Stephen Lack
Nascimento : 1946-01-01, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Stephen Lack (born 1946) is a Canadian painter and a film actor best known for his role as Cameron Vale in David Cronenberg's film Scanners.
Stephen Lack talks about playing the lead in David Cronenberg's 1981 sci-fi/horror cult classic SCANNERS.
Jon Jost: "RANT is a discursive portrait of Steven Lack, actor (Cronenberg's Scanners, Alan Moyle's Rubber Gun, Jost's All the Vermeers in New York) and full-time painter/artist in the New York scene since the late 1970's. The film provides a glimpse of this world through Lack's friends, dealers, and family, while showcasing his paintings and sculptures, and giving an insight into the creative processes of this driven artist."
Jesse F. Russell
Stefan Balsiger is a congenial, average councillor to the Swiss embassy in Havanna. While accompanying an US senator on his mission in Cuba, he makes a botch of so many things, that a minor blunder by the Senator turns into a serious incident, which intensifies into a second Cuban crisis - thanks to further entanglements by the media, police, and diplomats who represent the arch-enemies USA and Cuba. Only one person can eventually solve the crisis: Stefan Balsiger himself.
Na sala de Vermeer em uma galeria de Nova Iorque, o corretor financeiro Gordon aborda a atriz francesa Anna. No entanto, o romance entre eles não floresce.
Wolleck / Anders Wolleck
Os gêmeos idênticos Beverly e Elliot, brilhantes ginecologistas canadenses, pesquisam a fertilidade feminina em sua clínica particular. A atriz Claire Nivean, que não tem filhos, procura auxílio na famosa Clínica Mantle. Diagnosticada por Beverly como possuidora de um útero tricervical, Claire deve perder a esperança de engravidar. O arrogante Elliot fica fascinado pelo masoquismo da atriz e dorme com ela. Como é costume deles compartilharem as pacientes, encoraja o irmão a tomar seu lugar. Os dois passam a se revezar nas visitas a Claire, mas o tímido Beverly se apaixona pela atriz e, influenciado por ela, começa a usar drogas.
Lieutenant Burns
A hit-man tries to seduce the mother of a child who witnessed his most recent kill.
Cameron Vale (archive footage) (uncredited)
A non-stop roller coaster ride through the scariest moments of the greatest terror films of all time.
Greg and Charles, two young men in Montreal, are trying to find creative fulfillment in their professional lives; Greg pursues work as a freelance writer of human interest journalism, while the openly gay Charles takes a job as a dancer in a gay bar.
Cameron Vale
Nascidos de uma experiência num laboratório, os scanners são pessoas com extraordinários poderes telecinéticos e mentais, capazes até mesmo de matar com a força da mente. Reunidos numa organização clandestina, eles preparam a derrubada do governo e, a partir daí, a dominação mundial. Uma batalha se estabelece quando algumas dessas pessoas passam a utilizar seus poderes de maneira destrutiva e eles só podem ser detidos por alguém que tenha os mesmos poderes.
Peter Hill
A young couple gets so caught up in their sexual games and role playing that they begin to act them out in public.
A communal drug family begins to dissolve from within while a University student watches and records it all.
Unable to keep her social commentary to herself and concentrate solely on her show dancing, the girl in this film is shot to death in the Quebec woods by people who don't want propagandizing about Chile to be openly voiced. She is discovered by a mysterious stranger, who heals her wounds and reanimates her by blowing on them. After he takes her back to his cabin, they fall in love.
An open and honest autobiographical account of male sexuality centered on Frank, an unemployed photographer, and his circle of mainly gay friends. He and his best friend, Bozo, attempt to have sex, although they consider themselves straight. But things begin to fall apart when Frank meets and falls in love with Johnny, a 13-year-old boy.
film by Jon Jost