Domenico Gennaro

Nascimento : 1948-09-18, Catania, Italy


Domenico Gennaro (September 18, 1948) is an Italian actor.


I Nostri Ieri
O Traidor
Ercolano's Attorney
Palermo, Sicília, 1980. Tommaso Buscetta, membro da Máfia, decide mudar-se para o Brasil com sua família fugindo da guerra constante entre os diferentes clãs da organização criminosa. Mas quando, após viver várias desgraças, ele é forçado a voltar para a Itália, toma uma decisão ousada que mudará sua vida e o destino da Cosa Nostra para sempre.
O Divo
Francesco Marino Mannoia
Drama biográfico de um dos personagens mais polêmicos da política italiana, Giulio Andreotti, conhecido como 'Il Divo'.
Em 1941, numa pequena vila localizada na Sicília, um grupo de garotos de 13 anos de idade nutre uma profunda paixão por Malena (Monica Bellucci), a viúva de um soldado local, despertando uma história de amor, perda e coragem.
La fame e la sete
addetto alle pompe funebri
O Homem das Estrelas
1st Mafioso (as Mimmo Gennaro)
The adventures and deceptions of a photographer who travels through small villages of 1950s Sicily pretending to work for the big film studios in Rome.
Estamos Todos Bem
Le mari de Norma
Matteo Scuro is a retired Sicilian bureaucrat, a widower with five children, all of whom live on the mainland and hold responsible jobs. He decides to surprise each with a visit and finds none as he imagined.
uomo al cimitero
Palermo 1936. Um funcionário do governo fascista, Tommaso Scalia, cometeu três assassinatos e se espera que seja condenado a pena capital, mas um juiz é contra a opinião geral, e partidário da prisão perpétua e tentará impedir a condenação de morte.
The Professor
Domenico Spina
Vaguely inspired to the real story of boss of the Camorra's bosses Raffaele Cutolo, this is the story of the criminal career of "Il professore" (the professor). He is in prison, and by there he is able to build, step by step, an empire founded on murders and drugs. He starts a war to destroy all the old Camorra bosses and becoming the new "boss of the bosses". With his sister's help he manages to evade from prison and escape in New York. Here he starts immediately a new relationship with "Cosa Nostra" (Italian American Mafia). He is going to seat on the peak of the most powerful criminal organization, and the Italian authorities are almost impotent.
The Sicilian Connection
Armando Ognibene
Mario (Placido), an Italian American who manages a pizzeria in NYC, is charged with an assassination of a judge in Palermo. He leaves the States, comes back to Sicily and recruit Michele, his younger brother, for some help. Michele is a good guy not involved with the Mafia, that is trying to build his life on honesty and hard-working. Michele needs some money to give freedom to a prostitute he is in love, and Mario promise his help in change of an hands to set up his trap for the judge. Anyway Michele isn't made with the same "pasta" of Mario, he couldn't never be a real Mafioso and this causes many between the two brother and the Mafia. There is only a way for Mario to save his brother. A way that Mafia could like.
Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.