John F. Reed

Nascimento : 1908-08-24, California, USA

Morte : 1992-09-29


A Revolução dos Bichos
Animation Director
Os animais moradores da Granja do Solar, cansados dos maus tratos rotineiros, se rebelam contra o dono do local, o beberrão Sr. Jones. Após o expulsarem, os bichos se organizam e instauram novas regras, formando uma comunidade democrática, livre do domínio dos humanos. Os inteligentes porcos, no entanto, logo tratam de impor suas idéias e um novo reinado do terror ganha forma.
Cavaleiro por um Dia
Por acidente, Cedric (Pateta), substitue o chefe, Sir Loinsteak, na armadura antes da sua luta com o campeão Sir Cumferencia.
Marinheiros em Apuros
Donald and Goofy rent a sailboat. This boat is a bit unusual: to rent it, you put a nickel in a slot, and the mast and sail pop up. Unfortunately, after a while, they pop back down. When Donald runs out of nickels, they are marooned. Goofy waves his shirt at a passing cruise ship, but they (and he) mistake this for a friendly greeting. A flying fish lands in the boat; while the boys fight over it, a gull grabs it. They try to bash the gull, which lands atop their heads, with predictable results. Finally, as the sharks circle, they try fishing, with Donald as the unwitting bait. He eventually lands back in the boat, where his bill lands in the coin slot and gives them a way home.
The Eyes Have It
Donald receives a mail order hypnosis kit complete with hypnotic goggles and decides to test it on Pluto. Using the goggles, he convinces Pluto he is a mouse, a turtle, and a chicken. Each "transformation" Pluto undergoes Donald finds extremely funny so he keeps at it until he notices chicken Pluto getting into a fight with a rooster. Donald helps Pluto win the fight by making him think he's a lion but, unfortunately, the goggles break and Donald is chased about by Pluto until he regains his senses after a fall.
First Aiders
Minnie's learning first aid; she asks Pluto and Figaro for help. Pluto keeps throwing Figaro into buckets and otherwise getting him into trouble. Then, when Minnie has Pluto all trussed up in splints, Figaro taunts him.
O Dragão Relutante
O Humorista Robert Benchley tenta encontrar Walt Disney para pedir-lhe que produza uma adaptação de um conto sobre um dragão amável e cordial que prefere recitar poesia ao invez de ser feroz. Ao longo do caminho, o levam num passeio pelos estúdios da Disney, onde ele aprende sobre o processo de animação.
Mickey e Pluto no Campo de Golfe
Mickey e Pluto saem para uma tarde de golfe.