jovem que, após sair do exército, vai parar em um centro de treinamento para aspirantes a boxeadores, o Grogan's Gym, que fica na região onde ele nasceu. Walter quer ser mecânico de carros, pois tem experiência no ramo, mas o dono do lugar, Willy Grogan (Gig Young), não pode empregar ninguém, pois atravessa uma crise financeira bem grave. Por acaso Gulick é usado em um treino de boxe e, apesar de não ter nenhuma noção de defesa, nocauteia seu oponente. Willy vê a possibilidade de financeiramente se recuperar caso ele passe a empresariar Gulick, que poderia ser um bom pugilista se fosse corretamente treinado. Quando Gulick nocauteia um gângster, que estava sendo inconveniente com Rose (Joan Blackman), a namorada de Grogan, este não tem mais dúvidas. Em razão de Walter ser respeitador passou a ser "Kid Galahad" e lhe foi dada uma chance de mostrar suas habilidades em um ringue de boxe
Em Cada Sonho um Amor
Production Supervisor
Quando o carro da família Kwimper fica sem gasolina em uma nova rodovia da Flórida e um oficioso supervisor do estado tenta expulsá-los, o chefe da família Pop Kwimper "bate o pé" e decide fazer uma pequena posse. Ele e seu filho Toby e seus filhos "adotados" - Holly, Ariadne e os gêmeos - começam sua própria pequena comunidade ao lado de uma pista da estrada. Neste filme, Elvis canta “Follow That Dream”, “What A Wonderful Life”, “I’m Not The Marring Kind” e várias outras.
Production Manager
Uma escola particular para meninas se escandaliza quando uma estudante problemática e rancorosa, Mary Tilford, acusa as duas jovens que dirigem a escola de ter um relacionamento lésbico.
Amor, Sublime Amor
Production Manager
No lado oeste de Nova York, à sombra dos arranha-céus, ficam os guetos de imigrantes e classes menos favorecidas. Duas gangues, os Sharks, de porto-riquenhos, e os Jets, de brancos de origem anglo-saxônica, disputam a área, seguindo um código próprio de guerra e honra. Tony (Richard Beymer), antigo líder dos Jets, se apaixona por Maria (Natalie Wood), irmã do líder dos Sharks, e tem seu amor correspondido. A paixão dos dois fere princípios em ambos os lados, acirrando ainda mais a disputa.
By Love Possessed
Production Supervisor
An unhappily married woman engages in an affair with her husband's law partner.
Sete Homens e Um Destino
Production Supervisor
Numa pequena vila dominada por bandidos liderados por Calvera, alguns fazendeiros partem rumo ao norte em busca de armas para detê-los. Lá, eles conhecem o pistoleiro Chris Adams e fazem uma proposta. Relutante, Chris acaba aceitando e reúne mais seis homens para ajudá-lo nessa missão.
Se Meu Apartamento Falasse
Production Manager
Um funcionário ambicioso (Jack Lemmon) descobre um atalho para subir na companhia em que trabalha: Ceder seu apartamento para os encontros amorosos de seus chefes. A tática inicialmente dá certo, mas passa a ser ameaçada quando ele se apaixona pela amante de um de seus chefes.
Marcha de Heróis
Production Manager
Baseado em um incidente da Guerra Civil americana, Marcha de Heróis mostra a coragem e determinação de uma tropa da Cavalaria que consegue se infiltrar em território inimigo para cumprir uma missão arriscada. Eles precisam eliminar uma base rebelde sulista que resiste bravamente a todos os ataques. Sem favorecer o Norte ou o Sul, o filme se tornou um tributo emocionante aos homens que lutaram e morreram nesta guerra entre irmãos. John Wayne, William Holden e o diretor John Ford se unem para criar um filme empolgante, repleto de ação, humor e romance que agrada a todos os estilos e idades.
Quanto Mais Quente Melhor
Production Manager
Em 1929, Joe e Jerry, dois músicos desempregados, testemunham sem querer o cruel Massacre do Dia de São Valentim. Desesperados para não serem pegos pelos gangsters, eles se disfarçam de mulheres e entram para um grupo feminino musical, que está indo para Miami fazer shows. Joe se apaixona por Sugar, a garota problema do grupo, enquanto um milionário se apaixona pelo disfarce de Jerry, tudo isso em meio a uma convenção de criminosos, que também está acontecendo em Miami.
O Homem do Oeste
Production Manager
Link Jones é um proprietário rural e está viajando para o Texas para contratar o primeiro professor de sua pequena cidade. Quando o trem para no caminho eles são atacados por ladrões armados, mas o trem escapa deixando para trás Link Jones, o tagarela Sam Beasley e a cantora de saloon Billie Ellis. Eles começam a andar e chegam num lugar que Link conhece bem: a casa da fazenda onde ele viveu. Lá ele encontra os homens que roubaram o trem e também o seu tio, Dock Tobin.
Fort Massacre
Production Manager
New Mexico Territory, August 1879. The few surviving members of a cavalry column, which has been relentlessly decimated by the Apaches, attempt to reach Fort Crain. On their way through a hostile land, the obsessive and ruthless Sergeant Vinson takes to the limit the battered will of the troopers under his command.
Duelo ao Amanhecer
Production Manager
Dan Beattie gives up his lawman job to move further west and rejoin his old war buddy Curt Warren in the town of Sundown. At first mistaken for a railroad agent by Beau Santee, a Sundown businessman who wants to keep the railroad away from his town, Dan is nearly killed by Santee's henchman, Mark Faber. Dan discovers that his old pal Curt works for Santee. Even after learning Dan's true identity, Santee considers him trouble and plots to get rid of him. With the help of Curt's son Stony, Dan tries to get Curt to take a stand on the right side of the law.
Up In Smoke
Production Manager
The Bowery Boys: In order to be able to get the names of winning horses at the track, Sach agrees to sell his soul to the devil.
Production Manager
A juvenile delinquent on parole receives support from a social worker and a girl from a slum.
Footsteps in the Night
Production Manager
Two detectives investigate the strangulation murder of a man whom everyone seemed to like.
Canyon River
Production Manager
A rancher's (George Montgomery) foreman (Peter Graves) schemes against him on a cattle drive from Oregon to Wyoming.
Vampiros de Almas
Production Manager
A trama é sobre o médico Miles Bennell. Após voltar de um congresso para a sua cidade natal, ele se depara com um fenômeno estranho: diversas pessoas afirmam que seus parentes não são os mesmos, apesar de manterem a aparência física e as lembranças. Incrédulo no início, aos poucos Bennell vai descobrindo que tudo faz parte de uma invasão alienígena, que assume a forma das pessoas para conquistar seu objetivo.
At Gunpoint
Production Manager
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
Return from the Sea
Production Manager
A hardened career navel officer must come to terms with adapting to civilian life with the help of a waitress that can see through his tough veneer.
The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters
Production Manager
Slip, Sach and the rest of the Bowery Boys enter a haunted house, where they engage in slapstick with a gorilla, a robot and a vampire
Flechas em Chamas
Production Supervisor
Director Lesley Selander's 1954 western stars Sterling Hayden, Coleen Gray, Keith Larsen, Tom Tully, Lee Van Cleef and Jimmy Wakely.
O Terror da Torre
Production Manager
A Scotsman abruptly breaks off his engagement to pretty Kitty and moves to his uncle's castle in the Scottish highlands. Kitty and her aunt follow Gerald a few weeks later, and discover he has suddenly aged. Some mysterious things happen in a maze made from the hedges adjoining the castle.
Loose in London
Production Manager
The Bowery Boys take on British crooks when one of them thinks he's inherited a title.
Feudin' Fools
Production Supervisor
Sach discovers that he is heir to a farm in rural hillbilly country. He and the boys go to the farm to check it out, and find themselves mixed up with feuding hillbillies and a gang of bank robbers.
Wild Stallion
Production Manager
A young orphan grows into adulthood, all the while searhing for his beloved white horse that disappeared years earlier.
Aladdin and His Lamp
Production Manager
A poor young man finds a lamp with a genie trapped inside. The genie promises to grant the man three wishes if he frees him from the lamp.
Elephant Stampede
Production Supervisor
Bomba the jungle boy swings into action when an elephant herd is threatened by ivory hunters.
Crazy Over Horses
Production Supervisor
The boys get mixed up with a race horse & crooked gamblers
Let's Go Navy!
Production Supervisor
The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
According to Mrs. Hoyle
Production Manager
A retired teacher sells her apartment to a group of gangsters.
Ghost Chasers
Production Manager
A ghost helps the Bowery Boys capture a gang of crooks led by a mad doctor.
The Lion Hunters
Production Supervisor
A lion trapper and his daughter rendezvous with their hardheaded partner in the African jungle. Bomba, with assistance from a local tribe, strives to run them off.
Bowery Battalion
Production Supervisor
Slip, Sach and the gang (Bowery Boys) think an air-raid test is for real and join the Army.
Blues Busters
Production Supervisor
The Bowery Boys (Bowery Boys) open a nightclub after Sach has his tonsils out and wakes up with a singing voice.
Hot Rod
Supervisor of Production Resources
A young man builds a hot rod despite the disapproval of his father, a Juvenile Court judge. Circumstantial evidence points to the innocent teenager when his car is involved in a hit-and-run accident and he must reconcile with his father.
Bomba and the Hidden City
Production Supervisor
A photographer and his guide meet a corrupt Emir with a dirty secret. Only jungle-dwelling Bomba knows the truth.
Sob o Manto da Intriga
Production Manager
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
The Lost Volcano
Production Supervisor
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
Lucky Losers
Production Supervisor
Slip and Sach's boss, David J. Thurston, has allegedly committed suicide. Slip finds a book of matches with the name of a local nightclub on his boss' desk and finds out from Gabe that a gambling casino is being run out of it. Slip comes to the conclusion that the club had something to do with his boss' death and sets out to find his murderer. The boys get jobs at the club and Louie poses as a rich cattlemen as they gather the information to convict the murderers.
Mortalmente Perigosa
Production Manager
Obcecado por armas de fogo desde a infância, Barton não consegue encontrar um objetivo na vida depois de passar anos num reformatório e depois como instrutor de tiro no exército. A situação muda quando ele conhece a insinuante e misteriosa atiradora Annie Starr num circo local. Perdidamente apaixonados, os dois atiradores fogem deixando um rastro de crimes pelo Estado, como uma versão contemporânea de Bonnie e Clyde.
Bomba on Panther Island
Production Supervisor
In this second film in the "Bomba, the Jungle Boy" series, Bomba tracks a dangerous panther.
Master Minds
Production Supervisor
When Sach eats too much sugar, he goes into a trance whereby he's able to predict the future. Slip tries to make some money off of Sach by using him as a fortune teller in a carnival, until a mad scientist kidnaps Sach to use him in an intelligence-switching experiment with a monster.
Angels in Disguise
Production Supervisor
Slip and the gang stray from newspaper work to detective work.
Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch
Production Manager
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Leave It to Henry
Production Manager
Henry Latham and town Mayor Colton continue their misadventures in Smalltown, America. This time, twelve-year-old David Latham is testifying at the trial of his father, Henry, who is accused of burning down the McCluskey bridge.
Hold That Baby!
Production Supervisor
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
O Voo da Morte
Production Manager
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
Bomba, the Jungle Boy
Production Supervisor
George Harland and his daughter Pat are photographers who discover a wild boy in the jungle. When Pat becomes lost, Bomba brings her back, overcoming plagues of locusts, forest fires and fierce wild animals.
Charlie Chan e o Tesoura Azteca
Production Manager
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
Trouble Makers
Production Manager
Slip and Sach are in the sidewalk star-gazing business when they see a murder committed in a room at the El Royale Hotel.
Production Manager
An innocent man -- due to a case of mistaken identity -- is beaten. Once recovered, the stockbroker tries to find the actual intended target -- a gangster-- and warn him.
Joe Palooka in Winner Take All
Assistant Director
Joe is scheduled for the big fight as usual. This one has more fight sequences than plot.
Music Man
Production Manager
Bickering brothers unwittingly wind up working together on the same musical production.
O Olho de Ouro
Production Manager
A gold mine in Arizona, that was formerly losing a lot of money, suddenly turns into a veritable money-making machine. However, the owner, instead of being happy about his now profitable business, insists to Charlie that something is fishy and that someone is out to murder him. Charlie and his "crew" travel to the mine, pretending to be tourists staying at a nearby dude ranch so as not to arouse suspicion, and discover that the owner may well be right--it looks like the mine is being used as a cover for criminal activities, and that someone is indeed out to murder him.
Assistant Director
Up-and-coming Hollywood actor/crooner, Vic Morton, has a secret. He starts receiving death threats in the mail and an attempt on his life is made. Soon after, two of his associates are murdered. Who is behind it all?
Road to Happiness
Assistant Director
A struggling singer, devoted to his young son, fears the child's super-spoiled, unloving but wealthy mother will gain custody of the boy.
The Old Swimmin' Hole
Second Unit Cinematographer
Teenager Betty Elliott has decided to take over the business and social affairs of her father Doc Elliott. She thinks her father should marry the widowed mother, Julie Harper, of her boyfriend Chris Harper. Doc has been a real friend and father to Chris, who, under his guidance, has learned to take care of all the sick animals in town, but lack of money keeps the widow from sending Chris on to finish high school and medical training is out of the question. Wealthy Grandpa Harper sends his attorney Baker to tell Mrs. Harper that all of Jimmy's dreams could be realized if the widow, whom the grandfather dislikes, would give up custody of her son. The lawyer also begins to court Julie and this throws a kink in Betty's plans to see her father and the widow get married. Written by Les Adams
O Gorila Matador
Assistant Director
Dr. Bernard é um cientista louco que procura curar a pólio de uma jovem. Ele precisa de fluido espinhal de um ser humano para completar a fórmula do seu soro. Enquanto isso, um macaco de circo sai da gaiola e aterroriza as pessoas da cidade.
The Payoff
Gambler (uncredited)
An honest sports columnist's greedy wife persuades him to go easy on a cheat, famous for crooked sports deals.