Per K. Kirkegaard


The Happiest Man in the World
Asja, a 40-year-old single woman living in Sarajevo, who meets Zoran, a 43-year-old banker, at a dating event. Zoran is not there looking for love though, but for forgiveness. During the war in 1993 he was shooting at the city from the opposite side, and he wants to meet his first victim. Now, they both have to relive the pain in their search for forgiveness.
Take My Hand
The comfort-seeking Maja tries to regain control over her life following her recent divorce. 'Take My Hand' is a romantic comedy with all the drama that follows when our perceptions of love are turned upside down.
O Efeito Marco
O detetive Carl Mørck (Ulrich Thomsen) e seu assistente Assad (Zaki Youssef) investigam a história de um menino de 12 anos chamado Marco que está foragido e que também é a chave para descobrir uma rede de corrupção multinacional dentro dos fundos do governo destinados à ajuda ao desenvolvimento na África. - Baseado no livro "The Marco Effect", escrito por Jussi Adler-Olsen.
The Kingmaker
Documentary centering on the controversial political career of Imelda Marcos, the former first lady of the Philippines whose behind-the-scenes influence of her husband Ferdinand's presidency rocketed her to the global political stage.
The Cave
"The Cave" traz a poderosa história de um hospital subterrâneo que serve como refúgio para civis sitiados na guerra da Síria. No local, conhecido como "a caverna", a pediatra Amani Ballour e suas colegas Samaher e Alaa reivindicam o direito de trabalhar como iguais ao lado de seus colegas homens, o que seria impensável na cultura opressivamente patriarcal que existe acima do hospital. Dirigido por Feras Fayyad, o documentário segue o dia a dia dessas mulheres em meio a bombardeios, escassez de suprimentos e ameaça de ataques químicos, revelando um retrato emocionante de coragem, resiliência e solidariedade feminina.
Borg vs McEnroe
A preparação dos tenistas Björn Borg e John McEnroe para a final de Wimbledon, em 1980. Enquanto o primeiro, sueco, tido como técnico e calculista, sofre a pressão de defender o título do torneio pela quinta vez consecutiva (um feito inédito); o segundo, norte-americano, vai ter que superar o próprio temperamento explosivo para mostrar que é capaz de chegar ao topo do mundo no esporte.
That Summer
Albert and David Maysles' classic GREY GARDENS immortalized the estate of Edith and Little Edie Beale, relatives of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, who lived in alarmingly poor conditions. But there is more to the story: it was Lee Radziwill and Peter Beard who first brought the Maysles to the Beales, when the two set out to make a film about Radziwill's childhood. The reels of that first contact were shelved for 45 years. This documentary recovers the lost footage. Anchored in Beard's recollections and artistic vision, we are returned to "that summer" in 1972, a seductive dream world and collage of radically unconventional creative personalities—Warhol, Bacon, Jagger, Capote—practicing the art of living amidst oppressive forces of class expectation and prejudice.
O Mundo Sombrio das Armas
A detailed investigation into the political and economic interests that, since the beginning of the 20th century, have pulled the strings of the arms trade, hidden in the shadows, feeding the shameful corruption of politicians and government officials and promoting a state of permanent war throughout the world, while they cynically asked for a lasting and universal peace.
Chuck Norris Contra o Comunismo
Na Romênia dos anos 1980, milhares de filmes ocidentais atravessaram a Cortina de Ferro e abriram uma janela para o mundo livre para quem se atrevesse a olhar. Um escroque de fitas VHS do mercado negro e uma corajosa tradutora trouxeram a magia dos filmes para as pessoas e provocaram uma revolução.
Sumé: The Sound of a Revolution
A successful rock band from Greenland? Yes, it's not a lie. In 1973, the Greenlandic Sumé released a debut album, which record time made it to all the households on the icy island. But Sumé's success was not just due to their catchy beat rock, but also to the band's ability to put words to the zeitgeist, where Greenlandic culture was slowly fading away
TPB AFK: O Caso Pirate Bay
O Pirate Bay foi responsável por facilitar o acesso à filmes pela internet através de downloads de filmes. Os três responsáveis pelo site, Fredrik, Gottfrid e Peter são acusados por violação de direitos autorais por Hollywood. A acusação levou à um julgamento cuja indenização era no valor de 13 milhões de dólares. A história de quando três jovens desafiam uma das maiores indústrias do mundo e precisam lidar com as consequências de viver uma vida off-line.
Danish soldiers are sent to Afghanistan in 2009 for 6 months, to help stabilize the country against the Taliban. They're stationed on Armadillo military base in Helman province. Unlike other war movies, this is the real deal - no actors.
Letters from Denmark
10 short documentaries which form a presentation of Denmark as part of a dialogue project in the wake of the Muhammed drawings. 10 reputable Danish filmmakers are invited to create 10 presentations of Denmark, in collaboration with second-generation immigrants with roots in the Middle East. Each film is shaped as this person's personal application to a relative or acquaintance in the Middle East. The assignment is: Give an important statement about your Denmark, with the intention of challenging and differentiating the image your relative or acquaintance has of Denmark. The strength of the films is in insight and reflection, rather than the dramatic news approach and is communicated through the personal approach to the subject. The 10 films are joined together into one film (duration 58:30 mins), and this film will be a quick and intense contribution to the debate following the publication of the Muhammed drawings.
O Acusado nas Grades
À primera vista, Henrik, Nina e a filha de 14 anos, Stine, formam uma família perfeita. Mas um dia, Stine acusa o pai de ter cometido um crime atroz. Ele é preso enquanto a investigação avança.
Stealing Rembrandt
Two bumbling scrap metal thieves - father and son - steal the wrong painting during a museum heist. The painting turns out to be the only original Rembrandt painting in Denmark, and all hell breaks loose. What do you do when you've got Interpol, the Danish police and the entire Danish underworld on your heels? And who was this Rembrandt guy anyway?
Mona is a young woman, engaged to a man who never shows up. She relies strongly on her supportive friend, Anne. Mona suspects that Anne's psychologist, Dr. Lark, is acting funny towards her friend, and decides to investigate. Mona and Anne will find themselves embroiled in a strange world of psychiatry and fanaticism, in which both young women's lives will be endangered.
Rukov - the portrait of a screenwriter
One of the most outstanding personalities in the Danish film industry is Mogens Rukov, co-writer of Thomas Vinterberg's dogma-film The Celebration (Cannes, 1998, winner of the Jury Price) and head of the Department for Scriptwriting at the Danish Filmschool. Flemming Lyngse has made a film with rather than about Mogens Rukov. This is a film with a moving man - professionally as well as personally.