Monica Coleman

Monica Coleman

Nascimento : 1974-01-01,


Monica Coleman


Strangers by Night
In a crowded subway train, a woman pushes a man. They argue. Their little joust "barks loudly", but does not lack charm... Later, in the corridors of the station, the two strangers make love awkwardly in the booth of a photo booth. At last, on the surface, they will say goodbye...
L'histoire d'Annette Zelman
Paris in 1942. Annette is 20 years old, Jean is barely older, they love each other and the future is bright for them. But the deportation of the Jews of France will change their destiny. Upset at the idea of their only son marrying a Jewish woman, Jean Jausion's parents decide to keep young Annette Zelman away from them... and denounce her to the Gestapo. The machine was launched, but it was too late. Annette was deported to Auschwitz on June 22, 1942.
The New Toy
Samy lives happily with his wife, Alice, in a poor urban housing project amongst friends and neighbours. For his son’s birthday, the richest man in France throws open his grand department store, offering the boy whatever he wants. Alexandre chooses Samy, the night watchman, as his new toy…
Estradas da Vida
A young man from the Congo in search of his brother attempts to cross Europe's borders. In Morocco, he teams up with a sharp-witted British runaway who pinched his stepfather's recreational vehicle in order to escape from a family holiday. On their journey, the disparate duo have to make decisions that will also influence the lives of others.
Normandia Nua
Em Mêle sur Sarthe, uma pequena aldeia da Normandia, os agricultores são gravemente afetados pela crise. Georges Balbuzard, o prefeito da cidade, não aceita a difícil situação e decide tentar de tudo para salvar seu povoado. Por obra do destino, Blake Newman, um grande fotógrafo conceitual, que tem por estilo deixar a multidão sem roupas para suas fotos, está passando pela região. Balbuzard vê nesse encontro a oportunidade de salvar sua aldeia, resta saber se a população estará disposta a ficar nua.
Troca de Rainhas
Ano de 1721. Uma ideia audaciosa germina na mente de Felipe de Orléans, regente da França… Luís XV de 11 anos, logo se tornará rei, e, uma troca de princesas permitiria consolidar a paz com a Espanha, após anos de guerra, que deixaram os reinos enfraquecidos. Então, Felipe casa a filha, Mlle de Montpensier, de 12 anos, com o herdeiro do trono da Espanha, e Luís XV se casa com a Infanta da Espanha, Anna Maria Victoria, de 4 anos. Mas a entrada precipitada dessas jovens princesas na corte francesa, sacrificadas no altar dos jogos dos poderes, vai acabar com a sua tranquilidade.
Retrata momentos marcantes da trajetória de Django Reinhardt, cantor e compositor considerado o pai do jazz na Europa, que sentiu na pele a tensão de fazer música na Paris ocupada pela Alemanha durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, em 1943. Mesmo com sua família perseguida e ameaçada pelos soldados nazistas, Django foi responsável, no período, por tocar o coração das pessoas através da música. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
O jovem negro Rafael Padilha nasceu em Cuba em 1868 e foi vendido quando ainda era criança. Anos depois ele consegue fugir e é encontrado nas docas por um palhaço que o coloca nas suas apresentações. Em seguida, Padilha passa a ser conhecido como Chocolat, tornando-se o primeiro artista circense negro na França, um grande sucesso no final do século XIX.
Romain Faubert is a 39 year old, single, medical photographer... and a raging hypochondriac. His doctor and only friend Dr. Dimitri Zvenka thinks he knows the cure for Romain: dating! But with the arrival of freedom fighter Anton Miroslav, everyone might get more then they bargained for...
Pedalando com Molière
Cansado da carreira de ator, o respeitado Serge Tanneur decide abandonar os palcos e se aposentar, vivendo isolado na pequena Ilha de Ré. Sua calma é interrompida pela chegada de Gauthier Valence, ator de televisão popular, que o convida a interpretar o papel principal em uma adaptação de O Misantropo, de Molière. Afinal, a nova condição de Serge combina muito bem com o personagem clássico... Após a recusa inicial, Serge propõe um desafio: ambos devem ensaiar a primeira cena da peça juntos, nos papéis de Philinte e Alceste, e depois de cinco dias treinando, ele dará a resposta sobre sua participação. Começam assim os jogos de poder e manipulação entre os dois homens.
Os Sabores do Palácio
Hortense Laborie é uma respeitada chef que é pega de surpresa ao ser escolhida pelo presidente da França para trabalhar no Palácio de Eliseu. Inicialmente, ela se torna objeto de inveja, sendo mal-vista pelos outros cozinheiros do local. Com o tempo, no entanto, Hortense consegue mudar a situação. Seus pratos conquistam o presidente, mas terá sempre que se manter atenta, afinal os bastidores do poder estarão cheios de armadilhas.
Sarah tells Paul that she wants out of their marriage; the next day she disappears. A year later and Paul along with their children return to his childhood town to start anew after the loss of his wife and their mother.
As Mulheres do 6º Andar
Paris, década de 1960. O casal Jean-Louis Joubert (Fabrice Luchini) e Suzanne Joubert (Sandrine Kiberlain) mora num prédio de classe média. Conservadores, levam uma vida que beira o tédio; muito diferente da rotina de suas vizinhas do sexto andar, visivelmente mais animada. Imigrantes da Espanha, estas mulheres trabalham no prédio como governantas e apresentam a Jean-Louis um novo e exuberante universo. Ele se vê cada vez mais atraído por estas mulheres, especialmente por María (Natalia Verbeke) , a bela e jovem governanta que trabalha na sua casa. Mas é realmente possível mudar de vida depois dos 40 anos?
Sticky Fingers
To carry out the "robbery of the century", Charles recruits the friends with whom he made the 400 blows. The night of the robbery, they get caught by police, but one of them runs away with the $2 million. Upon their release from prison, the thieves are shocked to learn that they will get their money back on two conditions and, ultimately, they must mostly have changed their ways...
Os Demônios de Dorothy Mills
Quando uma sombria e religiosa comunidade é sacudida pela morte de uma criança, uma psiquiatra é chamada para examinar Dorothy Mills, a adolescente acusada do crime. Apesar da resistência dos moradores, a terapeuta logo suspeita que Dorothy sofre de distúrbio de múltipla personalidade. Mas quando a garota fala com a voz do filho recém-falecido da médica, o que inicialmente parecia loucura pode ser o que os moradores acreditam... Dorothy pode ser um canal com os mortos.
The Great Alibi
Like every weekend senator Henri Pagès and his wife entertain guests at their beautiful mansion in a peaceful village near Paris. But this time around, things go awry: Pierre Collier, a psychoanalyst and consummate womanizer, is brutally murdered. Claire, his wife, dazed and confused by his corpse, with a smoking gun still in her hand, seems to be the ideal culprit...
O Tempo que Resta
Romain (Melvil Poupaud) é um fotógrafo de moda bem-sucedido. O problema é que ele está lutando contra um câncer. Enquanto percebe que está cada vez mais perto da morte, ao mesmo tempo em que se recusa a fazer quimioterapia, ele passa a tratar mal todos que estão ao seu redor, como o companheiro, os pais e a irmã.
The Great Role
When a famous American film director, Rudolph Grichenberg, comes to Paris to cast a Yiddish version of 'The Merchant of Venice,' Maurice Kurtz and his friends try out for the role of Shylock. Thinking he has finally been cast in an important film role after years of obscurity, Maurice rushes home to tell his beloved wife, Perla. Later, Maurice discovers the part has gone to a famous American star, but he must play the role of his life to be sure Perla, who has become very ill with cancer, doesn't find out.
O Amor em 5 Tempos
O relacionamento de Marion (Valeria Bruni Tedeschi) e Gilles (Stéphanie Freiss), narrado do divórcio deles até o dia em que se conheceram.
Swimming Pool: À Beira da Piscina
Uma escritora britânica busca inspiração e solidão na casa de férias de seu editor no sul da França. Sua quietude logo é interrompida pelo estilo de vida imprudente e erótico da filha dele. As interações turbulentas entre as duas desencadeiam uma série de acontecimentos perturbadores.
La voleuse de Saint-Lubin
Françoise Barnier, the film's heroine, is a mother. One day, she stole something. She was in dire straits but no more so than usual. She was not in debt. She had always refused the degradation of excessive debt and charities, attempting to live in line with the rules laid down by society and the law. We follow her journey through the judicial institution. Here, two ideas of justice and law collide.
In 1939, Kalman, an ambitious young businessman, leaves Europe to join his sister Samantha in Palestine. She lives with Dov, an idealistic architect obsessed with the Bauhaus style. With their friends, they form a group, which discusses the future Israeli State.
Man of the Crowds
Pawel Markowicz suffers from Stendhal syndrome and it is to Dr.Giordano that he tells his secret.
The film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights. The story is told from the perspective of Israeli soldiers. We are led by Weinraub and his friend Ruso on a day that begins with quiet city streets, but ends with death, destruction and devastation of both body and mind. Various scenes are awash in the surreal, as Weinraub's head hangs out over a rescue helicopter's open door, watching with tranquil desperation as the earth passes beneath, the overpowering whir of the blades creating a hypnotic state. It is not a traditional blood, guts and glory film. There are no men in battle, only the rescue crew trying to pick up the broken pieces.
Taking Wing
This is the story of Stan, a young man who might be considered an ordinary, run of the mill guy. But his love and passion for the theatre propels him to realize the most extraordinary desires. He is very attached to his grandfather, who owns a butcher's shop and who offers that Stan take over the family business. But Stan refuses. He decides to drop out of school and move out of his family's apartment, despite the opposition of his parents. His uncle is the only one to support him in the impossible dream of becoming an actor.
The year 2000 approaches in Jerusalem's Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter, where the women work, keep house, and have children so the men can study the Torah and the Talmud. Rivka is happily and passionately married to Meir, but they remain childless. The yeshiva's rabbi, who is Meir's father, wants Meir to divorce Rivka: "a barren woman is no woman." Rivka's sister, Malka, is in love with Yakov, a Jew shunned by the yeshiva as too secular. The rabbi arranges Malka's marriage to Yossef, whose agitation when fulfilling religious duties approaches the grotesque. Can the sisters sort out their hearts' desires within this patriarchal world? If not, have they any other options?
American Cuisine
Following his discharge from the Navy for hitting a superior officer, Loren takes a chance and moves to France, to learn haute cuisine under a four star chef...
Man Is a Woman
Simon Eskenazy is a gay Parisian clarinet player who lives his single life to the fullest. One day, he receives a very tempting offer from his homophobic uncle, looking to continue the family legacy – if he gets married and has a child, he will receive ten million francs and inherit his uncle's luxurious mansion. After meeting Rosalie Baumann at his cousin David's wedding, and with some convincing on his mother's part, Simon sees an opportunity to fulfill his uncle's wishes and the pair go ahead and get married, but not before traveling to New York to meet Rosalie's Orthodox Jewish family. As Simon tries to develop real feelings for Rosalie, he struggles with his feelings for his newlywed cousin David.
Kini & Adams
Kini and Adams are two friends leaving in a Zimbabwe village who dream of repairing an old broken car, and moving to the city and starting life over.
Tortilla y Cinema
Benjamin Ballon wants to be a filmmaker, and has devoted a large part of his life for the past few years to getting to the point of filming an independent movie. He has been encouraged by Carmen Maura (playing herself), an established star, who has agreed to appear in his first film, and it is her level-headedness, calmness, and general good sense that keeps the project moving along, despite Benjamin's inexperience and a very temperamental male lead. On one occasion when the male lead is hours late for a shoot, her calm is the only thing which keeps the crew from walking out. The title comes from Maura's habit of bringing homemade tortillas to meetings, and using them to get her way.
Africa, My Africa...
Eugene, an idealistic young African farmer and musician, decides to leave his village and family momentarily to try out his luck in the city. He makes new friends there, who accompany him on his musical career. He also meets up with Kassi, a childhood friend who has become a prostitute, with whom a new, closer friendship begins. However, when she dies from AIDS, Eugene is confronted by the harsh reality that his spontaneity and innocence blocked out and decides to put his singing talents and fame as a singer to the service of fighting the disease of AIDS. Once back home in his village, the reunion with his wife and children make him realize that life and hope are more powerful than anything else.
Sexes faibles!
The La Chesnays live in a castle threatened with destruction to accommodate a TGV line. While Gilles, the husband, agrees to receive compensation, his wife, Maud, fights with the other villagers so that the project does not materialize.
De justesse