Maxime, an ambitious and Cartesian executive, thinks only of his career and his future marriage to Nafège, the daughter of his boss. On the verge of burnout, alone in not realizing it, he finds himself embarked by his future stepfather Romain in the middle of his worst nightmare... A well-being course supervised by Clara and Luc, a couple of "clairvoyants", with trainees more lunar than each other. 14 days to get better, during which his principles and prejudices will be subjected to the zenitude and benevolence regime!
Yvon Molinier
When she arrived at the Elysée Palace, Bernadette Chirac expected to finally get the place she deserved, she who had always worked in the shadow of her husband to make him president. Put aside because she was considered too old-fashioned, Bernadette decided to take her revenge by becoming a major media figure.
Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...
To celebrate Yves’ 50th birthday, his friends plan to take him to the sunny paradise of Paros in Greece. But due to a cancelled flight, the holiday will take place in a far less glamorous and much rainier destination: Yves’ family home in Brittany. During the vacation, their bonds are challenged by Antoine’s constant complaining, Yves’ pride, Baptiste’s superstition and Laurent’s jealousy of Jean-Mich’s perfect life and family. On top of that, Antoine’s supposedly harmless joke – offering Yves a DNA ancestry test – has unforeseen consequences…
This film is a tribute to love, a tribute to cinema. Our two main characters take us with them into the intimacy of "real people". We cross the roads of France with them, in their different vans and pick-up trucks transformed for the occasion into mini movie studios. Their concept: to film "declarations of love" and to deliver them directly by van to their recipients. And we discover, as we go along, that our duo and their own personal adventures are subtly intertwined with the people they film. This mix of genres offers several universes to the spectator in order to make him question himself about love.
Membre du comité de soutien
Imagine a world where the worst behaviour you could ever have is to forget your store's loyalty card in your other trousers...that's what happens to Adrien. This serious misconduct forces him to go into hiding, as both police and media hunt him down.
le jouet catcheur (voix)
O pai solteiro Djibi conta à filha de sete anos, Sofia, contos de fadas bem elaborados todas as noites, sendo ele mesmo o Príncipe Encantado. Cinco anos depois, ela começa a superar o ritual e seu pai, que luta para permanecer o herói da vida dela.
What does Cyrano de Bergerac do at a chicken farmer? This is the problem of Raymond, who has always kept his passion for the theater hidden. But when he is threatened with bankruptcy, he decides to try everything for the whole.
Alex é um gigolô que passou a maior parte de sua vida ao lado de Denise, uma senhora ricaça de oitenta e poucos anos. Agora que está mais velho, o francês é trocado por um garotão e acaba tendo que ir morar com sua irmã e o sobrinho. Desesperado, ele tem um único objetivo: encontrar uma nova parceira para sustentá-lo.
Tina and Fred, a couple in their fifties, are desperate in their search for a boy's name. But for whom? And why? A thoughtful look at a social issue.
Na Paris do final do século XIX, Edmond Rostand, um jovem autor fracassado de peças em verso, encontra inspiração e coragem ao escrever uma comédia destinada a se tornar lendária.
Le maire
Dumped over a video he made to amuse his ailing dad, a heartsick Jérémy hatches an elaborate scheme to win back his superhero-loving girlfriend, Lola.
Copain Yvan 4
Delphine e Yvan se divorciaram. Com dificuldades financeiras, Yvan não consegue um novo lugar para viver e relembra Delphine que ele possui 20% da casa. Voltando a viver com a ex-esposa e os filhos, ele vai descobrir as situações e conflitos de uma convivência forçada.
Michel Labevil
Luigi tem uma noite para salvar seu teatro, um dos mais prestigiados de Paris. Uma noite para encontrar um macaco ator para subir no palco. Uma noite para recuperar a confiança da sua equipe e o respeito de seu melhor amigo. Uma noite, enfim, para provar a sua jovem e confiante estagiaria, que existe uma maneira diferente de resolver os (inúmeros) problemas: dando prioridade ao que você acha mais divertido.
Œil-de-Perdrix / Œil-de-Lynx
Pearlies is a story about a little mouse, but not just any mouse. It is THE little mouse, or tooth fairy, of your childhood. The one that brought you your first coin in exchange for the tooth under your pillow. In everybody's mind, the little mouse is a benevolent and generous character... What if it isn't ? What if it is actually a neurotic psychopath obsessing about its collection of dental trophies? If a tooth is missing, it simply must be replaced. By any means necessary...
L'homme de l'entrepôt
Apocalyptic neo-western about two gangsters, a town full of crazy people and Jesus...
Um golpista ousado desvia milhões de grandes empresas por meio de uma simples fraude. Mas seu grande talento também prova ser seu maior ponto fraco.
Claire and Bruno have been an established couple, an "institution" for twelve years. During a day in the countryside gathering all their loved ones, they will, by play, pretend that they separate. Resumed in 2015 with Bruno Solo, Isabelle Gélinas, Bruno Salomone, Constance Dollé and Lionel Abelanski who takes over the role of Patrick already held in 2004 in the film. Live broadcast on April 27, 2015 live from the Paris theater on France 2.
Prosecutor Vadim, who has an uneasy relationship with his glamorous wife Chanéac, vanishes at the time a psycho is offing club girls to the strains of the "Tu es si jolie ce soir" song.
Antoine Veil
29 de novembro de 1974. A Assembleia Nacional francesa adota a lei que legaliza a interrupção voluntária da gravidez. Por trás do texto, divisório, está uma mulher, Simone Veil, rosto único da maioria. Retrospecto dos debates que precederam o voto. Um período durante o qual nada lhe será poupado: solidão, injúrias, armações políticas...
Pierre Chasseuil
Stanley (Colin Firth), um talentoso mágico, é contratado para desmascarar uma simpática jovem que afirma ser médium. Inicialmente cético, ele aos poucos começa a duvidar de suas certezas e se vê cada vez mais encantado pela jovem Sophie (Emma Stone).
L'architecte des bacs à sable
Termina o ano letivo. Nicolau, seus pais e a avó viajam para o litoral com o objetivo de aproveitar ao máximo o verão. Na praia o menino faz novos amigos e conhece uma garota, Isabelle, que ele acredita ser sua futura esposa.
Pelo seu aniversário de 50 anos, Antoine recebeu um presente bem original: um infarto! A partir de agora, ele terá que se cuidar. O problema é que Antoine sempre cuidou de tudo: da saúde, da alimentação, da família, de não magoar os amigos e concordar com tudo. Mesmo assim, ele aceita encarar um novo regime e, na tentativa de mudar de vida, acabará mudando a dos outros também.
"Kidon" begins in the morning of the 18th of February 2010 in Tel-Aviv when the whole world wakes up discovering, on the front page of all the newspapers, pictures of the Mossad agents caught while killing Mahmoud al Mabhouh in Dubai a month earlier. It was the first time that simple security cameras of a hotel caught secret agents red-handed, what's more Israeli agents. But without doubt, the most surprised of all were the Mossad leaders who were the only ones to know for sure that the 3 men and the woman, whose faces were in all the newsrooms of the world, had nothing to do with them. From then on, a race against time is undertaken hoping to understand why everything is aiming at them.
Directeur de l'école
Narra as aventuras diárias de Boule (Charles Crombez), um garoto de sete anos, e seu cachorro Bill.
Max Jacob
Paris, 1911. When Da Vinci's painting “La Gioconda” is stolen from the Louvre museum, it is suspected that the authors of the audacious theft are members of a group of bohemian artists led by painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso and poet Guillaume Apollinaire…
When their beloved Polish immigrant mother passes away, the sisters Emma (Kiberlain) and Rosemonde (Devos), and their brother, Charles (Berry), are obliged to deal with the personal and physical aftereffects, which include the cozy, old fashioned flat where she lived on the movie’s titular street (located in the heart of Paris’ chic 2nd arrondissement).
Daniel Cardinet
Certa manhã é encontrado o corpo de Eponine Chaligny, esposa do influente Jean-Eric Chaligny (André Marcon), primeiro patrono da França. Neste dia, duas pessoas de mundos completamente opostos vão se cruzar: Ousmane Diakhaté (Omay Sy), policial do subúrbio e François Monge (Laurent Laffite), comandante da famosa polícia criminal de Paris. Esta investigação irá levá-los dos bairros nobres ao subúrbio da cidade, revelando um mundo de diferenças e contradições.
Michel Morin, concierge des Langlois
Family caretakers Brussels advantage of the absence of his patrons to exchange a beautiful property against a holiday villa in Sunset Island ... They just did not know a small detail: Island Sunset is 100% nude! Meanwhile, the Levantains arrive in Brussels to promote a directive that could undress throughout Europe...
The seminar director
Homens engenhosos têm o objetivo de manter relações sexuais com mulheres atraentes que não são suas esposas. Aqui recriam inúmeras situações, onde uns conseguem facilmente, enquanto outros enfrentarão loucas dificuldades.
Jean-François is a psychoanalyst in love with one of his patients. When she decides to stop therapy, Jean-François at last feels free to seduce the woman. Paralyzed when in front of his object of love, Jean-François accumulates blunders of every kind. He hence turns to Julien, one his patients who is in therapy to overcome his compulsive-obsessive flirting disorder. It's a totally absurd initiative on Jean-François's part. But, even so...
Quase se tornando dono dos negócios do pai, um jovem rapaz mimado precisa antes passar por algumas "provas de sobrevivência". Precisa em 6 meses experimentar a vida daqueles que ele chefiará quando assumir os negócios do pai.
Hervé Chambart-Martin
Godin adulte
Thomas, a father in his fifties, returns by chance to the town where he grew up. He collapses and wakes up forty years earlier in the body of his teenage self. Thrown back into his past, Thomas will not only have to re-live his first love, but also try to understand the reasons for his father’s mysterious departure. Can you change the past by living it again?
Aneurin Archaft
Elle est rousse. Elle est écossaise. Elle aime le rugby et la cornemuse. Elle vit à Londres, mais se considère en exil. Elle a un fichu caractère et une sacrée descente au whisky. Elle s’appelle Imogène Mc Carthery… du clan des McLeod !
Le moniteur de tir
A pair of bumbling French cops team up to take on the underworld.
Jean-Paul Carrère
À época de Brejnev, Andrei Filipov era o maior maestro da União Soviética e dirigia a célebre Orquestra do Bolshoi. Mas, após recusar se separar de seus músicos judeus, entre os quais estava o seu melhor amigo, Sacha, Andrei foi demitido em plena glória. Trinta anos depois, ele continua a trabalhar no Bolshoi... como faxineiro. Uma noite em que Andrei fica até mais tarde, para polir a escrivaninha do diretor, ele se depara com um fax encaminhado à direção do Teatro: trata-se de uma mensagem do Teatro de Châtelet, convidando a orquestra do Bolshoi para tocar em Paris. Subitamente, Andrei tem uma ideia louca: por que não reunir seus antigos companheiros músicos, que vivem hoje de pequenos biscates, e ir com eles a Paris, fazendo-se passar pelo Bolshoi? Enfim, a ocasião tão esperada de ter a sua revanche.
Benoît Vautrin
Charly, le directeur de l'auto-école
Famille : Groupe de personnes réunies par des liens de parenté et un fort sentiment de solidarité morale et matérielle. Quand Alain a épousé Nathalie, il ne savait pas qu'il épouserait aussi sa famille. Ce samedi, comme toutes les semaines, ils sont invités à dîner chez son beau-frère, Jean-Pierre à Créteil. C'est vrai, Alain en a marre de ces dîners familiaux, mais il ne sait pas encore ce qui l'attend véritablement ce soir-là... Ni les jours qui suivent
Richard Dacier owns a tour agency specialized on organizing safaris for European tourists eager to confront the African wild life. Actually, he took the job after his father and never went into the savanna by himself. As he owes big money to some mobster, he is compelled to convey a fake tourist, with a suspicious suitcase, toward Mozambic. To avoid suspicion from the authorities, he is supposed to tour a group of tourists as usual. The only problem - he is completely unexperienced as a guide!
Israeli pothead brave young (Liron Levo) in love with a Russian prostitute (Lucy Dovinz'ik), and decides to release it at all costs from the hands of a pimp Groseini. To do so he had to steal a taxi service, with passengers kinds of things: a French businessman resembles that of Jonah, and trying to flee from God (Lionel Ablnsky), a soldier and a soldier in a romantic relationship complicated, Rohnyakit kind is on its way to the festival like a desert and a yeshiva student who was busy on a mission to the Holy, delivery of a rabbi who is considered a rare streimel him to Christ. all passengers justified recruits for the liberation of the prostitute, and find themselves fleeing for their lives from the pimp. They find themselves in a chain of unexpected events that make their escape entertaining and meaningful journey for each and every one of them.
Bernard Frank
A biopic of famous French writer Françoise Sagan, best known for her groundbreaking first book, Bonjour Tristesse.
Um cientista francês precisa voltar para sua terra natal para tentar se relacionar com a filha após 15 anos. O reencontro dos dois não será fácil como ele pensava, pois ela já não é mais a filhinha do papai.
A woman decides to seduce a man reading in a park. However, it may not go as she intended.
Em 1935, no dia mais quente do ano na Inglaterra, Briony Talles e sua família se reúnem num fim de semana na mansão familiar. O momento político é de tensão, por conta da 2ª Guerra Mundial. Em meio ao calor opressivo emergem antigos ressentimentos familiares. Cinco anos antes, Briony, então aos 13 anos, usa sua imaginação de escritora principiante para acusar Robbie Turner, o filho do caseiro e amante da sua irmã mais velha Cecília, de um crime que ele não cometeu. A acusação na época destruiu o amor da irmã e alterou de forma dramática várias vidas.
Marc and Emma move into a new house but have no idea that their basement was a gay nightclub. To make matters worse, the club was destroyed by fire, and now the house is haunted by the ghosts of five gay clubbers.
le conducteur de train
Set in 1992, a manager Vincent has to run a children's holiday camp for three weeks and to face the unexpected concerning the place, his colleagues, various problems linked to children about the rooms, trips, their belongings...
Thierry, Fiancé de Françoise
Jean-Claude Delsart, a 50 years-old bailiff, with his worn-out smile and heart, abandoned a long time ago the idea that life could give him pleasures. Until the day, he dares to push the doors of a tango lesson...
Maître Campion
It is the end of the judicial control of Thierry Chartier, 18 years old. He was a virgin in Heuzecourt, a small village in the north of France populated by farmers and retired miners, where his paternal grandmother lived. He earns his living by helping out in the fields, he helps his grandmother, and would like to take over the farm. But, following an incident, he is condemned to seven years of criminal imprisonment, for complicity of murder, Thierry leaves on parole with an English diploma and a tattoo. But above all a guilt forever anchored. It is now up to him to rebuild his life.
The two friends Claude and Serge are fundamentally different in their temperament. Similarities arise only when they try to have a relationship with a woman, because both fail equally. While Claude is simply too shy to even start a relationship, let alone meet a woman, Serge is too jumpy to have a relationship. Together they go in search of the great love in all sorts of curious situations, from the self-help group on speed dating to wedding celebrations of strangers - in the hunt for the right woman, they are no way too far.
Claire et Bruno forment depuis douze ans un couple établi, une "institution". Au cours d'une journée à la campagne réunissant tous leurs proches, ils vont, par jeu, prétendre qu'ils se séparent.
Le directeur du supermarché
Gustave Klopp suffers from narcolepsy, he can fall asleep everwhere at anytime whithout warning. Living a simple life with his wife Pam and his best friend Lenny Bar, Gus decides to undergo therapy sessions and finds out that he can make incredible comics from his dreams.
Simon Laufer
When a famous American film director, Rudolph Grichenberg, comes to Paris to cast a Yiddish version of 'The Merchant of Venice,' Maurice Kurtz and his friends try out for the role of Shylock. Thinking he has finally been cast in an important film role after years of obscurity, Maurice rushes home to tell his beloved wife, Perla. Later, Maurice discovers the part has gone to a famous American star, but he must play the role of his life to be sure Perla, who has become very ill with cancer, doesn't find out.
A beautiful, self-centered young woman's life turns upside down when she suddenly "loses her clitoris" (i.e. her ability to have an orgasm).
Tired of their stressful parisian lifestyle, Caroline and Bertrand decide to start a new life, running a traditional gîte in deepest Provence. It is not long before they start to question the wisdom of this move – the buldings are in a state of near-dilapidation, their friend and supposed partner Sophie has walked out on them, and they are but a stone’s throw from a far more attarctive holiday home, catering for gay men. Will this change be as good as a rest or the start of a nightmare?
Thomas Filbee
FBI Agents Bullit and Riper investigate the murder of a young dancer called Pamela Rose, found dead in her motel room in Bornsville, a small american town. Despite their differences, they must team up: the local police is hostile and they can only count on themselves to solve the crime. They meet Ginger, Pamela's best friend, and discover soon enough she knows more than she says.
Alphonse Brown, who firmly believes he is the bastard son of James Brown, meets up with his best friend Scotch after Brown gets out of jail. On their way to Paris to begin careers as recording artists, the pair stumbles across a potent type of marijuana that was engineered by the Nazis. Their decision to begin selling the stuff leads to a variety of people chasing after them.
Na Paris do ano 2000, uma múmia com poderes malignos dá origem a um fantasma chamado Belphegor que, depois de anoitecer, assombra o museu do Louvre, cuja pirâmide se tornou o símbolo universal. Janelas quebradas, vigilância de vídeo codificada, sistemas de alarme neutralizados, objetos egípcios roubados ... Por vezes, assustador e humano, esse fantasma tem toda a audácia e parece invencível.
A "normal" guy who is married to a hot actress gets worried that she is involved with her costar. This worry turns into jealousy and causes problems in their relationship. This is a story about trust and a comedy about the actions between men and women.
In a nursing home for disabled near Toulon, René is unanimously hated by all. With fifty years and suffering from myopathy, has an irascible, rebellious character. But not resist provocations candor and uprightness of Julie, a special educator rookie. He confesses he wants to make love to a woman before her degenerative disease definitely catch it. Then Julie goes after one of the prostitutes who work in caravans along the N7.
Maxime and Gerard are a couple of white-collar criminals condemned to 5 years in prison. Sandrine Athan, an honest and principled young police officer, is assigned the banal task of escorting them to the nearest prison in Melun. Things get complicated when killers try to knock them off. Meanwhile, they must contend with strikes which have paralyzed the country and make travelling a nightmare. Added to this mess are the prisoners' many botch escape attempts. All these complications turn a simple transfer into a hellish adventure.
Mathias, dit Schizo
Oulage has it all planned: New Year's eve, at the stroke of midnight, he'll finally kiss Brigitte, the girl he's madly in love with. That'll be the moment, because Brigitte is having a costume party. Oulage has it all planned—except for the fact that Brigitte has also invited a gang of truly parasitical friends: an old girl friend who never leaves Brigitte's side, a manic-depressive police officer, a paranoid psychopath, a cannabis-addict suffering withdrawal pains, a stunning Cuban woman on the prowl for immigration papers, and many others who do everything to ruin Oulage's life.
Em 1941, os habitantes de uma pequena vila judia na Europa Central organizam um trem de deportação falso, para que possam escapar dos nazistas e fugir para a Palestina.
Anna and her husband Jean-Paul have to face a long and difficult separation since Jean-Paul is a spationaut. Thanks to a video device they can see each other and communicate... But definitely not for the best!
Charlie Abitbol
Jean-Pierre Costa is a football manager upon whom fate appears not to be smiling. First, a friend, Annabelle, dumps a pet Labrador named Didier on him whilst she goes off to make a report in Los Angeles. Next, one of his star players is injured, leaving him one player short for a crucial match. As if things could not get any worse, Costa wakes up one morning to find that that Didier has been transformed into a man...
Collègue Michel
A series of seemingly unconnected events and 50 important speaking parts make this film a jigsaw puzzle to be solved by the viewer. Martin and Claire were separated in childhood, and are brought together by a series of coincidences. A tragic car crash is central to the story, but seemingly unimportant events can hold great significance. Through a montage of different film stock and techniques director Diane Bertrand creates pieces of a puzzle, from which the viewer has to piece together a story. That's the premise of the film, and it is solvable. You just have to work a bit...
C'est une histoire d'amour banale présentée comme un match de foot ordinaire. Ce sont donc Thierry Roland et Jean-Michel Larqué qui commentent, avec leurs mots (d'amour) et leurs noms (d'oiseaux), la première année de vie en couple de Delphine et Yvan, filmés pas à pas, dans leurs ébats et leurs éclats.
Le Vendeur
In this French comedy, the young adult children of working-class Arab immigrants living in the projects of suburban Paris endeavor to find a suitable cultural identity. The story centers on four young men in their 20s: Farida, who tries to live according to family traditions; his rebellious sister Souad, who wants to be as Westernized as possible and works at a fast-food outlet; her ex-boyfriend, Jean Luc, who wants to be an immigrant lawyer; and his friend Moussa. The film is comprised of brief incidents from their lives.
Dubbing Voice (voice)
George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)
Directed by Amar Arhab, Fabrice Michelin. With Christian Sinniger, Viviane Marcenaro, Marius Colucci, Sibylle Blanc.