Stephen Lack

Stephen Lack

Рождение : 1946-01-01, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Stephen Lack (born 1946) is a Canadian painter and a film actor best known for his role as Cameron Vale in David Cronenberg's film Scanners.


Stephen Lack


The Ephemerol Diaries: An Interview with Stephen Lack
Stephen Lack talks about playing the lead in David Cronenberg's 1981 sci-fi/horror cult classic SCANNERS.
Jon Jost: "RANT is a discursive portrait of Steven Lack, actor (Cronenberg's Scanners, Alan Moyle's Rubber Gun, Jost's All the Vermeers in New York) and full-time painter/artist in the New York scene since the late 1970's. The film provides a glimpse of this world through Lack's friends, dealers, and family, while showcasing his paintings and sculptures, and giving an insight into the creative processes of this driven artist."
Ernstfall in Havanna
Jesse F. Russell
Stefan Balsiger is a congenial, average councillor to the Swiss embassy in Havanna. While accompanying an US senator on his mission in Cuba, he makes a botch of so many things, that a minor blunder by the Senator turns into a serious incident, which intensifies into a second Cuban crisis - thanks to further entanglements by the media, police, and diplomats who represent the arch-enemies USA and Cuba. Only one person can eventually solve the crisis: Stefan Balsiger himself.
All the Vermeers in New York
A parable of the missteps of life enacted in the hothouse world of late 1980’s New York, in which the art market and the stock market each boomed, and in process spawned a smorgasbord of “yuppie” delusions which still persist. Anna, a French actress studying in New York, crosses paths with a successful stock-broker, Mark, standing before a Vermeer portrait at the Metropolitan, thence ensues a peculiar romance of missed meanings and connections, with tangential asides to the steaming arts world and stock market, loft-mate conflicts, and, perhaps, love. Wrapped up in their blindered worlds, Anna and Mark deflect away from their chances, leaving at the conclusion the wistful face of Vermeer’s portrait enigmatically asking questions. All the Vermeers in New York is a comedy of manners which, as gently as a Vermeer, looks beneath the skin of this time and place, and of these characters.
Связанные насмерть
Wolleck / Anders Wolleck
Два тела. Два разума. Одна душа. Братья Мэнтл — абсолютно идентичные близнецы. Оба они врачи и работают вместе. Эллиот искусней Бева в деле соблазнения женщин и охотно «дарит» брату своих любовниц, которые и не подозревают о «подмене». Но когда их клинику посещает кинозвезда Клэр, застенчивый Бев влюбляется в нее первым. Клэр, сама того не ведая, начинает встречаться с обоими братьями. Смогут ли они «поделить» любимую женщину или, пытаясь найти утешение в наркотиках и алкоголе, погрузятся в пучину безумия?
Perfect Strangers
Lieutenant Burns
A hit-man tries to seduce the mother of a child who witnessed his most recent kill.
Ужас в проходах
Cameron Vale (archive footage) (uncredited)
Своеобразная антология самых страшных и кровавых моментов из знаменитых фильмов ужасов, снятых в 1960-1980-х годах.
A 20th Century Chocolate Cake
Greg and Charles, two young men in Montreal, are trying to find creative fulfillment in their professional lives; Greg pursues work as a freelance writer of human interest journalism, while the openly gay Charles takes a job as a dancer in a gay bar.
Cameron Vale
Они живут среди нас — сканеры, умеющие читать мозг других и умеющие убивать своим мозгом. Один из сканеров, Кэмерон Вейл, по просьбе доктора Пола Рута, специалиста по психическим отклонениям, пытается разыскать сканера Дэррила Ривока, который стоит во главе тайной организации, преследующей цель установить господство сканеров во всем мире.
Head On
Peter Hill
A young couple gets so caught up in their sexual games and role playing that they begin to act them out in public.
The Rubber Gun
A communal drug family begins to dissolve from within while a University student watches and records it all.
The Angel and the Woman
Unable to keep her social commentary to herself and concentrate solely on her show dancing, the girl in this film is shot to death in the Quebec woods by people who don't want propagandizing about Chile to be openly voiced. She is discovered by a mysterious stranger, who heals her wounds and reanimates her by blowing on them. After he takes her back to his cabin, they fall in love.
Монреальская трасса
Фильм о фотографе, живущем в Монреале в начале 1970-х годов, который подружился с 12-летним мальчиком. Оба становятся хорошими друзьями, но родители мальчика и друзья мужчины начинают подозревать в их дружбе большее, чем просто дружбу. Монреаль Мэйн — это одна из больших дорог в Монреале, где происходит действие фильма.
Inside Story
film by Jon Jost