Alberto Cavalcanti

Alberto Cavalcanti

Nascimento : 1897-02-06, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Morte : 1982-08-23


Alberto de Almeida Cavalcanti was a Brazilian-born film director and producer. He was born in Rio de Janeiro, the son of a prominent mathematician. He was a precociously intelligent child, and by the age of 15 was studying law at university. Following an argument with a professor he was expelled. His father sent him to Geneva, Switzerland on condition that he did not study law or politics. Cavalcanti chose to study architecture instead. At 18 he moved to Paris to work for an architect, later switching to working on interior design. After a visit back to Brazil he took up a position at the Brazilian consulate in Liverpool, England. Cavalcanti corresponded with Marcel L'Herbier, a leading light in France's avant-garde film movement. This led to a job offer from L'Herbier for Cavalcanti to work as a set designer. So, in 1920 he left his job at the Consulate and moved back to France to work for L'Herbier; he was to be involved in the making of numerous films, the most notable being L'Inhumaine. He was soon making his own films, in 1926 directing his first, Rien Que les Heures (Nothing But Time) — a day in the life of Paris and its citizens. In 1927 he collaborated with Walter Ruttmann on a similar project set in Berlin, called Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (Berlin: Symphony of a Big City). Cavalcanti took a job with Paramount's French studios after the talkies came in, but he found himself making more commercial films which could not hold his interest and left Paramount in 1933. In the same year he returned to England to work for John Grierson's GPO Film Unit. He was involved in many capacities, from production to sound engineer. He was to spend seven years at the GPO Film Unit, working on many projects. Much of his work at the GPO was uncredited, he acted as a mentor to many new film makers, but in 1937 he was appointed acting head of the GPO Film Unit when Grierson left for Canada. When told that the only way the position could become permanent was to become a naturalized British citizen, he decided to leave the unit. In 1940 Cavalcanti joined Ealing Studios, under the leadership of producer Michael Balcon. He worked as an art editor, producer and director. His most notable works of this period (many of them propaganda films) were Yellow Caesar (1941), Went the Day Well? (1942), Three Songs of Resistance (1943), Champagne Charlie (1944), Dead of Night (as co-director) (1945) and Nicholas Nickleby (1947). In 1946 Cavalcanti left Ealing over a dispute about money. He went on to direct three more films in the UK, before returning to Brazil in 1950. In Brazil he worked as a producer for Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz; the company eventually became insolvent. After being blacklisted as a communist in Brazil, he decided to move back to Europe in 1954. He eventually settled in France, where he continued his work in television. He died in Paris in 1982 at the age of 85.


Alberto Cavalcanti


Brasília, segundo roteiro de Alberto Cavalcanti
It starts in the Indian tabas, goes through colonial architecture and arrives in the Brazilian capital. The film follows a script left by Alberto Cavalcanti, after a trip to Brasilia in 1978.
Um Homem e o Cinema
Alberto Cavalcanti reviews his own prolific career as a filmmaker.
Um Homem e o Cinema
Alberto Cavalcanti reviews his own prolific career as a filmmaker.
La visite de la vieille dame
Adaptation for TV of the play by Friedrich Durrenmatt. A very rich old lady arrives in her nearly bankrupt native village. She is ready to come to the rescue but only if her old lover who had once abandoned her pregnant is killed.
Alberto Cavalcanti
Ele mesmo
Aspectos da vida e da obra do primeiro cineasta brasileiro com projeção internacional.
Lettres de Stalingrad
The Monster of Highgate Ponds
The story of three children who find themselves with a friendly monster that grows at an alarming rate.
Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti
Na comédia musical, um rico proprietário de terras torna-se generoso e engraçado quando está bêbado. No entanto, se está sóbrio, adquire um comportamento austero e bastante cruel.
Venetian Honeymoon
There is a lot of excitement in the high society of Venice: An Arab prince, who always travels incognito, is said to be in the city. By chance, the elegant Isabella gets to know the handsome heir to the throne - and it does not take long for her to fall madly in love with him. Isabella has no idea that her dream man is really the impostor Gérard, who looks remarkably like the prince and was hounded by the sleazy crook Alfredo on Isabella to steal their precious jewelry.
Rosa dos Ventos
Die Windrose, distribuído no Brasil com o nome A Rosa-dos-Ventos (1957), Direção Geral de Alberto Cavalcanti e Joris Ivens. Aportes em criação de Simone Signoret, Yves Montand and Helene Weigel (wife of Bertold Brecht) e Yannick Bellon. Produzido pela DEFA da Alemanha Oriental. São 5 episódios. O brasileiro Ana (1954) dirigido por Alex Viany. O italiano Giovanna (1956), dirigido por Gillo Pontecorvo.
Rosa dos Ventos
Die Windrose, distribuído no Brasil com o nome A Rosa-dos-Ventos (1957), Direção Geral de Alberto Cavalcanti e Joris Ivens. Aportes em criação de Simone Signoret, Yves Montand and Helene Weigel (wife of Bertold Brecht) e Yannick Bellon. Produzido pela DEFA da Alemanha Oriental. São 5 episódios. O brasileiro Ana (1954) dirigido por Alex Viany. O italiano Giovanna (1956), dirigido por Gillo Pontecorvo.
Mulher de Verdade
Amélia tem que se virar para manter a vida dupla com Bamba e Lauro. O malandro Bamba fratura o crânio numa disputa com a polícia. No hospital, apaixona-se pela enfermeira Amélia, com a qual quer se casar, ao sair da prisão. Depois de um último golpe, Bamba muda de vida e se casa com Amélia. Ela, no entanto, precisa esconder o matrimônio, para não infringir o regulamento do hospital no qual trabalha. Não satisfeita, aproveita os inusitados horários de trabalho para se casar com um outro rapaz, levando uma vida dupla. Durante um incêndio, Bamba salva das chamas sua própria mulher e uma festa é organizada para homenageá-lo. A ocasião será decisiva para Amélia.
Mulher de Verdade
Amélia tem que se virar para manter a vida dupla com Bamba e Lauro. O malandro Bamba fratura o crânio numa disputa com a polícia. No hospital, apaixona-se pela enfermeira Amélia, com a qual quer se casar, ao sair da prisão. Depois de um último golpe, Bamba muda de vida e se casa com Amélia. Ela, no entanto, precisa esconder o matrimônio, para não infringir o regulamento do hospital no qual trabalha. Não satisfeita, aproveita os inusitados horários de trabalho para se casar com um outro rapaz, levando uma vida dupla. Durante um incêndio, Bamba salva das chamas sua própria mulher e uma festa é organizada para homenageá-lo. A ocasião será decisiva para Amélia.
O Canto do Mar
No litoral nordestino, que acolhe imigrantes do sertão à espera de viagem para o Sul, é onde se passa o drama de uma família que enfrenta a miséria, devido a problemas financeiros e psicológicos.
O Canto do Mar
No litoral nordestino, que acolhe imigrantes do sertão à espera de viagem para o Sul, é onde se passa o drama de uma família que enfrenta a miséria, devido a problemas financeiros e psicológicos.
O Canto do Mar
No litoral nordestino, que acolhe imigrantes do sertão à espera de viagem para o Sul, é onde se passa o drama de uma família que enfrenta a miséria, devido a problemas financeiros e psicológicos.
Simão, o Caolho
História de um homem de negócios que tem um olho só e quer a qualquer custo recuperar o olho perdido. Ele tenta muitos esquemas, mesmo usando um olho feito por um inventor louco que lhe dá poderes especiais como a invisibilidade. Ele se torna multi-milionário no mercado da carne e, depois de entrar na política, se torna presidente do Brasil. São Paulo, 1942. Um corretor de negócios, velho e malandro, Simão, o Caolho, anda às voltas com sua mulher e um bando de amigos turbulentos, sempre à espera de um lance de sorte na vida. Um de seus amigos, metido a inventor, vivia prometendo um olho suplementar para Simão. Um dia, esse olho aparece e Simão torna-se milionário, pois ele tem a propriedade de torná-lo invisível. Simão decide então entrar na política, candidatando-se a Presidente da República. Sua trajetória acaba por acompanhar as transformações na cidade de São Paulo entre 1932 e 1950. (ALSN/DFB-LM) (Cinemateca Brasileira)
Simão, o Caolho
História de um homem de negócios que tem um olho só e quer a qualquer custo recuperar o olho perdido. Ele tenta muitos esquemas, mesmo usando um olho feito por um inventor louco que lhe dá poderes especiais como a invisibilidade. Ele se torna multi-milionário no mercado da carne e, depois de entrar na política, se torna presidente do Brasil. São Paulo, 1942. Um corretor de negócios, velho e malandro, Simão, o Caolho, anda às voltas com sua mulher e um bando de amigos turbulentos, sempre à espera de um lance de sorte na vida. Um de seus amigos, metido a inventor, vivia prometendo um olho suplementar para Simão. Um dia, esse olho aparece e Simão torna-se milionário, pois ele tem a propriedade de torná-lo invisível. Simão decide então entrar na política, candidatando-se a Presidente da República. Sua trajetória acaba por acompanhar as transformações na cidade de São Paulo entre 1932 e 1950. (ALSN/DFB-LM) (Cinemateca Brasileira)
Terra é Sempre Terra
Na fazenda Paiol Velho, o capataz Tonico dirige tudo com mão de ferro. Casado com Lina, uma mulher muito mais jovem, trata-a com indiferença. Seu único interesse é conseguir dinheiro, roubando as colheitas da fazenda. Na cidade, a dona da plantação decide mandar seu filho, João Carlos Marcondes, jogador inveterado e mulherengo, para cuidar do único negócio que sobrou para a família. No vilarejo vizinho, conhece várias pessoas que atraem o jovem para o jogo. A jogatina faz com que o jovem coloque a fazenda à venda. Tonico se oferece para comprar-lhe a plantação e, assim, pagar-lhe as dívidas de jogo. Tonico celebra a compra e, durante uma festa, fica sabendo que sua mulher terá um filho de João Carlos, sofrendo com isso um ataque cardíaco. A nova proprietária assume, mas nem tudo está perdido para os Marcondes.
Gervásio, jogador inveterado e de pouca sorte, perde sua última propriedade, a mansão onde vive com a mãe, a enteada e a filha doente. O vencedor do jogo, Dinarte, um homem de decisões súbitas e de grande sorte no jogo, insiste em ver a propriedade naquela mesma noite. Durante a visita, Ângela, a enteada, comunica o falecimento da esposa. Dinarte acaba se envolvendo com Ângela, com quem se casa, depois de deixar sua amante Vanju, uma cantora popular.
Marina é uma jovem filha de leprosos cujos pais foram internados antes que ela contraísse a doença. Ela, contudo, sofre com medo de adoecer e com o preconceito das pessoas. Isso a leva a aceitar a proposta de casamento de José Amaro, um homem que viu apenas duas vezes. Amaro é um viúvo abastado construtor de barcos de Ilha Verde, próxima a Santos. Marina não ama Amaro mas procura manter o casamento quando ele viaja, resistindo às investidas amorosas de Manuel, violento sócio do marido.
O Transgressor
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest side of town where he witnesses a murder. When an innocent man is arrested, the writer refuses to assist him as the knowledge that he has been "slumming" could destroy his career. The young man is sentenced to 15 years in prison.
The First Gentleman
The story of a romance between the daughter of the Prince Regent and Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg.
Nas Garras da Fatalidade
After being framed for a policeman's murder, a criminal escapes prison and sets out for revenge.
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
A fatherless boy tries to make his fortune despite interference from his rich uncle.
Na Solidão da Noite
Architect Walter Craig, seeking the possibility of some work at a country farmhouse, soon finds himself once again stuck in his recurring nightmare. Dreading the end of the dream that he knows is coming, he must first listen to all the assembled guests' own bizarre tales.
Champagne Charlie
A man from the countryside becomes London’s newest music hall sensation, and competes with a rival music hall performer for the audience’s attention.
Greek Testament
British war documentary
48 Horas!
The quiet village of Bramley End is taken over by German troops posing as Royal Engineers. Their task is to disrupt England's radar network in preparation for a full scale German invasion. Once the villagers discover the true identity of the troops, they do whatever they can to thwart the Nazis plans.
Somewhere In France
Associate Producer
Based on the true story of Melbourne Johns, an aircraft factory foreman sent to France to prevent the Nazis getting hold of some vital equipment.
Alice in Switzerland
Film and Reality
A British documentary
Find, Fix and Strike
Deals with the training of Fleet Air Arm pilots and crew during World War II.
Yellow Caesar
Using edited archive footage, mockery is made of Italy's dictator Benito Mussolini.
Young Veteran
The first months of WWII as experienced by the new young recruits - the 'young Berts' - of the British Army.
Young Veteran
The first months of WWII as experienced by the new young recruits - the 'young Berts' - of the British Army.
Sea Fort
The operation of a floating sea fort during WWII, and the lives of those who work on board.
French Communique
Part of BFI collection "If War Should Come."
La Cause Commune
Part of BFI collection "If War Should Come."
Salvage with a Smile
Associate Producer
Wartime propaganda short in which a professor enlists the help of a dustman to explain the importance of saving paper, bones and metal to help the war effort.
A Midsummer Day's Work
The laying of underground telephone cables.
Men of the Alps
North Sea
Drama-documentary, reconstructing a real incident in which a trawler got into difficulties in a North Sea storm. Released 7th March 1938.
Mony a Pickle
Documentary on savings
We Live in Two Worlds
The author J.B. Priestley delivers a talk about cross-border trade and communications as a benign force, which he contrasts with the military preoccupations of individual nations.
The Line to Tschierva Hut
Documentary about the construction of tlephone lines.
The Line to Tschierva Hut
Documentary about the construction of tlephone lines.
Message from Genova
This expository film shows the mood of European society on the eve of the Second World War while promoting the values of international cooperation. Using the Swiss office of the BBC as an example, the film describes the functioning of radio and presents the possibilities opened by mass communications. After the advent of sound film, Cavalcanti promoted experimentation with sound, and in this connection he was interested in the communicational, organizational, and social aspects of radio.
BBC: The Voice of Britain
An impressionistic portrait of the BBC.
Coal Face
1935 documentary about the hard working life of Welsh coal miners.
Granton Trawler
Sound Designer
Documentary following an Edinburgh fishing trawler, the "Isabella Grieg".
The Glorious Sixth of June
How news of a general reduction in GPO charges was finally brought to parliament and the people, despite attempts by the country's enemies to prevent the announcement...
Coralie and Company
A young couple goes through a plot unscathed in the welcoming salons of a large fashion house.
Pett and Pott: A Fairy Story of the Suburbs
The film, made to advertise domestic telephone sets, is based around two very different families. The Petts are conventional, happy and have children; the Potts are unconventional and unhappy, without children.
Pett and Pott: A Fairy Story of the Suburbs
The film, made to advertise domestic telephone sets, is based around two very different families. The Petts are conventional, happy and have children; the Potts are unconventional and unhappy, without children.
Pett and Pott: A Fairy Story of the Suburbs
The film, made to advertise domestic telephone sets, is based around two very different families. The Petts are conventional, happy and have children; the Potts are unconventional and unhappy, without children.
Pett and Pott: A Fairy Story of the Suburbs
The film, made to advertise domestic telephone sets, is based around two very different families. The Petts are conventional, happy and have children; the Potts are unconventional and unhappy, without children.
Montmartre qui tourne
New Rates
Le mari garçon
Wanting to hide in the countryside, a young couple finds all the friends they were fleeing from.
Plaisirs défendus
Le truc du Brésilien
A young man who loves his wife wants rid of his troublesome mistress. He dresses up as a wealthy Brazilian and seduces her in a jiffy. He hopes to reach a settlement, that she must sign. In this settlement she will promise to break with her lover. He can then show that he is a faithful husband.
Tour de chant
Halfway Up the Sky
The Devil's Holiday
Betty marries rich Allan out of interest and drives a wedge between him and his family.
In a lost island
Literary adaptation: A female musician in Asia's tropics escapes from harassers' advances to an island where a timid man has retreated. Later when 3 ruffians search for gold there, he summons the courage to defend her and his turf.
All His Life
Little Red Riding Hood
This is 1929: the little red riding hood is still with us and her life is more complicated than ever. She still has to go through the forest and she once again comes up against a wolf. This time around the big bad wolf has become a lecherous tramp who keeps stalking the girl trying to wolf her down ... in his own way of course.
Little Red Riding Hood
This is 1929: the little red riding hood is still with us and her life is more complicated than ever. She still has to go through the forest and she once again comes up against a wolf. This time around the big bad wolf has become a lecherous tramp who keeps stalking the girl trying to wolf her down ... in his own way of course.
Little Red Riding Hood
This is 1929: the little red riding hood is still with us and her life is more complicated than ever. She still has to go through the forest and she once again comes up against a wolf. This time around the big bad wolf has become a lecherous tramp who keeps stalking the girl trying to wolf her down ... in his own way of course.
Paris Cinéma
The first behind-the-scenes documentary in the film industry, from the making of a camera (Debrie) to studio shooting and directing, including animation techniques. Pierre Chenal meets André Rigal who executes, in his workshop, a series of freehand drawings. These sketches are then ground in a coffee grinder, from which a cartoon on film emerges. In Champigny, Alain Saint-Ogan and his host are working on Zig et Puce and developing Alfred the penguin's first steps. In Fontenay-sous-Bois, Ladislas Starewitch presents his future stars. Pierre Chenal described his film as follows: “I had designed to shoot a documentary in which I would show how a film is made in order, at the same time, to learn it myself. "
Captain Fracasse
A nobleman decides to join a traveling group of actors to be with a girl he admires, but ultimately must rescue her from bandits
Train Without Eyes
Paris 1883. Yvette is the daughter of a courtesan who serves men of wealth and status. She is unaware of how her mother makes money and why they are always in the presence of princes, dukes and barons. Only when Yvette goes away on a holiday she realizes that the Banker Saval is engaging her mother in such activities, she suddenly feels dirty.
Paris 1883. Yvette is the daughter of a courtesan who serves men of wealth and status. She is unaware of how her mother makes money and why they are always in the presence of princes, dukes and barons. Only when Yvette goes away on a holiday she realizes that the Banker Saval is engaging her mother in such activities, she suddenly feels dirty.
Sea Fever
The ill-fated romance of a brow-beaten seaport slum café waitress and a young man with a possessive mother, who dreams of going out to sea.
Sea Fever
The ill-fated romance of a brow-beaten seaport slum café waitress and a young man with a possessive mother, who dreams of going out to sea.
La P’tite Lili
Le P'tite Lili is a short film directed by Alberto Cavalcanti in 1927. This is a visual illustration of a song, The Lady of gravel and Benech Lilie, with music for the audio version of 1930 by Darius Milhaud. Only one original copy of this tragic story and impressionistic. The film tells the story of Lili ( Frau Catherine Hessling ), a 16 year old orphan who has lost her whole family but has retained her purity and innocence. Alas, a terrible doom awaits this optimistic child: in the slums of Paris she will meet a man who will lead her into prostitution.
The Little People
Production Design
Nothing But Time
The life of a great city (Paris) from dawn until dusk, including the beautiful and the ragged, the rich and the poor, with little or no comment from the director, Cavalcanti.
The Late Mathias Pascal
Art Direction
Mathias Pascal, only son of a once-rich family, marries beautiful Romalinda, who has a terrible mother-in-law. She controls her daughter, and soon his home life becomes a nightmare. His only moments of lights are his mother and baby, but both die on the same day. Shocked, he leaves his hometown and goes to Monte Carlo, where he wins a fortune at the casino. Returning home, he reads his own obituary in a paper. They have found a corpse in a creek and connected it with his disappearance. Mathias, noticing that he is now free from all ties to his old life, decides to start a new one.
The Gallery of Monsters
Assistant Director
Married carnival performers are subjected to the abuses of their employer in this silent film gem that has not received as much attention as it deserves. When the boss' unwanted advances on the wife are refused, he taunts a lion until it nearly kills her. But the other performers assist in a unique plot for revenge. Jaque Catelain directs and stars in this film made for influential French director Marcel L'Herbier's production company. Some sources also list L'Herbier as co-director, as he is credited here. The film boasts some rapid-fire editing techniques that were decades ahead of its time.
El Dorado
Costume Design
In Granada in Spain, Sibilla works as a dancer in a squalid cabaret called El Dorado, struggling to earn enough to care for her sick child. The boy's father Estiria, a prominent citizen, refuses them both help and recognition, fearful of jeopardising the engagement of his adult daughter Iliana to a wealthy nobleman. Iliana however slips away from her engagement party to meet her real lover Hedwick, a Swedish painter. Sibilla, in desperation after a further rejection by Estiria, sees an opportunity to blackmail him by locking the lovers overnight in their meeting-place in the Alhambra.
Le Voyageur du silence
Where he goes, he doesn't need luggage... A very talkative traveler settles in the only wagon occupied by a man with a strange diction. The train is moving forward, everything becomes worrying around it. Unable to get out of its cabin, the train runs at full speed. What if he didn't lead anywhere?