Monseigneur Mével
When an elderly priest died, the people in charge of his diocese discovered that it was a woman. Without anyone suspecting it, she had been practicing her vocation for years. Dismayed, the bishop decided to launch an investigation and asked the chancellor of the diocese to find out how, why and with what complicity such a deception was possible.
Christian, a client
For this new year, Pierre, the director of the Grand Restaurant is thinking big to try to get the famous star from the famous Michalon guide! And for that, he settles at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Pierre faces an unscrupulous culinary critic, who will offer him a dubious deal: to dismiss his historic chef in exchange for this famous star. Will the manager of the Grand Restaurant accept?
("Les Chasseurs" segment)
The three "Unknown" are back in this movie where they wake up in a world where they really are unknown! They'll eventually find out that their career, films, sketches & songs do exist but from someone else!
In Reims, a group of women meet every week aboard a strange boat with a dragon head. Sandrine, Rose-Marie, Poups and Fanny don't know each other, but they all have in common that they have been fighting breast cancer. On the advice of their oncologist, Dr. Cuvelier, they will row to prevent recurrence, to rebuild themselves physically and morally, but also to exorcise the fear that lives inside them.
M. Picard
After five years enduring horrible work conditions, Sophia finally gets chosen for a long-awaited transfer from her thankless teaching job at a rough middle school. Ecstatic to start a new life teaching at the French Lycée in Barcelona, her hopes are dashed to bits when a well- connected, over-qualified teacher at an upscale Paris school cuts in to take the position. Determined to stand her ground, Sophia and her clever neighbour Mr. Picard join forces to sabotage her competitor’s candidacy.
After his wife dies, a 75 year old retiree has to put up with the intrusion into his idle life of other family members.
Le Maître de la Confrérie
Springtime in the French vineyards of Champagne. Patrick has gathered his oldest friends for his bachelor party. The trouble is, everyone hates his future wife. This could thus become one hellish weekend in gourmet paradise.
Follows the intertwined stories of five couples and their entourage, living in the same opulent Parisian building, over the four seasons of the year.
Jean-Charles de Ponte
Tudo dá certo para Félix de Ponte, prefeito de Châteauneuf-sur-Valone, mas um artigo na imprensa destrói sua vida. Suas travessuras, sua amante: tudo é revelado lá! Humilhada, sua esposa, Rose, decide reagir concorrendo contra ele nas eleições municipais.
Pierre Noël
After having resigned from his post as President of the Republic, Jeff and his family are happy to be back in their village of Bouzolles. As the end of the year holidays approach, Cathy asks for a unique gift: to reconnect with her sister Maguy, and her husband Jean-Yves, with whom Jeff has been angry for 10 years. The reconciliation could have gone smoothly, except that during a lunch, Jeff and Jean-Yves, will once again find a subject of contention: CHRISTMAS. This family feud, which should never have left Bouzolles, will turn into a standoff between Jeff and a giant of Internet distribution.
Francis Samier
Antoine, a history teacher in his early 50s, learns that he has become very hard of hearing. Unable to own up to his handicap, he resigns himself to living in his bubble, even though his entourage finds his behavior increasingly odd. His encounter with Claire, widow and mother of a young girl who has stopped speaking, will lead him to open up to the world.
Christian, a client
He had opened his Great Restaurant twice, in 2010 and 2011, as part of an entertainment broadcast on France 2. Pierre Palmade “reopens it after work” in the form of a fiction offered by M6. Exit the brewery. The artist has chosen to shoot his film at the Froufrou, the restaurant at the Théâtre Édouard-VII, in Paris, a chic establishment with rococo decor, more solemn and therefore more appropriate to important moments in life, to his big announcements that make the subject of a series of sketches. They are interpreted by a cast of stars just as prestigious as that of his comrade Muriel Robin a few weeks ago in I Love you coiffure , on TF1. As a common thread, Pierre Palmade in the role of the host busy satisfying his customers, while ensuring that his mother (Marthe Villalonga), his competitor (Florence Foresti) and her cook husband (Jean Leduc) do not transform the evening in disaster.
Liliane and Maud's Father (segment "La Maison de retraite")
Liliane and Maud are twin sisters. The first is a modest provincial hairdresser while the second leads the great life in Paris. They both fight over their mother's custody.
Robert Van der Beck
Paulette Van Der Beck e seu marido dirigem a escola de limpeza de Bitche na Alsácia há muitos anos. Sua missão é treinar adolescentes para se tornarem donas de casa perfeitas no momento em que se espera que as mulheres sejam subservientes ao marido. Após a morte repentina de seu marido, Paulette descobre que a escola está à beira da falência e tem que assumir suas responsabilidades. Mas enquanto os preparativos estão em andamento para o melhor programa de TV da competição doméstica, ela e suas animadas alunas começam a questionar suas crenças enquanto os protestos de maio de 1968 em todo o país transformam a sociedade ao seu redor.
Le commissaire Daran
Willy and Tony have a brilliant idea for getting out of it financially: stealing a dog from the brigade des stups. But everything does not go as planned and the two accomplices will have to rely on the most corrupt of the cops.
Jacques, le père d'Alexandre
Um escritor deve enfrentar a morte repentina de seu pai, mas, após o enterro, o espírito do falecido aparece para o filho. Agora, o rapaz terá que aprender a conviver com essa inusitada e complicada companhia e será difícil explicar a situação para sua família, já que ele é o único que pode vê-lo. Essa presença perturbadora criará um terremoto na família.
Professeur Pascal Bernel
In 1980s Paris - Patrick, Dov, Yvan and Serge are young men seeking success in love and business... with varying success.
Psy de Rémy
Rémi e Mélanie têm em torno de 30 anos e, apesar de morarem em prédios um ao lado do outro, não se conhecem. Ambos estão solteiros e enfrentam problemas pessoais: ele, devido à demissão de praticamente todos de seu antigo trabalho enquanto foi promovido para outro setor, ela sem conseguir superar o término de um longo relacionamento, cujo fim já tem um ano. Cada um à sua maneira, os dois buscam meios de lidar com o momento depressivo através das redes sociais: ele pelo Facebook, ela através do Tinder.
A fifty-year-old man suffers from a sore back. All the world's doctors, radiologists, and oesteopaths can do nothing for him : the roots of his illness are pyschological. But what should he change about his work, his wife and his family in order to get better ?
Alexander, Constance's father
Valentin D is a hot designer architect who claims to be an orphan because he is too ashamed to admit he is the son of working-class scrap metal merchants from the north of France.
Lila, grows up in the high-rises of the Marolles in Brussels. Along with her sister and her friends, she dreams of becoming a dancer and revolutionising the world of hip-hop. While her friends stay in Brussels, Lila leaves everything - comfort, family - behind to go to Paris, where she is certain her persistence will pay off. Except that life in Paris quickly takes an unexpected turn. The woman who dreamed of being a choreographer ends up as a lap dancer in a rap video, and that’s only the beginning of her disillusionment. After a chance meeting with a drama teacher, she bears her heart and soul on stage and begins doing stand-up. This time, her unusual dedication leads her to find her calling. However, she still has to fight one final battle: convincing her father that she has made the right choice.
Count Louis Fernand de La Fresnaye
Órfão, o pequeno Paul é adotado por uma família de trabalhadores rurais. Um dia ele conhece o caçador Totoche e os dois formam uma inesperada amizade. Passando os dias com o velho na floresta, Paul aprende sobre a vida da melhor forma possível: vivendo.
John Emery Rockefelle
Albert Bonhomme
Three longtime friends set off on a boat trip with their romantic partners, but inclement weather, jealousy and confessions, will put to test their friendships.
A young woman is searching, today, in Paris, the collection of paintings stolen from her Jewish family during WWII.
Alain Kramer
Fred, célebre colunista gastronômico parisiense, arrogante e introvertido, volta a Lyon para encontrar a mãe que fugiu do lar para idosos. É um retorno que se impôs a ele, associado à humilhação profissional, mas que se revelará rico em reviravoltas, encontros e o levará, progressivamente, a se questionar sobre o seu comportamento face aos outros...
Jean-Claude Dedieu
Hired to oversee the security of a superstore, Pierre soon discovers a dark secret and becomes a threat to the system he helped create.
Charles and Pierrot are inseparable. When Charles takes early retirement, it seems the world is their oyster. They can spend even more time together. Their motto is simple: "Make the most of life and have fun!». They fill their days with abundant imagination, under the tender and sometimes worried gaze of the women in their lives…
Philippe de Morannes
La Malice
When Arthur decided to become a policeman it was most definitely not so that he would be put on the trail of a group of ultra-left wing artists, the Black Fist Collective. No, his real motivation was so that he could trace his father, Public Enemy Number One, La Malice. But, alas, it is Chief Inspector Moulinette who sets the rules, assisted by his faithful lieutenant Gégé. Arthur has no choice but to infiltrate the troublesome Collective, by posing as an actor...
Robert Boulin
State crime is a historic French telefilm, directed by Pierre Aknine and released January 29, 2013 on France 3. It discusses Robert Boulin case and supports the thesis of assassinat1.
Why do the citizens of Okinawa live longer lives than almost anyone else on Earth? Explore this culture of good health and happiness, through the eyes of Okinawa citizens, in this documentary.
Le commissaire de police
Max 6 anos. Ela vive com seu pai Toni, um pouco de punk com um coração grande. Para o Natal, Max decide oferecer-lhe Rose, conheci uma garota alegria na rua e ele tomou um gosto para. Apesar da situação complicada, Toni será difícil recusar o "dom" de sua filha e ter que conviver com Rose.
Jean-Luc Hamory
O parisiense Thomas Platz de repente torna-se o guardião de um bebê. Então finge ser seu verdadeiro pai, a fim de reconquistar Marie, a namorada que o abandonou um ano antes. Preso entre permanecer um homem-criança para sempre, e provar que ele está pronto para dar os próximos passos do casamento e da família com o amor de sua vida, Thomas entra em uma aventura hilariante levando a mulher dos seus sonhos a acreditar que mudou.
Karl Raven
8pm in a rundown prison. A prisoner on death row will be executed. He has the right to make a final declaration. But the law doesn't stipulate how long he can talk. So, as long as he talks the execution is postponed…
Alain Posche
Sacha is a real seducer, a man with no ties or emotional or professional. Charlotte is a modern and independent woman, but barely has time to care for their three children. While Sacha and Charlotte are, at first glance, two incompatible beings, when they meet soon discover that they are quite complementary and need each other.
Vatelin and his wife Lucienne love tender love. Rédillon, a friend of the couple, has been courting Lucienne for years. Pontagnac, notorious womanizer and friend of the husband, has only been courting her for a few hours ... And Vatelin is enjoying this unusual situation. Everything spoils when Maggy returns, a very old English mistress of Vatelin who blackmails her by suicide if he refuses an appointment ... Lucienne has always sworn that she would take a lover as soon as proved her husband's infidelity. Who will be elected, who will be the turkey?
The Prince of Parma
A miniseries based on the novel.
Maître Volin
Marie tem 40 anos de idade, mas quando ela acorda, um dia, ela acredita ter apenas 25 anos. 15 anos de sua vida se apagaram de sua memória. Ela acorda no início de uma longa história de amor, que na verdade acaba de terminar. Entre os transtornos desta nova realidade, ela terá apenas quatro dias para reconquistar o homem de sua vida.
Bernard Bleu
Bernard - advanced rich snob, Gustave - the poor prodigal alcoholic. Both are absolutely sure that they are the fathers of Chloe and go along on her quest. Imagine their surprise when it turns out that Chloe's father's place is already occupied by an imposter...
Pierre Jourdan
Valerie é uma mulher ativa e exemplar. Psiquiatra por profissão, mãe, esposa e paroquiana irrepreensível. Ainda assim, Valerie é uma serial killer. Ela mata homens que são culpados de violência doméstica.
"Der Engel"
Richard Maurand
Armand / Maurice Teillard
Cannes, the French Riviera. Armand Teillard is happy with life; a busy store downtown, a delightful girlfriend, a magnificent record collection and lunch every day at Sofia and Martial's family restaurant with a perfect sea view. So when Sofia tells Armand that Zapetti, a property developer with mafia connections, is putting the squeeze on her to sell up, he is horrified. Armand is an easy-going guy, but when he gets mad... actually, Armand never gets mad. He leaves that to his twin brother, Maurice, The Whistler. When Maurice rides into town in his Aston Martin and designer suit, Zapetti, his mob and the corrupt local politicians are in trouble. But what if, behind the dyed hair and tinted contact lenses, Maurice and Armand are one and the same guy? Is Cannes big enough for the both of them?
A young woman announces to the man she has lived with for ten years that she is leaving him ... and that she is leaving him for his best friend.
But is it so easy to break up a couple and lose a friend? ... "
Olivier Morne Duplessis
À época de Brejnev, Andrei Filipov era o maior maestro da União Soviética e dirigia a célebre Orquestra do Bolshoi. Mas, após recusar se separar de seus músicos judeus, entre os quais estava o seu melhor amigo, Sacha, Andrei foi demitido em plena glória. Trinta anos depois, ele continua a trabalhar no Bolshoi... como faxineiro. Uma noite em que Andrei fica até mais tarde, para polir a escrivaninha do diretor, ele se depara com um fax encaminhado à direção do Teatro: trata-se de uma mensagem do Teatro de Châtelet, convidando a orquestra do Bolshoi para tocar em Paris. Subitamente, Andrei tem uma ideia louca: por que não reunir seus antigos companheiros músicos, que vivem hoje de pequenos biscates, e ir com eles a Paris, fazendo-se passar pelo Bolshoi? Enfim, a ocasião tão esperada de ter a sua revanche.
Raymond Rosen
Three men in a flat are waiting on a big drug deal that's about to go down in the neighborhood in a few days.
After several years in the United States, Sylvain heads back to France to attend his grandson’s christening. He wastes no time trying to catch up with his ex-wife and their children, but not everyone is pleased by his unexpected return...
Inspector Tarconi
Frank Martin (Jason Statham) é obrigado a transportar de Marselha até Odessa, no Mar Negro, Valentina (Natalya Rudakova), a filha sequestrada de Leonid Vasilev (Jeroen Krabbé), chefe da Agência de Protecção Ambiental da Ucrânia. No longo caminho, com a ajuda do Inspector Tarconi (François Berléand), Frank tem de lidar com as pessoas que o forçaram a fazer esse trabalho, como os agentes enviados por Vasilev para o interceptar e a total não cooperação de Valentina. Apesar da sua personalidade e da vontade de resistir a Frank, eles apaixonam-se, enquanto tentam fugir de situações bizarras, perigosas e fatais.
Albert Einstein
Um cientista francês precisa voltar para sua terra natal para tentar se relacionar com a filha após 15 anos. O reencontro dos dois não será fácil como ele pensava, pois ela já não é mais a filhinha do papai.
Um elegante e famoso vigarista de Paris tem um esquema de falsificação. Mas ele está preparado para partir para algo mais lucrativo na Riviera Francesa: diamantes. O problema é que ele tem um rival à sua altura e o fato pode gerar diversos problemas. Assim, todos se envolvem em um jogo que alia traições e muito dinheiro, no qual alguém, fatalmente, sairá perdendo.
Prosper Chicot
Baseado em uma história de Maupassant
"Resumption of a play created in 1983. Two shipwrecked people on a makeshift raft in the middle of a social conflict, a mountaineering fight on Mount Paterhorn, improbable friction between two men and a woman in the Yvelines ... The places, the situations change, but each time there is a confrontation. The question is not so much who will win, but to take pleasure in the arguments provided by the opponents. Cunning, bad faith, all blows are allowed in what is primarily a fight of words. "
Le mari
This lengthy domestic exclusive explores the filmmakers' adaptation of the original novel, changes made to the cinematic version, casting, the production itself, and director Guillaume Canet's efforts and work. It's a candid, well-conceived documentary that kept me entertained and engaged throughout. Harlan Coben, the author of Tell No One, talks about the film adaptation and how actor-director Guillaume Canet approached it. Later on, the director also shares his thoughts on the film while we see plenty of raw footage from the shooting process. Also, there is footage from Studio Labo M2 where the film's soundtrack was recorded. Finally, there are plenty of scattered comments from the cast addressing the film production.
Charles Denis, dit Saint-Denis
Uma bela jovem de 25 anos vive cercada por livros com sua mãe em Lyon, onde trabalha como a Garota do Tempo em um canal de TV a cabo. Certo dia, em um evento, ela conhece um grande escritor que é casado e trinta anos mais velho, e que acaba seduzindo a garota. Logo o homem se apaixona por ela, mas então descobre que terá de disputar o seu amor com um jovem milionário e desequilibrado. Assim, a garota se vê dividida, no meio de dois homens completamente diferentes, numa disputa pelo seu amor.
Il y a des jours où le destin entrecroise les vies, où les solitudes s'animent sous l'effet du hasard, où un événement bouleverse le cours de plusieurs vies. Six personnages vont se croiser, se réunir, s'abandonner, se retrouver alors que rien ne les prédisposait à se rencontrer. Un lien existe pourtant entre eux. Et le destin va se charger de le leur rappeler.
le commissaire Papan
Former school friends get together one weekend a year, this year in the mountains.
Lucas, a wealthy, 43 year-old divorced businessman, is irresistibly attracted to Elsa, a 38 year old renowned sculptor from whom he has commissioned a piece to decorate the reception at his office.
Eric Levkowitch
O pediatra Alex, arrasado desde a morte de sua esposa Margot, selvagemente assassinada a oito anos, ainda nos primeiros dias de seu matrimônio, recebe um e-mail anônimo revelando o rosto de Margot… estará ela viva? Porque ela pede ao seu marido que…Não Conte a Ninguém? São muitas questões que Alex não terá tempo de investigar...
Maurice Lecouvey
A hired labourer, Joseph, works on a farm inhabited by Monique, a war widow, and Jeanne, her captivating daughter who longs to escape to the big city.
Le Roi
Once upon a time there was a kingdom where dancing was forbidden by a tyrant king. Defying the edict of her father, the Princess Aurore continues to dance, for the amusement of herself and brother, Solal. With the kingdom virtually bankrupt, the King has no choice but to marry his daughter to a wealthy prince. As preparations are made for a ball that will set the seal on the marriage, the princess discovers that she is in love.
Michel Humeau
Uma juíza investiga executivo suspeito de se envolver em esquema de fraudes. Conforme avança, sua investigação a leva ao alto escalão do governo e ela se perde em um mundo de suborno e corrupção.
Edy Saïovici
Edy, an insurer with questionable morals, knows his business inside and out, so much so that he is not stingy with all kinds of schemes to help some of his privileged clients collect their spouse's life insurance. However, Edy is tired of this life, which does not really bring him satisfaction anymore. So he decides to end his life. As he tries to do so, he finds himself involved in a dark story.
Inspector Tarconi
O ex-agente das Forças Especiais Frank Martin, também conhecido por "The Transporter", está de volta. Agora retirado em Miami, Martin ganha a vida a conduzir para uma família abastada, incluindo o filho mais novo, com quem ele estabeleceu uma ligação inesperada. Mas quando o rapaz é raptado, Martin tem que usar todas as suas capacidades para o pôr em segurança e descobrir o plano do raptor.
Bertrand Fussac
Gardien à la Santé, Alex mène une petite vie tranquille aux côtés de son épouse Louisette et de son collègue et copain René. Muté au quartier des V.I.P., il se voit proposer par l'un des détenus, Bertrand, un businessman condamné pour affaires frauduleuses, un étrange marché : Claire, l'épouse de Bertrand, a décidé de se séparer d'un mari devenu encombrant tout en profitant de sa fortune. Alex est alors chargé de lui proposer une affaire financière alléchante mais bidon qui pourrait permettre à Bertrand de récupérer son argent. Désireux de mettre un peu de piment dans sa vie, Alex accepte de jouer le jeu et de se comporter pendant ses soirées en homme d'affaires suisse et discret ! Claire est séduite. Très vite, Bertrand réalise qu'Alex s'intéresse vraiment à sa femme, Claire découvre la supercherie financière et Louisette la trahison conjugale...
Not too excited Arthur asks marriage Lola. What should have been a quiet ceremony evolves in something bigger, expensive and overwhelming as family is involved. The organization of the best day of their lives threatens to destroy them.
Guy Bennet
Gustave Klopp suffers from narcolepsy, he can fall asleep everwhere at anytime whithout warning. Living a simple life with his wife Pam and his best friend Lenny Bar, Gus decides to undergo therapy sessions and finds out that he can make incredible comics from his dreams.
Pierre Demouthy
A irmã mais jovem é uma escritora que acabou de terminar um livro e mora no interior. Já a mais velha vive em Paris. Desde meninas elas estão separadas, apesar de manterem o contato, mas nunca mais conviveram juntos. Agora, a irmã mais nova está indo à Paris para encontrar um editor para o seu livro, e com isso irá passar três dias na casa de sua irmã. Elas terão de conviver com a estranheza inicial e irão descobrir várias coisas sobre cada uma, o que vai modificar a vida delas para sempre.
Benny Schwarz
When a famous American film director, Rudolph Grichenberg, comes to Paris to cast a Yiddish version of 'The Merchant of Venice,' Maurice Kurtz and his friends try out for the role of Shylock. Thinking he has finally been cast in an important film role after years of obscurity, Maurice rushes home to tell his beloved wife, Perla. Later, Maurice discovers the part has gone to a famous American star, but he must play the role of his life to be sure Perla, who has become very ill with cancer, doesn't find out.
A husband wants to win back his wife, even though she has been living with her lesbian lover for six months.
Vigilante, a small armored truck company, is in full crisis mode. Victim of three violent hold-ups in a year, which left no survivors, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy and its employees are extremely worried. Some even suggest a complicity between the robbers and the firm. It is in this difficult context that a man, Alexandre Demarre, one morning presents himself to start his first day of work at Vigilante.
Pierre Morhange é um famoso maestro que retorna à sua cidade-natal ao saber do falecimento de sua mãe. Lá ele encontra um diário mantido por seu antigo professor de música, Clémente Mathieu, através do qual passa a relembrar sua própria infância. Mais exatamente a década de 40, quando passou a participar de um coro organizado pelo professor, que terminou por revelar seus dotes musicais.
A married Frenchwoman living in Brazil returns to her native country to visit her ailing elderly mother. There, she ends up rekindling a love affair with a man whom she hadn't seen in twelve years.
Monsieur Meinau
In a suburb of Paris, the clumsy efforts of two friends in their twenties to make themselves loved by two young students.
Michel, a young man idolized by his mother, falls in love with Madeleine. What he does not know is that the young woman is already the mistress of his father, Georges.
François Maurey
François Maurey, the head of a computer company, has developed a product that's sought after by the Americans, but he refuses to sell it to them. While his wife Caroline is preparing to leave him after 25 years of marriage, François has to face various people in his life, including new arrival, Florence, a troubled and mysterious young woman who enters François's life and causes havoc.
François, le garagiste
Dans une petite ville du Nord, François, le garagiste, va consulter Vincent, le psy. À la question posée : "Ma femme me dit qu'elle ne peut prendre du plaisir qu'avec les assassins. Pas de crime. Pas d'orgasme. Que dois-je faire, Docteur ?. La réponse du praticien est simple : "Entrez dans son fantasme. Inventez-vous un crime !"
After a shoplifter finds herself unexpectedly released on parole, she pays a call on the judge at her flat. The judge, Carole Rewinsky, does not tell Tina that her elease was only a clerical error. The two find they share things in common other than the judicial system, like a mutual interest in shoes. Carole allows Tina to crash on her chesterfield... Carole spots a pimp trolling for young girls at a café. Carole failed to put him away the last time, but now, with Tina agreeing to be the bait, she has a chance for better luck... The two find they complement one another well, like champagne and cassis. Carole needs to go to Annecy to crack a crooked casino case. Annecy happens to be Tina's home town... Written by David Carless
Jean-Claude Adam
Jean-Claude, a bent night-club owner, on his way escaping to Mexico, unfortunately had an accident with a young couple on a motorcycle. But Cédric has witnessed the accident.
François Charles-Leconte
This film follows father Ahmed and son Tarik Karaga during WWII and the Siege of Sarajevo.
jean-Louis Broustal
Bastien, an ambitious young production assistant, catches the attention of Jean-Louis, a producer of high regard, and is granted a shot at his own television show.
Inspector Tarconi
O ex-operador das Forças Especiais Frank Martin vive o que parece ser uma vida tranquila ao longo do Mediterrâneo francês. Na verdade ele é um transportador mercenário levando bens, humanos ou não, de um lugar para outro, sem fazer perguntas sobre que tipo de mercadoria foi contratado para transportar.
Jean-Marc Faure é médico de formação e investigador brilhante na OMS. Marido dedicado e pai extremoso, Jean-Marc mantém igualmente uma relação afetuosa com os seus pais e de proximidade e respeito com os amigos. Pelo menos durante dezoito longos anos todos acreditaram que assim fosse. No entanto, a verdade pode revestir-se de uma devastadora faceta de crueldade e podem revelar-se trágicos os caminhos para dela fugir. E mais dramático será perceber-se que o filme se baseia com rigor numa história verídica ocorrida em França no ainda próximo ano de 1993.
Inspecteur de police
Gilles de Maistre's political thriller Féroce (Ferocious) is about a man seeking revenge. Arab Alain (Samy Naceri) decides to join a fascistic French political party in order to assassinate the leader, Legle (Jean-Marc Thibault). Alain comes to this decision when his girlfriend's brother is murdered after he had defaced some of the party's paraphernalia. To improve the party's public stance on immigrants, Alain is hired as a security guard. Legle's daughter is attracted to Alain, who is tempted enough by the girl to abandon some of his religious convictions.
Le curé
13th century France. To live, to survive, requires weapons. Which do you choose? Weapons of war, which give the power to punish and kill? Or the sword of knowledge, which gives the power to read and heal? Two brothers, separated long ago, must do battle. Alongside, and coming between them, a woman... Thomas, the mercenary, his body marked by scars of varying degrees of valor, left the family farm many years ago. When he returns, his mother, the local healer, is dead. She passed on her skills to her younger son, Arnaud. But he has lost his memory after a beating from a gang of ruthless outlaws. And so, Arnaud's young and defiantly resourceful wife, Guillemette, must persuade Thomas to help her in the quest for lost knowledge.
After a brutal attack, a 19-year-old girl falls into a self-destructive cycle.
After the death of her father, whom she never knew, a young woman finds herself at the head of a large company.
Jacques, 50-something bachelor painter and great seducer, is about to receive the charming Claire for dinner. Broke but clever, Jacques concocted a sumptuous meal. Everything looks great when, suddenly, a door slams and turns the evening into a fiasco. Jacques will have to change his plans, play the unexpected. However, that evening, it is the unexpected that will play with him.
A man decides to pose as his friend and claim to be the father of a child that isn't his.
un patient
When his long-time disappeared father is entering his life again, Jean-Luc, a successful doctor, has no option but to face his own life story. Will he ever be able to forget and forgive?
Impersonator (voices)
Ils sont cinq tueurs. Francis, le chef, Louis le parano, Victor, l'accro aux series tele, M'sieur, fan de tamagochi et Marchand, dont la femme est la seule certitude. Elle le croit representant en chaussures. Jusqu'au jour ou elle decouvre la verite. Une discussion plus qu'orageuse suit, au cours de laquelle il lui balance un coup de poing d'une telle force qu'elle tombe dans le coma. Marchand est effondre. Il acquiert la conviction que, s'il se rachete, elle se reveillera. Il decide non seulement de raccrocher mais encore de sauver ses hypothetiques victimes.
Corbi, the recruiter
A young woman goes on a slightly different job interview.
(segment "Cyrano")
Twelve short stories about racism in every day life.
le commandant Lefèvre
French war ship is arriving to Polynesian shore during at 1918 - and adventures begin...
After the departure of their husbands for the 1914 war, two women have to run an oil mill.
Nigel Pope's Associate
A young girl is plucked from small-town obscurity and thrust into the spotlight of the glamorous world of super-models.
Baron Axel de Fersen
Uma trupe de jovens e belos atores segue pela estrada. Logo chegarão num enorme e assombroso castelo, onde vão encenar uma peça para um garoto solitário e seu avô, um homem sinistro, que parece devorar as pessoas com os olhos.
A noite segue calma nesse ambiente arrepiante, mas aos poucos uma onde de terror se espalha. alguém vestido com a fantasia de lobo usada na peça começa a atacar um a um.
A serial killer is on the loose in Paris and he seems to be an american citizen working in the US embassy and being in the middle of a french-american economical affair.
François Nègre
Les Acteurs is the absurd story of Jean-Pierre Marielle desperately waiting for a cup of hot water, the story of a conspiracy against actors, the story of aging actors whose careers are slowly less active than they used to be, but a stunning tribute to French actors and their cinema.
Le passager désagréable
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
Maxime Nassieff
A wood worker is trying hard to make his company survive every day... But a fire in his workshop leaves him in a lot of trouble when he realizes his insurer was swindling him - he does not have any insurance... That's when a crazy idea grows in his mind - he will need all his friends and their different talents to make it work...
A French-Greek co-production, filmed in Paris, in which the forty-year-old Maxim is released from prison after five years in prison. As he tries to adjust to life on the outside, he accidentally meets a Parisian taxi-driver who commits suicide right before his eyes. Without a pause he takes the dead cabbie's place behind the wheel and starts making the rounds of the city, transporting passengers (Jean-Pierre Léaud plays the role of a client who recites Cavafy throughout the entire ride). He feels the air of freedom, a lord of Paris and master of himself, up to the moment that he meets young Anies, and his life falls into new paths. In the end, he takes off, destination unknown.
A clown from Romania (Ticky Holgado) has more than amusing tricks for children on his mind -- he has in his possession a computer disc with information wanted by the police, several organized crime figures and the European Agency for Atomic Energy.
le docteur Nataf
This French romantic comedy-drama concerns Claude Langmann, a middle-aged auctioneer, who is in a loving marriage with his second wife of 15 years. Though he is deeply in love with his wife and has remained faithful to her, he finds himself unable to perform in bed. His wife says she is satisfied with Claude's love and tenderness, but he visits a sex specialist anyway. There he learns of Viagra, which is not yet approved in France, though it is available in Switzerland over the counter. Soon Claude is on his way to Geneva, and eager to prove his manhood, tries to bed Agnes, his very attractive and very available assistant. His daughter, who also comes along for the trip, interferes with her own problems.
Laurent hasn't seen his father since the age of two. His father has just had an accident. He almost died. Laurent refuses to go see this father who always acted as if he didn't exist. Julie, his girlfriend, tries to convince him.
Embora profundamente apaixonada pelo seu namorado - e, na verdade a dormir na mesma cama que ele - uma professora de escola não consegue lidar com a quase total falta de intimidade que ele permite. Cada vez mais frustrada, progressivamente ela descobre que os seus apetites sexuais a levam a situações cada vez de maior risco, incluindo uma que se está a desenvolver com o diretor.
One hot summer's day in a little french town, a building worker accidentally finds the skeleton of a newborn baby and calls the police. Detective Jacques Deveure (Vincent Winterhalter) is placed in charge of the investigation. His investigation uncovers evidence of numerous shady dealings, revealing a strange underbelly of the private lives of a cadre of people including Grandier (Francois Berleand) and Blandine Piancet (Audrey Tautou). This multi-layered story continually unveils new twists and turns.
Fashion executive Dominique's obsession for Quentin, a young bisexual hustler, fills her desire for physical love but leaves her taxed emotionally. Twists and turns in the relationship, along with the man's violent and abusive nature, force Dominique to reconcile the conflicts created by her passion. In this quest, Dominique is aided, and sometimes hindered, by friends, clients, and Quentin's former and current acquaintances.
Eric Malivert
Catherine Deneuve vive a enigmática Marianne, a esposa alcoólatra de Vincent Malivert (Bernard Fresson), diretor de uma das mais prestigiadas joalharias da famosa praça Vendôme. Depois de se envolver em negócios suspeitos, Vincent se suicida, deixando dívidas e sua mulher numa situação complicada. Marianne que vive numa espécie de letargia alcoólica, refugiando-se frequentemente em casas de repouso, muda completamente sua rotina depois de encontrar sete magníficos diamantes no cofre do marido. Mas outras pessoas procuram também estas pedras preciosas.
Paul, the uncle / Raymond, the father
Cora is a teenager and has a lot of problems (mostly because of the relationship with her parents). One day she meets Katz, a hypnotizer who makes shows in the whole country, and his assistant Pedro. Then she manages to convince Katz to bring her with him in order to teach her his job. Thus Cora leaves her home without saying any word to her parents and begins a long trip through France with a very tumultuous relationship with Katz and Pedro.
Inspecteur Chevalot
Michel, a children's book author, has always been successful in life until the day his wife leaves him for a Chinese person. Planning on killing his rival, he starts looking for them.
Captain Michel Blaney is an unconventional cop who does not have only friends within the police force. Before leaving to find his daughter, Louisiane, whom he hasn't seen in 15 years, the police officer is given a routine mission by his chief: to watch over a supermarket that is the scene of a major cash transfer. As a gunfight breaks out with the robbers, Blaney sees the two cashiers, Liliane and Malika, running away with the store's takings. He decides to follow them, even if it means missing his train. Very quickly, in the presence of the two young women, his paternal instinct will incite him to stay with them and help them to return to the right path.
Le docteur
A bored, sexually frustrated woman's life improves when she begins hypnotherapy and tries feng shui, but her husband's life unravels.
Le boiteux
Marcellin runs the vineyards on the property where he lives with his mother. Since the death of his fiancée he thinks only of his work, until the day Willie is caught stealing grapes. The young man will stay and work in the vineyard to pay his debt. Between them, the friendship slowly turns into love, making the bad tongues of the village speak until the drama that will separate them.
Fred (Vincent Lindon) is a former crane driver who was a victim of the closure of his factory. He takes care of the little boy of his girlfriend (Clotilde Courau), does the housework and sometimes goes to the job center but boredom is inescapable. One day, because he accepted to drive a truck for a friend to a warehouse, he's caught up in a vicious spiral that goes beyond him. It's all the more serious as shady men want to eliminate him an the police is on his back.
Commander Bouvier
The last days of World War I, Eastern front. Captain Conan, a lone wolf, a true warrior, leads a band of ruthless French fighters who love hand-to-hand combat; they are not fit for peacetime, they only feel really alive in the chaos of the battlefield.
Monsieur Jo
Set in France at the end of World War II Albert Dehousse finds out his father wasn't a war hero and his mother is a collaborator.
A young investigative journalist is about to publish a book with revelations about power and corruption. Three days before her television appearance, her apartment is devastated by an explosion. Forced into exile, she goes to the countryside where she meets a particularly endearing person.
Two girls meet on a train: Prune is looking for her father whom she has not seen since she was a little girl, Marina is looking for the mother she has never had. Prune learns that her father took his life and then she accidentally dies by drowning. Marina decides to assume her identity and begins a correspondence with Prune's mother.
Lt. Boisset
In the beginning of the Second World War, Germans, Austrians and persons without nationality living in France are sent to the concentration camp of Les Milles by France government. Commander Charles Perrochon is the responsible for this camp and he promises to the leaders of the prisoners to protect them from the Nazis. When France is invaded by the Germans, Commander Perronchon will disobey orders and his superiors trying to save these men. He gets a train, a ship and money from USA to send about eight hundred of these prisoners to the safety of Casablanca, in Marrocos.
Insp. Durieux
Com a ambição de abrir uma boutique no exterior, mas sem meios para isso, Nathalie se encontra em uma situação desesperadora, onde faria qualquer coisa para adquirir o que precisa. Junto com seu namorado, Eric, e seu amigo Bruno, ela inventa um plano onde ela seduz homens sem noção e os acompanha até suas casas, e então deixa que Eric e Bruno as invadam. Mas os três logo encontram problemas depois que um de seus esquemas termina em assassinato.
This European drama, set in Paris, follows a brilliant musician as he suddenly forsakes his career, to live and love amongst the common populace. Armand is the violinist who yearns to experience that life and to share his music with everyone, not just the wealthy and the elite. He leaves the glittering world of classical music without a backward glance and takes up residence in the Paris metro where he is surrounded by beggars and tramps. There he meets and becomes friends with Lydia, a metro employee.
After the accidental death of his son on a racetrack, Edward Milan, a wealthy industrialist, asks his nephew to find his grandson, who has been living in an orphanage for eleven years and whose existence he has just learned. But the boy, named Martineau, is suspicious of the police since he has been unjustly accused of shoplifting. He runs away when the two uniforms in charge of taking him back to his grandfather's house appear. He manages to find lodging with an old lady, a kleptomaniac at times, then with a theater prop master who is persecuted by his fiancée and finally with a lonely veterinarian.
Un vendeur
Mr. K is a do-it-yourselfer and he works very seriously. One day he has a problem with one of his screws. Furious, he decides to complain at the administration office of the Department Store of Non Ferrous Metals!..
Le cousin
Elle (Isabelle Gélinas) wants to make a film about African wildlife. Adrien (Eric Métayer) is obsessed with the idea of making love to Elle in a very peculiar and theatrical imaginary bedroom. Perhaps following a principle of sympathetic magic, he arranges for a crew of eccentric friends to help create the bedroom of his dreams. If one part of his dream comes true, perhaps the other one will.
Alain Denizet
Handsome Jules has problems with school and girls. His domineering dad doesn't make matters easier, although his mom is supportive of her only child. Contemplating an extramarital affair, Claude Jade attempts to discreetly shop for condoms, a cute twist on what is traditionally a teenage boy's awkward ordeal.
No sul da França, uma família se reúne em sua propriedade no campo para o funeral da matriarca, ao mesmo tempo em que ocorrem as revoltas estudantis de 1968 em Paris. Mesmo com as notícias dos tumultos chegando pelo rádio, a família ainda se concentra em pequenas brigas e assuntos pessoais.
An old man, former clown, comes back in the neighborhood where he used to lived for the funeral of his ex-wife, and finds old friends with whom he had lost contact.
Generał Charles Tristan de Montholon
On the island of Saint Helena, a prisoner Napoleon resisted allies who, through the voice of the English governor, Hudson Lowe, tried to humiliate him, break him, poison him in the figurative sense of the word, and perhaps literally.
A perfectly innocent computer jockey becomes the prime suspect in a bank robbery. Among the tribulations he must suffer is that the real culprit is his landlady. Another source of suffering for the poor man is his extremely strong-willed mother, whose wants must be catered to. Meanwhile, he is being rabidly pursued by one of his female coworkers, who has taken a shine to him.
Father Michel
Uma história comovente de amizade e perda devastadora sobre dois meninos que vivem na França ocupada pelos nazistas. Em um internato católico provincial, os jovens precoces conhecem a verdadeira camaradagem – até que um segredo é revelado.
When an informer is executed, his dismembered remains found in several bin bags, Fred, a resilient police inspector, leads the murder investigation with his customary dogged determination.
Zaccharia Pasdeloup
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?
Le beau-frère de Loïc
Loïc, a chestnut seller, has a mistress who wants a baby. Not daring to admit to her that he had the mumps late in life, he finds other excuses. Until the day he meets Claire, an old girlfriend, who has a little boy. Loïc finds the resemblance between the little boy and himself enormous and is convinced that he is his father...
postal worker
In a most unusual, near menage a trois, Charlotte is a terrified young singer who is forced to hide out at the home of her ex-boyfriend -- her current male companion has been murdered in his apartment, and she fears the worst. The trouble is that Mathieu, her ex, is happily living with his new love Christine.
l'inspecteur de police receleur
Two friends, one a musician the other constantly depressed wander around Greece and France till they get to Paris without a penny to their name. Here they spend nights in the underground, and squat in houses with the African immigrants. One day they both fall in love with Mathilde a blond dancer and follow her to New York.
Inspecteur de la Mondaine
A Paris police detective plays rough with a prostitute and her pimp/lover, whom he wants as an informant.
Le témoin escroc
A man walks a length of railroad track, looking for his elderly mother whom he believes fell from the train at some point. He brings his daughter along.
A loving couple Martin and Lea have some problems with each other too.