Yoshiyasu Hamamura


Journey Into Solitude
Bored with her school life, a 16-year-old student leaves home to take a trip along the Pacific Ocean. After meeting with a theatre group she falls sick and is rescued by a fisherman with who she shares her life with.
The Shadow Within
When a married man begins an affair with a woman from his past, he comes to suspect her young son intends to murder him.
Season of Love
Pinky and Yoko are about to graduate. Full of hope and uncertainties they embark on a tale of temptation.
Little Snack
Rainbow Over the Pacific
Rainbow Over the Pacific is a tale of romance that moves from the streets of Tokyo to the islands of Hawaii as it weaves the story of two star-crossed lovers--Hideo (Yukio Hashi), an aspiring photographer from Japan, and Reiko (Jun Mayuzumi), a beautiful Sansei Cherry Blossom contestant from Hawaii--who are drawn together by destiny, yet appear to be fated to be apart. Will the sun set on their young love, or will it be the dawn of a new relationship?
Lover's Duet
A melodrama about a talented singer who finally makes her debut. A remake of the 1939 film of the same name.
Song of Love
The life in a small village in Shikoku and the love story between two young people.
Warm Current
My Wife
Japanese comedy film.
The Scarlet Camellia
A young woman begins murdering all those responsible for her ailing father's condition. Because the girl is so outwardly sweet and innocent, the detective looking into the deaths does not suspect her.
Double Wedding
A Rotina Tem Seu Encanto
Quando o viúvo Shuhei Hirayama, um militar que lutou na Segunda Guerra Mundial como fuzileiro naval, encontra com seu velho professor, fica sabendo que sua filha ainda não se casou porque teve que ficar cuidando do pai. Com medo de que Michiko, sua filha de 24 anos, acabe com o mesmo destino, ele começa a procurar um bom homem para se casar com ela. Também preocupada com a possibilidade da moça manter-se solteira para não abandonar o pai, uma das irmãs do viúvo sugere que ele se case novamente, de modo a permitir que a filha pense sobre seu próprio casamento.
Japanese drama film.
A Roaring Trade
Love New and Old
A woman brings her injured daughter to the hospital, only to realize that the doctor is the estranged father of her child.
Zero Focus
One week into newlywed Teiko Uhara's marriage, her husband, Kenichi, leaves on a short business trip and never returns. Teiko travels across Japan to search for him, and along the way discovers some surprising facts about her husband's past. With only a pair of old photographs among his belongings to go off of, Teiko tries to figure out what has happened to him.
Dia de Outono
Depois da cerimônia fúnebre em homenagem ao marido, Akiko e a filha Ayako conversam sobre o morto com os amigos Taguchi, Hirayama e Mamiya. Os três especulam sobre o futuro da moça e propõem que ela se case. Ayako recusa, alegando que não quer deixar a mãe sozinha. Depois de uma partida de golfe, os três amigos decidem persuadir a mãe a se casar novamente, permitindo que Ayako possa se sentir livre para fazer o mesmo.
Goodbye to Glory
A story of an ardent young man who laid down his life for his country.
Hot Corner Murder
Prosecutor Takayama investigates the sudden death of a third baseman in the middle of a game.
Tokyo Omnibus
The story tells of Tsuchiya, a university professor and a widower who is in love with a widow who runs a small restaurant, and his son is in love with a runaway girl who turns out to be the leader of a religious sect. Kusano is the henpecked proprietor of a rice biscuit shop who dreams of owning a bird and dog shop and his daughter is in love with a boarder, employed by the private detective agency searching for the runaway girl. The agency head has his own dream of arranging thirty marriages and has already accomplished twenty-seven. Tatsumi is a newspaper reporter who dreams of a big scoop to enable him to marry a girl TV producer and his friend a mountain climbing enthusiast who dreams of joining a Himalayan expedition but is opposed by his wife. His love of the mountains is shared by a boarder in their home and by a fishmonger's son.
Umi no Chizu
Akiko Mizushina, a university student, is in love with Keisuke Okazaki, a member of the rugby team at the same university. Sugiura, a brilliant scholarly student, also has feelings for Akiko. During the summer vacation, Akiko thought she was enjoying the joys of youth, but she was filled with a feeling that something was missing.
Bom Dia
Numa vila nos subúrbios de Tóquio, um dos vizinhos compra uma televisão - artigo de luxo para a época - e todos os garotos do local matam suas horas de estudo para irem assistir ao campeonato de sumô. Dois deles, os irmãos Minoru e Isamu, se encantam tanto que insistem que os pais comprem-lhes um televisor. Com a recusa, eles entram numa greve de silêncio, oque lhes causa problemas com a família, os vizinhos, a escola e a polícia.
A Flor do Equinócio
Na recepção do casamento da filha de um velho amigo seu, Hirayama questiona-se porque razão Mikami, outro velho amigo, não compareceu. Na verdade, Mikami estava preocupado com a filha Fumiko, que fugiu de casa com o namorado, e não quis ir à cerimónia. Mikami pede para Hirayama ir ver como Fumiko está. Este visita então o bar onde ela trabalha como empregada. Ao mesmo tempo que Hirayama se mostra compreensivo com Fumiko, fica furioso quando Taniguchi, o namorado de sua própria filha, faz uma surpresa e pede permissão para se casar com ela.
Two detectives begin a stakeout based on the slim chance of catching a murderer whom they suspect will try to reunite with an old flame.
Black River
The story follows a university student who moves into an apartment building and becomes involved with a waitress. The landlord then attempts to evict the tenants and sell the building through illicit means.
Crepúsculo em Tóquio
Two sisters find out the existence of their long-lost mother, but the younger cannot accept the fact that she was abandoned as a child.
I Will Buy You
A talent scout moves sharply, dead-set on signing a promising athlete to the baseball team the Toyko Flowers.
A botanist woos the secretary of an industrialist whose company threatens the local water supply.
Primavera Precoce
Um jovem assalariado e a sua esposa lutam dentro dos limites do seu relacionamento sem paixão, enquanto ele tem um caso extraconjugal.
Love and Duty
Each one of us lives differently. So, there are many tragedies and comedies in our lives. She feels many conflicts in living her life between truth and love.
Era Uma Vez em Tóquio
Um casal de idosos deixa sua filha no campo para visitar os outros filhos em Tóquio, cidade que eles nunca tinham ido. Porém os filhos os recebem com indiferença, e estão sempre muito atarefados para terem tempo para os pais. Apenas a nora deles, que perdeu o marido na guerra, parece dar atenção aos dois. Quando a mãe fica doente, os filhos vão visitá-la junto com a nora, e complexos sentimentos são revelados.
O Sabor do Chá Verde Sobre o Arroz
Um casal de meia-idade sem filhos enfrenta uma crise conjugal.
Também Fomos Felizes
Uma família escolhe um marido para a sua filha de 28 anos Noriko, mas ela surpreendentemente tem os seus próprios planos. Noriko mora em Tóquio no pós-guerra com sua extensa família. Embora ela esteja satisfeita com sua carreira e seus amigos, a sua mais tradicional família se preocupa com o fato de ela ainda estar solteira, aos 28 anos. Quando Takako, 40 anos, faz uma proposta de casamento, a família de Noriko a pressiona para aceitar. Mas quando seu amigo de infância Kenkichi, agora viúvo retorna ao bairro, ela percebe que seu coração a está levando em outra direção. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Home Sweet Home
The Ueki family may not be wealthy, but smiles are never in short supply. The father is awarded prize money for 25 years of service to his workplace, but has it stolen on the way home from the ceremony...
Pai e Filha
Noriko tem 27 anos de idade e ainda vive com o seu velho pai, o senhor Somiya. O pai é um professor viúvo que deseja casar sua filha, que de acordo com a sociedade, está na hora de entrar em um casamento. Só que Noriko quer continuar cuidado do pai e vivendo com ele para que o velho homem não se sinta sozinho. Ele então, vai fingir estar se casando de novo para que a filha não tenha culpa de se casar e ir embora.
Uma Galinha ao Vento
Tokiko is a mother patiently waiting for her husband's return from the war when her 4-year old son becomes ill. She takes him to the doctor for treatment but has no way of paying. She resorts to prostitution. One month later her husband returns from WWII to find his desperate wife, who tells him the truth. Together they must deal with the consequences.
The Spy Has Not Died Yet
Era uma Vez um Pai
Shuhei Horikawa, a poor schoolteacher, struggles to raise his son Ryohei by himself, despite neither money nor prospects.
Ornamental Hairpin
Emi Ota and her friend Okiku stay briefly at a mountain inn and then return to Tokyo. Later, Nanmura, a soldier on leave, steps on an ornamental hairpin in the public bath at the inn. Emi writes to the inn saying she has lost a hairpin and, when she discovers that it injured Nanmura, returns to apologize. The longer term visitors at the inn meet together to discuss the hairpin incident. These include a grumpy Professor, a young couple Mr and Mrs Hiroyasu, and an old man staying with his two grandsons. They hope to see a romance blossom between Nanmura and Emi, after Nanmura declares that there is something almost poetic in finding a hairpin in the bath.
Donguri and Shinomi
A city boy moves to the countryside and the kids there pick on him.
Notes of an Itinerant Performer
Uta’s mother died when she was six years old; her father she never met. She was forced to adopt a traveller’s life when her grandmother died, and now she is a dancer and part of a family of actors who travel from town to town, setting up street performances. A way of escape from this marginal existence arises when she gets the chance to move to tea merchant Hiramatsu’s place, where she is asked to teach his daughter to dance.
Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family
After the death of her husband, Mrs Toda and her youngest daughter receive a frosty welcome from the extended family.
Introspection Tower
A reformatory in the remote countryside houses 200 delinquents and problem children. The teachers and caretakers face much trouble. The school is often short on water, and one day, the well runs dry.
Seisen aiba fu: Akatsuki ni inoru
A spirited young teacher challenges the conservative school employing her with liberal thinking and teaching methods.
Kinuyo's First Love
Kinuyo is a daughter of rice cracker shop in downtown. She fell in love with her sister's boyfriend. It is a story whose theme is warm human relationships in a town of customs and manners.
Warm Current
Adaptation of Kishida Kunio's novel. Set against the backdrop of a power struggle within a hospital, depicts the love lives of the director's daughter, the administrative director, a doctor, and a nurse.