Jacqueline Bouchard

Jacqueline Bouchard


Jacqueline Bouchard


Wide Load
Costume Supervisor
This is the story of a guy who goes too fast and a big guy who is too slow. Foster meets Taupin. All this would be trivial if one of them had a scary scenario, the scenario of their lives and their deaths. Just open the pages and shake.
House of Time
Costume Designer
Robert d'Eglantine invites his friends to spend a few days in an old country house where he proposes them to embark on a daring adventure with a surprising destination.
Costume Design
This is the story of four French friends: the Greek (an osteopath), Fifi (who lives with his mother), Fortuné (a West Indian) and Freddy (a gambler). They meet up regularly at a Parisian bookmakers’, their favourite haunt. Tired of frittering away the little spare cash they have, they agree to give up gambling. But no sooner have they taken this pledge than Fate intervenes, in the guise of the turf king, Monsieur Paul. The latter persuades the four friends to buy a champion racehorse, not knowing that it is in fact an old nag…
Costume Design
The unhappily married woman struggles to break free from social pressures and her boring suburban setting.
Costume Design
Sandrine and Alice are two sisters who, in their thirties, decide the time has come to attempt a reconciliation with their mother.
See How They Dance
Costume Design
A French video artist traverses Canada on a train that takes her from the east to the west through the snow. This journey leads her to encounter the last girlfriend of her ex-husband, an internationally respected showman who is now dead. Each of the two women will try to understand how the "man of their life" loved and lived with the other. See how they dance.
The Clink of Ice
Costume Design
An alcoholic writer is visited by an incarnation of his cancer.
Turk's Head
Costume Design
A 14 year old boy, an ER doctor, a cop looking for revenge, a mother fighting for her children and a man distraught by the death of his wife see their destinies come together. As the doctor spends several days in a coma, events keep on happening and all will be swept by the shock wave.
Há Tanto Tempo que te Amo
Costume Design
Juliette retorna à sua família e à sociedade, após 15 anos de ausência e rejeição. Apesar de uma separação familiar drástica no passado, sua irmã mais nova, Léa, decide abrigá-la em sua casa, onde mora com o marido, as duas filhas e o sogro. Aos poucos, a trama revela a aparente amoralidade por trás da tragédia que manteve Juliette afastada por tanto tempo da vida real.
A Pain in the Ass
Costume Design
An unlikely friendship develops between a hitman and a suicidal guy who have both checked into the same hotel for different reasons.
Contratado Para Amar
Costume Design
O milionário Pierre Lavasseur vê o seu reinado ameaçado quando um paparazzo tira uma fotografia comprometedora sua e de sua amante. Agora, o ricaço deve evitar o divórcio a qualquer custo, já que a atual esposa é a acionista majoritária de sua empresa. Seguindo o conselho de seu advogado, Pierre contrata um manobrista para se fazer passar de namorado da amante, na tentativa de esconder o seu caso amoroso.
Let's Be Friends
The two friends Claude and Serge are fundamentally different in their temperament. Similarities arise only when they try to have a relationship with a woman, because both fail equally. While Claude is simply too shy to even start a relationship, let alone meet a woman, Serge is too jumpy to have a relationship. Together they go in search of the great love in all sorts of curious situations, from the self-help group on speed dating to wedding celebrations of strangers - in the hunt for the right woman, they are no way too far.
Happily Ever After
Costume Design
Is love compatible with coupledom? And what of freedom and fidelity? These are some of the questions facing two married men.
Dupla Confusão
Costume Design
Ruby é um ladrão que, após esconder seu roubo mais recente, é capturado e preso em uma cadeia. Lá ele conhece Quentin, um homem tagarela e tapado que se torna seu amigo. Ruby consegue fugir, sendo obrigado a levar Quentin consigo. Já fora da prisão, Ruby passa a perseguir seus antigos parceiros de crime, para se vingar da morte da mulher que amava e também para recuperar o dinheiro roubado antes que eles o encontrem.
If I Were a Rich Man
Costume Design
Between Alice, a hospital nurse and Aldo, a shampoo sales representative, things have turned sour of late. Alice blames her husband for lacking ambition and contemplates divorce.One day Aldo wins the ten million euro lotto prize. But, unwilling to share the bonanza, he keeps mum about it, all the more as he finds out Alice has an affair with Gérard, Aldo's former friend and ... new boss. However, Aldo, leading a double life, starts spending his money ...
Bem Me Quer, Mal Me Quer
Costume Design
Angélique (Audrey Tautou) é uma artista plástica que desenvolve uma paixão desmedida pelo médico Loïc (Samuel Le Bihan). A despeito de tudo o que seus amigos lhe dizem e de diversos acontecimentos que provam o contrário, Angélique persiste na idéia de que Loïc também a ama, transformando o que de início parecia ser um desencontro amoroso em uma perigosa obsessão.
O Closet
Costume Design
François Pignon (Daniel Auteuil) é um homem que está divorciado há 2 anos, mas permanece apaixonado pela ex-mulher, que não quer mais falar com ele por considerá-lo chato. Seu filho também se mantém afastado por vontade própria e, para completar, Pignon está prestes a ser demitido. Deprimido com a vida, Pignon conhece seu novo vizinho, Belone (Michel Aumont), a quem conta sua atual situação. É quando Belone lhe propõe uma solução inusitada para salvar o emprego de Pignon: enviar ao seu chefe uma fotomontagem onde Pignon aparece com outros homens, o que faria assumir sua homossexualidade. De acordo com o plano de Belone, a empresa não demitirá mais Pignon por medo de que isto provoque o protesto da ala homossexual da sociedade, a quem os produtos da empresa também são voltados. Inicialmente relutante, já que não é homossexual, Pignon acaba aceitando o plano e vê sua vida modificar totalmente após as fotos se tornarem públicas.
Marry Me
Costume Design
Oriane and Hadrian's couple is going through a crisis. Determined to save their marriage, Oriane visits a Gypsy fortune teller who foresees a dark future. But Oriane won't hear of anything but a happy ending and the psychic is forced to read another future which, unfortunately, also happens to end bitterly. Will the third reading satisfy the young woman?
La mère Christain
Costume Design
In industrial Lyon of the early '50s, a widowed bar-owner listens to radio crime serials, reads detective magazines, and grieves for her daughter, killed two years earlier in a mineshaft accident. Consumed by her loss and unwilling to face the truth, the bar-owner becomes suspicious of the grim patrons in her drab tavern, seeking someone to blame as she contemplates revenge.
Class Trip
Costume Design
A schoolboy Nicholas always worries about something. When he goes on a school skiing trip, all his visions and nightmares take him over.
O Jantar dos Malas
Costume Design
Toda quarta-feira alguns caras participam juntos de um jantar que é chamado de "Un Dîner de Cons". Há um jogo juntamente com a refeição: cada um deles tem que trazer um "idiota". O jogo consiste em fazer os idiotas falarem sobre suas ideias e paixões de forma que os anfitriões possam dar uma boa gargalhada. No final eles vão escolher o "idiota da noite".
Costume Design
A shaman from the South American rain forest visits France for a public relations campaign. In a hotel's elevator in Paris he meets a French good-for-nothing named Perrin he's fascinated with. He follows Perrin to his flat and although Perrin is not very enthusiastic about so much interest in his person, he lets the shaman spend the night in his flat. After an official meeting on the next day being part of the PR campaign the shaman suffers from a heart attack. Hardly being able to speak and laying in a hospital bed he demands to see Perrin. The latter is not very interested in meeting the shaman again. However it looks like it is to late for animosities as the shaman and Perrin seem to be tied mentally somehow since they've met in the elevator.
Le Sourire
Costume Design
An old psychiatrist finds out that he is likely to suffer a second and probably fatal heart attack in the near future. As a consequence he becomes determined to seduce Odile, a young woman he first encounters in a railway compartment.
Um, Dois, Três, Sol
Costume Design
A provocative, seemingly absurd patchwork movie which sends a worthwhile message about hope against all odds, love, children and human understanding. Schoolgirl Victorine has an insane mother and an alcoholic father who can never find his way home in their maze of slum apartment blocks. Aggressive, sexually threatening boys of all ages are everywhere, and while the teacher eventually relents to a gang of adolescent rapists, Victorine gives herself to a rowdy gang of older layabouts, eventually winning the heart of burglar Paul.
Obrigado à Vida
Costume Design
À beira do oceano, Camille se prepara para o vestibular, sozinha. Ela conhece Joëlle, com muita experiência de vida, que levará Camille por caminhos alternativos, apresentando-lhe a vida, o amor e o sexo.
Doces Mentiras
Costume Design
Investigador de agência de seguros é mandado a Paris para desmascarar artista suspeito de fraude. Mas seu trabalho é dificultado por duas mulheres, melhores amigas, que, na tentativa de seduzi-lo, acabam apaixonadas por ele. As confusões são inevitáveis.
An Impudent Girl
Costume Design
Charlotte Castang is a working-class 13-year-old girl, who lives in a drab, run-down neighbourhood, and is ready to become an adult. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she lives with her crass brother and a father whose attention is elsewhere. Her only friend is Lulu, a sick 10-year-old she regards as a pest. Charlotte is antisocial, bored and dreams of a better life. Her life improves when she meets Clara Bauman, a pianist prodigy.