Hal B. Wallis

Hal B. Wallis

Nascimento : 1899-09-13, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Morte : 1986-10-05


Harold Brent Wallis (born Aaron Blum Wolowicz; October 19, 1898 – October 5, 1986) was an American film producer. He is best remembered for producing Casablanca (1942), The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), and True Grit (1969), along with many other major films for Warner Bros. featuring such film stars as Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, and Errol Flynn. For his consistently high quality of motion picture production, he was twice honored with the Academy Awards' Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award. He was also nominated for seven Golden Globe awards, twice winning awards for Best Picture. In 1975, he received the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement in motion pictures.


Hal B. Wallis
Hal B. Wallis


You Must Remember This: A História da Warner Bros.
Self (archive footage)
Este documentário celebra os 85 anos de vida dos Estúdios Warner Bros. e foi produzido, escrito e dirigido por Richard Schickel, crítico veterano da tradicional revista Time americana. o ator, produtor e diretor Clint Eastwood narra a história de uma dos mais tradicionais estúdios da América. Em You Must Remember This: A História da Warner Bros, Schickel monta uma crônica sobre a história da Warner de uma maneira sem precedentes, usando cenas de centenas de produções do estúdio para ilustrar como esses filmes serviram como um espelho para os valores, moral e atitudes de várias gerações. É possível conferir imagens marcantes de O Cantor de Jazz, Casablanca, Assim Caminha a Humanidade e O Exorcista, entre outros.
The Adventures of Errol Flynn
Self - Producer (archive footage)
A documentary about the life of Errol Flynn, with recollections from friends and family.
Errol Flynn: Portrait of a Swashbuckler
Narrated by actor Christopher Lee, this documentary details the life of timeless Hollywood adventure hero and sex symbol Errol Flynn, who swung his way into the hearts of the world's moviegoers with a sword and an errant grin. Interviews with friends and family balance a collection of clips from classic films such as The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Charge of the Light Brigade and Captain Blood, revealing the man behind the movie star.
Justiceiro Implacável
No Arkansas um veterano xerife, Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne), tem o distintivo cassado, pois o juiz Parker (John McIntire) entendeu que ele se excedeu no cumprimento do dever e provocou várias mortes. Paralelamente, a quadrilha liderada por Hawk (Richard Jordan) e Breed (Anthony Zerbe) provoca mortes para roubar um carregamento de nitroglicerina, pois pretende usar o explosivo para roubar um carregamento de ouro. Diante desta situação Parker devolve o distintivo a Cogburn e lhe promete um aumento caso o bando seja detido.
The Don Is Dead
After his mistress is murdered, a Mafia leader goes after the killer with a bloody vengeance. Soon after the hunt begins, a gang war ensues.
Bequest to the Nation
Set before the Battle of Trafalgar, this is the story of relationship between Admiral Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton during the Napoleonic Wars.
De Olho na Esposa
A strait-laced British banker hires an eccentric private detective to follow his free-spirited American wife, whom he suspects is cheating on him.
Mary Stuart, Rainha da Escócia
Mary Stuart, who was named Queen of Scotland when she was only six days old, is the last Roman Catholic ruler of Scotland. She is imprisoned at the age of 23 by her cousin Elizabeth Tudor, the English Queen and her arch adversary. Nineteen years later the life of Mary is to be ended on the scaffold and with her execution the last threat to Elizabeth's throne has been removed. The two Queens with their contrasting personalities make a dramatic counterpoint to history.
Red Sky at Morning
Before going off to World War II, Frank Arnold (Richard Crenna) relocates his wife, Ann (Claire Bloom), and son, Joshua (Richard Thomas), to New Mexico. Joshua has a difficult time fitting in, finding himself a minority in a predominantly Latino community, and his mother doesn't fare much better, treating her loneliness with increasing quantities of alcohol. At length, Joshua makes some friends and begins to adjust, but bad news from overseas threatens to spoil what he's accomplished.
A Vietnam veteran returns to his Texas home but feels restless and decides to become a radio singer.
Ana dos Mil Dias
O rei Henrique VIII (Richard Burton) apaixona-se pela jovem Anna Bolena (Geneviève Bujold). Casado com Catarina de Aragão, que não lhe deu um herdeiro homem, não mede esforços para ficar com Anna, rompendo com a Igreja Católica e criando a Igreja Anglicana. Mas Anna também não consegue lhe dar seu tão esperado filho homem. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Bravura Indômita
Rooster Cogburn é um ex-xerife alcoólatra contratado por uma menina de 14 anos para vingar a morte de seu pai. Para pegar o criminoso, eles terão de entrar em um território indígena e enfrentar os comparsas do assassino que estão caçando, homens que não veem problema em matar uma adolescente.
5 Card Stud
Quando um apostador é flagrado roubando na mesa de pôquer de Van Morgan, o trapaceiro é enforcado pelos oponentes. Morgan deixa a cidade, mas retorna ao saber que os agressores começaram a morrer um a um.
Meu Tesouro É Você
Ano de 1967. Elvis mergulha em busca de riqueza em Meu Tesouro é você. Em seu último dia na Marinha, ele descobre um barco afundado. Em seu primeiro dia como civil, ele começa sua nova profissão: caçador de tesouros por conta própria.
Descalços no Parque
Os Nova-Yorquinos Paul Bratter e Corie Bratter, née os Banks, acabam de se casar. Ele, um empertigado que começa sua carreira como advogado. Ela, uma mulher de mente independente que se orgulha de fazer o estritamente ilógico puramente pela aventura, coisas como andar pelo Washington Square Park descalça quando está -8° C lá fora. Sua lua de mel de seis dias no Hotel Plaza mostra que eles podem se dar bem no sentido bíblico. Mas eles vão saber se podem conviver na vida real quando se mudam para sua primeira morada, um aconchegante (na verdade, pequeno), ligeiramente decrépito apartamento na cobertura de um predinho de cinco andares. Enquanto Corie, alegremente, sobe e desce as escadas, Paul, sempre sem fôlego, odeia o fato de ter que subir os seis andares, se incluirmos as escadas da fachada. Além dos problemas com o apartamento em si, Paul e Corie terão relações com uma estranha coleção de vizinhos.
No Paraíso do Havaí
Após ser demitido de empresas aéreas por ser muito namorador, um jovem piloto (Elvis Presley) se associa a um amigo inaugurando um serviço de charter no Havaí, para levar os turistas aos lugares mais belos. Lá ele aproveita para namorar algumas das beldades locais, que passam a lhe fornecer uma boa clientela. Mas tudo pode ir por água abaixo quando ele, ao transportar os cães de uma milionária, acaba quase provocando um acidente com o chefe da Agência de Aviação Federal.
Boeing Boeing
Bernard Lawrence (Tony Curtis) é um jornalista americano que vive em Paris. Ele elaborou um esquema no qual mantém três aeromoças da Lufthansa, Air France e British United como noivas simultaneamente. Tudo funciona muito bem por um longo perí­odo, mas a chegada de jatos mais modernos altera o horário dos vôos fazendo as três estarem em Paris ao mesmo tempo. Para piorar a situação, Robert Reed (Jerry Lewis), um outro jornalista com quem Bernard tinha se desentendido, chega na cidade. Esta confusão tem de ser controlada por Bertha (Thelma Ritter), a empregada de Bernard, que conhece as armações do patrão.
Os Filhos de Katie Elder
Os quatro filhos de Katie Elder voltam a sua cidade natal para o funeral da mãe. John (John Wayne), o mais velho, é um notório pistoleiro. Tom é o jogador, Matt, o mais quieto, e Bud, o mais novo. Chegando lá, eles descobrem que seu pai, bêbado, apostou a fazenda da família num jogo e foi morto na mesma noite. Apesar das recomendações do xerife, os irmãos resolvem investigar o caso. Morgan Hastings e seu filho Dave, únicas testemunhas do assassinato, matam o xerife para se protegerem e os Elder são considerados culpados. O xerife substituto, Ben Latta, se une aos Hastings contra os irmãos Elder.
Carrossel de Emoções
Charlie Rogers (Elvis Presley) dirige sua motocicleta e se apresenta em pequenos clubes, pois espera se tornar um cantor famoso. Porém, enquanto sua moto é reparada ele decide trabalhar no parque de diversões de Maggie Morgan (Barbara Stanwyck). Quando canta lá obtém sucesso, sendo que isto pode ser a salvação de Morgan, que tem uma dívida com o banco que pode fechar o parque. Entretanto, logo a moto estará pronta e Charlie vai deixá-los, a menos que a jovem Cathy Lean (Joan Freeman) o convença a ficar.
O Arcebisto de Canterbury (Felix Aylmer), grande opositor do Estado inglês, morre, e o Rei Henrique II nomeia um seu antigo amigo de festas para o cargo tentando evitar qualquer tipo de oposição. Mas o que Henrique II não contava era que Becket, seu antigo amigo, fosse ser mais rígido que qualquer outro antecessor. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
O seresteiro de Acapulco
A primeira grande exposição de arte pop tornava-se a maior sensação do momento. A boate Whisky-A-Go-Go era inaugurada. E Elvis, "O Seresteiro" de Acapulco, vai para o sul da fronteira, demitido de uma marina, contratado como guarda costas e cantor, paquerado pelas beldades locais e inspirado a pular de uma montanha de mais de 40 metros. Em outras palavras: ele vai superar seu medo de altura em grande estilo. Você vai ver cenários, vistas e canções latinas espetaculares.
A Girl Named Tamiko
A photographer based in Tokyo, who's in love with local beauty Tamiko, begins to court an embassy official so she can help him gain entry into the United States.
Garotas! Garotas! Garotas!
O guia de pesca Ross Carpenter (Elvis Presley) tem duas paixões... o mar e Garotas! Garotas! Garotas! Sonhando em ter seu próprio barco algum dia, o carismático pescador trabalha também como cantor de um hotel para ganhar dinheiro. No placo ele atrai a atenção de todos e os olhares de mais de uma garota. Dividido entre a festiva atração principal da boate (Stella Stevens) e a charmosa socialite, que posa de moça trabalhadora (Laurel Goodwin), Ross tem que decidir qual será a garota de sorte que vai fazer seu coração cantar.
Feitiço Havaiano
Após prestar o serviço militar, um jovem (Elvis Presley) volta para a casa dos pais em Honolulu, no Havaí, e começa, contra a vontade deles, a trabalhar em uma agência de turismo. Ao mesmo tempo seduz as funcionárias do hotel ao som de românticas canções.
O Anjo de Pedra
In a small Mississippi town in 1916, an eccentric spinster battles her romantic yearnings for the randy boy next door.
A Dama da Madrugada
After the sudden death of magazine publisher Colonel Ryder, his nephew, Tony inherits the magazine and has big plans to expand it. While negotiating a loan from the bank, Tony gets a call from a detective surrounding his uncle's death. It turns out Colonel Ryder died in his hotel room with a smile on his face and a young woman was seen fleeing his room wearing only a towel. Suspicious of this woman and afraid the magazine's wholesome image may be tarnished and their loan denied, Tony asks the detective to stick around and find her.
Saudades de um Pracinha
Tulsa McLean é um soldado cujo maior sonho é ser dono de um Night Club. Para conseguir o valor em dinheiro para que ele possa abrir o seu empreendimento, ele aceita participar de uma aposta, onde, na qual, ele deve passar uma noite com uma bailarina famosa no local, porém, os dois acabam se apaixonando.
Rabo de Foguete
Jerry Lewis é o alienígena Kreton, um ET atrapalhado e curioso por descobrir como é a vida na Terra. Sai escondido de seu planeta e aterrisa no quintal de um famoso jornalista de TV que não acredita em extra-terrestres. Kreton deseja fazer um estudo dos humanos e se apaixona pela filha (Joan Blackman) do jornalista, mas sua incapacidade provoca uma série de confusões e coloca a vida do jornalista de cabeça para baixo.
Calvário da Glória
Playwright James Lee adapted his off-Broadway play for the screen in this high-strung adaptation, directed by Joseph Anthony. In this simplistic, backroom show-business-success saga, Anthony Franciosa plays Sam, a struggling young actor who will forsake his family and take any type of menial job in order to become a Broadway star. Dean Martin is on hand as Maury, an aspiring director also trying to claw his way up the ladder of success. When Maury gets his big break, Sam wants a part in his show, but when Maury, who is unwilling to cast Sam in the production, turns down Sam's request, Sam seduces and marries Maury's girlfriend (Shirley MacLaine). In spite of everything, Maury wants his girl back, and Sam agrees to a divorce on the stipulation that Maury cast him as the star in his next show. Once again, Maury reneges and, before Sam can exact his revenge, Uncle Sam comes to the rescue and he is drafted into the army.
Duelo de Titãs
A mulher índia do xerife Matt Morgan (Kirk Douglas) é violentada e morta por uma dupla de cowboys. As investigações de Morgan o levam a Gun Hill, cidade dominada pelo seu amigo e rico fazendeiro Craig Belden (Anthony Quinn). Ele acaba descobrindo que um dos homens que procura é o jovem e mimado filho de Belden. Determinado a levá-lo para julgamento, Morgan entra em choque com seu amigo, que por sua vez tenta impedí-lo a todo custo.
A Canoa Furou
No dia de seu casamento, anos após o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o ex-oficial John Paul Steckler VII (Jerry Lewis) é procurado pelos oficiais da Marinha por ter extraviado o demolidor de navios USS Kornblatt. John é encarregado de encontrar a máquina, caso contrário, terá que pagar por ela. Entretanto, sua esposa Prudence (Diana Spencer) não vai aceitar a ausência do marido logo no momento de sua lua de mel.
Balada Sangrenta
Em Nova Orleans vive Danny Fisher (Elvis Presley), um jovem que tinha se envolvido com gangues. Agora Danny trabalha como cantor de bares à noite, se tornando um grande sucesso. Até ser obrigado a cantar na casa noturna de um gângster.
Quando Vem a Tormenta
Alma Duval, a middle-aged housewife, trying to hide how much she suffers from her husband's amorous excursions while trying to help her children solve their problems and doing her best to keep her family together as it's slowly falling apart. Meanwhile, daughter Virginia is dumped by her boyfriend because she cannot help him with his career. Her cheating husband's birthday party is approaching and many lines will be crossed after that event.
Wild Is the Wind
A widowed Nevada rancher goes to Italy and marries the sister of his deceased wife and brings her back to the ranch, but his haunting memories of his lost love and her tendency to drift away to other men cause the two to have a tough time at keeping a marriage together.
O Bamba do Regimento
Bixby (Jerry Lewis) é um desastrado recruta que é um dos poucos americanos capazes de montar um determinado equipamento bélico. Esta qualidade vai deixá-lo em maus lençóis quando comerciantes de armas no Marrocos precisam do seu auxílio.
A Mulher Que Eu Amo
Deke Rivers, vem do Sul, mas ele não se adapta ao mundo da música country. Uma promotora musical megera, interpretada por Lizabeth Scott, reconhece o talento único de Deke e o explora como um novo rosto que encanta o público jovem. A mídia distorce seu encanto e o identifica como uma pessoa temperamental até Derek provar que foi tão somente um mero engano.
Sem Lei e Sem Alma
Earp (burt Lancaster) é um homem da lei que chega a tombstone para limpar a cidade dos bandidos. Holliday (Kirk Douglas) é um dentista de formação, famoso pela rapidez no gatilho e pelo gosto pelos jogos de carta. Eles se unem para enfrentar Ike Clanton (Lyle Bettger) e seu perverso bando.
Lágrimas do Céu
Bill Starbuck (Burt Lancaster) é um trapaceiro que, viajando pelo Texas, tenta se aproveitar de pessoas simplórias dizendo que é capaz de fazer chover, pois a seca prolongada está apavorando os fazendeiros. Assim ele vai parar na propriedade de H.C. Curry (Cameron Preud'Homme), um pai preocupado que sua filha Lizzie (Katharine Hepburn), torne-se uma solteirona. Os irmãos dela, Noah (Lloyd Bridges) e Jim (Earl Holliman), têm igual preocupação, pois Lizzie é considerada um patinho feio. H.C., Noah e Jim pretendem num último recurso aproximá-la de J.S. File (Wendell Corey), o xerife local, quando Bill chega, diz ser um fazedor de chuva e se propõe a acabar com a seca se lhe pagarem US$ 100. Ele cativa a família com seu carisma e Lizzie se sente atraída por ele, pois Bill, com sua lábia, a convenceu que ela é a mulher mais maravilhosa do mundo.
Ou Vai, ou Racha!
O último filme com Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin juntos, é uma sátira da vida em Hollywood. Steve Wiley é um enganador que engana Malcolm Smith quando ele ganha um carro, alegando que ele ganhou também. Tentando roubar o carro, Steve diz a Malcolm que ele mora em Hollywood, ao lado de Anita Ekberg. Quando Malcom ouve isso, ambos partem para Hollywood e a aventura começa ...
A Rosa Tatuada
Man at Mardi Gras Club (uncredited)
A grieving widow embarks on a new romance when she discovers her late husband had been cheating on her.
A Rosa Tatuada
A grieving widow embarks on a new romance when she discovers her late husband had been cheating on her.
Artistas e Modelos
Um cartunista desempregado sente-se incomodado quando toda noite seu companheiro de quarto sonha histórias das revistas em quadrinhos que lê avidamente, até descobrir que o seu amigo sonha aventuras que nunca foram publicadas e que tem enorme aceitação perante o público.
O Rei do Circo
Os amigos Pete (Dean Martin) e Jerry (Jerry Lewis) são dois pobretões em busca de trabalho. Jerry logo consegue um emprego de domador de leões no circo de Jill Brent (Joanne Dru). Mas o circo passa por dificuldades financeiras. Pete o acompanha. Pouco tempo depois, Jerry se torna a grande atração do circo como palhaço.
About Mrs. Leslie
A lonely, unhappy owner of a Beverly Hills boarding house reflects on her lonely, unhappy life and the lonely, unhappy man she once loved.
A Barbada do Biruta
Herman (Dean Martin) é viciado em jogos de corridas de cavalo. Cheio de dívidas, se arrisca mais uma vez em uma corrida, pois, se ganhar, poderá pagá-las. Ele vai a uma corrida ao lado de seu primo Virgil (Jerry Lewis) e lá se apaixonam por duas garotas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Cessar Fogo
A sometimes uncomfortable marriage between fact and fiction, this film is part documentary and part drama, mixing actual war footage with reenactments in which real veterans of the Korean War portray members of a platoon sent out on a reconnaissance mission near the end of the conflict. Though peace is imminent, violence unexpectedly erupts. A day that begins with the calm and mundane is transformed into a heated battle that typifies the cruel and unpredictable nature of war.
Morrendo de Medo
O cantor Larry Todd (Dean Martin) termina um romance com uma bela corista após descobrir que ela é namorada de um gangster. Ao fugir, ele acredita ter matado um dos mafiosos e é ajudado pela herdeira Mary Carol (Lizabeth Scott) e o parceiro Myron (Jerry Lewis). Eles fogem para uma ilha assombrada que Mary herdou e tentam encontrar um tesouro perdido, mas acabam encontrando várias assombrações.
A Cruz De Minha Vida
A mismatched couple's marital problems come to the surface when the husband develops an interest in their pretty boarder.
O Biruta e o Folgado
Em mais um filme da dupla Martin e Lewis, Bill Martin (Dean Martin) é um comediante sem sucesso que, para inovar seu show, coloca o comparsa Ted Rogers (Jerry Lewis) na platéia para interagir com ele durante a apresentação. Mas, rapidamente, Ted começa a se tornar a estrela do espetáculo.
Os Malucos do Ar
Chick Allen (Dean Martin) e Hap smith (Jerry Lewis) apresentam-se em shows musicais. Mas Chick é convocado para o serviço militar, enquanto Hap continua a fazer suas apresentações, desta vez com outra companhia. Chick também continua fazendo suas apresentações, mas as dele não são tão boas quanto as de Hap e ele decide pedir ajuda ao seu antigo companheiro.
O Marujo Foi na Onda
Melvin (Jerry Lewis) entra para a Marinha por ordens médicas. Lá conhece Al (Dean Martin) e os dois se tornam amigos. Juntos se envolvem em muitas confusões e estão sempre a procura de belas mulheres. Comédia musical de grande sucesso de bilheteria da famosa dupla Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin. Com um detalhe: A participação do jovem James Dean não foi creditada.
Red Mountain
Towards the end of the American Civil War, a rebel captain flees to Colorado to join a band of Southern mercenaries. He drags an innocent gold prospecting couple into trouble when the husband is accused of a murder he committed.
Peking Express
A group of refugees fleeing Chinese Communist rule via train are beset by a gang of terrifying outlaws.
O Filhinho de Papai
Junior Jackson (Jerry Lewis) é o tímido filho único de Jack "Terremoto" (Eddie Mayehoff), uma lenda do futebol americano. Temendo que Junior seja um fracasso como desportista, seu pai contrata Bill Baker (Dean Martin), um grande jogador, para treiná-lo e fazer dele um homem. Porém, Junior se mostra muito inseguro, o que dificulta tudo, mas independente de qualquer pagamento Baker se torna amigo de Junior e decide fazer qualquer coisa para que ele supere suas limitações.
September Affair
An industrialist and a pianist meet on a trip and fall in love. Through a quirk of fate, they are reported dead in a crash though they weren't on the plane. This gives them the opportunity to live together free from their previous lives. Unfortunately, this artificial arrangement leads to greater and greater stress. Eventually the situation collapses when they come to pursue their original, individual interests without choosing a common path.
Cidade Negra
A operação de apostas de Danny Haley é encerrada, então ele e seus amigos precisam de dinheiro; quando Danny conhece Arthur Winant, um otário de fora da cidade, ele o envolve numa série de jogos de poker, onde, eventualmente, Winant perde US $ 5000 que não é seu ... e então se enforca. Mas parece que Winant tinha um irmão mais velho, sombrio e protetor, que acredita em vingança. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Almas em Fúria
A New Mexico cattle man and his strong-willed daughter clash over the man's choice for a new bride. Things get worse when the elder man has his daughter's lover hanged. With the help of an old flame, a gambler, the daughter puts into motion a plan to drive her father from his estate.
Minha Amiga Maluca
Al (John Lund) consegue um suposto emprego para Steve Laird (Dean Martin) em uma rede de televisão no Oeste americano, e Seymour (Jerry Lewis) e a turma toda viajam para vê-lo assinar o seu contrato, incluindo Irma Peterson (Marie Wilson) e Jane Stacey (Diana Lynn), já que todos também terão empregos garantidos. Como sempre, a proposta acaba se revelando uma furada, e o tal executivo, um verdadeiro lunático, os arrasta até um cassino em Las Vegas, onde a atrapalhada Irma arruma as piores confusões, e acaba sendo sequestrada por um grupo de gangsters locais. Eles precisam conseguir cinquenta mil dólares para soltá-la. É quando Seymour decide se vestir de Índio para poder encontrar Irma.
Paid in Full
Two sisters fall in love with the same man. After the wedding, the new husband realizes he may have married the wrong sister.
A Confissão de Thelma
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
A Amiga da Onça
Prototype dumb blonde Irma and her slacker, wheeler-dealer boyfriend Al interfere in the love life of Irma's level-headed room mate Jane.
Zona Proibida
Story of a South African diamond mine watched over by a sadistic policeman tasked with looking out for smugglers.
O estudante universitário Bill se sente atraído pela professora de psicologia Wilma e tenta estuprá-la. Ela se defende e acidentalmente o mata. Então, move o cadáver para uma praia e faz com que sua morte pareça um acidente.
Uma Vida Por um Fio
Leona Stevenson is confined to bed and uses her telephone to keep in contact with the outside world. One day she overhears a murder plot on the telephone and is desperate to find out who is the intended victim.
Alma Negra
In the late 19th century, on board a ship sailing from Jamaica to England, Olivia Harwood, a recent widow, takes on the task of caring for several malaria patients, including Mark Bellis, a mysterious and tormented painter.
Estranha Fascinação
Frankie Madison retorna a Nova York depois de 14 anos de prisão. Noll Turner, ex-parceiro de Frankie em contrabando, é agora um rico gerente de boate, e Frankie está esperando que ele honre um acordo verbal de 'meio-a-meio' que eles fizeram quando ele foi pego e Noll escapou. Chance gorda! Será que Frankie, que conhece apenas os métodos violentos da Lei Seca, vai vencer no Big Business? Vai ser difícil... mesmo com a improvável ajuda da cantora Kay, a ex-namorada de Noll. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
A Filha da Pecadora
Fritzi Haller (Mary Astor) é a dona de um saloon e um cassino na fictícia pequena cidade de Chuckawalla, Nevada. Sua filha, Paula Haller (Lizabeth Scott), acabou de largar o colégio e resolveu voltar para casa ao mesmo tempo em que o gangster Eddie Bendix (John Hodiak) também retorna à cidade. Ele já se envolveu com Fritzi, mas deixou a cidade sob suspeita de ter assassinado sua mulher. Paula apaixona-se por Bendix, eles se envolvem. O ex-namorado de Paula e o xerife local, Tom Hanson (Lancaster), junto ao parceiro de Bendix, Johnny Ryan (Corey), tentam acabar com o relacionamento. Quando Fritzi descobre sobre os dois, logo tenta proteger Paula desse provável desastre amoroso. Mas, quando resolve fugir de Hanson - que quer livrar a cidade de tipos como Bendix e Ryan, Eddie Bendix verá que o passado, apesar de morto, ainda poderá cruzar seu caminho de maneira inesperada...
O Casamento Perfeito
A couple celebrate their tenth anniversary by quarreling their way to divorce court.
O Tempo Não Apaga
Um homem se reencontra com sua amiga de infância e seu marido, que acreditam conhecer a verdade sobre a morte de sua rica tia anos antes. Em 1928, a jovem herdeira Martha Ivers, envolvida em eventos fatais, não fugiu com seu amigo Sam Masterson. Anos mais tarde, Sam retorna para reencontrar Martha, o verdadeiro poder por trás da cidade de Iverstown, e ela se casou com o 'bom menino' Walter O'Neil, agora procurador do distrito. No início, Sam está mais interessado na deslocada loira Toni Marachek do que em seus amigos de infância, mas eles o atraem para uma teia complicada de tramas e objetivos cruzados.
Love Letters
When a man asks another man more facile with words to do his wooing for him, there are always complications. The man with no talent for writing marries the girl, confesses one night he didn't write the letters and ends up with a knife in his back. The writer of the letters fell in love with the woman he wrote to and wants to become her second husband even if she did murder husband number one. Singleton doesn't remember the murder or anything about the first 22 years of her life as Victoria Remington. Then at her second wedding she wonders why she said "I take you, Roger," instead of "I take you, Allen."
The Affairs of Susan
Susan is about to be married, but the wedding may get called off after her fiancé summons three former beaus. Each reveals a different portrait of Susan: one describes her as a naive country girl who reluctantly becomes an actress, another paints a picture of a gay party girl and and the third describes a serious intellectual.
You Came Along
War hero flier Bob Collins goes on a war bond selling tour with two buddies, and substitute "chaperone" Ivy Hotchkiss. Bob's a cheerful Lothario with several girls in every town on the tour. After some amusing escapades, Bob and Ivy become romantically involved, agreeing it's "just fun up in the air." Then Ivy finds out the real reason why it shouldn't be anything more.
Rapsódia Azul
Executive Producer
Ascensão de George Gershwin, de uma editora musical em Manhattan aos píncaros da fama internacional. O excesso de trabalho cobra seu preço e Gershwin falece aos trinta e nove anos, de hemorragia cerebral, em 1937.
Passagem Para Marselha
Cinco condenados patrióticos são ajudados a escapar da prisão na Ilha do Diabo para que possam lutar junto as forças francesas livres contra os nazistas. Com as tripulações franceses dos bombardeiros se preparando para um ataque aéreo a partir de uma base na Inglaterra, conheceremos a história de Matrac, um jornalista francês que se opôs ao Pacto de Munique. Acusado de assassinato e enviado para a Ilha do Diabo, ele e outros quatro escaparam. Eles estão num navio com destino a Marselha, quando então a França se rende e o simpatizante fascista Major Duval tenta confiscar o navio para o governo de Vichy.
Sua Alteza Quer Casar
A down-to-earth pilot charms a European princess on vacation in the United States.
Horas de Tormenta
Após 18 anos vivendo na Europa, o casal Sara e Kurt Muller vai visitar a mãe dela em Washington DC. Lá, um conde romeno descobre que a mala de Kurt está cheia de dinheiro e que ele trabalha para um grupo anti-nazista. O conde decide chantagea-lo, mas Kurt o mata. Agora o casal e os filhos precisam escapar.
Forja de Heróis
In WW I dancer Jerry Jones stages an all-soldier show on Broadway, called Yip Yip Yaphank. Wounded in the War, he becomes a producer. In WW II his son Johnny Jones, who was before his fathers assistant, gets the order to stage a knew all-soldier show, called THIS IS THE ARMY. But in his pesonal life he has problems, because he refuses to marry his fiancée until the war is over.
De Amor Também Se Morre
Executive Producer
The daughter of a musical mentor adores a promising composer, who is quite fond of the adolescent. When her father dies, an uncle arrives with his own grown daughter, who begins a romance with the composer which culminates in marriage but creates an emotional rivalry that affects the three.
Show-Business at War
A multi-studio effort to show the newsreel audience the progress of the Hollywood war effort.
Águias Americanas
A tripulação de um bombardeiro da Força Aérea chega em Pearl Harbor no rescaldo do ataque japonês e é enviado para Manila para ajudar com a defesa das Filipinas. Em 6 de dezembro de 1941, nove bombardeiros B-17 partiram em um voo de San Francisco para o Havaí. Um dos bombardeiros, o Mary Ann, é comandado pelo "Irlandês" Quincannon. O bombardeiro, Tommy McMartin, tem uma irmã vivendo no Havaí e o copiloto, Bill Williams, está apaixonado por ela. Os homens são todos altamente profissionais, com exceção do artilheiro Joe Winocki, um homem amargo que tem toda a intenção de deixar a Força Aérea do exército. Eles chegam ao Campo Hickam na manhã de 7 de dezembro, na mesma hora que os japoneses estão atacando Pearl Harbor e outras instalações militares. Todos os homens se preparam para enfrentar o inimigo, inclusive Winocki cuja atitude muda rapidamente. O bombardeiro e sua tripulação participarão de muitas missões, mas nem todos sobreviverão.
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, muitos fugitivos tentavam escapar dos nazistas por uma rota que passava pela cidade de Casablanca. O exilado americano Rick Blaine encontrou refúgio na cidade, dirigindo uma das principais casas noturnas da região. Clandestinamente, tentando despistar o Capitão Renault, ele ajuda refugiados, possibilitando que eles fujam para os Estados Unidos. Quando um casal pede sua ajuda para deixar o país, ele reencontra uma grande paixão do passado, a bela Ilsa. Este amor vai encontrar uma nova vida e eles vão lutar para fugir juntos.
A Estranha Passageira
Uma filha é controlada pela mãe, que lhe determina tudo que deve fazer. Um dia um famoso psiquiatra vai na sua casa e a vê prestes a ter um ataque de nervos. O psiquiatra lhe recomenda algumas semanas em uma casa de repouso, que ele administra. Quando ela sai da clínica faz uma viagem de navio até o Rio de Janeiro e, na viagem, sente-se altamente atraída por um homem casado, que tem sentimentos recíprocos. Ao voltar para casa ela é uma mulher muito diferente, que agora age e pensa por conta própria, não aceitando mais as imposições da mãe.
As Três Herdeiras
Executive Producer
The eldest (Barbara Stanwyck) of three sisters protects their Fifth Avenue mansion from a developer (George Brent) she once married.
Juke Girl
Executive Producer
During the depths of the Great Depression a hitch-hiker Steve Talbot and jukebox-joint hostess Lola Mears stumble into Cat-Tail Florida where farmers and pickers struggle under the buyer who rules by monopoly, dirty contracts and violence. Steve helps organize against the buyer, leading to further escalation ending in a lynch mob.
A Canção da Vitória
Executive Producer
George M. Cohan (James Cagney) conta sua vida em flashback, em um tom modesto, a Franklin Roosevelt (Jack Young). Ele foi um lendário artista da Broadway que viveu a época de ouro do teatro musical nos Estados Unidos, história que é contada através de números de dança e canções. Cohan passou mais de 55 anos nos palcos, estrelou mais de 30 peças e podia dizer por aí que já havia cantado e dançado mais de 500 canções. Por isso tudo, sua história pessoal se confunde com a história americana.
Nascida Para o Mal
An unhappy, self-centered woman runs off with her sister's husband, wreaking havoc and ruining the lives of those around her.
Larceny, Inc.
Executive Producer
Three ex-cons buy a luggage shop to tunnel into the bank vault next door. But despite all they can do, the shop prospers...
Assim é Que Elas Gostam
Executive Producer
The trustees of Midwestern University have forced three teachers out of their jobs for being suspected communists. Trustee Ed Keller has also threatened mild mannered English Professor Tommy Turner, because he plans to read a controversial piece of prose in class. Tommy is upset that his wife Ellen also suggested he not read the passage. Meanwhile, Ellen's old boyfriend, the football player Joe Ferguson, comes to visit for the homecoming weekend. He takes Ellen out dancing after the football rally, causing Tommy to worry that he will lose her to Joe.
Corsários das Nuvens
Executive Producer
Inspired by Churchill's Dunkirk speech, brash, undisciplined Canadian bush pilot Brian MacLean and three friends enlist in the RCAF.
Kings Row
Executive Producer
Five young adults in a small American town face the revelations of secrets that threaten to ruin their hopes and dreams.
Balas Contra a Gestapo
Executive Producer
A vida tranquila de um pequeno grupo de mafiosos do Brooklin, chefiados por Gloves, toma um rumo inesperado quando um padeiro é assassinado. Eles se envolvem num grande complô gerido por nazistas dentro de Nova Iorque.
Satã Janta Conosco
Executive Producer
An acerbic critic wreaks havoc when a hip injury forces him to move in indefinitely with a Midwestern family.
O Intrépido General Custer
Executive Producer
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Blues in the Night
Executive Producer
A struggling band find themselves attached to a fugitive and drawn into a series of old feuds and love affairs, as they try to stay together and find musical success.
Relíquia Macabra
Executive Producer
Um detetive particular (Humphrey Bogart) é procurado por uma mulher misteriosa (Mary Astor), que alega estar sendo ameaçada. Mas tanto o seu perseguidor quanto o homem encarregado de protegê-la aparecem mortos e tudo gira em torno de uma estátua de falcão de valor incalculável. Foi lançado no Brasil com o título "Relíquia Macabra".
Sargento York
Alvin Cullum York (Gary Cooper) vive é um soldado pacifista que terá que deixar suas crenças cristãs de lado para participar do front na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Ator (Gary Cooper) e Melhor Montagem, indicado a outras nove categorias.
Nine Lives Are Not Enough
Executive Producer
A reporter is constantly in trouble for jumping to conclusions.
Demônios do Céu
Executive Producer
A military surgeon teams with a ranking navy flyer to develop a high-altitude suit which will protect pilots from blacking out when they go into a steep dive.
Aquela Mulher!
Executive Producer
Hank McHenry and Johnny Marshall work as power company linesmen. Hank is injured in an accident and subsequently promoted to foreman of the gang. Tensions start to show in the road crew as rivalry between Hank and Johnny increases.
A Voz da Liberdade
Executive Producer
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
Quando a Noite Cai
Executive Producer
A Brooklyn pier racketeer bullies boat-owners into paying protection money but two fed-up fishermen decide to eliminate the gangster themselves rather than complain to the police.
Volta Para Mim
Executive Producer
A married reporter's assignments carry him all over the world, which gives him ample opportunity to put the moves on the local females.
A Grande Mentira
Executive Producer
After a newlywed's husband apparently dies in a plane crash, she discovers that her rival for his affections is pregnant with his child.
Footsteps in the Dark
Executive Producer
A high-society gent has a secret life - he writes murder mysteries and hangs out with the police attempting to solve crimes. This causes him no end of problems when his wife wants to know about his little disappearances and exceptionally late nights out.
Uma Loira com Açúcar
Executive Producer
Biff Grimes está desesperadamente apaixonado por Virginia, mas seu melhor amigo Hugo se casa com ela e manipula Biff para se envolver em seus negócios um tanto nefastos. Hugo parece ter roubado os sonhos de Biff, e Biff tem que lidar com a percepção de que ter o que ele quer e querer o que o outro tem podem ser coisas muito diferentes. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Seu Último Refúgio
Executive Producer
Depois de ser libertado da prisão, o notório ladrão Roy 'Mad Dog' Earle é contratado por seu antigo patrão para ajudar um grupo de criminosos inexperientes a planejar e executar o roubo de um resort na Califórnia. Roy 'Mad Dog' Earle é libertado da prisão por um antigo colega que quer que ele ajude no próximo assalto. Quando o roubo dá errado e um homem é baleado e morto, Earle é forçado a fugir, e com a polícia e a imprensa irritada em sua cola, ele finalmente se refugia entre os picos das montanhas de Sierra Nevada, onde um cerco tenso acontece. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Honeymoon for Three
Executive Producer
Noted writer Kenneth Bixby, in love with his witty secretary Anne Rogers, is on a book tour when he meets up with a former college fling with a loopy Danish girl which he barely remembers. She remembers him, very well.
Four Mothers
Executive Producer
Four married sisters face motherhood, financial, marital and family issues together.
A Estrada de Santa Fé
Executive Producer
As a penalty for fighting fellow classmates days before graduating from West Point, J.E.B. Stuart, George Armstrong Custer and four friends are assigned to the 2nd Cavalry, stationed at Fort Leavenworth. While there they aid in the capture and execution of the abolitionist, John Brown following the Battle of Harper's Ferry.
A Carta
Executive Producer
Leslie Crosbie (Bette Davis), a esposa do comerciante Robert Crosbie (Herbert Marshall), mata um homem e alega legítima defesa, mas omite que eles eram amantes. Então a viúva procura o advogado da assassina, chantageando-a com uma carta.
Knute Rockne All American
Executive Producer
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
City for Conquest
Executive Producer
The heartbreaking but hopeful tale of Danny Kenny and Peggy Nash, two sweethearts who meet and struggle through their impoverished lives in New York City. When Peggy, hoping for something better in life for both of them, breaks off her engagement to Danny, he sets out to be a championship boxer, while she becomes a dancer paired with a sleazy partner. Will tragedy reunite the former lovers?
No Time for Comedy
Executive Producer
Director William Keighley's 1940 film adaptation of S. N. Behrman's stage hit, about an aspiring playwright who finds himself an overnight Broadway success, stars James Stewart, Rosalind Russell, Genevieve Tobin, Louise Beavers, Charles Ruggles and Allyn Joslyn.
O Gavião do Mar
Executive Producer
Enquanto a Espanha prepara um exército para invadir a Inglaterra, o pirata britânico Geoffrey Thorpe embarca em uma missão para saquear barcos espanhóis. Quando ele captura o barco que transportava o embaixador Don Jose Alvarez de Cordoba, o vistoso capitão apaixona-se por sua sobrinha, a bela Dona Maria, que se instala confortavelmente na Inglaterra. Dedicado a proteger os interesses ingleses, Thorpe vai para o mar em uma perigosa expedição que pode determinar o destino do país.
Cavalcade of the Academy Awards
Self (archive footage)
This 1940 presentation features highlights of earlier (1928 onward) Oscar ceremonies including Shirley Temple and Walt Disney, plus acceptance speeches for films released in 1939 with recipients and presenters including Vivien Leigh, Judy Garland, Hattie McDaniel, Fay Bainter, Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell, Sinclair Lewis, and more, with host Bob Hope.
Dentro da Noite
Executive Producer
Joe Fabrini (George Raft) e Paul Fabrini (Humphrey Bogart) são dois irmãos motoristas de caminhão que levam uma acidentada e explorada vida como caminhoneiros. Joe sonha com o dia em que terão seu próprio negócio. Eles acabam sendo demitidos do serviço de um patrão corrupto. Um acidente com Paul mudará os sonhos dessa dupla, e para tentar manter um emprego, Joe se vê envolvido em uma trama de crime com a mal-intencionada Lana Carlsen (Ida Lupino), mulher de seu patrão.
Tudo Isto, e o Céu Também
Executive Producer
Adaptação do best-seller de Rachel Field. Bette Davis é a professora Henriette, que relembra sua história em flashbacks, trazendo à tona o tempo em que trabalhava como governanta do Duque de Praslin. Dominada por um ciúme doentio, a duquesa acusou Henriette de manter um caso com o duque. A governanta achou melhor deixar o emprego ao invés de criar confusão, mesmo com a promessa não cumprida da duquesa em escrever uma carta de referências. Logo depois, porém, a duquesa foi encontrada morta.
Gambling on the High Seas
Executive Producer
A reporter enlists the help of a gangster's secretary to obtain evidence to bring her boss to justice.
A Fugitive from Justice
Executive Producer
Leslie is being chased by the gangsters, the police and the insurance investigators. He is on the run. Falsely accused of a murder, he embarks upon a life-and-death journey to save his family.
Irmão Orquídea
Executive Producer
When retired racket boss John Sarto tries to reclaim his place and former friends try to kill him, he finds solace in a monastery and reinvents himself as a pious monk.
Murder in the Air
Executive Producer
Enemy agents are everywhere and they are sabotaging all important war deliveries. The body of a hobo found in a train wreck had a money belt with $50,000 and a tattoo of a circle and arrow. This is a tattoo for saboteurs for hire and Brass must impersonate the dead man to find out what his orders are. As Steve Coe, he meets with the band of enemy agents in California and everything goes well until the wife of the dead 'Hobo' shows up. Luckily, Gabby is able to save Brass and Brass learns what is his assignment. He is to board the USN airship 'Mason', which is testing the super secret Inertia Projector, and destroy the airship.
Torrid Zone
Executive Producer
A Central American plantation manager and his boss battle over a traveling showgirl.
Tear Gas Squad
Executive Producer
A brash night club singer becomes a cop to impress a woman.
Saturday's Children
An inventor and his bride get testy in the city as they try to make ends meet.
Um Sonho Para Dois
Executive Producer
After crooked nightclub owner murders a police informant, he blackmails his piano player to allow him to stay at his eccentric mother's boarding house.
Caravana do Ouro
Executive Producer
Bradford, um capitão nortista, encontra-se preso. Seu carcereiro é um capitão sulista, de nome Irby. Depois que Bradford escapa, ambos vão travar nas ruas de Virginia City, no condado de Storey, no estado de Nevada, uma luta por recursos para ambas as partes.
Dias Sem Fim
Executive Producer
A hardened crook behind bars comes up against a reform-minded warden.
The Fighting 69th
Executive Producer
Although loudmouthed braggart Jerry Plunkett alienates his comrades and officers, Father Duffy, the regimental chaplain, has faith that he'll prove himself in the end.
Brother Rat and a Baby
Executive Producer
Three comrades graduate from Viriginia Military Institute. Bing has a chance to return to VMI as a football coach.
Homens Marcados
Executive Producer
A gangster is unable to go straight after returning home from prison.
Quatro Esposas
Executive Producer
In this sequel to Four Daughters, Ann struggles to move on after the death of her husband as she falls in love with Felix, but on the day of her engagement discovers that she carries Mickey's child.
Private Detective
Executive Producer
A female private eye joins forces with a police detective to investigate the suspicious murder of a millionaire.
We Are Not Alone
Executive Producer
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
A Volta do Doutor X
Executive Producer
When news reporter Walter Garrett arrives at the hotel room of bombshell actress Angela Merrova to conduct an interview, he finds her dead from multiple stab wounds. He returns with the police to find the hotel empty and the body vanished. Garrett writes about the incident but is fired when Merrova, alive and well, goes to the paper to complain. Now his only chance to get his job back is to find the truth, which involves the grisly scheme of a madman.
On Dress Parade
Executive Producer
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
Meu Reino Por um Amor
Executive Producer
This period drama frames the tumultuous affair between Queen Elizabeth I and the man who would be King of England.
Heróis Esquecidos
After World War I, Armistice Lloyd Hart goes back to practice law, former saloon keeper George Hally turns to bootlegging, and out-of-work Eddie Bartlett becomes a cab driver. Eddie builds a fleet of cabs through delivery of bootleg liquor and hires Lloyd as his lawyer. George becomes Eddie's partner and the rackets flourish until love and rivalry interfere.
Smashing the Money Ring
Executive Producer
T-Man Brass Bancroft goes undercover in a prison which has a secret counterfeit operation set up in the print shop.
No Place to Go
Executive Producer
An elderly war veteran feels lonely and unwanted while living with his son and daughter-in-law, but he learns his life still has purpose when he befriends a neighborhood child with a troubled family life.
Dust Be My Destiny
Executive Producer
Embittered after serving time for a burglary he did not commit, Joe Bell is soon back in jail, on a prison farm. His love for the foreman's daughter leads to a fight between them, leading to the older man's death due to a weak heart. Joe and Mabel go on the run as he thinks no-one would believe a nobody like him.
Nancy Drew e a Escada Secreta
Executive Producer
Nancy helps two aging spinsters fulfill the byzantine provisions of their father's will, but the murder of their chauffeur complicates matters.
Anjos de Cara Limpa
Executive Producer
Um jovem recém-libertado de um reformatório se muda para um novo bairro com sua irmã, com a intenção de começar uma nova vida. No entanto, ele se envolve com o chefe da máfia local e políticos corruptos e logo se vê sendo enquadrado por um incêndio criminoso e assassinato que ele não cometeu.
Eu Soube Amar
Executive Producer
The lives of two cousins are complicated by the return of an ex-boyfriend and an illegitimate child.
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
Executive Producer
Torchy Blane and Steve McBride try to nab a gangster by tracking his moll.
Each Dawn I Die
Executive Producer
A corrupt D.A. with governatorial ambitions is annoyed by an investigative reporter's criticism of his criminal activities and decides to frame the reporter for manslaughter in order to silence him.
Executive Producer
A hard-living dockworker finds religion until his brother is murdered.
Filhas Corajosas
Executive Producer
Nan Masters, a single mother living with her four marriageable daughters, plans to marry Sam Sloane, businessman. Out of the blue her 1st husband Jim returns after deserting the family 20 years earlier. The worldly wanderer Jim gets a cool family reception at first but his warm personality gradually wins the affections of his four daughters. In fact, youngest daughter Buff, who has her eye on a maverick of her own in Gabriel Lopez, is pleased when Jim grants his stamp of approval on her relationship. Buff plans to elope with Gabriel on her mother's wedding day, but 'unpredictable' is Gabriel's middle name.
Nancy Desvenda um Crime
Executive Producer
Nancy Drew clears her Uncle Matt of murder charges when she exposes the real murderers. She and Ted find themselves in many dangerous positions such as trying to fly an airplane after the pilot parachuted out and being face-to-face with the murderer.
Executive Producer
The newly-named emperor Maximilian and his wife Carlota arrive in Mexico to face popular sentiment favoring Benito Juárez and democracy.
Code of the Secret Service
Executive Producer
Secret Service agents try to solve the theft of treasury banknote plates.
Sweepstakes Winner
Executive Producer
A scatterbrained waitress invests her inheritance in a broken-down race horse and a sweepstakes ticket.
Torchy Runs for Mayor
Executive Producer
Torchy conducts a one woman campaign against a corrupt mayor and crime boss, and when the reform candidate is murdered, she takes up the banner.
Confissões de um Espião Nazista
Executive Producer
Ed Renard é um Homem do Governo investigando uma rede de espionagem nazista enorme nos Estados Unidos. Os contatos são descobertos e presos nos EUA, América Latina e Europa.
Vitória Amarga
Executive Producer
Uma jovem socialite é diagnosticada com um tumor cerebral e deve decidir se vai ou não conhecer seus últimos dias com dignidade. Judith Traherne está no auge da sociedade quando o Dr. Frederick Steele diagnostica um tumor no seu cérebro. Após a cirurgia, ela se apaixona por Steele. O médico diz à secretária que o tumor vai voltar e eventualmente matá-la. Quando fica sabendo disso, Judith se torna maníaca depressiva. Seu treinador de cavalos, Michael, que a ama, diz a ela para tirar o máximo de proveito da vida possível. Ela se casa com o Dr. Steele, que pretende encontrar uma cura para sua doença. Quando ele vai para uma conferência em Nova York, Judith começa a ter falhas de visão, o que indica a que ela está morrendo.
Uma Cidade Que Surge (Dodge City)
Executive Producer
In this epic Western, Wade Hatton, a wagon master turned sheriff, tames a cow town at the end of a railroad line.
The Adventures of Jane Arden
Executive Producer
Reporter Jane Arden goes undercover to try to expose a gang of jewel thieves and smugglers. Her mission becomes more dangerous when her identity is discovered early on by one of the gang leaders.
A Lei do Mais Forte
Executive Producer
Trata-se de um acelerado e divertido western com James Cagney e Humphrey Bogart. Jim Kincaid (Cagney) é um pistoleiro notório que volta à sua cidade natal, Tulsa e descobre que seu pai foi linchado depois de ser acusado de um assassinato que não cometeu. Os verdadeiros culpados são Whip McCord (Bogart) e sua gangue. A melhor parte deste emocionante pacto de vingança é quando o personagem vivido por Cagney usa honky tonk piano e um par de pistolas para executar uma versão de "Eu não quero jogar no seu quintal."
Yes, My Darling Daughter
Ellen is a free spirited young woman in love with Doug. Sadly he must leave America for a two year job in Belgium. Ellen and Doug decide to spend their last weekend together in a tourist cabin at a rural lake. Her family is shocked that a young unmarried woman would engage in such amoral activity. The comic plot develops as Ellen argues her case for women's freedom and independence, trying to win over her mother, grandmother, and other dubious relatives.
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Executive Producer
While participating in a contest at a local newspaper in which school children are asked to submit a news story, local attorney Carson Drew's daughter Nancy intercepts a real story assignment. She "covers" the inquest of the death of a woman who was poisoned. Nancy doesn't think the young woman accused of the crime is guilty and corrals her neighbor Ted into searching for a vital piece of evidence and stumbles onto the identity of the real killer.
Vendo o China
Executive Producer
Torchy Blane joins her police-detective fiance to solve a series of murders involving a set of Chinese grave tablets taken and sold to a collector and death-threats written in Chinese characters.
They Made Me a Criminal
Executive Producer
A boxer flees, believing he has committed a murder while he was drunk.
Patrulha da Madrugada
Executive Producer
In 1915 France, Major Brand commands the 39th Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps. The young airmen go up in bullet-riddled "crates" and the casualty rate is appalling, but Brand can't make the "brass hats" at headquarters see reason. Insubordinate air ace Captain Courtney is another thorn in Brand's side...but finds the smile wiped from his face when he rises to command the squadron himself. Everyone keeps a stiff upper lip.
Anjos de Cara Suja
Rocky (James Cagney) e Jerry (Pat O'Brien) são dois amigos de infância que viviam em um bairro barra-pesada de Nova York. Depois de crescidos, eles tomam rumos bem diferentes: Rocky se torna um famoso gângster e Jerry um padre engajado. As crianças da vizinhança idolatram o criminoso, mas perdem um pouco de respeito depois que ele cede aos pedidos de Jerry para não fazer uma execução. O caminho dos dois vai se cruzar, assim como seus interesses diversos.
Caçando um Homem
Executive Producer
A notorious counterfeiter passes himself off as a Secret Service agent to Steve and gets him to unwittingly help him bilk the racetrack out of tens of thousands.
As Irmãs
Executive Producer
Three daughters of a small down pharmacist undergo trials and tribulations in their problematic marriages between 1904 and 1908.
Broadway Musketeers
Executive Producer
Three women who grew up in an orphanage cross paths later in life: one unhappily married with a young daughter, one an office secretary, and one a nightclub performer.
Quatro Filhas
Musician Adam Lemp and his four equally musical daughters, Emma, Ann, Kay, and Thea, live happily together. Each daughter has an upstanding young man for whom she cares. However, the arrival of a cynical, slovenly young composer named Mickey Borden turns the household upside-down, and romantic and tragic complications ensue.
Amando Sem Saber
Executive Producer
A publicist falls for his most difficult client's daughter.
Penrod's Double Trouble
Executive Producer
When a young boy disappears, a man desperate for the offered reward money turns up with an identical child.
O Gênio do Crime
Executive Producer
Um brilhante médico da Park Avenue, interessado em estudar a fundo a mente criminosa, resolve então se tornar um criminoso.
Os Homens São Uns Trouxas
Executive Producer
Linda works at an advertising agency, but, unlike the other women in the secretarial pool, she hopes to succeed in the business rather than just find a husband. She rises through the ranks, becoming a copywriter, and attracts the attention of Jimmy, an amorous coworker who wants to marry her. But Jimmy is jealous of Linda's career and of Harry, a radio executive who works with Linda, and their marriage gets off to a very rough start.
Mystery House
Executive Producer
When a banker is found shot dead with a gun in his hand, his daughter refuses to believe it is a suicide. With the help of a detective, she hopes to get to the bottom of the case.
As Aventuras de Robin Hood
Quando o Rei Richard é capturado, seu irmão, o Príncipe John planeja em alcançar o trono, para a revolta do senhor Robin de Locksley, o rei bandido da floresta de Sherwood. Com o seu bando de homens e ganhando o suporte de Maid Marian, Robin acusa o Príncipe John de traição. Quando o fugitivo Richard volta para a Inglaterra, ele junta forças com o rei para impedir que o Príncipe John tome a coroa.
Torchy Blane in Panama
Torchy, Steve, and Gahagan are on the trail of a bank robber aboard an ocean liner traveling from New York to L.A. via the Panama Canal.
Accidents Will Happen
Executive Producer
A married insurance claims adjuster investigates a gang of accident-fraud racketeers, but they retaliate by targeting his wife.
Over the Wall
Executive Producer
When a singing, song-writing prizefighter is framed for murder and sent to the state pen, his girlfriend sets out to prove his innocence.
Executive Producer
Em 1852, em Nova Orleans, uma jovem egocêntrica da aristocracia local provoca o rompimento do seu noivado ao usar um vestido vermelho, quando as moças deviam usar branco. Apesar de seu antigo noivo se casar com outra mulher, ela continua amando-o. Ela tem a grande chance de lhe provar que realmente deixou de ser uma jovem mimada quando uma peste se abate sobre a cidade. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Penrod and His Twin Brother
Executive Producer
Penrod Schofield's mischievous dog, Duke, is falsely accused of biting Penrod's spoiled friend, Rodney.
A Slight Case of Murder
Executive Producer
Former bootlegger Remy Marco has a slight problem with forclosing bankers, a prospective son-in-law, and four hard-to-explain corpses.
Onde o Ouro Se Esconde
Executive Producer
Colonel Ferris, a wealthy farmer in northern California, is strongly opposed to hydraulic mining, a new method developed during the gold rush of the 1870's, which is flooding the area's prosperous farmlands. Despite Ferris' political stance, Jared Whitney, a mining engineer from the East, becomes friends with the colonel's son Lance and falls in love with his daughter Serena. Family tensions deepen when the colonel's brother Ralph gives up farming to go to San Francisco to work for his wife Rosanna's father, Harrison McCooey, a leader in the mining venture. When Lance follows Ralph, the colonel, focusing his anger on Jared, forbids him to see Serena.
Blondes at Work
Executive Producer
When a rival newspaper publisher complains to his captain about possible collusion between himself and reporter Torchy Blane on scooping her rivals in crime news reporting, Det. Lt. Steve McBride determines to thwart her efforts to get inside information - and she determines to go on getting it, by whatever means necessary.
Executive Producer
When upper-class Parisian Charles Dupont and his family hire Tina and Michel as their servants, they have no idea that the domestics are in fact Tatiana, the Grand Duchess Petrovna, and her husband, Mikail, Prince Ouratieff. Recent exiles from the Russian Revolution, Tatiana and Mikail befriend the Dupont family, keeping their true identities a secret -- until one night when Soviet official Gorotchenko arrives for dinner.
Loura do Outro Mundo
Executive Producer
The third of nine Torchy Blane movies. Angry that police detective Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) is giving preferential treatment to his reporter-fiancée, Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell), reporters from a rival newspaper plan a fake murder with the idea that Torchy's paper will print the story and look foolish. The tables are turned when the fake murder turns out to be the genuine article.
Às Portas de Shanghai
Executive Producer
American businessmen and missionaries working in China are captured and held prisoner by a local warlord.
O Homem Perfeito
Raised in seclusion to be the epitome of mental, physical and moral perfection, Gerald Beresford Wicks is resigned to following his grandmother's wishes until a chance encounter with Mona Carter leads him into the outside world.
Somos do Amor
An infatuated debutante renews a Shakespearean actor's running feud with his leading lady.
Love Is on the Air
Executive Producer
A newscaster gets demoted for exposing the town's criminal activities over the airwaves.
Cinzas do Passado
Executive Producer
A gangster's widow fights for love despite society's disapproval.
Executive Producer
Vera Kowalska is put on trial for murdering concert pianist Michael Michailow. In court it is revealed that some years earlier Michael ruined Vera's life.
Talent Scout
Executive Producer
A Hollywood heartthrob helps a small-town girl achieve stardom.
Public Wedding
Executive Producer
The operators of a bankrupt carnival sideshow hope to restore their fallen fortunes by staging a fake 'public wedding' in the mouth of their unprofitable giant whale. But the intended 'bridegroom' absconds with the proceeds, arranging a substitute. The bride, Flip Lane (Jane Wyman), much to her surprise, finds herself really married to a handsome stranger, whose career as an artist she decides to manage, much to his dismay.
Outra Aurora
Executive Producer
O coronel John Wister, em serviço com o exército britânico na região desértica de Dubik, retorna à Inglaterra de licença. Lá ele se apaixona por Julia Ashton, que se importa profundamente com ele, mas acredita-se incapaz de amar após a morte de seu noivo; algum tempo antes. Wister a convence de que ele a ama o suficiente para viver sem seu amor romântico e que ela deveria se casar com ele. Ela o faz e retorna a Dubik com ele. Lá ela encontra seu ajudante, o capitão Denny Roark. Roark é um jovem arrojado que lembra Julia completamente seu amor perdido. Logo ela descobre que é realmente capaz de amar, mas é com Roark com quem ela se apaixona, não seu marido. Enquanto a guerra com as tribos locais esquenta e à medida que Wister ganha consciência do romance não consumado que cresce entre sua esposa e seu melhor amigo, a tragédia se esconde.
Alta Tensão
Executive Producer
Expert lineman Red takes Farm-boy Slim under his wing and teaches him the dangerous, migratory trade of putting up transmission lines. They both love their work, and the same girl, who hates their dangerous profession.
Fly Away Baby
Executive Producer
Torchy Blane solves a murder and smuggling case during a round-the-world flight.
Talhado para Campeão
Executive Producer
Fight promoter Nick Donati grooms a bellhop as a future champ, but has second thoughts when the 'kid' falls for his sister.
The Go-Getter
A Navy veteran with one leg fights to make himself a success.
The Cherokee Strip
Executive Producer
A singing lawyer and other homesteaders participate in the Oklahoma land rush and found the town of Big Rock, but the fast-growing frontier settlement quickly becomes embroiled in political and business corruption. Director Noel Smith's 1937 western stars Dick Foran, Jane Bryan, Tommy Bupp, Ed Cobb, Frank Faylen, Tom Brower and Milton Kibbee.
Draegerman Courage
Executive Producer
After a mine cave in, the rescue crew risks their lives to search for two trapped miners.
Melody for Two
Executive Producer
A singing bandleader signs on with an all-girls band.
That Man's Here Again
Executive Producer
An elevator operator in a swanky apartment building falls in love with a homeless girl who sneaks in one night looking for a place to keep warm. In order to keep her near him, he wangles a job for her as a maid at the building.
Mulher Marcada
Executive Producer
Policial persuade "dançarina de clube noturno" a testemunhar contra seu chefe mafioso depois que a sua irmã inocente é acidentalmente assassinada.
Green Light
Executive Producer
A brilliant young surgeon takes the blame for a colleague when a botched surgery causes a patient's death and buries himself at a wilderness research facility.
Ventura Roubada
Executive Producer
A young model is set up with her own fashion business by a crooked financier, who sells worthless bonds.
Legião Negra
Executive Producer
When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.
Once a Doctor
Executive Producer
Dr. Frank Brace (Joe King) is an important doctor with son Jerry (Gordon Oliver) as well as foster son Steven (Donald Woods). The sons are both interns at Frank's hospital. Steven is the better doctor who takes blame for Jerry's mistakes.Steven has his license revoked when he is blamed for two deaths. Steven goes through years of hell trying to redeem himself.
Fugitive in the Sky
Executive Producer
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
California Mail
Executive Producer
The Pony Express is finished as the Post Office plans to award the mail contract to a stage line. Bill and his father put in a bid for the mail, however there are three bids close together. The officials will run a race to pick the winner, and the Banton Brothers sabotage Bill's stage. Mary still believes in Bill until they try to get rid of him by holding up the regular stage with his well-known horse. Bill needs proof to clear himself and expose the bad guys.
A Carga da Brigada Ligeira
Executive Producer
Em 1853, enquanto os impérios britânico e russo competem para ganhar e manter seus lugares no terrível Grande Jogo de intrigas e alianças políticas cujo maior prêmio é o domínio da Índia e dos territórios fronteiriços, o Major Geoffrey Vickers deve suportar várias traições e infortúnios até poder se vingar nas Colinas de Balaclava, em 25 de outubro de 1854, o dia mais glorioso da Guerra da Crimeia.
Cain e Mabel
Executive Producer
A chorus girl and a heavyweight boxer are paired romantically as a publicity stunt.
Sangue Esportivo
Executive Producer
A jockey tries to overcome the reputation of his father, who once threw a race.
Stage Struck
Executive Producer
A Broadway show is forced to bow to the whims of a talentless, whacky, but rich, Broadway actress with a contract.
Trailin' West
Executive Producer
A singing secret agent tracks down renegades at President Lincoln's request.
Love Begins at Twenty
Executive Producer
A henpecked husband tries to help his daughter marry the man she loves and his wife loathes.
O Titã dos Ares
Executive Producer
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.
Executive Producer
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
Mais Próximo do Céu
Executive Producer
Deus, o paraíso e várias histórias do Antigo Testamento - incluindo a criação e Arca de Noé - são descritos (supostamente) através da perspectiva de cidadãos rurais negros dos Estados Unidos.
Bengal Tiger
Executive Producer
After causing his friend's death, an animal trainer marries the man's daughter to atone.
Earthworm Tractors
Executive Producer
A salesman tries to sell a tractor to a customer who hates tractors while falling for the girl.
Two Against the World
Executive Producer
A radio-network manager's boss makes him air a serial based on a murder, tormenting a woman involved.
The Big Noise
Executive Producer
The Big Noise is retired textile manufacturer Julius Trent (Guy Kibbee). Seeking a new outlet for his entrepreneurial energies, Trent buys a half interest in a thriving dry-cleaning establishment. This gets him mixed up with a gang of protection racketeers, who promise dire consequences if Trent doesn't dance to their tune.
Hearts Divided
Executive Producer
Napoleon Bonaparte's younger brother, visiting the United States, falls madly in love with a young woman he meets in Baltimore.
Murder by an Aristocrat
Executive Producer
A wealthy family is blackmailed. Murder results. And a nurse at the scene of the crime is determined to figure out who-done-it.
Balas ou Votos
Executive Producer
Depois que o capitão de polícia Dan McLaren se torna delegado, o ex-detetive Johnny Blake o despede, convencendo o chefe do crime organizado, Al Kruger, que o esforço de Blake é sincero para se unir ao crime organizado.
A Flecha de Ouro
Executive Producer
A fake heiress marries a common reporter to thwart the advances of gold-digging playboys.
Road Gang
Executive Producer
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
Executive Producer
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
The Story of Louis Pasteur
Executive Producer
A true story about Louis Pasteur, who revolutionized medicine by proving that much disease is caused by microbes, that sanitation is paramount and that at least some diseases can be cured by vaccinations.
A Floresta Petrificada
Executive Producer
Nos anos 30, na paisagem desolada do nordeste do Arizona, na região conhecida como Floresta Petrificada, o jovem viajante caronista Alan Squier (Leslie Howard) para para jantar. No lugar ele conhece a garçonete romântica Gaby (Bette Davis), que logo se interessa por ele. A mãe de Gaby se mudou para a França, onde mantém um estúdio de artes e lhe envia postais de lá. Gaby sonha em um dia se mudar para lá também. Alan se diz um "escritor fracassado". Ele vê as pinturas de Gaby e acha que a garota tem um imenso talento. Alan acaba por confidenciar à Gaby que sua viagem aquele lugar isolado, deve-se a um desejo de se suicidar. Não demora muito e o local se agita com a chegada de Duke Mantee (Humphrey Bogart) e sua gangue. Perseguidos pela polícia, eles mantém as pessoas da pousada como reféns. Alan vê a oportunidade ideal de realizar seu plano e ao mesmo tempo ajudar Gaby. Ele assina uma apólice de seguro fazendo-a sua beneficiária, e pede para que Mantee o mate.
I Married a Doctor
Executive Producer
City girl marries country doctor, meets prejudice and exclusion when she tries to befriend the townspeople.
A Dream Comes True
Himself (uncredited)
A promotional short to hype the production of A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935).
Capitão Blood
Executive Producer
O médico irlandês Peter Blood (Errol Flynn)é injustamente acusado de um crime e sentenciado à escravidão no Caribe. Ele termina por se tornar um pirata e se apaixona pela filha do governador, interpretada por Olivia de Havilland.
Executive Producer
Dan Bellows finds former stage star Joyce Heath a penniless drunk and takes her to his Connecticut home for rehabilitation. Unaware that she is married to Gordon, he asks his fiancée Gail to free him and offers to sponsor Joyce in a play. When Gordon refuses to give Joyce a divorce, she runs the car into a tree crippling him for life. Joyce urges Dan return to Gail, opens her play, and begs Gordon for forgiveness.
Miss Pacific Fleet
Executive Producer
A down-on-her-luck showgirl sets her eyes on the cash prize that comes with winning the title "Miss Pacific Fleet".
Sonho de uma Noite de Verão
Executive Producer
A film adaptation by Max Reinhardt of his popular stage productions of Shakespeare's comedy. Four young people escape Athens to a forest where the king and queen of the fairies are quarreling, while meanwhile a troupe of amateur actors rehearses a play. When the fairy Puck uses a magic flower to make people fall in love, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...
Inferno Negro
Executive Producer
A simple Pennsylvania coal miner is drawn into the violent conflict between union workers and management.
Contra o Império do Crime
Executive Producer
James Cagney interpreta o jovem advogado criminalista, Brick Davis, que tenta resistir as tentações do mundo do crime, embora sua educação tenha sido paga por um gângster. Sua vida dá uma reviravolta quando um amigo e agente federal tenta recrutá-lo para o FBI, e é assassinado por um gângster.
Devil Dogs of the Air
Two Marine pilots vie for romance and glory.
A Barreira
Executive Producer
An ambitious Mexican-American gets mixed up with his boss's neurotic wife.
The St. Louis Kid
Executive Producer
Trucker Eddie Kennedy gets involved with the law when he has an car accident with Ann Reid and knocks the owner of a dairy out. He evades a penalty when he claims, that he had done it as an act of solidarism with the farmers. The farmers start an boycott action against this dairy, so the owner has to bring milk from elsewhere to his dairy, but the farmers closed the road, and Kennedy is arrested once more. He leaves jail at night to meet Ann, but meanwhile the owner has asked some mobsters to deliver the milk. One of the farmers is murdered, Ann Reid is missing and Eddie Kennedy is accused of murder.
Executive Producer
A reformer's daughter wins the lead role in a scandalous Broadway show.
The Man with Two Faces
Executive Producer
Actress Jessica Wells, sister of actor Damon Wells, is on top of her form except when her husband Vance is around. When Vance takes her to the apartment of a theatrical producer she comes home incoherent and Vance is found dead in the vanished producer's hotel suite
Here Comes the Navy
Executive Producer
A cocky guy joins the Navy for the wrong reason but finds romance and twice is cited for heroism.
The Merry Frinks
Executive Producer
An heiress abandons an out-of-work husband, two sons and a lovesick daughter.
Executive Producer
A railroad tycoon, disillusioned with his marriage, starts seeing a showgirl. Things go agreeably until the woman's manager decides to blackmail the millionaire.
Diário de um Crime
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Bancando o Cavalheiro
Executive Producer
An unpolished racketeer, whose racket is finding heirs for unclaimed fortunes, affects ethics and tea-drinking manners to win back the sweetheart who now works for his seemingly upright competitor.
Sorte Negra
Executive Producer
Jim is a compulsive gambler. He meets Marge at a boarding house and they get married. His gambling causes problems. When he runs into old flame Valerie Marge leaves him. After a few years he returns, but she is now in love with old flame Pres. Jim buys racing dog Dark Hazard and makes a fortune which he loses on roulette.
Hi, Nellie!
Executive Producer
Managing Editor Brad Bradshaw refuses to run a story linking the disappearance of Frank Canfield with embezzlement of the bank. He considers Frank a straight shooter and he goes easy on the story. Every other paper goes with the story that Frank took the money and Brad is demoted, by the publisher, to the Heartthrob column - writing advice to the lovelorn. After feeling sorry for himself for two months, he takes the column seriously and makes it the talk of the town. But Brad still wants his old job back so he will have to find Canfield and the missing money.
Sempre no Meu Coração
Executive Producer
World War I brings tribulations to an American woman married to a German.
The Narrow Corner
An Englishman sought for murder, tries to escape fate to South Seas island.
Fome Por Glória
Tom Holmes is someone guided by honesty and moral rectitude, a heroic veteran of the World War I marked by the unbearable suffering caused by his battle wounds, a traumatized but courageous man who will experience, in the years to come, the pain of misfortune but also the happiness of success and hope and love for other human beings.
Central Airport
Aviator Jim Blaine and his brother Neil are rivals not only as daredevil flyers, but also for the love of parachutist Jill Collins.
The Mind Reader
Chandler, a con-man, and his helper Frank decide to create a clairvoyant act for the carny circuit, as a little research reveals Ameicans spent $125 million on mind-readers and astrology. The carny, renamed Chandra, falls for one of his marks, Sylvia, but their love is tested when he brings tragedy to other peoples' lives and she asks him to go straight.
Os Crimes do Museu
The disappearance of people and corpses leads a reporter to a wax museum and a sinister sculptor.
The Match King
Unscrupulous Chicago janitor Paul Kroll uses deceit to fund a return trip to his homeland of Sweden. There, via ongoing continuing deceit and manipulation, he gradually attains a monopoly on the matchstick market in several countries and becomes an influential international figure. Based on the true story of Ivar Kreuger.
Lawyer Man
Idealistic attorney Anton Adam makes headlines when he successfully prosecutes a prominent New York racketeer named Gilmurry. Adam's sudden renown attracts the attention of high-profile legal eagle Granville Bentley, who asks Adam to become a partner in his law firm. But Adam's rising career takes a nosedive when he's framed by Gilmurry and a sexy actress in a trumped-up breach of promise suit. The only constant in Adam's life is the loyalty and unrequited love of his secretary Olga.
Scarlet Dawn
During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.
O Fugitivo
Desempregado após o término da Primeira Guerra, Allen torna-se um vagabundo sem dinheiro. Quando assiste a outro homem cometendo um furto, é condenado injustamente a dez anos de cadeia, numa prisão na Geórgia. Lá, é perseguido por gangues e castigado cruelmente por guardas sádicos. Com a ajuda de outro prisioneiro, escapa e parte determinado em busca do sonho que tem de se tornar um engenheiro.
They Call It Sin
An innocent, young, small town church organist is thrown out of her home, told she was adopted and that her mother was an evil woman. She follows a crush to the big-city and left fending for herself.
A Única Solução
A terminally ill woman and a debonair murderer facing execution meet and fall in love on a trans-Pacific crossing, each without knowing the other's secret.
O Monstro
Executive Producer
A wisecracking New York reporter intrudes on a research scientist's quest to unmask The Moon Killer.
Street of Women
An architect has an affair with a woman who inspires him. Her brother is in love with the architect's daughter. The complicated entanglement leads to misunderstanding and dissolution, but ultimately love.
Two Seconds
Supervising Producer
A condemned murderer, in the process of being executed, relives the events that led to his being sentenced to die in the electric chair. Told in flashback, we witness a sleazy dancehall girl (Vivienne Osborne) dupe a high rise riveter (Edward G. Robinson) into marriage so she can live off of him. But when he loses his job and his marbles, she ends up supporting him with money from her side man--and misses no opportunity to rub it in Robinson's face that she's now supporting him in his emasculated state. As the animosity grows and things get more and more unbearable for Robinson, he is eventually driven to desperate measures.
Há Mulheres Assim
A fast-talking reporter befriends a young woman and her male companion who are wanted for a policeman's shooting.
Miss Pinkerton
Scion of the once-rich Mitchell family, Herbert Wynn is found shot to death. Nurse Adams, bored by hospital routine, is recruited by the police to ferret out clues as she tends to Wynn's elderly aunt Julia. Jokingly given the 'rank' of Miss Pinkerson, after the famous detective agency, Adams probes into the mystery, but not before a second death.
Man Wanted
A female editor of a magazine falls in love with her male secretary.
Five Star Final
An unscrupulous newspaper editor searches for headlines at any cost.
Blonde Crazy
Executive Producer
Adventures of a cocky con man and his beautiful accomplice.
Alma no Lodo
Enrico Bandello, um assassino profissional, e seu motorista cúmplice Joe Massara chegam em uma cidade grande e são contratados por um mafioso. Porém, após um roubo e um assassinato, as coisas tomam rumos imprevisíveis.