Niki Mossböck


Blind ermittelt: Tod im Prater
Philipp Hochmair, the newly appointed special investigator, and his partner Andreas Guenther immerse themselves in the equally dazzling and twilight world of the Prater showmen in the sixth "Vienna thriller". To solve the murder of a strikingly successful businessman, the opposing duo must not only uncover his secrets, but also get a tight-knit circle of suspects to speak up.
Johanna Dohnal - Visionary of Feminism
Johanna Dohnal, whose political career spans three decades, was one of the very first explicitly feminist politicians in Europe. As a member of the Austrian socialist government and the first Austrian minister for Women’s Affairs from 1990 to 1994, Dohnal was responsible for founding Austria’s first women’s refuge as well as criminalizing of marital rape. Yet her legacy remains yet to be discovered and re-examined. DIE DOHNAL makes a first step, and it makes Dohnal come alive.
Blind ermittelt: Zerstörte Träume
Another case for Inspector Richie Haller, in which the deadly mixture of cocaine with a pinch of cyanide salt and a faker operation, which is used by drug couriers for distribution, plays a role.
Depois que o corpo de uma garota de programa é encontrado no lago gelado nas montanhas, o caso se torna pessoal para a investigadora.
Several billion tons of earth are moved annually by humans - with shovels, excavators or dynamite. Nikolaus Geyrhalter observes people in mines, quarries, large construction sites in a constant struggle to appropriate the planet.
Viva la Vulva
VIVA LA VULVA is a documentary film that casts a glance right into the centre of female sexuality – historically, culturally, and politically. With a sense of humour, but earnestly and profoundly it examines this very symbol and indicator of women's self-determination, a mystic source of life and anarchic threat to patriarchal systems. Made a symbol of the forbidden, the vulva is attributed its due cultural significance only by being heavily negated, while its fictitious existence as a focus of male sexual phantasies and the pressure to adapt exerted on women make it a significant economic factor. From church to psychoanalysis: what women carry between their legs seems second-rate to the primacy of the penis. But VIVA LA VULVA can also give hope to those awaiting a turn towards a self-determined female sexuality and a new, confident self-definition of women. Not deadly serious, but with informative verve we tell the tale of the new self-awareness of the female sex.
Mademoiselle Paradis
Viena, 1777. Maria Theresia Paradis (Maria-Victoria Dragus) é uma jovem cega extremamente habilidosa no piano. Na esperança de conseguir curar sua cegueira, seus pais a levam até o dr. Mesmer (Devid Striesow), um médico que explora métodos alternativos. Após bastante dedicação, ele descobre que Maria na verdade tem gota e consegue fazer com que ela volte a enxergar. É quando a jovem precisa redescobrir o mundo, já que desde a infância apenas ouvia os sons do que estava ao redor de si.
A Primavera de Christine
Viena, 1945. A situação explosiva da guerra e a ocupação russa vista pelos olhos inocentes duma criança de 9 anos. Christine sabe tão pouco da paz como as crianças de hoje sabem da guerra. Com a casa destruída num bombardeamento e sem um tostão, a família de Christine instala-se numa mansão luxuosa nos arredores de Viena. Mas têm apenas um telhado sobre a cabeça, nada mais. Quando os soldados alemães se rendem, os russos ocupam a casa. Toda a gente tem medo dos russos, que têm a fama de ser uma turba caprichosa. Todos, menos Christine.
Judenburg findet Stadt
Documentary about Austrian city Judenburg and its art scene.
Um Outro Caminho
Um jovem casal tenta superar obstáculos que ameaçam a sua relação. Quando Amar é demitido por beber no trabalho, aceita um emprego bem remunerado numa comunidade muçulmana fundamentalista afastada da cidade. Luna teme que o afastamento do marido interfira em seus planos de engravidar. Depois de ser proibida de se comunicar com Amar, ela é finalmente autorizada a visitá-lo na comunidade. Luna descobre um ambiente cheio de rituais – um mundo onde a vida diária de homens e mulheres é separada sob vigilância constante. Quando Amar volta pra casa semanas depois, ela nota que sua visão sobre religião mudou. Ela começa a questionar tudo em que antes acreditava, incluindo o desejo de ter um filho.
Em Segredo
Em Sarajevo vivem uma mãe e sua filha adolescente. A garota pensa ser filha de um herói de guerra desaparecido no conflito dos Balcãs, mas na verdade a mãe esconde dela o fato de ter sofrido abusos sexuais durante a guerra, época em que ela foi gerada.
24 Realities per Second
A portrait of a dedicated filmmaker who is a charming yet elusive figure in thrall to cinema and the constant perfection of his craft.
More or Less
She is a phone operator, he is a cab driver. In the evening they meet again in their shared apartment to read comics and have sex. He watches football on TV, she has a bath. Indecisively they try out other possibilities, gestures, stylings. The preparations for breakfast are a routine of well-coordinated motions. In just 18 minutes the film takes a lot of time to show the course of events in their duration and repetition.
More or Less
Director of Photography
She is a phone operator, he is a cab driver. In the evening they meet again in their shared apartment to read comics and have sex. He watches football on TV, she has a bath. Indecisively they try out other possibilities, gestures, stylings. The preparations for breakfast are a routine of well-coordinated motions. In just 18 minutes the film takes a lot of time to show the course of events in their duration and repetition.
Nachricht von H.
Director of Photography
Michael Lanzmann, a Viennese Jew of the war generation, receives a letter.
Speak Easy
Young people on the telephone.