Dorota Roqueplo
출생 : 1960-03-18, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Francja
Costume Design
Kaytek, an unusually stubborn twelve-year-old, is brought up by his grandma and dad. One day, the troublemaker discovers that he’s got supernatural powers, which completely take over his life.
Costume Designer
It's spring 1794, the atmosphere in Poland is tense. General Tadeusz "Kos" Kościuszko returns to the country and plans to incite an uprising against the Russians, mobilizing the Polish nobility and peasants. He is accompanied by his faithful friend and former slave, Domingo. The merciless Russian cavalry captain, Dunin, follows Kościuszko's trail with an arrest warrant, who wants to catch the general at all costs before he starts a national rebellion.
Costume Design
The sisters struggle with their own bodies. One, driven by ambitions, seeks the limits of its possibilities, for the other, the body is a prison. One believes that ballet will save her from memories. The second observes the world from the balcony with such attention that she sees and hears more.
Costume Design
The Pateroks are a loving, multi-generational family. Their lives are peaceful and humorous. A crack suddenly appears in this harmonious reality: Grandpa Gerard begins to act strangely, breaking social conventions and norms.
Costume Design
"Everyone Knows Better" is an original comedy, reminiscent of the best New York tradition of independent cinema, dominated by warm relations and close intimacy with the characters. It tells about the adventures of a couple who try to put together one family from two different worlds. Other people's children, ex-spouses, pushy grandparents. Will Ania and Grzesiek survive the invasion of their families who are trying to fight the relationship of their adult children?
Costume Designer
아름다운 휴양지에서의 완벽한 가족 여행이 삐걱대기 시작한다. 마야는 남편, 오랜 친구와 그의 여자친구, 그리고 아이들을 데리고 덴마크의 섬을 찾는다. 영화 초반부 ‘어른들의 사정’이 녹록지 않음을 짐작하다, 마야의 막내아들이 비밀을 털어놓으면서 갈등이 증폭되고 마침내 폭발한다.
Costume Designer
신부를 꿈꾸지만 신부가 될 수 없는 20살 청년 ‘다니엘’. 소년원을 출소하게 된 그는 존경하는 신부 ‘토마시’의 도움으로 어느 마을의 목공소에 일자리를 얻게 된다. 그러나 뜻밖에도 소년원에서 훔친 사제복으로 인해 그는 마을 성당의 주임 신부 자리를 대행하게 되고, 예상을 뛰어넘는 그의 파격적인 행동은 큰 사고를 겪고 트라우마에 시달리고 있던 마을 사람들에게 믿음을 주게 된다. 그러나 ‘다니엘’은 믿음 뒤에 숨겨진 마을 사람들의 두 얼굴을 마주하게 되는데…
Costume Design
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
Costume Designer
Ula, a young girl from a small town in Poland is kidnapped and taken to a brothel in Germany. Luckily she manages to escape and return home. However, the welcome she receives is far from warm, as the girl is ostracised by the local, conservative community.
Costume Designer
전쟁으로 분열된 우크라이나 동부 돈바스 지역의 전쟁과 분열 상황을 희화한 작품. 는 연결되지 않는 파편적 장소와 에피소드들로 우크라이나의 현주소를 드러낸다. 거리, 회의장, 산부인과, 검문소, 버스, 사무실 등 다양한 공간에서 사람들은 돌출 행동을 한다. 관습과 편견 나아가 전형성을 기반으로 하는 동시에 뒤트는 이 영화는 마치 한바탕 소동극을 보는 것처럼 인물들의 부조리한 행동에 주목한다. 그리고 행위가 일어나는 공간을 지속적으로 의심하게 한다. 영화 속 공간이 모두 연극의 무대 공간 같기 때문이다. 전체를 관통하는 내러티브 없이 개별 인물들의 말과 행위를 나열하듯 풀어내던 영화는 점차 왜곡되고 부패한 사회를 마주하게 한다. 규칙도, 인권도, 신뢰도 무너진 사회에서 분열은 계속된다. 극의 마지막 장면은 지금까지의 소동들에 대한 또 다른 층위를 만들어낸다. 시작과 끝 사이에 일어난 다양한 상황에 대한 새로운 독해를 불러오는 놀라운 통증의 순간이다.
Costume Design
시베리아 감옥에 있는 남편에게 보낸 소포가 반송되자 아내는 걱정 어린 마음에 남편의 상태를 확인하기 위해 먼 여정에 오른다. 도착하자마자 그녀를 반기는 것은 또 다른 곤경이다.
Costume Design
1890년 7월 27일. 한 남자가 황혼이 지는 프랑스의 작은 시골마을 오베르의 중심가에서 쓰러졌다. 수척한 남자는 총상으로 피가 흐르는 배를 움켜쥐고 있었다. 그는 당시에 잘 알려지지 않았으나 현재에는 세계적으로 유명한 예술가 빈센트 반 고흐였다. 고흐의 비극적인 죽음은 널리 알려져 있으나, 왜 그가 총상을 입었는지는 미스터리로 남아 있다. 살아생전 단 한 점의 그림만을 팔았던 화가 빈센트의 죽음 후 1년, 아르망은 그의 그림을 사랑했던 아버지의 부탁을 받고, 빈센트가 마지막으로 살았던 장소로 찾아가 미스터리한 죽음을 추적해 나간다.
Costume Design
37-year-old Marta gets married and wants to have a baby. But her toxic relationship with overbearing mother complicates her life in many ways.
Costume Designer
1944년 여름 독일 나치 치하의 폴란드 바르샤바. 공장에서 일하며 어머니와 어린 남동생을 부양하는 스테판(요제프 파블로프스키)은 나치로부터 매일 모욕을 당한다. 이에 반나치 저항군에 가담하고 싶지만 위험한 일에 연류되지 말라는 어머니의 부탁으로 갈등하다 결국 친구들과 함께 비밀스러운 봉기 작전에 돌입하고 그 곳에서 알라(소피아 비츨라츠)를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 1944년 8월 1일, 폴란드 저항군의 반격이 시작되자 스테판은 어머니와의 약속을 저버리고 친구들과 전투에 가담한다. 나치군들이 자신의 집 주변을 점령했다는 소식을 듣고 급히 집으로 향한 스테판은 독일군에 의해 어머니와 어린 남동생이 무자비하게 사살되는 장면을 목격하게 되는데..
Costume Design
독일과 러시아가 대치한 2차 세계대전이 영화의 배경이고, 지금은 독립한 벨라루스에서 벌어진 사건을 다루고 있다. 철도 노동자인 수셰냐가 게릴라에게 끌려간다. 기차 탈선 사고가 일어나자 그들은 수셰냐를 독일에 협조한 반역자로 몰고 간다. 그러나, 총살 직전에 게릴라가 총에 맞으면서 상황은 변모한다. 는 회상의 스타일을 통해 수세냐를 포함한 주요 인물들에게 어떤 일들이 일어났는지를 보여준다. 그것은 이들을 둘러싼 역사적인 맥락을 제공해 주며, 그 누구의 잘못도 아닌 전쟁의 참상 그 자체라는 것을 이해하도록 만들어 준다. 애국심에 불타는 게릴라들도, 민중들을 괴롭히는 독일병사들도, 모두가 전쟁에서 주어진 역할을 하는 인물들이다. 그 가운데 아무 힘이 없는 노동자 수셰냐가 있다. 흥미로운 것은 이 모든 혼돈 속에서도 끝내 살아남는 자가 수셰냐다. 로즈니차 감독은 삶은 민중과 함께 계속된다고 말한다. (이상용_2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
Costume Design
What would it be like to step inside a great work of art, have it come alive around you, and even observe the artist as he sketches the very reality you are experiencing? From Lech Majewski, one of Poland's most acclaimed filmmakers, The Mill and the Cross is a cinematic re-staging of Pieter Bruegel's masterpiece "Procession to Calvary," presented alongside the story of its creation.
Costume Design
부유한 부모님과 친구들 사이에서 남부러울 것 없는 일상을 보내는 고등학생 도미닉. 그러나 도미닉은 자신도 예상 못한 일로 세상으로부터 거리를 두게 된다. 그렇게 방에 틀어박혀 컴퓨터만 하던 도미닉은 ‘수어사이드 룸’이란 가상의 공간을 알게 된다. 2012년 폴란드영화상 올해의 발견.
Costume Design
A young, charismatic priest John, his time missionary in Africa, every day helping Warsaw young people addicted to drugs. Unconventional methods, which are used in pastoral work, raise many doubts about his superiors. Surprisingly, however, his life undergoes a sudden transformation when routine testing finds out that he is HIV positive.
Costume Design
Following the death of his mother in '80s Poland, 12-year-old Wojciech has taken the brunt of his stressed father's frustrations with him; the boy frequently gets punished via belt. Wojciech's father occasionally tries to, instead, bond with him, but soon snaps back to his short-fused habits. Apart from Wojciech's friend Bartek, no one does anything to help. Jump to present day, Wojciech is a furrow-browed journalist who spends most of his spare time spelunking alone. Just like his father, he has serious anger management issues. Fellow caver Tania feels inexplicably attracted to him, but the love of a good woman may not be enough.
Costume Design
From his birth in 1895 through his death in 1968, the gifted Polish naïve artist Nikifor Krynicki (AKA Epifan Drowniak) lived his life and eked out a career cloaked in obscurity - a casualty of both his extreme speech impediment (his tongue was attached to the roof of his mouth, which prompted others to errantly tag him as mentally incapacitated) and his self-effacing decision to sell the majority of his work for meager amounts. Krzysztof Krauze's biopic My Nikifor travels to the tail end of Krynicki's (Krystyna Feldman) life journey, dramatizing the period that surrounded his interaction with the well-established artist Marian Wlosinski (Roman Gancarczyk).
Costume Design
Bogdan and Marta take part in a TV show 'Blind Date' and eventually win a romantic stay at the luxurious hotel for the long May Day weekend. They seem to be so different, however, that they hardly stand each other.
Kuba, a young cartoon artist who works as a waiter at sophisticated parties, falls in love with beautiful Noemi and accidentally gets involved in gangster affairs
Costume Design
The main character - a man who suffers from alcoholism - wants to change his tumultuous life. The day before Christmas Eve he receives a gift from his son - a yellow scarf. A gift is a kind of talisman he receives from loved ones, and every time he loses it. When after another banquet he falls into delirium, his ex-wife and secretary bring him to his mother. She helps him to sober up and arranges holiday celebration for two of them. She gives her son another yellow scarf, in belief that it will help him break the pernicious habit.
Costume Design
One of the best Polish comedies of the late 1990s, "Boys Don't Cry" is a satirical look at the gangsters of Poland and some teens who accidentally get involved with them.
Costume Design
A period film, set in 19th century China in the Polish community who are there building the railway. A woman enters into an extramarital affair with a painter.
Costume Design
A story about the last days of the life of the poet Heinrich von Kleist and his beloved Henrietta Vogel.
Costume Design
An idealistic scientist is encouraged by his wife to use his good looks to get ahead, but his new job carries with it temptations and traps.
Costume Design
A rational young man and his devoutly Catholic wife believe their sickly son may have leukemia. As they await further tests over a weekend they both struggle with a crisis of faith in both science and Catholicism.
Costume Design
A woman whose passport was denied under the previous Communist regime by a vindictive party secretary is given a chance to confront the woman and take revenge.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Henry Kesdi is a silenced classical composer and a survivor of the Holocaust. He is coaxed out from retirement by an inspired musicologist, Stefan, who convinces him to compose a complex symphony on his neglected piano. As a help Kesdi gets his new musical secretary. His loyal wife reluctantly accepts her as his young lover.
Costume Design
This sumptuously photographed period drama is set in 1791 Vienna. Maximilian Bardo, an opportunistic 18-year old Viennese man with aspirations to rise above his bourgeois upbringing, looks for a chance to shoehorn himself into the nobility. His hopes lead him to the castle of a wealthy inventor, Alexander Plant. It is here that a strange story is played out, as Maximilian, full of naive illusions and innocent ideals of what it means to be wealthy and noble, quickly loses his innocence. Falling prey to the jaded aristocrats in residence, he is cruelly initiated into their decadent games.
Costume Design
Based on a true story dating back to 1985 when two Polish boys, a teenager and his little brother, escaped from communist Poland all the way to Sweden, hidden under a truck. In the movie, their destination has been changed to Denmark.