Leigh Harline

Leigh Harline

Nascimento : 1907-03-26, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Morte : 1969-12-10


Academy Award-winning composer (score, Pinocchio (1940), conductor, songwriter ("When You Wish Upon a Star" [Academy award, Best Song, 1940) and arranger Leigh Harine was educated at the University of Utah. He was a music student of J. Spencer Cornwall. He arranged the first transcontinental broadcast from Los Angeles in 1932, and that year joined the Walt Disney Studios. From 1941 he freelanced among various Hollywood studios. He joined ASCAP in 1940. His other popular song compositions include "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee", "Give a Little Whistle" and "Jiminy Cricket".


Leigh Harline


Tesouros Walt Disney - Melhores Contos de Animação Vol.2
Desfruta das melhores curtas-metragens sobre a natureza lançadas entre 1929 e 1939. Inclui seis vencedores da Academia e da sua evolução ao longo dessa década. Cada uma apresenta personagens e temas musicais únicos à medida que Walt Disney evoluía na sua progressão tecnológica. Para além destas excelentes curtas-metragens, junta-te ao compositor Richard M. Sherman para uma melhor leitura dos Melhores Contos de Animação e espreita os arquivos da Disney para vislumbrar alguns dos raros e espectaculares tipos de marchandising, conceito de arte e posters de cinema da época. - Mãe Pluto. - Pinguins especiais. - O velho moínho. - Coelhinhos sorridentes. - O patinho feio (1939). - O patinho feio (1931). - A arca de Noé. - Lé com cré. - Os castores trabalhadores. - Só cães. - Terra da música. - O prato da China. - Melodias egípcias. - Flores e árvores. - O festival dos bolos. - A dança do esqueleto. - Café do bosque. - Sinfonia na quinta
Tesouros Walt Disney  - Os Melhores Contos de Animação
Desfruta das melhores curtas-metragens sobre a natureza lançadas entre 1929 e 1939. Inclui seis vencedores da Academia e da sua evolução ao longo dessa década. Cada uma apresenta personagens e temas musicais únicos à medida que Walt Disney evoluía na sua progressão tecnológica. Para além destas excelentes curtas-metragens, junta-te ao compositor galardoado pela Academia, Richard M. Sherman para uma melhor leitura dos Melhores Contos de Animação e espreita os arquivos da Disney para vislumbrar alguns dos raros e espectaculares tipos de marchandising, conceito de arte e posters de cinema da época. - A tartaruga e a lebre. - O primo do interior. - Crianças no bosque. - O elefante Elmer. - O rato voador. - O toque dourado. - O gatinho bandido. - A terra dos sonhos. - Melodias da mãe gansa. - Aqua-bebés. - A galinha espertalhona. - Os três porquinhos. - O regresso da tartaruga. - Quem matou Cock Robin?. - Dorme, sonha e oó. - O gafanhoto e as formigas. - Os três lobinhos. - O lobo mau.
Todo Mundo Ama o Mickey
Mickey, o camundongo mais querido do mundo, estrela esta coletânea que reúne suas melhores histórias. Desenhos com aquela magia especial que só a Disney é capaz de fazer.
Mickey & Company
Amor à Italiana
Original Music Composer
Em Londres, o carrancudo estadista Carter Harrison conhece Toni, uma artista boêmia de temperamento italiano. Os dois se casam impulsivamente e depois descobrem que discordam de tudo. Pouco depois eles se separam. Vamos encontra-los sete anos depois, na véspera, antes que o divórcio se torne definitivo. Depois de se verem novamente, as faíscas são reativadas e passam a noite juntos. A realidade se impõe quando a manhã chega e eles começam a discutir novamente. Mais uma vez, o processo de divórcio está em andamento, até que Carter afirma que uma importante promoção depende do fato de ele ser casado. Ele planeja reconquistar Toni e eventualmente conseguir. Mas ele pode impedi-la de destruir sua carreira, posando como Lady Godiva em um movimento de protesto? (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
As Armas do Diabo
Original Music Composer
Caubói consegue emprego em rancho e se apaixona por Maria, mulher prometida a um dos filhos do dono. Os dois fogem juntos mas são caçados por pistoleiros que atiram em Maria. O caubói foge mas, anos mais tarde, ao descobrir que Maria sobreviveu, ele volta para um confronto decisivo.
As 7 Faces do Dr. Lao
Um chinês gentil e idoso (possui 7322 anos), Dr. Lao (Tony Randall) chega em Abalone, Arizona, com seu circo, que tem atrações únicas (o Abominável Homem das Neves, Merlin, Medusa, Pan, Apolônio de Tiana e outros seres fantásticos). Ele constata rapidamente que a cidade é dominada por um rico rancheiro, Clint Stark (Arthur O'Connell), que alega que em seis meses não haverá água na cidade, pois o aqueduto está quase inutilizado e o conserto seria de US$ 237 mil. Assim, Stark propõe comprar toda a cidade e só Ed Cunningham (John Ericson), o dono do jornal local, se opõe à idéia. Mas em poucos dias o Dr. Lao irá alterar a vida dos moradores de Abalone.
O Mundo Maravilhoso dos Irmãos Grimm
The Grimm brothers Wilhelm and Jacob, known for their literary works in the nineteenth century, have their lives dramatized. Wilhelm fights to write something entertaining amongst the sea of dry, non-fiction books they write and he sets about collecting oral-tradition fairy tales to put into print. Their life story is countered with reenactments of three of their stories including "The Dancing Princess," "The Cobbler and the Elves" and "The Singing Bone."
A Máquina do Amor
Original Music Composer
No navio El Mira há um grande entusiasmo, pois o super computador do navio, que é carinhosamente chamado de Max, previu precisamente quando e em qual lugar uma cápsula espacial iria cair. O tenente Ferguson "Fergie" Howard (Steve McQueen) também fica bem animado, mas por outro motivo: tem a idéia de usar Max para prever os números que vão cair na roleta. O cientista do navio, Jason Eldridge (Jim Hutton), confirma que isto pode ser feito, se algumas variáveis forem fornecidas para Max. Ele convence Eldridge a participar do plano de estourar a banca do cassino de Veneza, pois o navio passará por lá.
All Hands on Deck
Original Music Composer
The admiral is coming, so a sailor and his buddy hide their girlfriend and pet turkey.
The Facts of Life
Middle-class suburbanites Larry and Kitty grow bored with their lives and respective marriages. Although each always found the other's manner grating, they fall in love when thrown together--without their spouses--on vacation. On returning home they try to break things off, only to grow closer. A holiday together will finally settle whether they should end their marriages.
The Facts of Life
Original Music Composer
Middle-class suburbanites Larry and Kitty grow bored with their lives and respective marriages. Although each always found the other's manner grating, they fall in love when thrown together--without their spouses--on vacation. On returning home they try to break things off, only to grow closer. A holiday together will finally settle whether they should end their marriages.
Rabo de Foguete
Original Music Composer
Jerry Lewis é o alienígena Kreton, um ET atrapalhado e curioso por descobrir como é a vida na Terra. Sai escondido de seu planeta e aterrisa no quintal de um famoso jornalista de TV que não acredita em extra-terrestres. Kreton deseja fazer um estudo dos humanos e se apaixona pela filha (Joan Blackman) do jornalista, mas sua incapacidade provoca uma série de confusões e coloca a vida do jornalista de cabeça para baixo.
O Céu por Testemunha
Original Music Composer
Padre Conroy (Crosby) tem uma paróquia que atende a comunidade de atuação e performance. Quando um de seus paroquianos fica doente demais para trabalhar, sua filha Holly (Reynolds) encontra um emprego trabalhando para uma boate de caráter questionável, dirigida por Tony Vincent (Wagner). Vincent nunca teve um grande momento, e o padre Conroy tenta cuidar de Holly. Existem muitos números musicais, e a conclusão é um show beneficente televisionado apresentado pelo Padre Conroy, e Tony deve escolher entre Holly e a fama nacional.
Minha Vontade é Lei
Original Music Composer
A cidade de Warlock, amedrontada pelos desmandos cometidos pela quadrilha de um fazendeiro local, contrata para ser seu homem da lei e os defender, um pistoleiro(Clay), conhecido domador de cidades. Outro homem, ex-membro do bando ameaçador, assume o cargo de xerife e tenta evitar conflito entre as duas partes.
The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker
Original Music Composer
In early 1900s' Pennsylvania, Mr. Pennypacker has two company offices and two families with a combined total of 17 children. With an office in Harrisburg and an office in Philadelphia, he has successfully kept two separate homes. However, when an emergency requires his oldest son to find him, Mr. Pennypacker's dual life is revealed.
O Homem do Oeste
Original Music Composer
Link Jones é um proprietário rural e está viajando para o Texas para contratar o primeiro professor de sua pequena cidade. Quando o trem para no caminho eles são atacados por ladrões armados, mas o trem escapa deixando para trás Link Jones, o tagarela Sam Beasley e a cantora de saloon Billie Ellis. Eles começam a andar e chegam num lugar que Link conhece bem: a casa da fazenda onde ele viveu. Lá ele encontra os homens que roubaram o trem e também o seu tio, Dock Tobin.
A Raposa do Mar
Original Music Composer
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o USS Haynes, um destroyer americano de escolta descobre um U-Boat (Submarino) alemão no Atlântico Sul. Um duelo mortal entre os dois começa, e o Capitão Murrell (Robert Mitchum) deve usar toda sua experiência para derrotar o Comandante alemão Von Stolberg (Curd Jürgens) igualmente experiente.
A Mulher do Próximo
Original Music Composer
The marital difficulties of four couples living in a southern California housing development become intertwined. Among the unhappy couples are ne'er-do-well Jerry Flagg and his long-suffering wife Isabelle, flirtatious Leola Boone and her sadistic husband Troy, hard-working Herman Kreitzer and his understanding wife Betty, and newlyweds Jean and David Martin.
Ciúme, Tempero do Amor
Original Music Composer
Three strangers embark on a life-changing journey on a fateful bus ride. As the road presents challenges, each character faces his or her own shortcomings, not knowing where life will lead next.
Quem Foi Jesse James
Original Music Composer
Os irmãos Jesse e Frank James viajam com sua gangue para o Minnesota. Lá, eles roubam um banco. O assalto não sai como planejado e resulta em duas mortes. A polícia oferece trinta mil dólares para quem capturar os irmãos James.
Sabes O Que Quero
Original Music Composer
Um gangster contrata um assessor de imprensa alcoólatra para tornar a sua namorada loira estrela de uma gravação em 6 semanas. Mas o que é que ele vai fazer quando descobrir que ela não tem talento? E o que vai acontecer quando os dois se apaixonam?
O Encanto de Viver
Original Music Composer
Ray Henderson joins Buddy De Sylva and Lew Brown to form a successful 1920s musical show writing team. They soon have several hits on Broadway but De Sylva's personal ambition leads to friction as the other two increasingly feel left out of things.
23 Paces to Baker Street
Original Music Composer
Philip Hannon, a blind playwright living in London, overhears part of a conversation , that leads him into a desperate race, to find a kidnapped child. When he gets no help from the police, he along with his butler, and his ex fiancée, attempt to track down the crooks.
The Bottom of the Bottle
Original Music Composer
An alcoholic escaped convict asks his Arizona lawyer brother to help him cross the Mexican border.
O Tirano da Fronteira
Three trappers become scouts for a cavalry captain who loses his fort to a hated colonel.
Good Morning, Miss Dove
Original Music Composer
Beloved schoolteacher reflects back on her life and former students when she is hospitalized...
The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing
Original Music Composer
Broadway showgirl Evelyn Nesbit (Joan Collins) is the object of affection of two men: playboy architect Stanford White (Ray Milland) and wealthy but unstable Harry Thaw (Farley Granger). She marries Thaw, but White’s continued pursuit puts him in the path of Thaw’s volatile temper. Inspired by true events that occurred at the turn of the 20th century.
A Casa de Bambu
Original Music Composer
Eddie Kenner is given a special assignment by the Army to get the inside story on Sandy Dawson, a former GI who has formed a gang of fellow servicemen and Japanese locals.
A Viúva Negra
Original Music Composer
A young stage hopeful is murdered and suspicion falls on her mentor, a Broadway producer.
A Lança Partida
Original Music Composer
Spencer Tracy, é o patriarca de uma família de criadores de gado que vê tudo desmoronar quando seu filho mais novo é preso por defender as terras da família contra um grupo de mineiros que polui a região.
Romance de Minha Vida
Original Music Composer
On Christmas Eve, suffering from a case of writer's block, screenwriter Mark Christopher and his gofer Virgil get an unexpected visit from Sergeant Maizel. Knowing Christopher is working on a juvenile delinquent script, the sergeant brings by delinquent Susan thinking she will inspire Christopher while providing a place for her to spend the holidays outside of juvenile hall.
A Barbada do Biruta
Original Music Composer
Herman (Dean Martin) é viciado em jogos de corridas de cavalo. Cheio de dívidas, se arrisca mais uma vez em uma corrida, pois, se ganhar, poderá pagá-las. Ele vai a uma corrida ao lado de seu primo Virgil (Jerry Lewis) e lá se apaixonam por duas garotas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Sombras da Loucura
Original Music Composer
A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
A Blueprint for Murder
Original Music Composer
Whitney Cameron is in a quandary: he's attracted to his beautiful sister-in-law, Lynn, but also harbors serious suspicions about her. Her husband, Cameron's brother, died under mysterious circumstances, and now that the death of her stepchild, Polly, has been attributed to poisoning, he suspects that Lynn is after his late brother's estate, and killing everyone in her way.
Anjo do Mal
Original Music Composer
O batedor de carteiras Skip McCoy (Richard Widmark) rouba Candy (Jean Peters) no metrô. Ele ainda não sabe, mas dentro da bolsa que acabou de pegar está um pedaço de microfilme com importantes segredos do governo. Candy tenta seduzir Skip para recuperar o material, mas acaba se apaixonando pelo bandido, que agora está na mira da polícia e dos comunistas – verdadeiros donos do filme.
Ratos do Deserto
Original Music Composer
In North Africa, German Field Marshal Rommel and his troops have successfully fended off British forces, and now intend to take Tobruk, an important port city. A ramshackle group of Australian reinforcements sent to combat the Germans is put under the command of British Captain MacRoberts. The unruly Aussies immediately clash with MacRoberts, a gruff, strict disciplinarian, however this unorthodox team must band together to protect Tobruk from the German forces.
Original Music Composer
A New York cab driver helps an Irish immigrant with a baby locate her missing husband.
Companheiro Querido
Original Music Composer
A single father (Richard Widmark) falls in love with his son's schoolteacher (Joanne Dru). Director Robert Parrish's 1952 drama also stars George Winslow, Audrey Totter, Regis Toomey, Joan Banks and Frank Nelson.
O Inventor da Mocidade
Um químico descobre que sua vida pessoal e profissional virou de cabeça para baixo quando um de seus chimpanzés encontra a fonte da juventude. Barnaby Fulton, um químico, está trabalhando em uma fórmula da fonte da juventude para uma empresa química, testando-a em chimpanzés. Ao testar uma dose de amostra em si mesmo, ele recebe acidentalmente uma dose de uma mistura que foi adicionada ao bebedouro de água e acredita que sua poção é o que está funcionando. A mistura faz com que temporariamente ele passe a se sentir e agir como um adolescente, inclusive corrigindo sua visão. Quando sua esposa toma uma dose que é ainda maior, ela regride ainda mais em sua infância. Quando um antigo namorado a encontra neste estado, acredita que ela nunca mais queira vê-lo, significa um divórcio, e uma chance para ele.
O Marujo Foi na Onda
Original Music Composer
Melvin (Jerry Lewis) entra para a Marinha por ordens médicas. Lá conhece Al (Dean Martin) e os dois se tornam amigos. Juntos se envolvem em muitas confusões e estão sempre a procura de belas mulheres. Comédia musical de grande sucesso de bilheteria da famosa dupla Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin. Com um detalhe: A participação do jovem James Dean não foi creditada.
A Caminho do Pecado
Original Music Composer
When newlyweds visit Las Vegas, the wife's shady past comes to the surface.
Não Quero Dizer-te Adeus
Original Music Composer
The scene is a small town in the Eastern United States, where the outbreak of hostilities in Korea has a profound effect on several people. WWII veteran Martin Greer wants to re-enlist, much to the dismay of his wife Nancy.
The Guy Who Came Back
Original Music Composer
Former football star Harry Joplin is down on his luck, both in his career and in his married life. He seems convinced of his own unworthiness, but a chance to play in a charity football game helps him see his life in a new light.
Seu Tipo de Mulher
Original Music Composer
In a desperate attempt to get out of debt, career gambler Dan Milner agrees to rendezvous with a mysterious contact at a distant Mexican resort in exchange for $50,000. Upon arriving, Milner meets his fellow guests, including a plastic surgeon, a philandering movie star and his beautiful girlfriend. Soon Milner discovers that the man who hired him may be the ruthless gangster Nick Ferraro -- a deported crime boss looking to re-enter the USA.
O Filhinho de Papai
Original Music Composer
Junior Jackson (Jerry Lewis) é o tímido filho único de Jack "Terremoto" (Eddie Mayehoff), uma lenda do futebol americano. Temendo que Junior seja um fracasso como desportista, seu pai contrata Bill Baker (Dean Martin), um grande jogador, para treiná-lo e fazer dele um homem. Porém, Junior se mostra muito inseguro, o que dificulta tudo, mas independente de qualquer pagamento Baker se torna amigo de Junior e decide fazer qualquer coisa para que ele supere suas limitações.
A Carne e a Alma
Original Music Composer
A lady con artist sets out to steal her parole officer's fiance.
The Happy Years
Original Music Composer
Based on a collection of stories with the focus on young John Humperkink "Dink" Stover, a student at the Lawrenceville Prepatory School, in 1896, whose family, in Eastcester, New York, have just about given up on his education because he is an incorrigible student. He gets into one situation after another and incurs the dislike of his classmates, who think he is cowardly but he changes their opinion when he challenges several of them to a fight. When he returns home for the summer, he meets Miss Dolly Travers and increases his 'hatred of women' because she does not accept his schoolboy pranks. Back at school, in the fall, he is more difficult than ever until his philosophy is changed by a teacher.
Minha Amiga Maluca
Original Music Composer
Al (John Lund) consegue um suposto emprego para Steve Laird (Dean Martin) em uma rede de televisão no Oeste americano, e Seymour (Jerry Lewis) e a turma toda viajam para vê-lo assinar o seu contrato, incluindo Irma Peterson (Marie Wilson) e Jane Stacey (Diana Lynn), já que todos também terão empregos garantidos. Como sempre, a proposta acaba se revelando uma furada, e o tal executivo, um verdadeiro lunático, os arrasta até um cassino em Las Vegas, onde a atrapalhada Irma arruma as piores confusões, e acaba sendo sequestrada por um grupo de gangsters locais. Eles precisam conseguir cinquenta mil dólares para soltá-la. É quando Seymour decide se vestir de Índio para poder encontrar Irma.
Nuvens da Tempestade
Original Music Composer
Bem sucedido, o recém casado Brad Collins já pertenceu ao Partido Comunista dos EUA, que está o chantageando agora.
Duas Almas, Dois Destinos
Romance at a murder trial with a pair of sequestered jurors who are the only ones who think that the woman in the dock is innocent. Separated from their normal lives, jurors Terry Scott and David Campbell start to fall in love.
Amarga Esperança
Original Music Composer
Após fugir de uma prisão, o jovem Bowie quer provar sua inocência e viver em paz com sua amada Kitty. Quando seus colegas de cela o convencem a ajudá-los em uma série de crimes, ele passa a ser considerado pela polícia como o líder da gangue.
Cais da Maldição
Army Lieutenant Halliday, accused of stealing the Army payroll, pursues the real thief on a frantic chase through Mexico aided by the thief's ex-girlfriend and is in turn being chased by his accuser, Capt. Blake.
Todas as Primaveras
Original Music Composer
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
Quero Este Homem
Original Music Composer
Anabel Sims is determined to find the perfect husband. She thinks she's found her man in Madison Brown, a handsome pediatrician. She then prepares an elaborate scheme to trap him into marriage
O Menino dos Cabelos Verdes
Peter Frye, um típico garoto norte-americano, perde os pais quando eles são pegos por uma blitz, em Londres. Ninguém diz a ele que seus pais morreram e que agora ele é um órfão. E assim, sem ele próprio saber o porquê, vai sendo despachado da casa de um parente para o outro, todos igualmente egoístas e nenhum interessado em ajudá-lo. Peter acaba indo parar na casa de Gramp, o mais gentil dos seus anfitriões. Peter e Gramp parecem se dar bem, mas na manhã seguinte em que é avisado que seus pais morreram, o cabelo de Peter, subitamente, adquire a cor verde. As reações absurdas das pessoas que o cercam fazem com que O Menino dos Cabelos Verdes se torne uma parábola. Alguns críticos consideram esse trabalho como sendo diferente de tudo feito no cinema americano, até então.
A Última Noite de Glória
After accidentally killing her lecherous producer, a famous actress tries to hide her guilt.
The Miracle of the Bells
Original Music Composer
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
Lar, Meu Tormento
Original Music Composer
An advertising executive dreams of getting out of the city and building a perfect home in the country, only to find the transition fraught with problems.
The Judge Steps Out
Original Music Composer
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
Solteirão Cobiçado
Original Music Composer
A juíza Margaret Turner (Myrna Loy) descobre que sua irmã adolescente, Susan (Shirley Temple), se apaixonou por Richard Nugent (Cary Grant), um artista de meia-idade que já foi julgado por ela. Quando Susan é encontrada no apartamento dele, ele é “condenado” a sair com Susan até ela perder atração por ele.
A Likely Story
A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.
The Farmer's Daughter
Original Music Composer
After leaving her family's farm to study nursing in the city, a young woman finds herself on an unexpected path towards politics.
Beat the Band
Original Music Composer
Singer Ann wants back her money that the manager of a big-band has embezzled.
Original Music Composer
O detetive Joe Warner investiga o assassinato do compositor mulherengo Keith Vincent. Evidências apontam para suicídio e este acaba sendo o veredito oficial, mas Joe não acredita e obsessivamene continua a investigar.
Child of Divorce
Original Music Composer
An eight-year-old girl is an unwilling and disturbed witness of parental quarrels in her home, and when the parents finally secure a divorce, the judge decrees that the young girl live with her mother for eight months and her father the other four months. The divided life affects her both mentally and physically.
Museu de Horrores
Original Music Composer
Art curator George Steele experiences a train wreck...which never happened. Is he cracking up, or the victim of a plot?
Noite na Alma
Original Music Composer
Three former marines have a hard time readjusting to civilian life. Perry can't deal with the loss of the use of his legs. William is in trouble with bad debts. And Cliff can't decide what he wants to do with his life, although he gets encouragement from war widow Pat Ruscomb.
From This Day Forward
Original Music Composer
A young American soldier, with an honorable discharge, returns home from World War II to his bride, whom he married after a short courtship and has not seen for several years. The two come together with many trials and tribulations in trying to preserve their marriage in the post-war years.
Man Alive
Original Music Composer
A reportedly dead man haunts his wife and her boyfriend.
Dois Malandros e uma Garota
Original Music Composer
Na virada do século, Duke e Chester, dois artistas de vaudeville, vão ao Alasca para fazer fortuna. No navio para Skagway, eles encontram um mapa para uma mina de ouro secreta, roubada por McGurk e Sperry, um casal de bandidos. Eles se disfarçam de McGurk e Sperry para sair do navio. Enquanto isso, Sal Van Hoyden está no Alasca para tentar recuperar o mapa; tinha sido roubado do pai dela. Ela se apaixona por Ace Larson, que quer roubar a mina de ouro para si. Duke e Chester, McGurk e Sperry, Ace e seus capangas, e Sal, se perseguem por todo o campo, tentando obter o mapa. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Johnny Angel
Original Music Composer
George Raft plays a sailor who sets out to solve his father's mysterious death.
George White's Scandals
Two couples work through their issues in this backstage Broadway musical.
A Ilha dos Mortos
Original Music Composer
On a Greek island during the 1912 war, several people are trapped by quarantine for the plague. If that isn't enough worry, one of the people—a superstitious old peasant—suspects a young woman of being a vampiric demon.
China Sky
Original Music Composer
During World War II, an American mission hospital is headed up by Dr. Gray Thompson and Dr. Sara Durand. Sara is secretly in love with Gray but hides her feelings as his new wife, Louise, arrives at the hospital. Sparks fly, however, when Louise becomes jealous of Sara, and then tries to convince her husband to leave war-torn China behind for a calmer life in the United States. But Thompson is attached to both Sara and the people who need his help.
The Brighton Strangler
Original Music Composer
After suffering a head injury during the Blitz, John Loder, a theatre actor comes to believe himself to be the Brighton Strangler, the murderer he was playing onstage.
Having Wonderful Crime
Newlyweds (George Murphy, Carole Landis) drag their lawyer friend (Pat O'Brien) to a mountain resort on a search for a missing magician.
Leave It to Blondie
Original Music Composer
Older but no wiser, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead enter a songwriting contest. It's all part of a plan to cover charity checks that they've signed separately but can't cover. Along the way, Blondie's blood boils when Dagwood gets innocently mixed up with beautiful music teacher Rita Rogers.
What a Blonde
American gas rationing during WWII results in comic mayhem as a lingerie executive finds his home overrun with showgirls.
Heavenly Days
Original Music Composer
Fibber McGee and Molly innocently get mixed up with the federal government.
Music in Manhattan
Original Music Composer
Frankie Foster and Stanley Benson are a pair of small-potatoes performers. Both try to make it to the big-time after winning an amateur talent contest. Though this leads them to a few professional gigs, something is missing from their act and they are not popular. Believing a little cash will boost their career, Frankie heads for Washington, D.C. to see if her wealthy father will help them. En route Frankie is mistaken for the wife of the well-known pilot Johnny Pearson and ends up in his suite having to pretend she is his spouse. When the pilot meets her, romantic sparks fly.
A Night of Adventure
Original Music Composer
A lawyer tries to clear his wife's lover of murder charges.
Mulheres de Ninguém
Original Music Composer
Jo Jones, a young defense plant worker whose husband is in the military during World War II, shares a house with three other women in the same situation.
Dez Pequenas Para um Homem
An aviation engineer and a government secretary are thrown together by the war effort.
Footlight Glamour
Original Music Composer
Mr. Dithers is trying to encourage a businessman to build a war-time manufacturing plant on land he owns while Dagwood tries to prevent the businessman from learning his daughter is involved in a local theatre production.
Johnny Come Lately
Music Director
Cagney is a human dynamo as a drifter who helps save ailing Grace George from losing her newspaper. The pace is fast, and audiences of all ages will be pleased. The supporting cast, have all the small-town characterizations down pat -- with Margaret Hamilton a standout. Cagney himself, had genuine affection for this film, and listed it among his top five movie-making experiences at a retrospective the year before he died.
The Sky's the Limit
Music Director
Flying Tiger Fred Atwell sneaks away from his famous squadron's personal appearance tour and goes incognito for several days of leave. He quickly falls for photographer Joan Manion, pursuing her in the guise of a carefree drifter.
It's a Great Life
Original Music Composer
When the profits of their various film series began slumping in the mid-1940s, Columbia Pictures tried to broaden the appeal of these films by disguing the fact that they were indeed series entries. Thus it was that Columbia's 13th "Blondie" picture was shipped out as It's a Great Life. The comic confusion begins when Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake), intending to buy a house, buys a horse instead. Before the film's 75 minutes have run their course, Dagwood gets mixed up in a fox hunt. But Blondie (Penny Singleton) saves the day as usual, with the help of eccentric millionaire Timothy Brewster (Hugh Herbert). After It's a Great Life and #14 "Footlight Glamour", Columbia restored the name "Blondie" to the titles of all subesequent installments in this long-running comedy series.
They Came to Blow Up America
Original Music Composer
Based on a true incident that occurred in 1942 when nine Nazi saboteurs were put ashore on the coast of Long Island, New York, by submarine, with orders to blow up various defense installations.
Quanto Mais, Melhor
Original Music Composer
Washington. Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial uma jovem, Connie Milligan, aluga metade da sua casa para Benjamin Dingle, um amável senhor. Ele por sua vez aluga metade da sua parte para Joe Carter, um sargento da força aérea. Esta situação resulta em um inocente ménage à trois, na qual Benjamin banca o cupido.
They Got Me Covered
Original Music Composer
Bumbling reporter Robert Kittredge has been fired after bungling his latest assignment. His career isn't all he's botched up: his girlfriend Chris is tired of waiting for him to marry her. When he gets a hot tip on some Nazi spies operating in Washington, D.C., he convinces Chris to help him break the story so he can get his job back. The pair soon find themselves in several awkward predicaments as they track the criminals down in a night club, a burlesque show, and face a final showdown at a beauty salon.
Margin for Error
When police officer Moe Finkelstein and his colleague Officer Salomon are ordered to serve as bodyguards to German consul Karl Baumer by the mayor of New York City, Finkelstein turns in his badge, convinced he has to quit the service because the man is a Nazi.
Bonita Como Nunca
O Acunas, uma rica família argentina, seguem a tradição de que as filhas têm de se casar em ordem, primeiro as mais velhas. Quando a irmã # 1 se casa, as irmãs # 3 e # 4, que já escolheram seus futuros maridos, fazem pressão sobre Maria a irmã # 2. Mas Maria ainda não conheceu um homem que goste. O pai Eduardo Acuna, acreditando que os homens não são românticos suficiente nos dias de hoje, envia para sua filha flores e cartas de amor anônimas, criando um "homem misterioso" para ela se apaixonar. Ele pretende escolher um rapaz apropriado para ela mais tarde, para ocupar o papel. Mas Robert Davis, um dançarino americano à procura de trabalho, surge em cena. Maria se apaixona por ele, mas o pai não aprova.
Wings for the Eagle
Additional Music
Aircraft workers during during World War II become involved in a love triangle.
Ídolo, Amante e Heroí
Original Music Composer
The story of the life and career of the baseball hall of famer, Lou Gehrig.
The Sleepwalker
Original Music Composer
Pluto has a tussle over a bone with a female dachsaund named Dinah unaware that he is actually giving her the bone whenever he walks in his sleep and presents it to her. However, each time he awakens, he angrily demands it back until he discovers Dinah's puppies at which point he feels bad and offers up his entire collection of bones to Dinah's family as well as his doghouse.
Prelúdio de uma Guerra
Prelude to War was the first film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight propaganda film series, commissioned by the Pentagon and George C. Marshall. It was made to convince American troops of the necessity of combating the Axis Powers during World War II. This film examines the differences between democratic and fascist states.
Rings on Her Fingers
Susan Miller works behind the girdle counter in a department store and dreams about the beautiful clothes and glamour she can never hope to have. Enter May Worthington and Warren, a pair of con artists who pose as the mother and uncle of a pretty girl in order to separate millionaires from their money. They convince Susan she has an opportunity to fulfill all her dreams, and the trio heads for Palm Beach. Susan meets John Wheeler who says he is shopping for a sailboat. Believing that he is a millionaire, Warren and May sell him a boat that doesn't belong to them, and make off with his $15,000 life savings. Looking for greener pastures, they work themselves into the family of wealthy Tod Fenwick, who falls for Sue, posing as "Linda Worthington". But John shows up as a guest of Fenwick and he tells "Linda", not knowing she was part of the scam, that he has a detective after the fake captain that sold him the boat...
On the Sunny Side
Original Music Composer
Because of the war, a 12-year-old boy from England, Hugh, is sent to live with the Andrews family in Ohio. Don, the Andrews' 11-year-old son, eagerly accepts the English boy, and is happy when his school-friends do the same. But his isn't so happy when things begin to change when his father fore-goes their evening game of Chinese Checkers to play chess with Hugh, and Hugh shows himself to be a formidable scholar, and impresses Don's girlfriend Betty, and becomes more popular with the boys than Don was...and Don is beginning to think that Hugh is too much of a good thing. Don gets downright depressed and decides to run away. Uh, oh, here comes Hugh.
A história animada de Bambi, um jovem cervo saudado como o "Príncipe da Floresta" no seu nascimento. Como Bambi cresce, ele faz amizade com os outros animais da floresta, aprende as habilidades necessárias para sobreviver e até encontra o amor. Um dia, porém, os caçadores vem, e Bambi deve aprender a ser tão corajoso como seu pai, e levar os outros cervos para a segurança.
The Lady Has Plans
Original Music Composer
Some dastardly criminals have stolen some top secret plans and tattoo them on the back of a woman so she can sell them to the highest bidder in Lisbon. This woman plans to take the place of a 'Sidney Royce', a legitimate traveler going to Lisbon as a reporter. Crossed signals allows the real Sidney to reach Portugal first, where she is pursued by those trying to obtain the plans and US government agents trying to prevent the sale.
The Art of Self Defense
Original Music Composer
Goofy takes a lighthearted look at self defense through the ages: cavemen, knights, the age of chivalry, and finally boxing.
Mr. Bug Goes to Town
The happy tranquility of Bugville is shattered when the populace learns that a colossal skyscraper is to be built over their tiny town.
Me Dê Uma Pata
Original Music Composer
No curta, Pluto sente ciúmes do novo gatinho de Mickey, mas após um acontecimento inesperado, tudo muda e Pluto terá uma importante decisão a tomar.
Blondie in Society
Original Music Composer
Dagwood brings home a pedigreed Great Dane which an important company client wants and which Blondie enters in the big dog show. A highlight of this film is the canine burping display.
A Good Time for a Dime
Original Music Composer
Donald visits a penny arcade where he sees a risque Daisy dancing in one of the nickelodeon shows and later has trouble with the airplane ride.
Baggage Buster
Original Music Composer
Goofy has to get a box belonging to a magician in time for the next train to pick the baggage. Clumsy Goofy drops the box and a lot of magician's props appear.
Golden Eggs
Original Music Composer
Donald reads in his newspaper that eggs are really going up in value and the price is skyrocketing. Donald realizes that if he had some eggs, he would be quite the wealthy duck so he breaks into a nearby hen-house and collects as many eggs as possible putting them all in a huge basket. Unfortunately, a rooster standing guard makes his presence known and ejects Donald. The inventive duck is able to get back in disguised as a female chicken who the rooster falls for and dances with. Unfortunately, with the rubber glove comb constantly coming loose and a caterpillar falling down the back of his suit, he is ever at the risk of being discovered.
A Viagem de Trem
Original Music Composer
Mickey quer sair de férias de Burbank a Pomona, para isso precisa ir de trem. O condutor, Pete, não vai deixá-lo viajar com Pluto, por isso ele esconde Pluto em sua mala, sem muita sorte.
Blondie Plays Cupid
Original Music Composer
The Bumstead family is off to see relatives in the country when Blondie runs into Charlie and Millie, an eloping couple needing her help.
So You Won't Talk?
Original Music Composer
A shy book reviewer is confused with a notorious gangster who has just been release from prison.
Pluto's Dream House
Original Music Composer
Mickey Mouse is about to build Pluto a doghouse when Pluto digs up a magic lamp that speaks in black dialect. It offers to do Mickey's bidding. Mickey's first wish is for a doghouse, and the lamp starts to work. Suddenly, the saw, the planer, the paintbrush and other tools magically begin working on their own. Finally, Pluto has a magnificent doghouse. The second wish? Mickey asks the lamp to give Pluto a bath. But things go awry when Pluto accidentally breaks Mickey's radio. Now, all sorts of conflicting messages are coming out of the speaker as Mickey tries to fix it. The lamp assumes all the voices are Mickey's and obeys them. Pluto is rolled with a rolling pin, punched with boxing gloves, frozen in an aspic and is about to be cut into thin slices before all ends happily.
Blondie Has Servant Trouble
Original Music Composer
Things get under way when Blondie Bumstead demands that her husband request a raise from his boss Mr. Dithers, so that she can afford to hire a maid. But Dithers has no time for any salary disputes: his construction firm is currently stuck with an unsaleable old mansion that is rumored to be haunted. To disprove this theory, Dithers asks the Bumstead family to spend a night in the crumbling old house, throwing a retinue of servants into the bargain.
Florisbella Quer o Divórcio
Original Music Composer
Dagwood wants to join the trout club and Blondie wants a fur coat. Jealousy reigns when Dag's old girlfriend Joan shows up, but nothing else matters when a drawing at the movie theatre provides money for the coat.
Original Music Composer
Gepeto é um carpinteiro solitário que, um dia, resolve fazer um boneco de madeira para lhe fazer companhia. Durante a noite, a Fada Azul dá vida ao boneco, que passa a se chamar Pinóquio. Ansioso para se tornar um menino de verdade, Pinóquio se mete em várias confusões, apesar dos constantes avisos de seu amigo Grilo Falante. O boneco tem uma particularidade: sempre que mente seu nariz cresce. Até o dia em que precisa resgatar seu criador, quando ele fica preso na barriga de uma baleia.
Blondie Brings Up Baby
Original Music Composer
Baby Dumpling, the six-year-old son of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead disappears from sight during his first day at school. While Dagwood frantically combs the city in search of the boy, Baby Dumpling spents a nice, safe afternoon with poor little rich girl Melinda Mason, who with her new playmate's help arises from her sickbed to walk across the room for the first time in months.
Blondie Takes a Vacation
Original Music Composer
Blondie and Dagwood are in charge of operations at a mountain motel. The elderly owners of the establishment are in danger of losing their life savings. Among other things, arson threatens.
The Lady and the Mob
Original Music Composer
Hattie Leonard sets out to break a criminal gang controlling the dry cleaning business.
Blondie Meets the Boss
Original Music Composer
Dagwood inadvertently gets cornered in to resigning. When his wife Blondie tries to ask Dagwoods boss Mr. Dithers for his job back, he ends up hiring her instead. This doesn't sit too well with Dagwood. Blondie's sister comes to visit, and Dagwood is put in a compromising situation with another woman.
Sinfonia da Fazenda
Original Music Composer
The farm comes to life, to various classical tunes. The high point is a rooster serenading a chicken, with all the animals joining in. But then comes the sound that's even more welcome to the animals: the farmer and his wife with food (the only actual words spoken).
Wynken, Blynken & Nod
Original Music Composer
An elaborate dream fantasy based on the popular children's poem of three children playing and floating among the stars. The three sleepy children sail in their shoe-boat; they stall briefly on a cloud, then have various troubles with their fishing lines (one lands a fish-like star that ends up squirming in his pants).
Engenheiros Desastrados
Mickey, Donald e Pateta constroem um barco.
Engenheiros Desastrados
Original Music Composer
Mickey, Donald e Pateta constroem um barco.
Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões
Original Music Composer
A rainha malvada morre de ciúmes da beleza de Branca de Neve e manda mata-la. Logo, descobre que a jovem não morreu e está morando na floresta com sete amiguinhos. A princesa então é envenenada pela rainha e só o beijo de um príncipe pode salvá-la.
O Velho Moinho
Original Music Composer
Uma construção antiga, no meio de uma bela paisagem bucólica e que serve de abrigo para alguns animais como passarinhos e ratinhos. No entanto, ao cair da noite, uma tempestade ameaça não apenas o moinho, mas os seus moradores.
Woodland Café
Original Music Composer
Bugs of all kinds convene on a jazz club for an evening of fun.
Mamãe Pluto
Original Music Composer
Uma galinha faz morada na casinha de cachorro de Pluto quando se distrai com uma borboleta e deixa seus ovos escondidos sob a palha. Quando o cão volta da rua para roer um osso no aconchego de seu lar, é surpreendido por diversos pintinhos, que saem de seus ovos, achando que o cachorro é, na verdade, a mãe deles...
O Retorno da Tartaruga Toby
Original Music Composer
A tartaruga Toby e a lebre Max se enfrentam em uma luta de box.
Através do Espelho
Mickey dorme enquanto lê Alice no País das Maravilhas, e se transporta para o outro lado do espelho.
O Elefante Elmer
Original Music Composer
O pequeno elefantinho Elmer chega a festa da tigresa Tillie. Durante a comemoração do aniversário de Tillie, os outros animais da floresta começam a rir do formato do nariz de Elmer. Cansado das brincadeiras, ele sai da festa e contra uma sábia girafa de idade, que explica que todos nós somos diferentes. Enquanto isso, a casa da árvore de Tillie pega fogo, e somente Elmer, com a ajuda da girafa e dos pelicanos conseguem juntos acabar com o fogo, salvamento Tillie.
Mickey's Grand Opera
Original Music Composer
Mickey is preparing to conduct an opera when he chases Pluto away. Pluto crashes into a magician's props backstage and spars with the hat, its rabbits, and its doves. The opera begins: Clarabelle plays flute, Clara and Donald are the leads in Romeo and Juliet. Pluto follows the magic hat onstage, to Mickey's growing annoyance. The hat falls into a tuba, and soon the animals are filling the stage.
Music Land
Original Music Composer
Musical instruments are the stars of a romantic fable set in the Land of Symphony and the Isle of Jazz, two islands separated by the Sea of Discord. The violin princess and the saxophone prince fall in love, but must meet secretly in order to avoid the wrath of their parents, the Symphony queen and the Jazz king. The queen finds the boy saxophone on her island, attempting to woo her daughter. She has him locked in the metronome, but the young lover manages to send a note - in fact, several musical notes on sheet music - that conveys the message that he has been imprisoned. The Isle of Jazz declares war by blasting musical notes across the sea. The only thing that can bring peace and harmony to the Sea of Discord is love.
No Gelo
Original Music Composer
O Mickey e os amigos se divertem patinando num rio congelado, cada um do seu jeito. Enquanto Mickey e Minnie deslizam romanticamente, Donald prega peças em Pluto, que acaba em apuros com uma pipa, do qual Mickey deve salvá-lo.
O Jardim do Mickey
Original Music Composer
Tudo acontece quando Mickey resolve cuidar do seu quintal! Uma mistura de "Alice no país das Maravilhas" com "Querida encolhi as crianças"
The Cookie Carnival
Original Music Composer
Cookies, pastries, and other desserts have a parade.
Water Babies
Original Music Composer
A colony of nymph babies bathe and play in a river.
Mickey, o Maestro
Mickey e sua banda estão determinados a executar suas músicas, apesar da interferência do Pato Donald e uma forte tempestade.
Two-Gun Mickey
Original Music Composer
Minnie rides into town and takes a large sack of money out of the bank. Pegleg Pete gathers his gang to take it from her, and they chase her out of town. Lonesome cowboy Mickey, who met Minnie earlier and was told she could take care of herself, sees this chase unfolding from his high perch, and rides down to save the day.
A Deusa da Primavera
Original Music Composer
Perséfone, a bondosa deusa da primavera, é sequestrada por Hades trazendo o inverno para o bosque.
Peculiar Penguins
Original Music Composer
Penguins dance and play in Antarctica.
A Galinha Esperta
Original Music Composer
A galinha está à procura de de alguém para ajudá-la a plantar milho. Ela vai pedir para o porco peter e para o pato donald, mas ambos dizem estar doentes para não ajudá-la, então ela terá que plantar com a ajuda de seus pintinhos. Na hora de colher, novamente, ambos negam ajudar afirmando estarem doentes, mas a galinha acaba descobrindo que era tudo enganação e prepara uma surpresinha para eles.
Coelhinhos Engraçadinhos
Original Music Composer
We see bunny rabbits preparing for Easter, by making chocolate eggs and rabbits, decorating eggs, and weaving and filling baskets.
O Gafanhoto e as Formigas
Original Music Composer
As trabalhadoras e precavidas formigas se preparam para o rigoroso inverno, enquanto o gafanhoto só quer saber de tocar e cantar.
The China Shop
Original Music Composer
The elderly owner of a china shop leaves for the night, and the various figurines and decorated mugs come to life. A demonic figure captures an upper-class lady and does battle with her lord, damaging much of the shop. But the demon proves to have a glass jaw and, literally, a yellow streak, and the happy couple is soon reunited. No dialogue, but some signs are in English, particularly the final punch-line.
The Night Before Christmas
Original Music Composer
A narrator sings the opening stanzas of the classic poem while we see the house at rest. Santa lands on the roof, comes down the chimney, and opens his bag. The toys march out and decorate the tree, with the toy soldiers shooting balls from their cannon, a toy airplane stringing a garland like skywriting, and the toy firemen applying snow. A blimp delivers the star to the top. Meanwhile, Santa fills the stockings. His laughter awakens the children, who sneak out. The toys rush to their places, and Santa escapes up the chimney just in time.
O Flautista Encantado
Original Music Composer
A cidade de Hamelin estava sofrendo com uma infestação de ratos. Um dia, chega à cidade um homem dizendo ter a solução para o problema. Prometeram-lhe um bom pagamento em troca da eliminação dos ratos: um saco de moedas de ouro. O homem aceitou o acordo, pegou uma flauta e hipnotizou os ratos, levando-os para fora da cidade. Porém, os habitantes de Hamelin não cumpriram o acordo, mas sofreram as consequências disso.
Lullaby Land
Original Music Composer
A baby is transported to Lullaby Land, where pacifiers grow on trees, diapers, bottles, and potty chairs march on parade, and the gingham dog comes to life. He wanders into the "keep out" cave, full of things like scissors, knives, and fountain pens that are not for baby and begins smashing watches with hammers and playing with giant matches. The matches chase after him; baby escapes by riding a bar of soap across a pond, but the smoke from the matches turns into boogey-men. The benevolent sandman, dressed as a wizard, spots baby hiding and works his magic, bringing us back to the real nursery.
Mickey's Mechanical Man
Mickey has built a robot to compete in the boxing ring against the giant gorilla, the Kongo Killer. Whenever it hears Minnie's car horn, it goes crazy and starts punching any picture of Killer that it sees, even if it's on a brick wall, thus hurting itself. Mickey manages to barely patch his robot together to take on Killer, but after some early success, it gets pummeled by the ape. Minnie fetches the car horn, which brings it back, and it trounces Killer, then flies apart.
Father Noah's Ark
Original Music Composer
Noah, his family (wife, 3 sons, their wives), and various animals all help build the ark. The rains come, and the skunks barely miss the boat (not that anyone was particularly looking for them), but they manage to swim to it. After the rain and many lamentations by the humans, the sun returns, to the great joy of all. The ground appears, and the animals (and many new babies) disembark.