Heinz Stussak


Abbi fede
O Silêncio da Montanha
Itália, 1915. Os jovens Andreas (William Moseley) e Francesca (Eugenia Costantini) se conhecem no casamento da irmã dele e logo se apaixonam perdidamente. Na mesma época, a Itália declara guerra a Áustria-Hungria e a Primeira Guerra Mundial eclode. Andreas é chamado a lutar no fronte, nas montanhas Dolomitri, localizadas no norte da Itália, mas deixa com Francesca um sinalizador para que ela acenda caso esteja em perigo. Quando o conflito se agrava, o batalhão do rapaz descobre que o seu vilarejo está sendo atacado, e no momento em que a moça pede ajuda, ele precisa decidir entre lutar pelo seu país ou por sua amada.
A natureza em cena. Verão tardio. Um pequeno lago na floresta. Nenhuma pessoa. Silêncio. Não muito longe, a recém-construída casa habitada pelo casal Robert e Susanne. Vivem uma vida comum como outras pessoas. Enquanto isso, em Viena. Vida noturna, luzes vermelhas no bairro, mundo de prostituição. Ali, o dinheiro é lei. Muitas pessoas têm trabalhos que claramente as deixam em dificuldades. Como Alex e Tâmara. Ela é uma prostituta vinda da Ucrânia. Ele, o chefe que ganha dinheiro do jeito errado. São amantes, mas têm um segredo. Como empregados não têm direito de se envolver afetivamente, esperam escapar e para isso precisam de dinheiro. Alex planeja um roubo a banco numa pequena cidade do campo. Tudo acontece conforme o planejado, até que o policial Robert aparece.
Step on It
Evi, a young single mother, works as a seasonal waitress in a winter sports village. She is young and wants to live on the edge and get all the enjoyment she can out of life. When she drinks, Evi feels completely herself, free and inhibited. But her excesses reveal themselves to be the ticking of a time bomb.
Chronicles the life of one of Israel's founding fathers, Teddy Kollek, from his days as a Zionist leader to his rescue of 3,000 Jews and his 29 years as mayor of Jerusalem.
Daydream Nation
Garbage men. Garbage women. They swarm out daily to eliminate the excrement of the good life from the metropolitan circuits. The film documents the thorny path from a Viennese civil servant's comfortable life into the Privatopia of Greater Los Angeles. Our protagonists are five trash collectors. They live in Vienna, Genova, Amsterdam, New York and Los Angeles.
Luna Papa
Luna Papa é uma história narrada por um bebê que ainda se encontra no ventre de sua mãe. Esta aventura ambientada nas paisagens áridas e exóticas de Tadjiquistão, com aviões em vôos rasantes, e vacas que caem do céu, tem como heroína uma jovem aspirante a atriz, órfã de mãe, que mora com o pai e o irmão mentalmente perturbado. Numa noite ela é seduzida por um estranho. Grávida, sai a procura do pai desta criança, vivendo situações poéticas e delirantes.
Der Speckjäger
"The Treasure Hunter" is a portrait of writer, publisher and book collector Hermann Gail, who in his youth gave up on life as the result of a terrible sin. He was saved through an unconditional devotion to art.
Ein Zufall im Paradies
We do not doubt the existence of humans. On the other hand, we still do not know why we exist or how we came into existence. This film deals with man's eternal dream to discover his origins.
Am Stein
Documentary about farmers in the Austrian Alps.
Total Therapy
Nine persons sign up for a self-awareness course at an isolated country estate. Dr. Romero, a charismatic therapist, and his assistants confront the patients with their problems. Cut off from the rest of the world, the participants are increasingly drawn into the therapy's spell.
R.I.P. Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman
R.I.P Rest in Pieces is an intimate portrait of artist Joe Coleman, who is known around the world as a shamanic, moral voice diagnosing the ills of 21st century America. Coleman holds nothing back, telling us of a world wracked with tumorous cities, perversion, divorce, violence, atomic bombs, and a human race destroying itself simply because we are born.
Achtung Staatsgrenze
A film about jailed refugees waiting for deportation and the many conflicts which affect their personal fates, the efforts of refugee organizations and the problems of the affected authorities.
The Way to Eden
"What happens with a person after his death? What does the final destination look like? What happens with our bodies? How are we prepared for our last voyage?" A film on how we deal with death. The aging and the decay of the body, free of taboos. Death as a part of life and as the last companion. Janos Keser, the modern Charon, occupation: master of dissecting.
Teddy Kollek
Emigration N.Y.
When Hitler's infamous "Anschluss" annexed Austria to Germany in 1938, the lives of 130,000 Jewish Austrians were placed at risk. Over the next three years, some 30,000 managed to emigrate to the United States, settling mainly in New York City. In Austrian filmmaker Egon Humer's brilliant and moving documentary EMIGRATION N.Y., twelve Viennese Jews -- seven women, five men -- recount their lives as children in Austria, as emigrants, as New Yorkers. Deceptively simple in style, the film gathers striking emotional power as its subjects (who include Amos Vogel, co-founder of the New York Film Festival) offer fresh and often surprising views on their experience of exile and assimilation.
Rätsel Zeit
A human being has no sensory organ for time. We perceive it, and what is it which we are perceiving thereby? To what extent does our contemporary society influence the way we experience it? Why has time become a dominating factor in the mordern world?
Rätsel Zeit
A human being has no sensory organ for time. We perceive it, and what is it which we are perceiving thereby? To what extent does our contemporary society influence the way we experience it? Why has time become a dominating factor in the mordern world?
Rätsel Zeit
A human being has no sensory organ for time. We perceive it, and what is it which we are perceiving thereby? To what extent does our contemporary society influence the way we experience it? Why has time become a dominating factor in the mordern world?
Gehorsam und Verweigerung
Industrial mass murder in the Third Reich, atrocities in other wars, cruelty perpetrated by "normal" citizens: "obedience" appears to be the key to this behavior.
Kameni Grad - Stadt aus Stein
A hot summer in Vienna: Kameni Grad - City of Stone. Four groups of young people, whose parents come from the former Yugoslavia: Alma and Mircla, Sascha and Dragan, Nenad and his friends, and Marina and her little brother Branko. A subculture which, full of confidence, integrates itself into the local community, yet without denying its origins.
The Bands
Running Wild
A flare shoots through the night. "Red brothers" against right-wing extremists; immigrant groups against right-wing "louts"; knives and tear-gas against baseball bats. "WADADENG, WADADENG, listen to my 9 mm go BANG" ... Rap and hip-hop in Vienna.
Schuld und Gedächtnis
Production Manager
"Guilt and Memory" is a contemporary history about four former high-ranking Austrian Nazis. On the subject of "dealing with memory", Marcel Ophüls writes, "Memory cannot be artificially activated - neither by events nor by censorship ... It has to be a personal act of remembering."
Koshmar - Give me a Strong Purpose
The Soviet Union is the Soviet Union. There's no way out. What's needed is an iron fist, a Stalin, a Hitler or whoever: the rule of an iron fist is certainly what's needed now. A journey into the ravaged landscape of the soul of Russian youth, an intimate study of the human factor in the social catastrophe.
Koshmar - Give me a Strong Purpose
The Soviet Union is the Soviet Union. There's no way out. What's needed is an iron fist, a Stalin, a Hitler or whoever: the rule of an iron fist is certainly what's needed now. A journey into the ravaged landscape of the soul of Russian youth, an intimate study of the human factor in the social catastrophe.
Koshmar - Give me a Strong Purpose
The Soviet Union is the Soviet Union. There's no way out. What's needed is an iron fist, a Stalin, a Hitler or whoever: the rule of an iron fist is certainly what's needed now. A journey into the ravaged landscape of the soul of Russian youth, an intimate study of the human factor in the social catastrophe.
Der Tunnel
Production Manager
The Loiblpass is situated in the mountains between Austria and Yugoslavia: 12km from the village of Neumarktl and 10km from Ferlach in Carinthia. Between 1943 and 1945, political prisoners from the Mauthausen concentration camp drove a tunnel into the mountains at an altitude of 1200m. To this day, two people have been linked by this tunnel: Janko Tisler was an engineer in charge of the building site in 1944; today he lives in Krize, south of the tunnel. Dr. Sigbert Ramsauer, the SS doctor of the camp at the site then, at the age of 80 still practises in Klagenfurt. Janko Tisler fights against forgetting, Dr. Ramsauer wishes he were forgotten. The history of the tunnel has become theirs as well.
Postadresse: 2640 Schlöglmühl
Production Manager
Documentary about a small town in Austria.