Udo Kroschwald

Udo Kroschwald

Nascimento : 1955-01-01, Freiberg, Germany


Udo Kroschwald


Um ex-campeão de boxe da Alemanha Oriental e Olímpico agora está em tempos difíceis. Está treinando jovens boxeadores no ginásio local, fazendo shows ocasionais e trabalhando também como cobrador para um agiota. De repente, é forçado a refletir sobre sua vida quando é diagnosticado com uma doença fatal.
The Monuments Men - Os Caçadores de Tesouros
Hermann Goering
Durante o declínio de Hitler na Alemanha, um grupo de 13 especialistas vindos de países diferentes é reunido para reencontrar obras de arte roubadas pelos nazistas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. George Stout (George Clooney), um oficial americano e conservador de obras de arte, lidera a equipe.
Tom Atkins Blues
The Spaetkauf (Late Night Shop) has been at the heart of Berlin Prenzlauer Berg and an integral part of people's daily lives for over 13 years. A place to meet and hang out, local bar, grapevine, a place to buy anything you might need out of hours. A place to forget your worries. Where there is always time for the customer. Every night and all day Sunday. With reggae, dub & hip hop playing out of the speakers onto the street. Tommy, the Englishman, has worked in the Spaetkauf for years, selling the wares and dealing with arguing couples, lost tourists, drunken locals, late night discussions, participating in heated basketball games, visiting late night clubs and suffering hangovers. A kaleidoscope of people offering glimpses into their lives, hopes and thoughts, weaving a tapestry of local life.
In Aachen ring the wedding bells. It will be the most beautiful day in the life of Julia and Alex. But Manfred, father of the groom and Kleinganove makes him a nightmare. A dead courier, a dorky mafioso, a neurotic old-68, sparkling diamonds and a waiting bride: A wedding that you do not want his worst enemy.
Plötzlich Millionär
Heinz Knesebeck
Alle Alle
Nimm dir dein Leben
Manfred Beutel
My Fuhrer
Martin Bormann
O ator mais aclamado da Alemanha é contratado pelo propagandista Nazi Joseph Goebbels para preparar o líder do Terceiro Reich para fazer um discurso.
Nur Anfänger heiraten
Hotelmanager Klemm
" Finally find yourself a man!" Nina ignores her grandmother 's request - and unexpectedly falls in love with Hannes , whose wedding she is supposed to organize ...
Liebling, bring die Hühner ins Bett
Pfarrer Juchem
O Pianista
Em 1939, quando a Polónia é invadida pela Alemanha Nazi, o pianista Wladyslaw Szpilman interpretava peças clássicas numa rádio em Varsóvia. O jovem pianista irá então partilhar o drama do povo judeu, testemunhando a sua transferência forçada para o gueto de Varsóvia e, depois, para os campos de extermínio. Determinado a sobreviver, foge do gueto dias antes da grande revolta que os alemães esmagarão com sangue. Com a ajuda de membros da resistência polaca, viverá uma existência de fome, solidão e medo, entre os escombros de um mundo que colapsa ao seu redor.
Planet B - C.I.Angel
Heroes Like Us
Vater Uhltzscht
A young man from an early age falls in love with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. His father however is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself.
Move On Up
Little Angel
Ramona lives her lonely life in Berlin working in a lipstick factory. One day she accidentally runs into Andrzei, a Polish mechanic illegally selling cigarettes in Germany during the weekend. One thing leads to another, and soon she finds herself pregnant. Then her life starts falling apart, when Andrzei tells her he already has a wife back in Poland and her baby dies shortly after its premature birth.
The Promise
East-Berlin, 1961, shortly after the erection of the Wall. Konrad, Sophie and three of their friends plan a daring escape to Western Germany. The attempt is successful, except for Konrad, who remains behind. From then on, and for the next 28 years, Konrad and Sophie will attempt to meet again, in spite of the Iron Curtain. Konrad, who has become a reputed Astrophysicist, tries to take advantage of scientific congresses outside Eastern Germany to arrange encounters with Sophie. But in a country where the political police, the Stasi, monitors the moves of all suspicious people (such as Konrad's sister Barbara and her husband Harald), preserving one's privacy, ideals and self-respect becomes an exhausting fight, even as the Eastern block begins its long process of disintegration.
Mein Name ist Marlene Dietrich
Elephant in the Hospital
Der Haifischfütterer
The furniture mover Stefan is on the verge of serving his time in the military. He has always been a guy with distinctive civil courage who cannot stand injustice. Now he has ten days left in which he plans to make a lot of decisions, not least the decision with which woman he wants to spend his life. Stefan is picky, however, and none of them seems good enough for him.