Caroline Link

Caroline Link

Nascimento : 1964-06-02, Bad Nauheim, Germany


Caroline Link


Quando Hitler Roubou o Coelho Cor-de-Rosa
Alemanha, 1933. A história acompanha a fuga da família de Anna, uma menina judia alemã que aos poucos perde a inocência da infância em um mundo onde de repente precisa deixar sua escola, seu país e até mesmo deixar de falar sua língua.
Quando Hitler Roubou o Coelho Cor-de-Rosa
Alemanha, 1933. A história acompanha a fuga da família de Anna, uma menina judia alemã que aos poucos perde a inocência da infância em um mundo onde de repente precisa deixar sua escola, seu país e até mesmo deixar de falar sua língua.
O Menino Que Fazia Rir
A emocionante história da infância de Hape Kerkeling, o comediante mais amado da Alemanha. Em 1972, ele era um menino gorducho que crescia na segurança de sua família e de parentes que adoravam se divertir. À primeira vista, ele pode não parecer o cara mais popular, mas tem um talento peculiar para observar as pessoas à sua volta e fazer imitações hilariantes. No entanto, acontecimentos inesperados causam uma grande reviravolta em sua infância perfeita. Para sobreviver ao tumulto emocional, ele usa seus talentos cômicos para curar suas feridas e fazer as pessoas rirem junto com ele.
Erich Kästner – Das andere Ich
With "Emil and the Detectives" Erich Kästner is revolutionizing children's book literature. In the Weimar Republic, he quickly rose as an editor, writer and screenwriter. His books were burned in 1933. Nevertheless, he does not emigrate, published under a pseudonym and abroad. In the post-war period, Kästner was a moral authority. But he can no longer build on his previous success, gets caught up in love affairs and fights his frustration with alcohol. Until his death in 1974, he struggled with the decision not to go into exile. The documentary drama takes a new look at Kästner's picture.
Was heißt hier Ende? Der Filmkritiker Michael Althen
Documentary about German film critic Michael Althen.
Exit Marrakech
When 17-year-old Ben visits his father Heinrich in Marrakech, it is the start of an adventurous journey through a foreign country with a picturesque charm and a rough beauty where everything appears possible — including the chance that father and son will lose each other for good, or find one another again.
Exit Marrakech
When 17-year-old Ben visits his father Heinrich in Marrakech, it is the start of an adventurous journey through a foreign country with a picturesque charm and a rough beauty where everything appears possible — including the chance that father and son will lose each other for good, or find one another again.
A Year Ago in Winter
A renowned artist must uncover a young dancer's secrets in order to truly capture her likeness for a commissioned work.
A Year Ago in Winter
A renowned artist must uncover a young dancer's secrets in order to truly capture her likeness for a commissioned work.
Auge in Auge - Eine deutsche Filmgeschichte
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journey of discovery through over a century of German film history. Ten people working in film today remember their favourite films of yesteryear.
Lugar Nenhum na África
Em 1938, pouco antes de estourar a 2ª Guerra Mundial, a família Redlich foge da Alemanha e se instala no Quênia, na África. Lá o advogado Walter Redlich (Merab Ninidze) passa a trabalhar numa fazenda, enquanto sua mulher Jettel (Juliane Köhler), filha de uma família burguesa, tenta se adaptar à nova vida. Regina (Lea Kurka), a filha do casal, cresce e aprende a língua e os costumes locais, encontrando no cozinheiro Owunor (Sidede Onyulo) um amigo. Quando a guerra está acabando Walter recebe uma proposta para atuar como juiz em Frankfurt. Depois de tantos anos em que aprenderam a amar o novo país, Jettel e Regina começam a duvidar se voltarão para a Alemanha com ele.
Lugar Nenhum na África
Em 1938, pouco antes de estourar a 2ª Guerra Mundial, a família Redlich foge da Alemanha e se instala no Quênia, na África. Lá o advogado Walter Redlich (Merab Ninidze) passa a trabalhar numa fazenda, enquanto sua mulher Jettel (Juliane Köhler), filha de uma família burguesa, tenta se adaptar à nova vida. Regina (Lea Kurka), a filha do casal, cresce e aprende a língua e os costumes locais, encontrando no cozinheiro Owunor (Sidede Onyulo) um amigo. Quando a guerra está acabando Walter recebe uma proposta para atuar como juiz em Frankfurt. Depois de tantos anos em que aprenderam a amar o novo país, Jettel e Regina começam a duvidar se voltarão para a Alemanha com ele.
Annaluise & Anton
Luise, called Pünktchen, and Anton are closest of friends. Being the daughter of a wealthy surgeon, young Pünktchen lives in a great house. Her mother, who always travels through the world more for public relation reasons than for the social tasks she pretends to fulfill, is never available to her as a mother. Anton, son of a single and sick mother in financial trouble, does his best to help her out of it by working late. Pünktchen decides to help her only friend (as nobody else would anyway) and starts singing in public places. Trouble arises when Anton can't resist stealing a golden lighter and Pünktchen's secret life is discovered by her parents. Two troubled families finally can see the need for actions to be taken.
Annaluise & Anton
Luise, called Pünktchen, and Anton are closest of friends. Being the daughter of a wealthy surgeon, young Pünktchen lives in a great house. Her mother, who always travels through the world more for public relation reasons than for the social tasks she pretends to fulfill, is never available to her as a mother. Anton, son of a single and sick mother in financial trouble, does his best to help her out of it by working late. Pünktchen decides to help her only friend (as nobody else would anyway) and starts singing in public places. Trouble arises when Anton can't resist stealing a golden lighter and Pünktchen's secret life is discovered by her parents. Two troubled families finally can see the need for actions to be taken.
Beyond Silence
Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into the lives of the deaf and at a story about the love for music. A girl who has always had to translate speech into sign language for her deaf parents yet when her love for playing music grows strong she must decide to continue doing something she cannot share with her parents.
Beyond Silence
Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into the lives of the deaf and at a story about the love for music. A girl who has always had to translate speech into sign language for her deaf parents yet when her love for playing music grows strong she must decide to continue doing something she cannot share with her parents.
Micha is 16, a difficult age. Like every year, he spends the summer holidays with his mother and brothers in a country house in Sweden. When the mother goes to Stockholm for a week, Isabelle, the fun-loving daughter of a friend, looks after the children. Micha lives under Isabelle's care, feels taken seriously for the first time and treated as a "man".
Micha is 16, a difficult age. Like every year, he spends the summer holidays with his mother and brothers in a country house in Sweden. When the mother goes to Stockholm for a week, Isabelle, the fun-loving daughter of a friend, looks after the children. Micha lives under Isabelle's care, feels taken seriously for the first time and treated as a "man".