Robert Siodmak

Robert Siodmak

Nascimento : 1900-08-08, Dresden, Germany

Morte : 1973-03-10


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Robert Siodmak (8 August 1900 - 10 March 1973) was a German born American film director. He is best remembered as a thriller specialist and for the series of Hollywood film noirs he made in the 1940s. Description above from the Wikipedia article Robert Siodmak, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Robert Siodmak


A Big Grey-Blue Bird
Two rival gangs try to obtain the five parts of a dangerous formula held by five scientists.
The Fight for Rome II - The Betrayal
The devious general Cethegus plays the Byzantine and Gothic forces against each other for his own gain.
O Último Romano
A Roman noble, Cethegus, tries to start a war, setting the Ostrogoths and their Queen, Amalasuntha, against the Byzantine Emperor Justinian; Cethegus wants to swoop in after they have destroyed each other and create a new Roman Empire from their combined kingdoms; however, he does not factor into his plans the vagaries of love and the personal integrity of the people in both kingdoms.
Os Bravos Não se Rendem
Uma espetacular produção baseada na tumultuada história do herói que se tornou uma lenda: O general George Armstrong Custer (Robert Shaw). Servindo em uma guerra civil, general Custer é enviado para o oeste para assumir o comando da 7° Cavalaria e destruir uma tribo indígena de sua reserva devido a descoberta de ouro nessas terras. Seguindo o ataque, Custer é chamado de volta para Washington, para testemunhar no congresso onde revela subornos e corrupções que envolvem o president Grant. Este filme investiga a fundo os pensamentos do general Custer e revela as motivações que levaram ao caminho da glória e fracasso.
Pyramid of the Sun God
Mexico, 1864. The country is divided by the struggle against the French occupation and emperor Maximilian. The German doctor Karl Sternau and his friend Andreas Hasenpfeffer come to love the country and support the cause of the proud Mexicans.
Mercenaries of the Rio Grande
Dr. Karl Sternau, the personal physician of the count Bismarck, who spent much of his youth in Mexico, is sent back to that country during the occupation by French troops in the service of the Austrian 'Emperor' Maximilian, to carry an encouraging letter from U.S. President Lincoln to the nationalist Mexican president Benito Juarez.
Yellow Devil
When a villain named "the Shoot" terrorizes the constituents of Albanian country, which he rules. Heroic Kara Ben Nemsi (Lex Barker), and his sidekick are the only ones who can stop him
Yellow Devil
When a villain named "the Shoot" terrorizes the constituents of Albanian country, which he rules. Heroic Kara Ben Nemsi (Lex Barker), and his sidekick are the only ones who can stop him
Escape from East Berlin
East Berlin, shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall. Kurt Schröder and his family dig a tunnel to escape to West Berlin as they struggle to overcome the obstacles blocking their underground path to freedom.
The Nina B. Affair
A businessman who lives from blackmailing begins to be blackmailed by his own wife who hates him.
The Nina B. Affair
A businessman who lives from blackmailing begins to be blackmailed by his own wife who hates him.
Mein Schulfreund
Mein Schulfreund
O Czar Alexandre II conhece uma jovem estudante, Kátia. Ele percebe que a ama e tenta mandá-la embora, mas acabam se vendo novamente e se tornam amantes. Com a ajuda de Kátia, Alexandre prepara uma constituição liberal, mas essas reformas o tornam inimigo dos súditos mais privilegiados.
The Rough and the Smooth
Young blonde woman seems to destroy everyone she comes in contact with.
The Rough and the Smooth
Young blonde woman seems to destroy everyone she comes in contact with.
Dorothea Angermann
Dorothea Angermann the daughter of a clergyman is accused of the murder of her husband, a brutal man that she was obliged to marry because she was pregnant and he was the father of the baby.
The Devil Strikes at Night
Hamburg, Germany, 1944, during World War II. A serial killer terrorizes the city. When it seems clear that the local police are unable to catch him, forces as dark and terrible as the criminal himself become involved in the case.
Mein Vater, der Schauspieler
Because Diva Christine believes that her husband is cheating on her, she hurtles away and dies. Only the little son prevents the widower from committing suicide.
The Rats
After the fall and before the wall.
Flesh and the Woman
In this romance, a jilted lawyer joins the French Foreign Legion to help him forget his faithless love. While in the desert he espies a village beauty who is the exact double of his true-love.
O Pirata Sangrento
Burt Lancaster interpreta um pirata com gosto pela intriga e acrobacias que se envolve nos acontecimentos de uma revolução no Caribe no final dos anos 1700. Uma aventura de coração leve envolvendo fugas de prisão, um cientista estranho, veleiros, batalhas navais e toneladas de espadas. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
The Whistle at Eaton Falls
A newly promoted plant supervisor finds himself in the position of having to announce a layoff of his fellow workers.
The real-life deportation of gangster Lucky Luciano was the inspiration for this romanticized and slightly crackbrained crime drama. Jeff Chandler plays the Luciano counterpart, who once he arrives in Italy renews his criminal activities.
A Confissão de Thelma
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
O Grande Pecador
A young man succumbs to gambling fever.
Romântico, o obsessivo Steve Thompson é atraído de volta para Los Angeles para fazer uma outra tentativa com Anna, sua ex-mulher. No entanto, agora Anna pertence ao submundo de LA. Steve acredita que pode resgatá-la, ignorando os conselhos e avisos de pessoas que tentam ajuda-lo. Ele acaba enveredando por um caminho perigoso que rapidamente leva todos para um lugar não esperado.
Uma Vida Marcada
O Tenente da polícia Candella, amigo de longa data da família Rome, anda na corda bamba no caso do assassino de policiais Martin Rome. O criminoso mesquinho e assassino de policiais Martin Rome, em mau estado na prisão do hospital devido a ferimentos, ainda se recusa a ajudar o malandro advogado Niles a limpar o nome do seu cliente confessando um outro crime. O Ten. Candella deve verificar a alegação de Niles, mas como é amigo da família de Rome, ele anda na corda bamba entre sua vontade e o cinismo. Quando Martin teme que o Ten. Candella envolva sua namorada Teena, ele fará qualquer coisa para protegê-la. Quantos outros Martin vai arrastar para o desastre com ele?
Time Out Of Mind
The son of a wealthy Maine family shocks his relatives by announcing he wants to pursue a career in music.
Time Out Of Mind
The son of a wealthy Maine family shocks his relatives by announcing he wants to pursue a career in music.
Espelho d'Alma
A sister and her disturbed twin are implicated in a murder and a police detective must figure out which one's the killer.
Os Assassinos
Pistoleiros matam uma vítima que não resiste, e o investigador Reardon descobre seu envolvimento passado com a bela e mortal Kitty Collins. Dois assassinos profissionais invadem uma pequena cidade e matam um atendente de posto de gasolina, "o sueco", que os espera sem opor nenhuma resistência. O investigador de seguros Reardon investiga o caso contra as ordens de seu chefe, que considera o caso trivial. Juntando os fios da vida do sueco, Reardon descobre uma complexa história de traição e crime, tudo ligando com a deslumbrante e misteriosa Kitty Collins.
Silêncio nas Trevas
The Killer's 'Eye' (uncredited)
On a stormy night, the mute servant to an ailing matriarch is stalked by a serial killer.
Silêncio nas Trevas
On a stormy night, the mute servant to an ailing matriarch is stalked by a serial killer.
The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry
George Sanders stars in this engrossing melodrama about a very domineering sister who holds a tight grip on her brother -- especially when he shows signs of falling in love.
Conflitos d'Alma
Original Story
Um engenheiro amarrado num casamento infeliz mata a esposa na esperança de se casar com sua cunhada, a irmã mais nova. Richard Mason foi levemente ferido num acidente de carro, mas finge que seus ferimentos são piores, então ele não pode acompanhar sua esposa, Kathryn em uma viagem para as montanhas. Ele, no entanto, a mata em uma estrada solitária da montanha. Ou não? Depois que ele sente o cheiro de seu perfume, encontra suas joias, vê um envelope endereçado com sua caligrafia, ele volta para a cena do crime para encontrar ... o que?
Baseado livremente na história da vida real do Dr. Crippen, este filme é um pequeno tesouro de suspense criminal, com fortes lances de film-noir. É dirigido por um dos maiores mestres do noir, Robert Siodmak, outro alemão da escola expressionista, fugido do nazismo. Este é um melodrama sem maiores complexidades, mas belamente dirigido. É baseado na novela This Way Out, de James Ronald, tem muitas semelhanças com o caso do Dr. Crippen que foi acusado em 1910 de ter assassinado sua esposa e fugido para o Canadá com sua amante. Charles Laughton, como sempre, está soberbo em sua interpretação, valorizando a direção de Siodmak e transformando seu trabalho em verdadeira obra de um mestre.
Férias de Natal
Don't be fooled by the title. Christmas Holiday is a far, far cry from It's a Wonderful Life. Told in flashback, the story begins as Abigail Martin marries Southern aristocrat Robert Monette. Unfortunately, Robert has inherited his family's streak of violence and instability, and soon drags Abigail into a life of misery.
Mulher Cobra
Quando descobre que sua noiva tollea foi raptada, ramu e seu amigo kadu viajam para uma ilha do pacífico em busca de resgatá-la. O que eles não sabem é que esta ilha é habitada por um povo fanático, adoradores da deusa cobra, e que todos os visitantes desta ilha são assassinados ao chegarem para serem dados em sacrifício ao deus vulcão. A ilha é comandada pela maligna irmã de tollea, naja, a mulher cobra, que além de cair em desejo por seu novo prisioneiro, ramu, está pronta para eliminar todos à sua volta que a impeçam de realizar suas vontades, inclusive sua benevolente irmã.
Dama Fantasma
Uma secretária dedicada arrisca sua vida para tentar encontrar uma esquiva mulher que pode provar que seu chefe não assassinou sua esposa egoísta. Num casamento infeliz, Scott Henderson passa a noite com uma mulher de chapéu que ele pegou em um bar. Voltando para casa, ele encontra sua esposa estrangulada e se torna o principal suspeito do assassinato. Todo esforço para estabelecer seu álibi fracassa; estranhamente, ninguém parece se lembrar de ter visto a dama fantasma (ou seu chapéu). Na prisão, Scott perde as esperanças, mas sua fiel secretária, "Kansas", persegue obstinadamente pistas evanescentes pelas sombrias ruas noturnas. Será que ela poderá salvar Scott a tempo?
O Filho do Drácula
O maior filme de vampiros de todos os tempos renova seu reino de terror nesse espetacular filme de 1840. Lon Chaney Jr., conhecido por seus papéis como Lobisomem e Frankenstein, estrela como Conde Alucard, o sanguinolento filho do famoso vampiro da Transilvânia. Quando Katherine (Louise Allbritton), uma bela garota do sul obcecada por pensamentos sobre a vida eterna, convida o conde para sua mansão nos Estados Unidos, ela abre uma caixa de pandora do maldoso conde. Juntos eles procuram saciar sua sede por sangue humano com assassinatos noturnos, nessa experiência no gênero de terror dirigida por Robert Siodmak.
Someone to Remember
An elderly woman whose son disappeared years before refuses to move when her apartment building is turned into a college dormitory for male students, as she is convinced that he will return one day. She continues to live in the building after it becomes a dorm, and eventually grows attached to a troubled young student whom she comes to believe is her own grandson. When she finds out that the boy's father will be visiting him, she prepares herself to be reunited with the man she has convinced herself is her long-lost son.
My Heart Belongs to Daddy
A distinguished professor finds his well-ordered life tospy-turvy after he is forced to take in a pregnant widow.
The Night Before the Divorce
Marital comedy with a dash of murder.
Young intern Jeff Burton, impulsively offers a lift to an odd-looking gentlemen. It soon turns out that Jeff's passenger is an inventor has just escaped from a shady sanitarium, where he has been held prisoner by Nazi spies.
West Point Widow
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
Personal Column
To try solving the strange disappearances of 11 young Parisian women, the police obtain the services of Adrienne Charpentier, friend of the latest missing person.
Corsican Brothers
Siamese twins, separated at birth, maintain a psychic knowledge of each other's dire fates.
About the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the beginning of the First World War. Focuses on the relationship between a Serbian officer and his Austrian-born wife and their involvement in espionage between the countries.
Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victim of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralysed and entirely in his wife’s power...
French White Cargo
Two journalists from different papers are looking for the same story. They want to know, who a group of gangsters getting young women from Europe to South America, where they are forced to work in brothels. But the gangsters have their own battels against each over, so the journalists can escape the danger, in which they've brought themselves.
Mister Flow
While still behind bars, a crook manages several schemes including one that almost gets his penniless young lawyer into trouble.The crook's mistress, married to a rich man, then becomes attracted to the lawyer.
Symphonie D'Amour
A ten-year old film when it was first released in the USA as "Symphonie D'Amour" in 1946. Panard (Fernand Gravet) is a talented composer who is having little success in his musical career. He is reduced to hiring out as a sandwich-board man to advertise what proves to be his own show. His girl, Jacqueline Francell, interests a Marquis in backing the show. She and Panard are happily reunited after the successful opening of his operetta.
Vida Parisiense
Um milionário brasileiro, Ramiro Mendoza ou Mendonça ?, visitou Paris em 1900 e se envolveu romanticamente com a estrela de "La Vie Parisienne" de Offenbach, que estava em cartaz na época. Trinta e cinco anos depois, ele retorna com o filho Jacques Mendoza e a neta Helenita, que está noiva de um jovem francês. Mas o filho puritano Jacques proíbe o casamento. Então Ramiro Mendoza e os amigos da atriz conspiram para que o filho mude de ideia e logo conseguem convertê-lo à 'Vida Parisiense'. Uma versão em Inglês foi concomitantemente filmada e lançada em 1936.
The Slump Is Over
A provincial tour fails without money in an abandoned theater in the capital and puts on a review under the sign of optimism.
Perigosa Aventura
One autumn, Edgar, a 12 year old boy, spends a holiday with his mother at a plush hotel in Switzerland. His father, a busy lawyer, remains at the family home in Vienna. When he sees a stylish motorcar pull up at the hotel, Edgar wastes no time befriending its owner, an amiable dandy. The latter pays more attention to the boy’s mother than to the boy himself, and decides to use Edgar to wheedle his way into her affections. When Edgar realises he has been used, he is far from happy...
Perigosa Aventura
One autumn, Edgar, a 12 year old boy, spends a holiday with his mother at a plush hotel in Switzerland. His father, a busy lawyer, remains at the family home in Vienna. When he sees a stylish motorcar pull up at the hotel, Edgar wastes no time befriending its owner, an amiable dandy. The latter pays more attention to the boy’s mother than to the boy himself, and decides to use Edgar to wheedle his way into her affections. When Edgar realises he has been used, he is far from happy...
Le sexe faible
The story of Madame Leroy-Gomez, a wealthy divorcee living in Paris. Together with her servant Antoine she schemes to marry off her unmarried children and fix any issues that arise for those already married.
A woman staying at a health spa (Lillian Harvey, goes to the theater every night to see "Quick" a comic performer, who wears clown make-up. She meets him off stage, without make-up and doesn't recognize him. He courts her, hoping she'll like him for himself but she maintains her crush on "Quick."
Lilian Harvey plays Eva, a young girl taking some time in a health spa and spending her evenings in the town's vaudeville theatre enamoured by a heavily made-up clown called Quick. Quick takes a shine to her and tries to woo her without make-up and masquerading as the theatre's manager. Unable to resolve her feelings for Quick and the theatre manager, Eva is angered when she finally learns that they are one and the same.
Fresh out of prison a small-time crook finds his girlfriend's dropped him, which sends him into a murderous rage.
The Tempest
Two inspiration sources appear clearly: contemporary American gangster movies and Alfred Döblin’s novel Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929).
About an investigation
During an inquest after a woman is killed, the judge suspects his own son. The woman's lover had been friendly with the son and he was also supposed to be married to the judge's daughter.
When a prostitute is murdered in a cheap Berlin boarding house, an investigating judge suspects that the killer is her boyfriend, unaware that his own son and daughter are also mixed up in the case.
When a prostitute is murdered in a cheap Berlin boarding house, an investigating judge suspects that the killer is her boyfriend, unaware that his own son and daughter are also mixed up in the case.
The Man in Search of His Murderer
A man in bad sorts hires a burglar to later kill him, then changes his mind when his fortunes turn and must find the contracted murderer before it is too late.
Hella lives in a boarding house and has various romantic adventures before settling down with vacuum cleaner salesman Winkler.
The fight with the dragon or: The tragedy of the lodger
A meek clerk can no longer abide the nastiness of his boarding house proprietress and takes drastic action.
The fight with the dragon or: The tragedy of the lodger
A meek clerk can no longer abide the nastiness of his boarding house proprietress and takes drastic action.
People on Sunday
A semi-documentary experimental 1930 German silent film created by amateurs with a small budget. With authentic scenes of the metropolis city of Berlin, it's the first film from the later famous screenwriters/directors Billy Wilder and Fred Zinnemann.
Die Durchgängerin