Anne-Louise Trividic


Minha Noite
Marion tem 18 anos. Ela sente uma tristeza profunda desde a morte da irmã e, ao mesmo tempo, tem uma necessidade urgente de liberdade. No aniversário da morte de sua irmã, ela embarca em uma jornada pelas ruas de Paris, em uma noite de encontros com alguns rostos familiares em uma cidade com a qual os jovens não se relacionam mais. Até que Marion conhece o impulsivo e descontraído Alex. Nessa reunião entre duas pessoas solitárias, seus caminhos se encontram em um percurso que evolui como uma peregrinação, como uma viagem noite adentro.
A Flower in the Mouth
A Flower in the Mouth is a film diptych about time running out and how to live through the days that remain. The first act, filmed as an observational documentary in the world’s largest flower market, follows millions of bouquets transiting through a cavernous refrigerated hangar to be sold at auction, an industrial process at once both beautiful and terrifying. The film transitions to fiction in a second act freely adapted from a Pirandello play. A man with a flower-shaped tumour on his lip accosts a traveller in an all-night café. Their seemingly mundane conversation becomes a metaphysical monologue as the man, feeling death approach, clings to life by scrupulously observing its activity, watching reality in every detail, as if to fill the gap between himself and the rest of the world.
Um Segredo em Paris
Uma mulher de 27 anos sonha com um futuro como escritora, mas é atormentada pela dúvida e pela incerteza. Ela se muda para Paris onde algo mágico acontece e acaba se conectando com um misantropo de 76 anos, que dirige uma livraria. Porém, quando um segredo do homem é revelado, a relação deles pode se tornar algo muito distinto.
Gaby Baby Doll
Gaby mustn’t be left alone at night. Yet that’s exactly what her boyfriend Vincent does, to test her love for him. She struggles against her natural instincts and quickly exhausts the patience of the local guys. But Gaby decides to turn to castle warden Nicolas, an expert in loneliness, for help.
Melody, 28 years old, a confused child born under the name X, decides to rent out her body in order to get the money she needs to realize her dream: opening a hair-dressing salon. To do so, she accepts to carry the child of Emily, a rich English woman 48 years old who can no longer have children. To make sure everything goes well and keep an eye on her future child, Emily decides to welcome Melody into her home and stay by her side throughout the pregnancy. Although they first appear to come from completely different worlds, the two women end up adopting each other: Melody finds in Emily the mother she never had, and Emily sees in Melody the daughter she always wanted to have. Evidently, the bonds that emerge during this double maternity create all sorts of doubts and questions.
O Monge
Ascensão e queda de um monge capuchinho na Madri do século XVII. Abandonado ainda bebê nas escadarias de um monastério e criado segundo a rígida ordem dos capuchinhos, Ambrósio se tornou o pregador mais famoso do país. Enquanto grandes multidões vêm de todo os cantos para ouvir seus sermões impressionantes, o sucesso dele é amargamente invejado por outros monges do monastério. Convencido de sua virtude e retidão, o irmão Ambrósio acredita ser imune à tentação... Até que eventos misteriosos começam a aterrorizar o monastério. Poderiam eles estar ligados à inesperada chegada de Valério, um monge aprendiz que tem o dom milagroso de curar as intensas dores de cabeça de Ambrósio e que esconde sua face desfigurada atrás de uma máscara de cera?
The solitary Daniel and Sonia share an uneasy love/hate relationship. Daniel's life is disrupted by the appearance of a stranger that proceeds to insinuate himself in his life. The man's persistence takes its toll on Daniel and Sonia, leaving Daniel alone with nagging questions of "Why?"
Plum Rain
Les prédateurs
In 1988, after much cunning political maneuvering, Loïk Le Floch-Prigent and Alfred Sirven become the chief executives at Elf. They discover a company that runs on kickbacks: in exchange for the oil rights, Elf makes handsome but discreet payoffs to the leaders of African nations. With the tacit complicity of President Mitterrand, and with eventual political and personal interests in mind, the new management takes charge of the slush fund. Within months, Sirven, Le Floch-Prigent and his wife Fatima Belaïd fill their pockets with more than they could ever have imagined.
A Truck Under Repair
Script Consultant
Twenty-year-old Eugène is somewhat aimless and has not been doing well in university. He is staying in a small village for the summer. He awkwardly seduces Pierre, a slightly older man who is working for Mathilde as caretaker for the season. Pierre is initially open to the relationship, but quickly becomes reluctant to become too involved.
Wealthy but arrogant writer Jean Hervey comes home one day to find that his wife, Gabrielle, has left him for another man. Realizing her mistake, Gabrielle returns, and the pair begin a merciless analysis of their marriage as the relationship comes undone.
His Brother
Thomas has been estranged from his brother Luc for several years, due in part to his difficulties in dealing with Luc's homosexuality. But when Thomas is diagnosed with a rare blood disease, which is difficult to treat and impossible to cure, he decides he wants to bring Luc back into his life. The brothers soon become inseparable, and their new relationship begins to alienate their significant others.
Muito Perto do Paraíso
People and life can be cruel, and in their face, Fannette is cool: toward an old acquaintance, to her daughter, to colleagues. Beneath the surface, she roils with passion for a lost love, Philippe. She watches "An Affair to Remember" again and again, and when she receives a letter from Philippe asking her to meet him atop the Empire State Building, she swoons. She's writing a book on an aged painter, so she organizes a trip to New York ostensibly to secure photographs of some of his pieces. The publisher assigns her a photographer, Matt, on the surface spontaneous and flip, but also aggressive about his attraction to her. Will she be with the one she loves? Will she smile? Written by
Jay (Mark Rylance) e Claire (Kerry Fox) formam um casal que vive uma relação passional, onde se encontram todas as tardes de quarta-feira por um único motivo: sexo. O casal segue um ritual: tiram as roupas, fazem amor, se vestem e partem sem dizer uma só palavra. Sempre se sentem um pouco embaraçados, mas nada têm a dizer um ao outro e também nada sabem sobre suas vidas. Um dia, Jay decide conhecer melhor sua parceira. Ele a segue e descobre que ela é uma atriz, casada e com um filho. Seu marido é um simpático taxista, com quem Jay faz amizade. Ao saber do fato, Claire desaparece. Mas Jay não se conforma e parte em seu encalço.
Le cas Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Disgusted by life and uninterested in earthly subjects, Lovecraft intentionally avoided reality when writing, veering into the unknown and inspiring the fear that lurks in nightmares. But, how do you portray the indefinable mythology that gave birth to Dragon, or the mysterious Cthulhu, or the uniquely strange Necronomicon? Directors Patrick Mario Bernard and Pierre Trividic asked themselves this question before responding with this unorthodox documentary that re-creates the atmosphere of claustrophobia, anxiety, and madness of Lovecraft s life and work.
L'Âge des possibles
Ten young people ( boys and girls) at the age at which all is possible. They meet, they love, they choose. The film comes and goes between all those people, revealing their anguish, their dreams, depicting the portrait of a generation of the '90s which has both the fury and the fear of life.