Teresa Villaverde

Teresa Villaverde

Nascimento : 1966-05-18, Lisbon, Portugal


Teresa Villaverde is a Portuguese film director. Her film Os Mutantes was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival.


Teresa Villaverde


Onde Você Está, Teresa Villaverde?
Director of Photography
No Rio de Janeiro, moradores do bairro da Mangueira acompanham a transmissão de televisão em uma tela enquanto os jurados votam em cada escola de samba. Em 2019, a Mangueira levou para o Sambódromo um forte e ousado samba de resistência a respeito do que está acontecendo no Brasil neste momento. O filme testemunha a tensão na espera pelo placar final e a grande alegria de pessoas de todas as gerações quando a Mangueira vence e se torna campeã do Carnaval 2019.
Onde Você Está, Teresa Villaverde?
No Rio de Janeiro, moradores do bairro da Mangueira acompanham a transmissão de televisão em uma tela enquanto os jurados votam em cada escola de samba. Em 2019, a Mangueira levou para o Sambódromo um forte e ousado samba de resistência a respeito do que está acontecendo no Brasil neste momento. O filme testemunha a tensão na espera pelo placar final e a grande alegria de pessoas de todas as gerações quando a Mangueira vence e se torna campeã do Carnaval 2019.
Onde Você Está, Teresa Villaverde?
No Rio de Janeiro, moradores do bairro da Mangueira acompanham a transmissão de televisão em uma tela enquanto os jurados votam em cada escola de samba. Em 2019, a Mangueira levou para o Sambódromo um forte e ousado samba de resistência a respeito do que está acontecendo no Brasil neste momento. O filme testemunha a tensão na espera pelo placar final e a grande alegria de pessoas de todas as gerações quando a Mangueira vence e se torna campeã do Carnaval 2019.
Six Portraits of Pain
Several images follow one another to the work of António Pinho Vargas, Six Portraits of Pain, played in full.
Six Portraits of Pain
Several images follow one another to the work of António Pinho Vargas, Six Portraits of Pain, played in full.
Actos de Cinema
Cinema and affections from life in images and what goes on outside the frame. 'Snapshots' of shootings and the present-day memory of directors, actors and technicians.
O Termómetro de Galileu
Sound Designer
A whole summer long, Portuguese filmmaker Teresa Villaverde stayed with Italian cult director Tonino De Bernardi, who was working on projects including a film version of Sophocles’ Electra starring only local villagers. She sits at the table with the family in their garden, on the back seat of the car on the way home in the evening or listens to the stories told by the woman De Bernardi buys cheese and eggs from.
O Termómetro de Galileu
A whole summer long, Portuguese filmmaker Teresa Villaverde stayed with Italian cult director Tonino De Bernardi, who was working on projects including a film version of Sophocles’ Electra starring only local villagers. She sits at the table with the family in their garden, on the back seat of the car on the way home in the evening or listens to the stories told by the woman De Bernardi buys cheese and eggs from.
O Termómetro de Galileu
Director of Photography
A whole summer long, Portuguese filmmaker Teresa Villaverde stayed with Italian cult director Tonino De Bernardi, who was working on projects including a film version of Sophocles’ Electra starring only local villagers. She sits at the table with the family in their garden, on the back seat of the car on the way home in the evening or listens to the stories told by the woman De Bernardi buys cheese and eggs from.
O Termómetro de Galileu
A whole summer long, Portuguese filmmaker Teresa Villaverde stayed with Italian cult director Tonino De Bernardi, who was working on projects including a film version of Sophocles’ Electra starring only local villagers. She sits at the table with the family in their garden, on the back seat of the car on the way home in the evening or listens to the stories told by the woman De Bernardi buys cheese and eggs from.
O Termómetro de Galileu
A whole summer long, Portuguese filmmaker Teresa Villaverde stayed with Italian cult director Tonino De Bernardi, who was working on projects including a film version of Sophocles’ Electra starring only local villagers. She sits at the table with the family in their garden, on the back seat of the car on the way home in the evening or listens to the stories told by the woman De Bernardi buys cheese and eggs from.
O Termómetro de Galileu
A whole summer long, Portuguese filmmaker Teresa Villaverde stayed with Italian cult director Tonino De Bernardi, who was working on projects including a film version of Sophocles’ Electra starring only local villagers. She sits at the table with the family in their garden, on the back seat of the car on the way home in the evening or listens to the stories told by the woman De Bernardi buys cheese and eggs from.
O filme é uma reflexão muito atual e quase serena sobre o caminho comum das sociedades europeias de hoje, sobre o isolamento, a perplexidade diante das dificuldades que surgem, sobre a vida nas cidades e dentro das famílias. É uma tensão crescente que nunca explode.
O filme é uma reflexão muito atual e quase serena sobre o caminho comum das sociedades europeias de hoje, sobre o isolamento, a perplexidade diante das dificuldades que surgem, sobre a vida nas cidades e dentro das famílias. É uma tensão crescente que nunca explode.
O filme é uma reflexão muito atual e quase serena sobre o caminho comum das sociedades europeias de hoje, sobre o isolamento, a perplexidade diante das dificuldades que surgem, sobre a vida nas cidades e dentro das famílias. É uma tensão crescente que nunca explode.
Paris 15/16
On December 1, 2015, in front of the restaurant Le Petit Cambodje, officials from the Paris City Council collect the flowers paying tribute to the victims of the November 13 attack.
Pontes de Sarajevo
Treze cineastas europeus pensam Sarajevo, e o que a cidade representou para a história europeia dos últimos cem anos, desde o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Todos eles realizadores proeminentes, de diferentes origens e gerações, oferecem estilos e visões excepcionalmente singulares sobre a cidade, o velho continente, os fantasmas do passado e o seu reflexo no presente.
Pontes de Sarajevo
Treze cineastas europeus pensam Sarajevo, e o que a cidade representou para a história europeia dos últimos cem anos, desde o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Todos eles realizadores proeminentes, de diferentes origens e gerações, oferecem estilos e visões excepcionalmente singulares sobre a cidade, o velho continente, os fantasmas do passado e o seu reflexo no presente.
Villaverde’s answer to the “Venice 70: Future Reloaded” challenge.
Venice 70: Future Reloaded
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of the future of cinema.
Vera is a singer in her thirties; she is back in Lisbon for the final performance of her concert tour. The heat and beauty of Lisbon makes one want to be happy. Pablo, the companion she selected from among the many who answered her questionnaire, helps her through the sleepless nights. He has no family, but wishes he had. Vera concerns herself with the mysteries surrounding Pablo's life. Vera is not afraid of the night; she is not afraid of anything.
Vera is a singer in her thirties; she is back in Lisbon for the final performance of her concert tour. The heat and beauty of Lisbon makes one want to be happy. Pablo, the companion she selected from among the many who answered her questionnaire, helps her through the sleepless nights. He has no family, but wishes he had. Vera concerns herself with the mysteries surrounding Pablo's life. Vera is not afraid of the night; she is not afraid of anything.
Vera is a singer in her thirties; she is back in Lisbon for the final performance of her concert tour. The heat and beauty of Lisbon makes one want to be happy. Pablo, the companion she selected from among the many who answered her questionnaire, helps her through the sleepless nights. He has no family, but wishes he had. Vera concerns herself with the mysteries surrounding Pablo's life. Vera is not afraid of the night; she is not afraid of anything.
O Capacete Dourado
Negro da noite, uma estrada mal iluminada, motos em acção brincam com o perigo: um grupo de adolescentes desafia a morte num cruzamento. Jota é o líder do grupo, inclassificável, vive em permanente conflito com tudo e todos. Não consegue parar. A sua disputa com a vida passa-se numa pequena cidade de província subjugada pela rotina dos pequenos conflitos, dos pequenos poderes e das pequenas traições. A sua forma de testar os limites, mais do que uma atitude de rebeldia, é um confronto com o horizonte do futuro que o aguarda. O seu destino não segue linhas rectas a não ser as do asfalto. É então que aparece Margarida. Jota não tem interior, Margarida não tem exterior. Apesar disso, ou por isso mesmo, eles encontram-se. O que poderão fazer? Apenas seguir em frente, mesmo que tudo esteja contra eles. O amor é para ser vivido.
Sonia, a girl from St Petersburg, decides to seek a better life in western Europe. She first gets a job at a car dealer in Germany. But she is suddenly kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. She will be dragged from country to country and resistance will only bring her misery and humiliation.
Sonia, a girl from St Petersburg, decides to seek a better life in western Europe. She first gets a job at a car dealer in Germany. But she is suddenly kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. She will be dragged from country to country and resistance will only bring her misery and humiliation.
Visions of Europe
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
In Favour of Light
Portrait of Pedro Cabrita Reis, one of the most important artists of the young generation in Portugal as seen by one of the most famous woman director of her generation! Pedro Cabrita Reis has an important body that fills the screen with power. He creates spaces of huge dimensions where poetry rises. The documentary culminates with his participation in the last Venice Bienal with two gigantic light structures.
Água e Sal
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution, because Ana needs to finish a work she has been doing for a long time. But her concentration seems threatened when she starts doing her daily walks by the village and the beach: she saves a stranger from death in the sea, meets young Alexandre and Emilia, and her friend Vera turns up in her house. And then, everything changes…
Água e Sal
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution, because Ana needs to finish a work she has been doing for a long time. But her concentration seems threatened when she starts doing her daily walks by the village and the beach: she saves a stranger from death in the sea, meets young Alexandre and Emilia, and her friend Vera turns up in her house. And then, everything changes…
Os Mutantes
Andreia, Pedro e Ricardo não aceitam as coisas como elas são, não se encaixam em lado nenhum. Têm dentro deles uma força invisível que se espalha por todo o lado. É como uma energia selvagem, um desejo de mudar as coisas, de viver de uma forma diferente. Não sabem muito bem o que querem, mas há sempre alguma coisa que os incomoda. São sobreviventes. São os mutantes portugueses, mas também existem mutantes em todos os lugares. Talvez o mundo preferisse que eles não existissem, mas eles existem. Ao longo de todo o filme, eles sonham, choram, riem, têm filhos, morrem, fogem.
Os Mutantes
Andreia, Pedro e Ricardo não aceitam as coisas como elas são, não se encaixam em lado nenhum. Têm dentro deles uma força invisível que se espalha por todo o lado. É como uma energia selvagem, um desejo de mudar as coisas, de viver de uma forma diferente. Não sabem muito bem o que querem, mas há sempre alguma coisa que os incomoda. São sobreviventes. São os mutantes portugueses, mas também existem mutantes em todos os lugares. Talvez o mundo preferisse que eles não existissem, mas eles existem. Ao longo de todo o filme, eles sonham, choram, riem, têm filhos, morrem, fogem.
Lisboa no Cinema, Um Ponto de Vista
The city during the beginning of cinema. The typical city at the time of the dictatorship. The New Lisbon of the New Cinema. Lisbon after the Revolution. The white city of foreigners. A geographical and moviegoer screenplay of Lisbon through the images of films and testimonies of several filmmakers who filmed in Lisbon.
Três Irmãos
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Três Irmãos
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Três Irmãos
Voice of the Teacher (voice)
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Três Irmãos
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
A Idade Maior
The story of a child who faces the emptiness that surrounds the figure of his parents, disappeared in Africa.
A Idade Maior
The story of a child who faces the emptiness that surrounds the figure of his parents, disappeared in Africa.
Filha da Mãe
Comédia sentimental, intriga policial e tragédia doméstica, este filme conta a história de Maria, uma "filha da mãe" cômica, agressiva, cínica e sentimental. Tem um namorado, Adriano, que se dedica a pequenos tráficos e roubos. A sua mãe é Júlia, atriz insegura e perversa que tem como amante ocasional Gigi, ator e drogado, sempre sem dinheiro e com o coração dividido entre Júlia e Dalila, sua colega de palco. O seu pai é Álvaro, um pintor que depois de ter ficado desaparecido durante vinte anos no Brasil, quer voltar para Júlia como se nada tivesse acontecido e dá de cara com uma filha que não sabe se é sua e que, quase sem se dar conta, lhe cai nos braços.
À Flor do Mar
Laura Rossellini, a widow from Rome, vacations on the Algarve coast one hot summer. One day while sunbathing, she finds a wounded man named Robert drifting in the surf on a rubber raft. She takes him home, and, after he is revived, learns his story. As they talk, their mutual attraction grows, until a group of armed men suddenly arrive looking for Robert.