Erno Das


Living the Light: Robby Muller
For her extraordinary film essay, Living the Light, Director and Director of Photography Claire Pijman had access to the thousands of Hi8 video diaries, pictures and Polaroids that Müller photographed while he was at work on one of the more than 70 features he shot throughout his career; often with long term collaborators such as Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch and Lars von Trier. The film intertwines these images with excerpts of his oeuvre, thus creating a fluid and cinematic continuum. In his score for Living the Light Jim Jarmusch gives this wide raging scale of life and art an additional musical voice.
15h17: Trem Para Paris
Quando um terrorista do Estado Islâmico invade o vagão de um trem a caminho de Paris, três soldados americanos - Anthony Sadler, Alex Skarlatos e Specen Stone - se esforçam para imobilizar o extremista, armado com um fuzil AK-47, e evitar uma enorme tragédia.
A Culpa é das Estrelas
Hazel e Gus dividem um senso de humor sarcástico, um desgosto por convenções sociais e, por fim uma amor que vai levá-lo para uma jornada transformadora e inesquecível. Embora os dois adolescentes enfrentem desafios extraordinários, sua coragem e dedicação ao outro provam que a vida pode não ser perfeita, mas o amor é.
O cinquentão Edgar é um desanimado garçom em um tipo de restaurante espaçoso e impessoal que não existe mais desde o início dos anos 1980. Ele divide seu tempo entre a exigente amante Victoria e sua acamada esposa.
Lighting Supervisor
Num dia de inverno Jacob e Marie são deixados para trás numa floresta pelo pai desempregado. Em seu casaco, Jacob encontra um bilhete da mãe clamando para que eles sigam para a casa de um tio na Espanha. Lá eles descobrem que o tio morreu.
Little Crumb
Lighting Director
The film is based on the popular Dutch childrens book by Chris van Abkoude. In a Dutch port in 1921 lives a 10-year-old orphan boy known to everyone simply as Little Crumb. His poverty-stricken mother Lize van Dien filled with shame was forced to turn him over to Mrs. Koster soon after he was born. Foster mother Mrs. Koster, who has cared for him since he was a baby, is very poor too, unable to support him by herself and proves to be a cruel taskmaster who insists Crumb bring her money before shell feed him. Somehow he must earn his keep out on the streets and can only go home after he has earned enough money. Crumb becomes an urchin stealing from the streets barrows and the shops to stay alive, sleeping in churches or huddled in doorways. Sometimes he has to run off from the police and he has earned the enmity of the most grownups around him.
Executive Producer
A video blogger's desperate search for his girlfriend, only visible via his video camera as hostile entities stalk him from the darkness, tearing away his reality to reveal a horrifying truth: this is their domain, he's their test subject.