Clotilde Hesme

Clotilde Hesme

Nascimento : 1979-07-30, Troyes, Aube, France


Clotilde Hesme ( born 30 July 1979 in Troyes, Aube) is a French actress. She is the sister of Annelise Hesme, and Élodie Hesme, who are also actresses. After studying at the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique (CNSAD), she appeared in plays and was noticed by Jérôme Bonnel who cast her in his film Le Chignon d'Olga in 2002. In 2005 she appeared in Philippe Garrel's Regular Lovers. She was nominated for the 2008 César Award for Most Promising Actress for her appearance in Christophe Honoré's Love Songs and nominated for a Molière Award the same year for her performance in Marivaux's La Seconde Surprise de l'amour. She won the SACD Plaisir du théâtre prize in 2009. Description above from the Wikipedia article Clotilde Hesme, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Clotilde Hesme
Clotilde Hesme
Clotilde Hesme
Clotilde Hesme
Clotilde Hesme
Clotilde Hesme
Clotilde Hesme


The Price of Money: A Largo Winch Adventure
Largo Winch, devastated by the kidnapping of his son, realizes that if he finds those responsible for his bankruptcy, maybe he'll see his son again.
Chicken for Linda!
Paulette realizes she has unfairly punished her daughter Linda. To make up for it, she promises to cook her a chicken with peppers, even though she cannot cook at all. But where to find a chicken on a strike day, when all the shops are closed?
O Paciente Perdido
Anna Kieffer
Um jovem acorda do coma sem se lembrar da noite em que toda a família foi assassinada. Para tentar descobrir o que aconteceu, ele vai contar com a ajuda de uma psicóloga.
In the maternity ward, Céline awaits the arrival of her first child. It is Jeanne, her partner, who will bring her into the world. At night, in the entrance hall of the hospital, she meets men who are waiting, like herself.
Alex Beaupain, Création Love on the beat etc
Na Linha de Frente
Isabelle Verheyden
Eden e Abdel são dois jovens terroristas que planejam um ataque a uma escola em Bruxelas. Porém, na hora do atentado, Abdel se explode antes do combinado e acaba ferindo Eden, que é socorrido por uma ambulância junto com outras vítimas. Os paramédicos não têm ideia de quem é o menino, mas, quando um deles percebe o cinto cheio de explosivos, já é tarde demais: Eden acordou e ameaça explodir a ambulância se os médicos não o fizerem o que ele manda.
Came the Wave
While a disaster hits the country, two women organize their survival in a lost forest.
The Game of Love and Chance
Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin , Paris From 16 janvier to 28 avril 2018. The Game of Love and Chance (French: Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard) is a three-act romantic comedy by French playwright Marivaux. The Game of Love and Chance was first performed 23 January 1730 by the Comédie Italienne. In this play, a young woman is visited by her betrothed, whom she does not know. To get a better idea of the type of person he is, she trades places with her servant and disguises herself. However, unbeknownst to her, her fiancé has the same idea and trades places with his valet. The "game" pits the two false servants against the two false masters, and in the end, the couples fall in love with their appropriate counterpart.
O Poder de Diane
Sem hesitação, Diane aceitou carregar o filho de Thomas e Jacques, seus melhores amigos. É nessas circunstâncias, não muito ideais, que ela se apaixona por Fabrizio.
A CEO for a television channel finds his life torn apart after he wakes up from coma.
Camille Peano
Axèle is a photographer, Camille is a writer. They have been awarded an arts residency at the Villa Medicis in Rome. Camille is accompanied by her husband, the famous writer Marc Landré. When a strange rivalry takes shape between them, Camille bonds with Axèle. But who is Axèle really ? A total artist, who never compromises and confuses herself with her oeuvre ? Or a ghost ? This year at the Villa Medici, where bodies and souls free themselves, no one will come out unscathed.
A Vida de uma Mulher
Gilberte de Fourville
Jeanne volta para casa após completar os estudos e passa a ajudar os zelosos pais nas tarefas do campo. Certo dia o visconde Julien de Lamare aparece nas redondezas e logo conquista o coração da jovem, que, encantada, com ele se casa e vai morar. Conforme o tempo avança Julien se mostra infiel, avarento e nada companheiro, o que vai minando a alegria de viver da antes esperançosa Jeanne.
Marie Hecquet
O jovem negro Rafael Padilha nasceu em Cuba em 1868 e foi vendido quando ainda era criança. Anos depois ele consegue fugir e é encontrado nas docas por um palhaço que o coloca nas suas apresentações. Em seguida, Padilha passa a ser conhecido como Chocolat, tornando-se o primeiro artista circense negro na França, um grande sucesso no final do século XIX.
Eva & Leon
Eva, uma mulher de 35 anos, é imprevisível, encantadoramente imatura e não tem filhos. Leon, 10, tem a seriedade e o raciocínio de um adulto e não tem família. Eva está entediada com sua vida privilegiada, bem como em sua vida amorosa. Leon acaba de fugir de um abrigo para tentar encontrar a mãe. Não era para eles se conhecerem, mas vão acabar passando cinco inesquecíveis dias juntos. Ele vai ensiná-la a crescer e ela vai mostrar ao garoto como ser criança de novo.
The Last Hammer Blow
When he first enters the Montpellier Opera House, Victor knows nothing about music. Nor does he know his father, Samuel Rovinski, who is there to conduct Mahler’s 6th symphony. To change the course of his suddenly uncertain future, for Nadia his mother, for Luna whom he has fallen in love with, Victor has decided to step out of the shadows. He’ll go as far as he needs to.
For a Woman
After the death of her mother, Anne makes a shocking discovery: an old photograph casts doubt on her origins and leads her to discover a mysterious uncle who lived with her parents after the war. As she lifts the lid on a long forgotten family secret, the young woman learns that her mother once succumbed to an amorous passion that was as intense as it was short-lived...
Once Upon a Time...
Adrienne Chanel
In 1913, designer Coco Chanel opens her first boutique in the French city of Deauville.
Três Mundos
Al (Raphael Personnaz), traz um jovem de origem modesta que casou com a filha de seu patrão e vira herdeiro da empresa onde trabalha. Uma noite, após uma festa regada de muita bebida, ele acaba atropelando um desconhecido e, encorajado por seus amigos, não presta socorro ao ferido e foge. Mas o que Al ignora é que Juliette (Clotilde Hesme) viu o acidente de sua varanda e será uma testemunha essencial para que os culpados sejam punidos.
Angèle and Tony
Angèle, a beautiful young woman with a past, arrives in a small fishing harbor in Normandy. She meets Tony, a professional fisherman, who finds himself attracted to her although he dislikes her blunt ways. Tony hires her as a fishmonger, lodges her and teaches her the tricks of the trade. The relationships between Myriam, Tony's mother, and Angèle are far from easy but the young woman gradually adapts to her new environment and little by little Tony and Angèle manage to tame each other.
Mistérios de Lisboa
Elisa de Montfort
A trágica história das muitas vidas do Padre Dinis, das suas origens sombrias e das suas obras piedosas, e dos diferentes destinos de todos aqueles que, presos numa sinistra teia de amor, ódio e crime, se cruzam com ele ao longo de anos de aventuras e infortúnios na convulsa Europa do final do século 18.
Suite noire – Envoyez la facture
Happy End
Robinson, appropriately named as we will soon discover, is on vacation in Biarritz with his wife. What follows is the story behind the loss of his arm, a story that becomes increasingly bizarre and eventually apocalyptic, leading us down a narrative path of labyrinthine complexity. The resulting film is an extraordinary feat of imagination and daring, set against the backdrop of a world on the verge of destruction.
Angelo, tyran de Padoue
La Tisbé
By choosing Victor Hugo for his first major theater production, Christophe Honoré surprises and intrigues. Angelo, tyrant of Padua surprises even more: little staged, this piece is almost incongruous. For him, it is a text whose clarity hides many secret doors and dark and ambiguous dungeons
La Seconde Surprise de l'amour
La Marquise
On War
Bertrand (Mathieu Amalric), a film director, is conducting research for his latest film, and asks a funeral director if he can stay back at his funeral parlour after the close of business. Bertrand cannot resist getting into a coffin, and accidentally knocks the lid down, locking himself in the coffin.
A Bela Junie
The documentalist
Junie (Léa Seydoux) é uma garota de 16 anos que se mudou após a morte de sua mãe. Ela passa a estudar na mesma turma que seu primo Matthias, que a apresenta aos demais colegas. Todos os garotos logo desejam sair com Junie, mas ela escolhe o mais calado de todos, Otto Clèves. Porém, Junie descobre o grande amor de sua vida: Nemours (Louis Garrel), seu professor de italiano.
The story of two rival brothers, one a pimp and the other a cop, and how the former manages to be the family favourite.
24 Bars
It is Christmas Eve. Separated from her young son, Helly struggles for money. A solitary man, Didier pays her to play his fiancée for the night. But the act comes to a tragic end. Left stunned, Helly meets Marie, who takes her in, on her way to the coast. There they encounter Chris. All three will end the night together. It’s their last move in joy and perdition.
Six stories, six films that follow on from each other; this is a glance at the childhood of renowned directors whose style has marked the history of film. A group of young directors focus their cameras on the story of these filmmakers, these childhood stories that sometimes shape an entire life and thus shed light on their cinematic works. The stories overlap to merge into one film about childhood, filled with emotional wounds, frustrations and encounters.
The Grocer's Son
Antoine Sforza, a thirty-year-old young man, left his village ten years before in order to start a new life in the big city, but now that his father, a traveling grocer, is in hospital after a stroke, he more or less reluctantly accepts to come back to replace him in his daily rounds.
Canções de Amor
Ismaël (Louis Garrel) perambula sem direção por Paris. Erwann (Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet) apressa um pouco seu passo. Já Jeanne (Chiara Mastroianni) é condenada à imobilidade e Alice (Clotilde Hesme) anda ao lado de Ismaël, mas ela resolve se afastar do seu caminho para seguir outra história, agora com um rapaz bretão que acaba de conhecer.
Amantes Constantes
Em 1969, um grupo de jovens se dedica ao ópio depois de ter vivido os acontecimentos de 1968. Dentro do grupo nasce um louco amor entre uma garota e um rapaz que se conheceram durante a revolução. O filme levou o Prêmio de Direção e Fotografia no Festival de Veneza 2005.
The four days following the death of a small town doctor, seen through the eyes of Nelly, his wife, a nurse.
Le Chignon d'Olga
Julien and Emma are brother and sister, living in rural France with their father, who writes children's books. Julien is a gifted pianist but the loss of his mother has sucked the joie de vivre out of him; his best friend Alice knows it although their platonic relationship is more about him supporting her in bad relationship choices than anything else. When he sees a beautiful woman called Olga in a bookstore, Julien is smitten and sets about to set up someway of impressing her and winning her affection.
Les Derniers Feux
The Actress
A director and his actress go to the Cannes Film Festival, looking for money to finance a movie they wrote. But an unexpected incident will disturb their quest…