Mrs. Jensen
O filme segue no alistamento, treinamento e experiências de combate de um grupo de jovens americanos que se voluntariaram para se tornarem pilotos de caça da Esquadrilha Lafayette, o 124 º esquadrão aéreo, formada pelos franceses em 1916. O esquadrão foi composta por 5 oficiais franceses e 38 voluntários americanos que queria voar e combater na I Guerra Mundial, durante os anos do conflito principal, 1914-1917, antes dos Estados Unidos se juntar à guerra contra as Potências Centrais.
Publisher 1
Television interviewer George Grant, renowned for his ability to get at the truth, is at the peak of his career. But when he receives a message at his office that his wife needs to see him urgently - a matter of life and death - his life is irreversibly altered. And so the frantic search begins for George Grant 's truth - and his wife.
Movie Patron
Uma moça liberal, recém-chegada a Nova York, gera uma disputa amorosa entre dois rapazes, que terminam em um relacionamento a três.
Executive Secretary
Mulher de classe média alta de Nova Iorque precisa se adaptar a sua nova realidade após o fim do seu casamento de mais de 16 anos.
Foreign Girl
Reprising the television series roles which first made them household names, Richard Beckinsale and Paula Wilcox star as Geoffrey Scrimshaw and Beryl Battersby, a hesitant, inexperienced, young couple attempting to negotiate the sexual minefield of the ‘permissive’ society. This big-screen transfer of Jack Rosenthal’s hugely likeable sitcom sees old-fashioned girl Beryl continuing to slap down the advances of her frustrated boyfriend, whose clumsy attempts to initiate ‘Percy Filth’ suggest he’s not quite up to speed himself! Like everyone else, Geoffrey and Beryl want to fall in love – or they think they do; like everyone else, since Adam and Eve. But Adam and Eve didn’t live in Manchester in 1972…