Antoine Héberlé


A Real Job
Director of Photography
Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.
Mediterranean Fever
Director of Photography
Waleed (40) lives in Haifa with his wife and children and dreams of a writing career while suffering from chronic depression. He develops a close relationship with his neighbor (a small-time crook) with an ulterior plot in mind. While the scheme turns into an unexpected friendship between the two men, it leads them into a journey of dark encounters.
I and the Stupid Boy
Director of Photography
Nora é uma bela jovem apaixonada. Toda produzida, ela decide pegar um atalho por um edifício abandonado a caminho de um encontro. Em segundo plano, seu ex, Kevin, desce de sua scooter. Assim começa uma história universal do século XXI de poder masculino e feminino, sexualidade e vergonha.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
Director of Photography
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Uma Promessa
Director of Photography
Sob o sol escaldante do sul da Itália, Angela trabalha nos campos onde é explorada impunemente. Um dia ela não volta para casa. Esta perda trágica e misteriosa obriga Giuseppe e seu filho Antò a procurá-la e iniciar uma busca, sem volta, pela verdade.
A Son
Director of Photography
Tunisia, summer 2011. The holiday to the South of the country ends in disaster for Fares, Meriem and their 10-year-old son Aziz, when he is accidentally shot in an ambush. His injury will change their lives: Aziz needs a liver transplant, which leads to discovery of a long-buried secret. Will Aziz and the relationship survive?
Oblivion Verses
Director of Photography
When the elderly caretaker of a remote morgue discovers the body of a young woman killed during a protest, he embarks on a magical odyssey to give her a proper burial before the militia returns.
Meu Tecido Preferido
Director of Photography
Damasco, primavera de 2011. Nahla está dividida entre seu desejo de liberdade e a esperança de deixar o país graças ao seu casamento arranjado com Samir, um expatriado sírio que vive nos Estados Unidos. Quando Samir escolhe a irmã mais nova de Nahla, esta fica mais próxima de sua nova vizinha.
Director of Photography
Abu-Shadi é um pai divorciado que vive em Nazaré. Após o casamento de sua filha, ele será deixado sozinho. Seu filho Shadi chega de Roma para ajudar a entregar os convites de casamento a cada convidado, de acordo com os costumes palestinos locais. Shadi, cujo estilo de vida nunca foi muito apreciado por seu pai, passou os últimos anos no exterior e há muito pouco que ele sente falta do lugar que deixou há muito tempo. À medida que os homens dirigem por Nazaré, seu estado de seu relacionamento desconfortável se desenrola. Abu-Shadi tenta se conectar com seu filho, enquanto sente ressentimento que Shadi tomou o lado de sua mãe após o divórcio.
A Vida de uma Mulher
Director of Photography
Jeanne volta para casa após completar os estudos e passa a ajudar os zelosos pais nas tarefas do campo. Certo dia o visconde Julien de Lamare aparece nas redondezas e logo conquista o coração da jovem, que, encantada, com ele se casa e vai morar. Conforme o tempo avança Julien se mostra infiel, avarento e nada companheiro, o que vai minando a alegria de viver da antes esperançosa Jeanne.
Forêt Debussy
Director of Photography
Deep in the barren mountains, a mother and a daughter live an isolated quiet life. The Daughter looks lean and fragile. She seems unreactive toward her surroundings, confining herself in her own wretched world. The Mother is like a guardian angel who always protects her and takes care of everything. Before living in seclusion, The Daughter was a pianist who lost her husband and son. The Mother decided to take her away and hid her in the mountains where no one could ever find them, believing it is the only possible way for her daughter to survive, Nevertheless, they have to face nothing but themselves ever since, as well as to confront the endless forest…
Cães Errantes
Director of Photography
Em um bairro pobre de Taipei, mora um homem na faixa dos quarenta anos, desempregado, com seus dois filhos. Sem emprego e abandonado pela esposa, ele enfrenta grandes dificuldades para satisfazer as necessidades de seus filhos. Um dia, ao levar seus filhos para passearem no shopping, ele conhece Xiao Lu por quem se envolve. No entanto, as lembranças da sua ex-mulher podem afetar seu novo relacionamento.
Director of Photography
Souleymane, 25, dreams of being a dancer in spite of having a paralyzed leg. At nightclubs, he transforms into the beloved dancer Grigris, impressing people with his moves. However, when his stepfather falls seriously ill, Souleymane desperately needs money and decides to work for petrol smugglers.
Uma Primavera com Minha Mãe
Director of Photography
Com quase 50 anos, Alain é obrigado a voltar a morar com a mãe. Será, forçosamente, uma convivência complicada e explosiva, à imagem da relação tumultuada dos dois. É então que Alain descobre que a mãe está doente e que seus dias estão contados.
De Coração Aberto
Director of Photography
Mila e Javier, ambos cirurgiões de renome e ambos apaixonados pelo seu trabalho, têm-se amado loucamente durante os últimos dez anos. Eles sempre tiveram muito cuidado em preservar o amor extraordinário que sentem um pelo outro e recusam sucumbir à rotina do dia-a-dia. Mas a gravidez inesperada de Mila, combinada com o aumento da pressão do trabalho no hospital, conduz Javier a beber excessivamente, acabando por ser suspenso do hospital. Enfrentando os seus demónios, Javier deriva para cada vez mais longe de Mila. No entanto, quando o seu relacionamento começa a estar sob séria ameaça, ele está pronto a fazer o que for necessário para a reconquistar.
Tata Bakhta
Terra Esquecida
Director of Photography
A primavera chega a Pripyat, cidade de 50 mil habitantes no interior da Ucrânia. Em 25 de abril de 1986, o pequeno Valery planta uma macieira com a ajuda de seu pai Alexei, um cientista. Anya e Piotr celebram seu casamento com amigos e parentes. Uma explosão na usina nuclear próxima, em Chernobyl, seguida por tempestades pesadas abala a comunidade local que, sem saber do perigo, é evacuada somente quatro dias depois. Piotr se junta às operações dos bombeiros. Dez anos depois, num cenário apocalíptico, Anya volta aos lugares desertos como guia turística. Piotr nunca voltou para casa. Alexei desapareceu. Valery, agora um jovem rapaz, procura por seu passado perdido. Para os sobreviventes, nada será como antes.
Última Parada 174
Director of Photography
Baseado em fatos reais. Em 2000, Sandro do Nascimento, sobrevivente da chacina da Candelária, sequestra um ônibus no Rio de Janeiro, mantendo uma mulher sob a mira do seu revólver.
On m'a volé mon adolescence
Director of Photography
As Medusas
Director of Photography
Meduzot (the Hebrew word for Jellyfish) tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.
O Paraíso, Agora!
Director of Photography
Dois jovens amigos palestinianos, Khaled e Saïd, são recrutados para cometerem um atentado suicida em Telavive. Após a última noite com as famílias, sem se poderem despedir, são levados à fronteira com as bombas atadas à volta do corpo. No entanto, a operação não corre como esperado e eles perdem-se um do outro. Separados, são confrontados com o seu destino e as suas próprias convicções...
No Rest for the Brave
Director of Photography
A strange man is involved in a village massacre and drug dealing.
A Thousand Months
Director of Photography
1981, Morocco. A village in the Atlas mountains. A city in the distance. A child. A family facing its destiny.
Sunshine for the Poor
Director of Photography
On a hot Sunday morning, Nathalie Sanchez, an unemployed hair stylist, walks across the Causses plateau in search of a shepherd. When she finds one, he tells her that he has lost his flock. They walk together and while chatting they meet several times a shepherd's son turned outlaw, Carol Izba. The latter, despite being pursued by a famous bounty killer, Pool, proves unable to leave the region...
Sunshine for the Poor
Costume Design
On a hot Sunday morning, Nathalie Sanchez, an unemployed hair stylist, walks across the Causses plateau in search of a shepherd. When she finds one, he tells her that he has lost his flock. They walk together and while chatting they meet several times a shepherd's son turned outlaw, Carol Izba. The latter, despite being pursued by a famous bounty killer, Pool, proves unable to leave the region...
Sob a Areia
Director of Photography
Quando o marido desaparece na praia, uma professora começa a se desintegrar mentalmente quando a negação do desaparecimento dele se torna ilusória. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Love Me
Director of Photography
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
New Dawn
Director of Photography
On the spur of the moment, 30-year old Alain gives up his well-paid job as a tester of computer games, but is uncertain over what do next. He takes up the offer of a place on a course to learn how to operate a bulldozer, although this means spending time away from home. During his training, he is paired up with a child-like younger man, Manu, who is passionate about wanting to drive a bulldozer but has no aptitude for the job. While his marriage starts to fall apart, Alain finds himself becoming more dependent on his relationship with Manu.
In a Breton coastal village, a very old woman seems to watch the open sea with particular attention. Back home, she is suddenly overcome by a presence that comes from the ocean...
La force des choses
Director of Photography
In a forest of western Ourania, three young warriors are searching for a young girl who was abducted by a bandit.
Un dimanche à Paris
Director of Photography
Alain finds Marie, whom he still loves, but he is embarrassed by the presence, to say the least, of Nina, who keeps asking him for services. Marie gradually becomes aware of the strong bond that unites Alain and Nina, who has never counted in his eyes.
Director of Photography
A teen party gone out of control provides the focus of this drama which explores the transitions of youth in a transitional time set in the post-disco, pre-punk, early 1980's. Ariane, a teenager, is rebelling against her father and her boyfriend Pierre. She decides to hold a small party. The party is crashed by a large crowd of rude outsiders who proceed to destroy her home. Afterward, Ariane must face her obsessive neatness.
Paix et amour
Director of Photography
This French drama takes a gentle poke at the youthful ideologies of the post-hippy 70's. Fabio and Alain are teenagers with widely differing backgrounds and philosophies. Fabio is a rebellious Stalin quoting, left-winger from a lower middle-class family. He dreams of being a rock star even though he can't play a note. Alain, a soft-spoken boy from a middle-class family prefers to quote Plato. Alain is attracted to Fabio's enthusiastic talk on political activism. When the local press accuses them of terrorism after they toss a rock through a window they are initially delighted. Their delight is short-lived when they realize that may be blamed for some of the real terrorism the town has been experiencing.
As Pessoas Normais Não Têm Nada de Especial
Director of Photography
Martine tem 25 anos e acaba de se separar de François. Desesperada, persegue o ex-marido pela rua para obter uma última explicação mas, completamente alucinada, provoca um acidente que a conduz às urgências de um hospital psiquiátrico. Acometida por uma amnésia momentânea, decide ficar no hospital para se recompor. Durante esse tempo, desenvolve uma grande atividade: ocupar-se das vidas sentimentais dos outros. Cheia de energia e uma sufocante e desajeitada boa vontade, ela faz tudo o que pode para juntar pessoas que não exigem tanto…
O Fim do Mundo
Director of Photography
In the quietness of rural life, small disputes about the right to use a rivulet may take the proportion of a life-and-death matter..