Giulietta Masina

Giulietta Masina

Nascimento : 1921-02-22, San Giorgio di Piano, Italy

Morte : 1994-03-23


Giulietta Masina, nome completo Giulia Anna Masina (San Giorgio di Piano, 22 de fevereiro de 1921 — Roma, 23 de março de 1994) foi uma atriz de cinema italiana e esposa do cineasta Federico Fellini. Em 1946 estréia no cinema, com um papel na obra prima de Roberto Rossellini Paisà. Dois anos mais tarde, obtém o primeiro importante papel no filme Senza pietà de Alberto Lattuada. Todavia, é com seu marido que a atriz alcança a fama internacional com o papel de Gelsomina no filme La strada (1954). Em 1957 alcançou o ápice de sua carreira interpretando Cabiria no filme "Le notti di Cabiria", que lhe valeu o prêmio de Melhor Atriz no Festival de Cannes.


Giulietta Masina
Giulietta Masina


Noi siamo cinema
An Italian documentary about Italian cinema.
Self - Actress (archive footage)
Ferruccio Castronuovo was the only authorized eye, between 1976 and 1986, to film the brilliant Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini (1920-1993) in his personal and creative intimacy, to capture the gears of his great circus, his fantastic lies and his crazy inventions.
Giulietta Masina: The Power of a Smile
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about the actress who was Federico Fellini's wife and frequent collaborator.
Fellini: I'm a Born Liar
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
A look at Fellini's creative process. In extensive interviews, Fellini talks a bit about his background and then discusses how he works and how he creates. Several actors, a producer, a writer, and a production manager talk about working with Fellini. Archive footage of Fellini and others on the set plus clips from his films provide commentary and illustration for the points interviewees make. Fellini is fully in charge; actors call themselves puppets. He dismisses improvisation and calls for "availability." His sets and his films create images that look like reality but are not; we see the differences and the results.
Federico Fellini's Autobiography
Self (archive footage)
Federico Fellini was one of the most individual and thought provoking directors who based most of his films upon his own reflections, dreams, life events and fantasies, who did not convey any special message for humanity but regarded cinema simply as entertainment. Is there an answer to everything? Can it possibly be? If yes, then life can no longer be so curious, so dynamic, so creative...
A Day to Remember
Bertille is an old woman who lives in the countryside. Her relatives reunite there with her as she is about selling the property. They don't take long to out their true intentions which are merely material on her estate. Also, Bertille is afflicted by her youngest son who has been in prison for a decade. Decades of fighting over Einstein's stick of truth has made Bertille very frail and easy to come down on.
Anthony Quinn: An Original
Nascido no México, Anthony Quinn tornou-se o principal provedor da família quando seu pai morreu em um acidente. Assim começou a história de um homem que tinha mil empregos antes de atuar num filme de Cecil B. DeMille…
Ginger e Fred
Amelia "Ginger" Bonetti
Amelia and Pippo are reunited after several decades to perform their old music-hall act, imitating Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, on a TV variety show.
The Feather Fairy
A fairy-tale about an old lady who takes care of snow and Jakub who does not fear death. It reflects the idea of people's longing for happiness, love and understanding, their effort to overcome troubles and win over death. It criticizes greed and evil desires.
Notre Dame de la Croisette
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
A woman goes to Cannes and, lost in its chaos and unable to obtain tickets, ends up watching it on television from her hotel room.
Fellini nel cestino
Sé stesso
My Name Is Anna Magnani
Traces the life of Anna Magnani, her creations, her successes, her triumphs, her boycotted career, her nonconformism, her anxieties, her generosity ... Punctuated with photos that tell her career in theater and cinema, Extracts of films, this documentary portrait also gives the floor to his friends and relatives, from Roberto Rossellini to Marcello Mastroianni, through Federico Fellini.
Ciao, Federico!
Self (uncredited)
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the filming of the Federico Fellini film, "Satyricon."
A Louca de Chaillot
An eccentric Parisian woman's optimistic perception of life begins to sound more rational than the rather traditional beliefs of others.
Anotações de um Diretor
Fellini discusses his views of making motion pictures and his unorthodox procedures. He seeks inspiration in various out of the way places. During this film viewers go with him to the Colisseum at night, on a subway ride past Roman ruins, to the Appian Way, to a slaughterhouse, and on a visit to Marcello Mastroianni's house. Fellini also is seen in his own office interviewing a series of unusual characters seeking work or his help.
Don't Sting the Mosquito
Maria Cristina, mother of Rita
Rita, a vivacious co-ed flees her boarding school with her music teacher, who is also engaged to her. She wants to take part in a singing contest but her father who is dead against it has her kidnapped. He finally gives in when his wife threatens to sing in the contest herself.
Pardon, Are You for or Against?
A successful fifty-year-old entrepreneur, Tullio Conforti, opposed to divorce for religious reasons, is in fact separated from his wife and leads a frenetic life divided between numerous lovers.
Julieta dos Espíritos
Giulietta Boldrini
Suspeitando da infidelidade do marido, Giulietta entra numa jornada surreal de autodescoberta, repleta de sonhos selvagens e fantasias encantatórias que envolvem Suzy, a sua vizinha sexualmente emancipada, e seu estilo de vida glamouroso dos anos 1960.
Reporter’s Diary: 'Zoom on Fellini'
Documentary about the making of Federico Fellini's film JULIET OF THE SPIRITS, with behind the scenes footage and interviews with the director.
The High Life
Doris Putzke
Second Look: Fellini
A four-part documentary series about the Italian director Federico Fellini. Episode 1: His Childhood, His Beginnings; Episode 2: His First Films; Episode 3: His Films with Giulietta Masina; Episode 4: "La dolce vita" and Neorealism.
Jons und Erdme
Adaptation of Hermann Sudermann's novel about the troubled relationship between the strong willed Erdme and her irascible husband Jons in the Lithunian moors.
Hell in the City
A young girl comes to prison and experiences the entire prison subculture. The inmates she befriends vary from big tough dangerous dames to smaller submissive ladies who are totally lost in prison life.
Nanda Diotallevi, detta 'Fortunella'
A poor girl is convinced she is the daughter of a prince.
Noites de Cabíria
Maria 'Cabiria' Ceccarelli
Giulietta Masina interpreta Cabíria, uma prostituta que ganha a vida nas ruas de Roma em meados anos 50. Ingênua, ela sonha com o amor perfeito e acredita na bondade das pessoas. Por isso, sofre constantemente desilusões. Em suas andanças pela noite romana, ela se envolve com um astro de cinema em crise conjugal e, também, com um contador, que parece amá-la de verdade. Será que o destino só guarda desencantos para a pobre Cabíria?
A Trapaça
Conta a história de um grupo de trapaceiros: Augusto (Broderick Crawford), Picasso (Richard Basehart) e Roberto (Franco Fabrizi), mostrando seus dramas pessoais, como o complicado relacionamento de Picasso com sua esposa, Iris (Giulietta Masina), ou entre Augusto e sua filha, Patricia (Sue Ellen Blake). Apesar de influenciado pelo gênero policial norte-americano, possui claras influências do neo-realismo, retratando uma Itália destruída pela guerra, sofrendo com a miséria e a fome.
Good night… lawyer!
A lawyer, married but temporarily alone at home, finds himself in the house a beautiful lady who tries to escape from her jealous husband. Fascinated by the beauty of the unexpected guest, the lawyer is determined to conquer her, in vain. But when the woman leaves, she discovers that she has been stolen some money.
A Estrada da Vida
Gelsomina é vendida por sua mãe para Zampanò. Ambos não têm nada em comum: o jeito ingênuo e humilde da jovem é o oposto da rudeza de Zampanò, um artista mambembe. A chegada de um equilibrista que admira especialmente Gelsomina trará acontecimentos inesperados.
100 Years of Love
The Neighbour at the Rear Window (segment "Purificazione")
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
Angels of Darkness
When "Tamara" throws herself from the window of their brothel, her colleagues are made to realise that a new law will close down the source of their livelihood. The girls must now find honest work.
Lo scocciatore
A bored civil servant accepts an invitation to visit a glamorous young lady. When she doesn't answer the door, then is later found murdered he panics!
At the Edge of the City
Gina Ilari
Based on real events, in Rome a lawyer is not sure whether to accept defending a lower-class worker wrongly accused of the murder of his girlfriend.
Il romanzo della mia vita
Europa 51
Irene Girard é a esposa de um embaixador e gosta de viver no luxo. Após a morte dramática de seu filho, ela sente-se culpada de tê-lo negligenciado e se sente compelida a ajudar as pessoas em necessidade que cruzam seu caminho. Um dia, ela oferece abrigo a um homem que está fugindo da justiça, e ela mesma acaba sendo presa. O marido, por uma questão de decoro social, providencia para um médico declará-la louca. Irene se livra de uma prisão para entrar em outra, e para refletir sobre o tipo de sociedade que ela vive.
Abismo de um Sonho
Cabiria - La prostituta
Um casal recém-casado chega a Roma para a lua-de-mel. O marido, Ivan, tem um tio muito influente na cidade, e conseguiu para os dois uma audiência com o Papa, além de ter vários planos turísticos programados. Porém, sua jovem esposa aproveita um momento de descanso para ir a uma produtora de fotonovelas entregar um presente para seu herói predileto, o Sheik Branco, que então a convida para ir ao set de filmagens, fora da cidade.
Wanda the Sinner
Wrongly accused of his wife's death, a marine officer is forced to resign and sees his life fall apart.
Position Wanted
Maria is a housmaid and she is being engaged to Berto for fifteen years. Berto has not a lasting job so he is waiting for the death of his uncle Matteo to come into an inheritance. In the meantime Maria goes on with her work, first in the house of an unfaithful wife; then for an actor and his wife on the verge of leaving each other and last for Raffaele who wants to marry her. At last uncle Matteo dies...
Sette ore di guai
Figlia di Romolini
Totò is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and Totò hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. Totò doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him.
Behind Closed Shutters
Sandra searches her missing sister. For this, she enters the morally degraded seaside of Genoa.
Mulheres e Luzes
Melina Amour
Uma companhia de espetáculos viaja para Roma e, no trem, o diretor é abordado por uma bela jovem que deseja ser dançarina. No aperto da primeira noite, ela acaba entrando e faz enorme sucesso entre os espectadores. O diretor então se apaixona por ela e, ambos, largam a companhia para formar uma outra independente; mas, enquanto o diretor pensa em formar uma trupe apenas de artistas de rua, sua principal estrela se ocupa sonhando com o glamour do show buziness.
Sem Piedade
An Italian sex worker falls in love with a black American soldier during World War II.
Young Woman on Palace Stairs (uncredited)
"Paisà" retrata, em 6 episódios, a progressão das tropas americanas de libertação, desde o desembarque na Sicília até aos pântanos do vale do rio Pó. A descrição da realidade imediata, na linha de "Roma Città Aperta", a utilização de não profissionais, o aspecto de documentário da fotografia, tudo faz de "Paisà" uma obra em completa ruptura com o cinema italiano da década anterior. - Uma mulher leva uma patrulha aliada através de um campo de minas. Ela morre protegendo um GI, mas os ianques acham que ela o matou. - Um menino de rua rouba os sapatos de um GI. - Um GI conhece uma mulher no dia que Roma é libertada. 6 meses depois eles se reencontram. Ele é um cínico, ela é uma prostituta. - Uma enfermeira americana se arrisca cruzar o rio Arno, em meio ao fogo alemão, em busca do Partisan que ama. - 3 capelães, incluindo um judeu, se abrigam num mosteiro ao norte dos Apeninos. - Soldados aliados e partisans tentam escapar pelos pântanos do rio Pó.
Perinbaba a dva svety
Perinbaba (archive footage)
Lukáš, Alžbetka's son, takes off into the world looking for happiness and love. His godmother, the celestial Lady Winter, keeps an eye on him. He arrives late in the fairy-tale land that she leads him to. Fear reigns where once cakes grew on trees. The miraculous ram has disappeared and the royal town is cursed. Lukáš has to decide what is closer to his heart: a fortune or love?