Paul Allen


Animator for Disney Studios with a focus on Donald Duck.


The Trial of Donald Duck
Donald is caught in the rain while eating his lunch. He ducks into a restaurant for a cup of coffee, but Chez Pierre is a very ritzy place, and by the time all is said and done, he's facing a bill for $35.99, and he only got a drop of coffee, and he only has a nickel. Pierre takes him to court, where this story is told, and is ordered to pay $10 or wash dishes for ten days.
Donald's Dream Voice
Donald is trying to sell brushes door-to-door, but since nobody can understand him, nobody will buy anything. He happens across a street vendor selling voice pills. They work great, but he's only got a limited number so of course, the last pill ends up in various inconvenient places.
Drip Dippy Donald
Donald gets off the bus and heads home hoping to get a good night's sleep. At first, his plans for rest are disturbed by an open window shade which lets light from a flashing sign in. After that problem is dealt with, Donald is kept awake by a persistently dripping faucet. Donald tries to ignore it but after a while, it becomes aggravating to put it mildly. Donald makes several attempts to stop the dripping and finally at least is able to keep it under control via a Rube Goldberg contraption. At this point, Donald receives a call from his water company telling him he hasn't paid his water bill so they're cutting off his water!
Wide Open Spaces
Donald is travelling the countryside and decides to rest for the night. He refuses to stay at the motel because of its $16 fee so he sets up camp in a woodland area. First he has problems blowing up the air mattress, then by a troublesome boulder, and finally after the air mattress is blown up, it deflates sending Don riding through the air back to the motel where it is presumed he changed his mind and slept there for the night and must pay the $16.
Sleepy Time Donald
Donald Duck would never believe it, but he suffers from sleepwalking. In this blessed innocent state he makes a nightly call at Daisy's, as if it were the time of their romantic appointment; knowing one should not wake or contradict a sleepwalker, she plays along, but finds it increasingly difficult to follow Donald and prevent him coming to harm when he ignorantly strolls the most dangerous places, such as the lion's cage in the zoo, including impossible ones, such as up a wall and even upside down. When she finally gets Donald safely in bed, he wakes up and thinks, seeing her sneak out, she's the sleepwalker.
Old Sequoia
Donald is a park ranger, assigned to protect the giant tree Old Sequoia from a pair of beavers that bear a striking resemblance in their tactics and speech to Chip 'n' Dale.
O Crime de Donald
O Crime de Donald (Donald's Crime) é um curta-metragem de animação americano de 1945 produzido pela Walt Disney Productions e lançado pela RKO Radio Pictures. O desenho, que parodia os dramas de crimes noir da época, segue o Pato Donald enquanto ele luta contra a culpa depois de roubar US $ 1,25 de seus sobrinhos.
The Plastics Inventor
Donald is listening to a radio program that tells how to build an airplane from plastic, in a process much like baking a cake, cookies, and making toast. He takes it out for a test flight, still guided by the radio, and it works wonderfully. Until the radio interviewer asks if there's any problems: yes, it melts when it gets wet. Of course, Donald instantly flies into a rain cloud, and has to battle his plane as it disintegrates.
Donald e o Gorila
Donald e seus sobrinhos estão em casa, ouvindo as assustadoras notícias, e o tio resolve sacanear os pobres coitados, dando um baita susto neles com luvas peludas. Os trigêmeos resolvem contra-atacar, e até conseguem, mas nisso surge o verdadeiro gorila, e começa a confusão!
Trombone Trouble
Pegleg Pete is practicing his trombone, badly. So badly, it's annoying the gods Jupiter and Vulcan and neighbor Donald. Only Donald has the temerity to confront him. He does, and Pete kicks him back home. The gods see this, and decide to give Donald a little bit of power which instantly goes to his head.
Home Defense
Donald is manning a listening post and falls asleep; he blows trumpet calls in his sleep and wakes his nephews. For their revenge, they send up a model airplane filled with gingerbread men with parachutes; Donald shoots it down, and cowers in fear when he sees the parachutes (and hears a simulated battle), until one lands on his beak. Donald kicks his nephews out until he mistakes a bee for an airplane, and calls them back to fight this menace.
The Old Army Game
The old shell game gets a new face as Donald stays off-base past "Taps" and has to try to sneak back in with out alerting Pete.
Fall Out - Fall In
Private Donald Duck is on a long, long training march, growing steadily more exhausted. Finally, they reach their camp location, and despite Donald's desire for dinner, he follows orders to pitch his tent first. He finally gives up on the tent as night falls. But as he tries to get to sleep, the loud shoring of the other soldiers forces him to bury his head. Finally, he gets to sleep, just as reveille sounds and the march continues.
Bellboy Donald
Donald tries his best to be polite and dignified as a hotel bellboy. But when his first guest is Pete Junior, the job is next to impossible.
Sky Trooper
Donald is stuck on KP at an air training base. Sergeant Pete gives him a huge pile of potatoes to peel first, then gives him some tests: close your eyes and touch fingers, pin the tail on the airplane. He finally gets sent aloft, only to discover it's a parachute jump. Eventually, both Donald and Pete end up falling with no chutes and a bomb.
The Vanishing Private
Private Duck is a camouflage painter. He paints a giant cannon with some very gaudy colors, until Sergeant Pete explains that the point is to make it so the cannon can't be seen. Donald finds a bucket of experimental invisible paint and makes the cannon disappear. Pete isn't happy with this, and knocks Donald into the paint, then chases him, until he runs into the general. As Pete tries to explain, Donald prods him with a cactus, then goes off to steal some pies. Eventually, Pete goes berserk and starts throwing grenades willy-nilly and gets in more trouble with the general.
Alô, Amigos
Apresentando personagens como Zé Carioca, Pedro, um avião mirim do correio e os famosos Pato Donald e Pateta, em aventuras espetaculares! Pato Donald é um turista americano que embarca em uma incrível viagem pelos Andes! Pedro é um aviãozinho que voa pelo Chile e enfrenta uma terrível tempestade, passando por maus bocados para atravessar o Monte Aconcágua. Em Buenos Aires, Pateta aprende a usar o equipamento de montaria e danças típicas argentinas. Recheado com coloridas cenas de Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro e músicas como "Aquarela do Brasil", Pato Donald conhece os pontos turísticos mais belos do Rio de Janeiro e de quebra ainda aprende a sambar.
Donald Gets Drafted
Donald Fauntleroy Duck gets his draft notice and goes in, past all the amazingly enticing recruiting posters, to sign up. First he has to pass the physical. Despite his flat feet, he makes it. Donald wants to fly, but first he has to make it through Sergeant Pete's boot camp. He has a terrible time with close-order drills, and standing at attention without moving when he's over an ant-hill proves a real challenge. Eventually, Donald ends up on endless KP.
Donald, O Cozinheiro
Donald está ouvindo um programa de rádio enquanto cozinha waffles. Mas ele se distrai e usa cimento em vez de fermento em pó.
Old MacDonald Duck
Farmer Donald goes through his farmer day until a fly causes him to lose control while milking a cow.
O Inspetor de Disciplina Donald
O xerife Donald encontra seus sobrinhos matando aula para nadar. Quando ele tenta repreendê-los, descobre que eles são mais espertos do que ele pensava.
Cedo para a Cama
Donald precisa dormir para acordar bem cedo, mas parece que tudo está conspirando para que isso não aconteça.
Hobo Donald steals dinner off Pegleg Pete's table. Pete gives Donald a stick of dynamite. Then he puts Donald to work chopping trees. To say Donald is an inept lumberjack is understating the case. After several mishaps, Pete/Pierre chases Donald on railroad handcars.
Donald's Vacation
Donald takes a kayak trip. When he gets to his campsite, he unloads the kayak, fights with his folding chair, and goes to sleep. Meanwhile, the chipmunks of the forest (precursors of Chip 'n Dale), attracted by his squawking, make off with the huge pile of food he carelessly unloaded. They get the attention of a bear, who Donald is soon battling.
Donald Adora Dançar
Donald vai a casa de Margarida. No entanto, seus sobrinhos também aparecem por lá.
Lavanderia de Cachorros do Donald
Donald constrói um "Lavador Moderno de Cachorro" e Pluto tem de ser a cobaia desta nova invenção. Tudo que o Pato Donald tem que fazer é achar um jeito de colocar Pluto dentro da máquina.
The Autograph Hound
While trying to collect autographs at a Hollywood studio, Donald meets a number of movie stars, and runs afoul of a security guard.
O Pinguim do Donald
Donald recebe por correio um pinguim direto do Polo Sul.
Donald's Cousin Gus
Donald's cousin Gus Goose arrives unexpectedly. Despite the note from his mother saying "he don't eat much," he's soon eating Donald out of house and home.
Trapalhadas no Hockey
Donald mostra aos seus sobrinhos os filmes quando ele venceu o seu troféu de hóquei. Mas os meninos têm alguns movimentos próprios.
Donald's Lucky Day
Donald Duck, delivery boy, is hired to deliver a mysterious package on Friday the Thirteenth. He is hindered by a bothersome black cat -- and by the fact that the package contains a live bomb.
Good Scouts
Donald is leading a scout troop consisting of his nephews on a hike in the woods. Donald isn't nearly the expert on the woods that he thinks he is, much to the amusement of the boys. In a bid for sympathy, he douses himself in catsup and fakes injury; the boys bandage him so thoroughly he can't see, and he stumbles into a pot of honey, and is soon getting all too much attention from a bear.
Donald's Nephews
Donald's sister Dumbella sends her three sons Huey, Dewey, and Louie to visit their uncle Donald. They prove to be quite a handful for Donald, even with help from his book on child rearing.
Donald's Better Self
Schoolboy Donald is torn between his angel and devil sides, though in Donald's case, the devil side isn't hard to resist. But the smoking he's encouraged to do turns him green and gives him regrets, and when the good side shows up and kicks evil's butt, Donald cheers.
Self Control
Donald hears a radio philosopher advise to laugh and count ten when he gets angry. He tries it successfully, then settles into his hammock for a nap. Between a caterpillar and the hen chasing it, he's soon tangled up and counting ten again. He also shrugs off a bird using his lemonade as a birdbath, but when a woodpecker attacks his apple tree, burying Donald in apples, he snaps.
A Avestruz do Donald
Donald trabalha em uma estação ferroviária e parte da última carga é Hortense a avestruz, que é um pouco amigável com Donald, e come tudo à vista.
Invenções Modernas
Donald entra no museu de Invenções Modernas e acaba recebendo muito mais do que esperava. De uma máquina automática de fazer pacotes até uma fantástica cadeira de barbeiro, Donald acaba se atrapalhando todo.
Woodland Café
Bugs of all kinds convene on a jazz club for an evening of fun.
O Dia de Mudança
Mickey Mouse, Pato Donald e Pateta, tentam sair de mudança antes que o xerife chegue para vender seus móveis.
Mickey's Grand Opera
Mickey is preparing to conduct an opera when he chases Pluto away. Pluto crashes into a magician's props backstage and spars with the hat, its rabbits, and its doves. The opera begins: Clarabelle plays flute, Clara and Donald are the leads in Romeo and Juliet. Pluto follows the magic hat onstage, to Mickey's growing annoyance. The hat falls into a tuba, and soon the animals are filling the stage.
O Piquenique dos Órfãos
Mickey e Donald levam no caminhão os meninos para um um piquenique. Os meninos tem prazer em atormentar Donald.
No Gelo
O Mickey e os amigos se divertem patinando num rio congelado, cada um do seu jeito. Enquanto Mickey e Minnie deslizam romanticamente, Donald prega peças em Pluto, que acaba em apuros com uma pipa, do qual Mickey deve salvá-lo.
Mickey's Fire Brigade
Mickey, Donald and Goofy are a fire department. As you might expect, their attempts at fighting a boardinghouse fire are not particularly effective. They hear Clarabelle singing in the bathtub and rescue her, tub and all, against her will (she won't believe there's a fire).
The Cookie Carnival
Cookies, pastries, and other desserts have a parade.
Mickey's Service Station
Mickey, Goofy & Donald have 10 minutes to fix Pete's car. Or else!
Two-Gun Mickey
Minnie rides into town and takes a large sack of money out of the bank. Pegleg Pete gathers his gang to take it from her, and they chase her out of town. Lonesome cowboy Mickey, who met Minnie earlier and was told she could take care of herself, sees this chase unfolding from his high perch, and rides down to save the day.
O Flautista Encantado
A cidade de Hamelin estava sofrendo com uma infestação de ratos. Um dia, chega à cidade um homem dizendo ter a solução para o problema. Prometeram-lhe um bom pagamento em troca da eliminação dos ratos: um saco de moedas de ouro. O homem aceitou o acordo, pegou uma flauta e hipnotizou os ratos, levando-os para fora da cidade. Porém, os habitantes de Hamelin não cumpriram o acordo, mas sofreram as consequências disso.
Puppy Love
Mickey's in trouble when Pluto and Fifi eat Minnie's chocolates.