Dorota Roqueplo
Nascimento : 1960-03-18, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Francja
Costume Design
Kaytek, an unusually stubborn twelve-year-old, is brought up by his grandma and dad. One day, the troublemaker discovers that he’s got supernatural powers, which completely take over his life.
Costume Designer
It's spring 1794, the atmosphere in Poland is tense. General Tadeusz "Kos" Kościuszko returns to the country and plans to incite an uprising against the Russians, mobilizing the Polish nobility and peasants. He is accompanied by his faithful friend and former slave, Domingo. The merciless Russian cavalry captain, Dunin, follows Kościuszko's trail with an arrest warrant, who wants to catch the general at all costs before he starts a national rebellion.
Costume Design
The sisters struggle with their own bodies. One, driven by ambitions, seeks the limits of its possibilities, for the other, the body is a prison. One believes that ballet will save her from memories. The second observes the world from the balcony with such attention that she sees and hears more.
Costume Design
The Pateroks are a loving, multi-generational family. Their lives are peaceful and humorous. A crack suddenly appears in this harmonious reality: Grandpa Gerard begins to act strangely, breaking social conventions and norms.
Costume Design
"Everyone Knows Better" is an original comedy, reminiscent of the best New York tradition of independent cinema, dominated by warm relations and close intimacy with the characters. It tells about the adventures of a couple who try to put together one family from two different worlds. Other people's children, ex-spouses, pushy grandparents. Will Ania and Grzesiek survive the invasion of their families who are trying to fight the relationship of their adult children?
Costume Designer
A group of friends are taking their kids to a traditional long weekend getaway on the Danish island of Bornholm, just like they did for many years. An incident between the children will spark a new crisis in their relationship. Each couple seems happy, but are they really? Maybe they’re just keeping up appearances?
Costume Designer
Daniel (Bartosz Bielenia) é um rapaz de 20 anos que experimenta uma transformação espiritual enquanto vive em um Centro de Detenção para Jovens. Ele quer se tornar padre, mas isso é impossível por causa de sua ficha criminal. Quando é enviado para trabalhar na oficina de um carpinteiro em uma cidade pequena, na chegada, ele se veste de padre e acidentalmente assume a paróquia local. A chegada do jovem e carismático pregador é uma oportunidade para a comunidade local iniciar o processo de cura após uma tragédia que aconteceu na região.
Costume Design
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
Costume Designer
Ula, a young girl from a small town in Poland is kidnapped and taken to a brothel in Germany. Luckily she manages to escape and return home. However, the welcome she receives is far from warm, as the girl is ostracised by the local, conservative community.
Costume Designer
Na região da bacia de Donbass, divisa entre a Ucrânia e a Rússia, ocorrem diversos conflitos civis entre grupos de ambos os lados, além do movimento da Nova Rússia, que pretende anexar regiões ucranianas ao país vizinho. Em meio aos conflitos, surgem situações inesperadas, grotescas, articuladas como uma comédia absurda e violenta dos tempos individualistas em que vivemos.
Costume Design
Nos arredores de uma aldeia no interior da Rússia, uma mulher vive sozinha. Um dia, ela recebe um pacote que enviou ao marido preso, marcado como “retorno ao remetente”. Em choque e confusa, ela não tem escolha senão seguir rumo à prisão em uma remota região do país em busca de uma explicação. Este é o começo de uma batalha contra uma fortaleza impenetrável, uma cadeia onde as forças do mal-estar social estão trabalhando constantemente. Em meio a violência e humilhação, ela embarca em uma luta cega por justiça. Do diretor Sergei Loznitsa. Seleção oficial do Festival de Cannes 2017.
Costume Design
Um ano após o suicídio de Vincent Van Gogh, Armand Roulin (Douglas Booth) encontra uma carta por ele enviada ao irmão Theo, que jamais chegou ao seu destino. Após conversar com o pai, carteiro que era amigo pessoal de Van Gogh, Armand é incentivado a entregar ele mesmo a correspondência. Desta forma, ele parte para a cidade francesa de Arles na esperança de encontrar algum contato com a família do pintor falecido. Lá, inicia uma investigação junto às pessoas que conheceram Van Gogh, no intuito de decifrar se ele realmente se matou.
Costume Design
37-year-old Marta gets married and wants to have a baby. But her toxic relationship with overbearing mother complicates her life in many ways.
Costume Designer
Agosto de 1944. No auge da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Varsóvia está ocupada pelos alemães. Revoltados com os abusos cometidos pelos nazistas, os poloneses formam um exército clandestino para contra-atacar, aproveitando a notícia de que os aliados russos estão chegando. Stefan, um jovem de 18 anos que trabalha para sustentar a mãe e o irmão, abandona tudo para juntar-se às forças de resistência junto dos amigos e da namorada. Mas o chamado “Levante da Varsóvia” não tem final feliz: os reforços russos não aparecem e os nazistas, enfurecidos, reprimem a revolta dos poloneses com violência. Agora, Stefan e seus amigos precisam enfrentar na pele os horrores da guerra.
Costume Design
O filme é uma adaptação do conto de Bykaw Vasil '. A ação é definida em 1942 no território da Bielorrússia ocupada pelo exército alemão. Os alemães enfrentam forte resistência por parte dos Partisans e o ódio da população local. Os Partisans suspeitam de Sushenya, um espião, que colabora com os nazistas porque ele foi preso pela primeira vez e, em seguida, subitamente liberada depois de terem explodido um trem alemão. Dois deles capturam Sushenya e levám-no para a floresta, onde eles vão matá-lo como um traidor. Eles caem em uma armadilha preparada pelos alemães que são severamente feridos por um dos partisans. Sushenya tenta salvar a vida de seu algoz, através da investida dos Partisans ferido nas costas para a aldeia mais próxima. No entanto, Sushenya está sob suspeita. Ele lamenta que ele era um bem-respeitado e confiável residente da aldeia, vivendo com a família em paz, no entanto, a guerra mudou para sempre.
Costume Design
O filme propõe uma recriação inédita e em movimento do quadro "A Procissão para o Calvário" (1564), de Pieter Bruegel, que narra a Paixão de Cristo durante a ocupação espanhola. A história alterna a construção do quadro, narrada por Bruegel (Rutger Hauer), o sofrimento de Jesus, comentado por Maria (Charlotte Rampling), e a vida típica dos camponeses que compunham esta sociedade do século XVI.
Costume Design
Dominik é um garoto comum. Ele tem um monte de amigos, pais ricos e dinheiro para gastar em roupas de marca. Mas um beijo inocente com um colega muda tudo. Ele sofre bullying e começa a isolar-se do mundo exterior, vivendo todo o seu tempo em seu computador. Ele conhece uma garota anônima que lhe apresenta a "sala suicida", um lugar do qual não há escapatória. Pego em uma armadilha tecida por suas próprias emoções, Dominik torna-se enredado numa teia de intrigas e gradualmente perde o que ele mais aprecia.
Costume Design
A young, charismatic priest John, his time missionary in Africa, every day helping Warsaw young people addicted to drugs. Unconventional methods, which are used in pastoral work, raise many doubts about his superiors. Surprisingly, however, his life undergoes a sudden transformation when routine testing finds out that he is HIV positive.
Costume Design
Following the death of his mother in '80s Poland, 12-year-old Wojciech has taken the brunt of his stressed father's frustrations with him; the boy frequently gets punished via belt. Wojciech's father occasionally tries to, instead, bond with him, but soon snaps back to his short-fused habits. Apart from Wojciech's friend Bartek, no one does anything to help. Jump to present day, Wojciech is a furrow-browed journalist who spends most of his spare time spelunking alone. Just like his father, he has serious anger management issues. Fellow caver Tania feels inexplicably attracted to him, but the love of a good woman may not be enough.
Costume Design
From his birth in 1895 through his death in 1968, the gifted Polish naïve artist Nikifor Krynicki (AKA Epifan Drowniak) lived his life and eked out a career cloaked in obscurity - a casualty of both his extreme speech impediment (his tongue was attached to the roof of his mouth, which prompted others to errantly tag him as mentally incapacitated) and his self-effacing decision to sell the majority of his work for meager amounts. Krzysztof Krauze's biopic My Nikifor travels to the tail end of Krynicki's (Krystyna Feldman) life journey, dramatizing the period that surrounded his interaction with the well-established artist Marian Wlosinski (Roman Gancarczyk).
Costume Design
Bogdan and Marta take part in a TV show 'Blind Date' and eventually win a romantic stay at the luxurious hotel for the long May Day weekend. They seem to be so different, however, that they hardly stand each other.
Kuba, a young cartoon artist who works as a waiter at sophisticated parties, falls in love with beautiful Noemi and accidentally gets involved in gangster affairs
Costume Design
The main character - a man who suffers from alcoholism - wants to change his tumultuous life. The day before Christmas Eve he receives a gift from his son - a yellow scarf. A gift is a kind of talisman he receives from loved ones, and every time he loses it. When after another banquet he falls into delirium, his ex-wife and secretary bring him to his mother. She helps him to sober up and arranges holiday celebration for two of them. She gives her son another yellow scarf, in belief that it will help him break the pernicious habit.
Costume Design
One of the best Polish comedies of the late 1990s, "Boys Don't Cry" is a satirical look at the gangsters of Poland and some teens who accidentally get involved with them.
Costume Design
A period film, set in 19th century China in the Polish community who are there building the railway. A woman enters into an extramarital affair with a painter.
Costume Design
A story about the last days of the life of the poet Heinrich von Kleist and his beloved Henrietta Vogel.
Costume Design
An idealistic scientist is encouraged by his wife to use his good looks to get ahead, but his new job carries with it temptations and traps.
Costume Design
A rational young man and his devoutly Catholic wife believe their sickly son may have leukemia. As they await further tests over a weekend they both struggle with a crisis of faith in both science and Catholicism.
Costume Design
A woman whose passport was denied under the previous Communist regime by a vindictive party secretary is given a chance to confront the woman and take revenge.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Henry Kesdi is a silenced classical composer and a survivor of the Holocaust. He is coaxed out from retirement by an inspired musicologist, Stefan, who convinces him to compose a complex symphony on his neglected piano. As a help Kesdi gets his new musical secretary. His loyal wife reluctantly accepts her as his young lover.
Costume Design
This sumptuously photographed period drama is set in 1791 Vienna. Maximilian Bardo, an opportunistic 18-year old Viennese man with aspirations to rise above his bourgeois upbringing, looks for a chance to shoehorn himself into the nobility. His hopes lead him to the castle of a wealthy inventor, Alexander Plant. It is here that a strange story is played out, as Maximilian, full of naive illusions and innocent ideals of what it means to be wealthy and noble, quickly loses his innocence. Falling prey to the jaded aristocrats in residence, he is cruelly initiated into their decadent games.
Costume Design
Based on a true story dating back to 1985 when two Polish boys, a teenager and his little brother, escaped from communist Poland all the way to Sweden, hidden under a truck. In the movie, their destination has been changed to Denmark.