Bertha Romero


Costume Design
Ramin é um jovem iraniano, de 30 anos, que fugiu de seu país, Irã, de navio, clandestinamente, com destino à Turquia. Mas o navio toma caminho diferente e ele vai parar em Vera Cruz, no México. Ramin fugiu do Irã por ser homossexual. Sem dinheiro, e sem saber falar espanhol, Ramin se vira em um trabalho clandestino em uma obra, onde conhece Guillermo, um Salvadorenho que deseja fugir para os Estados Unidos, e por quem Ramin irá nutrir desejos platônicos. Enquanto lida com a saudade de seus entes queridos, ele começa a descobrir uma vida mais livre, longe do Irã.
Costume Designer
Felix (56) a criminal boss in the south of Mexico, has always wanted to go to San Francisco so see how drawbridges rise for ships to go through. Misela (23), whose romantic partners die if they make her cry, seeks comfort in her mother and wants to know where she is buried. They are father and daughter, and one must betray the other in order to go on living.
Otras personas
Costume Design
Fernando, and his friend Ana should know better than to try to make his exgirlfriend jealous.
7 años de matrimonio
Costume Design
Ana and Alberto get married. Their best friends warn them about the seven year itch: the usual time when a couple starts experiencing big problems in their relationship. We will follow Ana and Alberto on their marriage until they reach their seven year itch.
Days of Grace
Costume Design
Mexico City. 2002, 2006, 2010. A cop. A hostage. A wife. Corruption, violence, vengeance. Three destinies, during 30 days, during three Soccer World Cups. Three ways to fight in order to survive.
Apagar os Rastros
Costume Design
Sebastián e Helena, dois irmãos adolescentes, moram num casarão numa pequena cidade mexicana. Sua mãe está moribunda e os dois vivem encerrados, distantes de tudo. Inseparáveis, eles mantém uma profunda relação de dependência. Até que a mãe morre e Juan, um jovem de classe baixa, surge em suas vidas. A aparição de Juan mexe com os desejos de ambos, obrigando-os a tomar decisões em relação ao amor, ao sexo e à amizade. Para crescerem, os irmãos terão de quebrar o vínculo inseparável que sempre os regeu.
Personal Effects
Costume Design
At 18, fresh from high school, Marina, Ignacio, Adam and Mimi, school mates bonded by fate, shared a dream about adult life, a dream of fame, success, perfect skin and that one endless, true love that, surely, was waiting just around the corner for each one of them. But 30's arrived, and none of the sweet promises of youth was fulfilled. Alone, failed and frustrated, all four are forced to stop and look around to try to understand where it all went wrong, and find an emergency fix for their lives, before it's too late, and happiness escapes through their fingers forever. Secondary Effects is the bitter coming of age comedy that follows their steps in the search for lost dreams, lost hair and good sex, at least, if true love turns out to be a mirage.
Crónica de un desayuno
Costume Design
A view of the end-of-the-century Mexican family. A father who comes back home after a long absence, but who would rather be somewhere else. A daughter suffering from a trapped pain. A son full of guilt and recriminations. A little kid who soaks up all the tension in the house, like a sponge, and a self-effacing mother who would like to go away and leave everything behind.