Antoine Héberlé


A Real Job
Director of Photography
Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.
Mediterranean Fever
Director of Photography
Waleed (40) lives in Haifa with his wife and children and dreams of a writing career while suffering from chronic depression. He develops a close relationship with his neighbor (a small-time crook) with an ulterior plot in mind. While the scheme turns into an unexpected friendship between the two men, it leads them into a journey of dark encounters.
I and the Stupid Boy
Director of Photography
Nora is a striking young girl in new love. We see her dancing around her bedroom, lip-synching, testing outfits, in between sending heart emojis, and more, to the special boy. All dressed up, she takes a short cut through an abandoned building, on the way for her hot date. Kevin pulls up in the background on his scooter. He's Nora's recent ex, jilted and jealous. Kevin grabs Nora's phone, and what ensues is a now universal 21st century story of male-female power, sexuality and shame with a biting, feminist twist.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
Director of Photography
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Erēmīta (Anthologies)
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Director of Photography
Джузеппе, обычного работягу с юга Италии, беды настигают одна за другой. Сначала шальной осколок скалы лишает его глаза и заработка на каменоломне, затем жена внезапно умирает от сердечного приступа во время работы на виноградниках. Пытаясь спасти своего сына от нищеты, он решает вместе с ним отправиться на заработки на тот же виноградник. Здесь всем заправляет мафия — чтобы выживать приходится во всём подчиняться ей и соглашаться на её правила.
A Son
Director of Photography
Tunisia, summer 2011. The holiday to the South of the country ends in disaster for Fares, Meriem and their 10-year-old son Aziz, when he is accidentally shot in an ambush. His injury will change their lives: Aziz needs a liver transplant, which leads to discovery of a long-buried secret. Will Aziz and the relationship survive?
Стихи забвения
Director of Photography
Когда престарелый управляющий отдаленного морга находит тело девушки, убитой во время забастовки, он решает похоронить ее до появления властей, сочиняя при этом волшебную одиссею.
My Favourite Fabric
Director of Photography
Damascus, Spring 2011. It's the early stages of the civil war. 25-year-old Nahla is torn between her desire for freedom and the hope of leaving the country thanks to her arranged marriage with Samir, a Syrian expatriate in the USA. When he chooses her younger, more docile sister Myriam, Nahla finds refuge at her neighbor's, the mysterious Ms Jiji.
Director of Photography
After years abroad in Italy, Shadi returns to his native Nazareth. But this is no spectacular homecoming. He's back somewhat begrudgingly to honour his "wajib" (or duty) to hand out invitations to his sister's wedding with his father. The simmering tension between the two — who are often stuck in a car, more often than not in traffic — builds, exposing the sometimes-comic chasms that exist between men who live in different worlds but share an unshakable bond.
Director of Photography
Семнадцатилетняя Жанна покидает монастырь, в котором прошли её отроческие годы, и возвращается в имение Тополя, расположенное в Нормандии. Здесь она знакомится с сыном разорившегося дворянина Жюльеном, который пробудил ее сердце. Вскоре молодые люди сочетаются браком, но семейное счастье длится недолго.
Forêt Debussy
Director of Photography
Deep in the barren mountains, a mother and a daughter live an isolated quiet life. The Daughter looks lean and fragile. She seems unreactive toward her surroundings, confining herself in her own wretched world. The Mother is like a guardian angel who always protects her and takes care of everything. Before living in seclusion, The Daughter was a pianist who lost her husband and son. The Mother decided to take her away and hid her in the mountains where no one could ever find them, believing it is the only possible way for her daughter to survive, Nevertheless, they have to face nothing but themselves ever since, as well as to confront the endless forest…
Путешествие на Запад
Director of Photography
«Путешествие на Запад» является продолжением проекта о медитирующем монахе и первым фильмом серии, снятым на Западе. Все начинается с Марселя, портового города. Монах идет, медитируя, по узким улочкам, спускается в переходы, проходит по арабскому кварталу, где завсегдатаи кафе рассматривают его с удивлением и интересом. Параллельно мы следим за историей Дени Лавана в роли короля-обезьяны. Вот он лежит в подвале, вот мы видим его силуэт на фоне желтых гор, на морском побережье. Персонаж китайского романа был рожден из камня и, взбунтовавшись против неба, находился в заточении под горой до тех пор, пока его не освободил Будда в обмен на самоотверженную помощь монаху. Таким образом, король-обезьяна становится учеником монаха и отправляется вместе с ним в Западные земли.
Director of Photography
Souleymane, 25, dreams of being a dancer in spite of having a paralyzed leg. At nightclubs, he transforms into the beloved dancer Grigris, impressing people with his moves. However, when his stepfather falls seriously ill, Souleymane desperately needs money and decides to work for petrol smugglers.
Несколько часов весны
Director of Photography
Алан Эврар, водитель грузовика, который только что закончил отбывать тюремный срок, вынужден временно поселиться в доме своей матери. Это вынужденное сожительство обостряет их и без того сложные отношения. Однажды Алан случайно обнаруживает, что у Иветт, его матери, опухоль головного мозга...
An Open Heart
Director of Photography
Mila and Javier, both renowned surgeons and both passionate about their work, have been madly in love for the past 10 years. They have always taken great care to preserve their extraordinary love for each other and refuse to succumb to the routine of everyday living. But Mila’s unexpected pregnancy, combined with increasing pressure from work at the hospital, drives Javier to drink more heavily and he ends up being suspended. Faced with his demons, Javier drifts further and further away from Mila. Yet, when their relationship is under serious threat, Javier is ready to do whatever it takes to win Mila back.
Tata Bakhta
Земля забвения
Director of Photography
В основе сюжета ― личная драма молодой девушки из Припяти, города советских атомщиков. Спокойная и счастливая жизнь рушится в один миг ― в день страшной аварии на атомном реакторе. Потеря близких, паника и ужас, безвозвратно ушедшая молодость и красота, болезни ― все это довелось пережить героине Ольги Куриленко. И через эту исковерканную катастрофой судьбу зрители прочувствуют всю глубину чернобыльской трагедии.
Последняя остановка 174-го
Director of Photography
Основанная на реальных событиях 12 июня 2000 года история бедного мальчишки из фавел Рио Де Жанейро. В фильме почти нет профессиональных актёров, и тем сильнее и правдивее ужасающая картина, которая разворачивается перед нами. Последние несколько часов жизни Алесандро Ду Насименто, «захватчика автобуса номер 174», по телевизору видели миллионы зрителей.
On m'a volé mon adolescence
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Meduzot (the Hebrew word for Jellyfish) tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.
Рай – сейчас
Director of Photography
История двух друзей, Халеда и Саида, автомехаников из Наблуса, расположенного на контролируемой Израилем территории. Они получают задание стать террористами-самоубийцами и совершить двойной теракт в Тель-Авиве. Один уверен в своем решении, считая его оправданным в борьбе за освобождение страны, другой сомневается, не имея достаточной твердости духа. Весь день они носят на себе пояс со взрывчаткой, думая о воле Аллаха…
No Rest for the Brave
Director of Photography
A strange man is involved in a village massacre and drug dealing.
A Thousand Months
Director of Photography
1981, Morocco. A village in the Atlas mountains. A city in the distance. A child. A family facing its destiny.
Sunshine for the Poor
Director of Photography
On a hot Sunday morning, Nathalie Sanchez, an unemployed hair stylist, walks across the Causses plateau in search of a shepherd. When she finds one, he tells her that he has lost his flock. They walk together and while chatting they meet several times a shepherd's son turned outlaw, Carol Izba. The latter, despite being pursued by a famous bounty killer, Pool, proves unable to leave the region...
Sunshine for the Poor
Costume Design
On a hot Sunday morning, Nathalie Sanchez, an unemployed hair stylist, walks across the Causses plateau in search of a shepherd. When she finds one, he tells her that he has lost his flock. They walk together and while chatting they meet several times a shepherd's son turned outlaw, Carol Izba. The latter, despite being pursued by a famous bounty killer, Pool, proves unable to leave the region...
Под песком
Director of Photography
Многие годы супруги Мари и Жан проводят свой отпуск в приморской области Ланды, на западе Франции. В один из дней муж Мари неожиданно исчез. Что это: странная глупая и нелепая смерть или спланированный сумаcшедший поступок? А может, это страшный рок?…
Love Me
Director of Photography
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
New Dawn
Director of Photography
On the spur of the moment, 30-year old Alain gives up his well-paid job as a tester of computer games, but is uncertain over what do next. He takes up the offer of a place on a course to learn how to operate a bulldozer, although this means spending time away from home. During his training, he is paired up with a child-like younger man, Manu, who is passionate about wanting to drive a bulldozer but has no aptitude for the job. While his marriage starts to fall apart, Alain finds himself becoming more dependent on his relationship with Manu.
In a Breton coastal village, a very old woman seems to watch the open sea with particular attention. Back home, she is suddenly overcome by a presence that comes from the ocean...
La force des choses
Director of Photography
In a forest of western Ourania, three young warriors are searching for a young girl who was abducted by a bandit.
Un dimanche à Paris
Director of Photography
Alain finds Marie, whom he still loves, but he is embarrassed by the presence, to say the least, of Nina, who keeps asking him for services. Marie gradually becomes aware of the strong bond that unites Alain and Nina, who has never counted in his eyes.
Director of Photography
A teen party gone out of control provides the focus of this drama which explores the transitions of youth in a transitional time set in the post-disco, pre-punk, early 1980's. Ariane, a teenager, is rebelling against her father and her boyfriend Pierre. She decides to hold a small party. The party is crashed by a large crowd of rude outsiders who proceed to destroy her home. Afterward, Ariane must face her obsessive neatness.
Paix et amour
Director of Photography
This French drama takes a gentle poke at the youthful ideologies of the post-hippy 70's. Fabio and Alain are teenagers with widely differing backgrounds and philosophies. Fabio is a rebellious Stalin quoting, left-winger from a lower middle-class family. He dreams of being a rock star even though he can't play a note. Alain, a soft-spoken boy from a middle-class family prefers to quote Plato. Alain is attracted to Fabio's enthusiastic talk on political activism. When the local press accuses them of terrorism after they toss a rock through a window they are initially delighted. Their delight is short-lived when they realize that may be blamed for some of the real terrorism the town has been experiencing.
Normal People Are Nothing Exceptional
Director of Photography
Martine is 25. Since breaking up with François, she has the feeling that the world is caving in on her. Between small jobs and one-night stands, she can't seem to get a fix on herself. In desperation, after a last quarrel with François, she unintentionally causes an accident that leads her to the emergency ward of a psychiatric hospital. During her brief stay, she unexpectedly sparks into life. She takes an interest in two young patients, Pierre and Anne, convinced that she is doing the right thing in supervising their love life...
The End of the World
Director of Photography
In the quietness of rural life, small disputes about the right to use a rivulet may take the proportion of a life-and-death matter..