Oksana Akinshina

Oksana Akinshina

Nascimento : 1987-04-19, Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Oksana Akinshina was born in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg, Russia), where she currently lives. Her father was a car mechanic and her mother an accountant. She has a younger sister. Starting acting at age 12, Akinshina was discovered by Sergei Bodrov, Jr., and she made her screen début in the Russian crime film Sisters (2001), Bodrov's own directorial début.Her second film, Lilya 4-Ever (2001), earned her a 2002 European Film Award nomination for Best Actress. She lost, however, to the eight actresses of the film 8 Women (2002), directed by François Ozon. For her role in Lilya 4-Ever, she also received the award for Best Actress in Leading Role from the Guldbagge Awards, Sweden's national film awards.Since then Akinshina has acted in the films Het Zuiden, directed by Martin Koolhoven, and The Bourne Supremacy (2004), directed by Paul Greengrass. From 2007 to 2010, Akinshina was married to businessman Dmitry Litvinov, with whom she has a son, Filip Litvinov, born 2 June 2009. In 2012, she remarried to film producer Archil Gelovani. On 15 January 2013, Akinshina gave birth to her second son Konstantin, and on 29 January 2017, she gave birth to a daughter.


Oksana Akinshina
Oksana Akinshina
Oksana Akinshina
Oksana Akinshina


A horrific car accident turns a married couple's lives upside down. Artist Maria's husband, businessman Kirill, becomes disturbingly perfect. Is he repenting his mistakes and trying to make up for what he almost lost forever, or is it all a figment of Maria's injured imagination? A series of increasingly strange coincidences and signs suggest that Maria can no longer trust herself.
Беспринципные в деревне
General Khadyakov turns sixty. He decides to ditch Moscow for a day and celebrate his birthday in an authentic Russian village with an immersive countryside experience. Fishing, a jolly feast, a visit to the banya, and a farm-style spa - that's the plan, and all of his beloved friends are coming. But the party goes awry: the rich guests manage to turn the whole village against themselves, get into a nasty quarrel and lose all the food.
Mistério da Terra dos Doces
Svetlana Boeva
Pouco antes do Ano Novo, os destinos de Katya e Sonya, duas garotas com condições de vida opostas, se entrelaçam de maneira inesperada. Elas são completamente diferentes: uma mora com seu irmão mais novo em um orfanato, e a segunda mora com seu pai rico e uma governanta em uma mansão rural. A única coisa que Sonya não tem é sua mãe, que desapareceu sem explicações. Mas o destino tem um segredo guardado para as duas. Quando Sonya vai ao circo, Katya e seu irmão também estão lá. O encontro das crianças fará com que vivam uma incrível jornada, enquanto tentam resolver um grande mistério.
Chernobyl: O Filme
Três heróis silenciosos prontos para arriscarem suas próprias vidas para evitar uma catástrofe ainda maior na usina nuclear de Chernobyl.
Estranho Passageiro - Sputnik
Tatyana Yuryevna
URSS, 1983. O herói cosmonauta soviético Vladimir Veshnyakov traz uma criatura alienígena para a terra... em seu próprio corpo. No laboratório secreto da cidade de regime, a neurofisiologista Tatyana Klimova tenta salvar o astronauta do monstro, descobrindo que ela está experimentando mais do que um interesse profissional em seu paciente.
Where Does the Sea Flow?
A conversation between famous politician and a teenager changes both of them...
Anton's mother
Ainda vivendo o luto pela perda traumática de seu irmão, uma adolescente começa a enfrentar outros problemas. Durante o sono, ela tem pesadelos vivídios e assustadores que são praticamente indistinguíveis da realidade. Procurando soluções, a menina recorre a um instituto de sonologia que promete livrá-la desse problema. Acompanhada de outros pacientes, a garota é induzida a um sono lúcido coletivo que se torna pior do que qualquer pesadelo que ela já teve.
Super Family. Better Than Avengers
The continuations of the adventures of Bobrov family all members of which suddenly became superheroes...
Victor aka Hammer is an MMA champion with the world title fight ahead. After running into the mobster Shark Hammer gets injured but is still determined to win. Victor doesn't know Shark will stick at nothing to make Victor lose.
Super Family
A whole Bobrov family suddenly become superheroes...
SOS, Santa Claus or Everything Will Come True!
A little girl Sveta has only one New Year wish - to make peace between her parents.
8 New Dates
Vera and Nikita have been married for 3 years. In the midst of another joyful quarrel they exchange views on what should be a "normal man" and "a good wife." And the next morning ... everyone wakes up with a "perfect half." Nikita has a blonde wife blonde, which is a good cook; Vera has a caring husband, a businessman, he buys her favorite breakfast croissants. With whom is life better? Be careful with your dreams - sometimes they come true!
Vysotsky. Four Hours of Real Life
Russian poet, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was an idol of the 1970s and '80s. In 1980, at the age of 42, he passed away during the Moscow Olympic Games. This is the story of his last great love as handed down to his son from a family friend. Written by nitorch.
8 First Dates
Vera is a TV star, her fiancé Constantine - a professional tennis player. They're going to get married soon. Veterinarian Nikita and beautiful surgeon Ilona are also in a hurry to formalize the relationship. But one crazy morning destroy all their plans.
Comedy about the crazy adventures of three friends - Alexey, Tolik and Marina, who decided to commit suicide.
There's No Hurry
Every year, 25,000 people die on Russian roads. You could say a whole city is disappearing from our planet. And about a third of its "residents" were involved in an accident due to speeding. Many drivers do not consider acceleration even at 30 km / h a violation, but statistics show that they are wrong. Five different stories combined in movie almanacs will make every viewer, at least, think about the right choice of speed. Both on the road and in life.
Vysotsky: Thank God I'm Alive
Russian poet, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was an idol of the 1970s and '80s. In 1980, at the age of 42, he passed away during the Moscow Olympic Games. This is the story of his last great love as handed down to his son from a family friend. Written by nitorch.
Where Does the Sea Flow?
A mother is trying hard to love her five-years old daughter, but even the child's very presence continuously reminds her about the trauma of rape she survived five years ago. As troubled apparitions, fears and inner disorder of the mother begin to influence the little girl's psyche. Could the sincere affection of the child alleviate her mother's suffering?
I Am
The film tells the story of a young Russian in the early 90s, trying to escape the army in a psychiatric clinic. He's released years later, after intensive compulsory treatment. Has a documentary film maker he gets involved in the Chechen conflict, where he meets his own apparent death. He recalls his life and realizes it mirrors that of his whole generation.
In this hit Russian musical, a group of friends flaunts Soviet authority in 1950s Moscow by embracing jazz. When Communist Mels falls for Polly, a free-spirited jazz fan, he risks losing his party membership by associating with her rebellious crew.
Birds of Paradise
The events of the film take place in the Soviet Union in the early 1980s. It is forbidden to listen to foreign radio stations, it is not safe to voice one’s opinions in front of strangers. Words of truth are spoken only in private kitchens behind the curtained windows. The KGB tap phones, survey the ‘unreliable’ and consistently step by step destroy all forms of decent. The protagonists challenge the inhumane state machine, putting on stake their very lives and proving that nothing and nobody can stop a person who is on his way to achieve a true freedom.
O Último Guerreiro
Knesinka Elen
Ele foi sentenciado à morte, mas sobreviveu à destruição de sua tribo e sua família. O último homem da tribo Grey Dogs se torna um poderoso guerreiro e passa a ser conhecido como Wolfhound. Ele escapa da morte no submundo das minas e se transforma no protetor de Elen, a filha de um governante que espera salvar sua cidade concedendo a mão da jovem a um guerreiro da terra vizinha. Eles iniciam uma perigosa expedição em busca do futuro marido de Elen. Mas Wolfhound se verá frente a frente a misteriosos acontecimentos que mostrarão os verdadeiros objetivos desta jornada.
Cidade Sombria
Sob a aparente normalidade de qualquer cidade grande, existe um mundo que todos da superfície preferem ignorar. O antropólogo russo Sergey Spassky investiga uma sociedade sem-teto que habita o mundo subterrâneo fica fascinado pela lenta que circunda pela sociedade. Um dia, porém ele desaparece sem deixar rastros. Owen, um amigo de Sergey, decide partir em sua busca desde até os labirintos de túneis, guiado pelas anotações deixadas em seu amigo e contando também com a ajuda de Alec, aluno de Sergey, Yuri e Pavel, que trabalharam de guias para Sergey, e mais tarde, com Lyuba, uma jovem sem-teto que irá juntar-se a ele.
There will be an explosion exactly in 48 hours in Moscow. The information was provided by an agent who was killed this very second. All departments of special ops work on it, but the only hope is for recently organized independent team. They are a hacker girl who once broke thru Pentagon servers, a former special ops officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight... And the Chief who got them all together and learned how to control them. Only this team is able to figure it out WHO, and most importantly WHERE, by knowing just WHEN...
Moth games
A group of youngsters get familiar with "causality effect paradigm" for the first time in their lives and find it not so pleasant.
A Supremacia Bourne
Irena Neski
Jason Bourne está vivendo na Índia quando é enquadrado por um agente russo, Kirill, pelo roubo de milhões da CIA. Kirill começa a perseguir Bourne com a intenção de assassiná-lo, mas, por engano, mata a namorada de Bourne, Marie. Jurando vingança, Bourne se propõe a provar sua inocência e trazer os culpados à justiça.
The South
Martje is the manager of a successful laundry service, but in her personal life she struggles with her self-image after the amputation of one of her breasts. After she is humiliated when Loe, one of her employees, is startled by the discovery of her prosthesis during foreplay, she imprisons him in the laundry plant. As Loe is slowly dying in imprisonment, Martje loses contact with reality and starts imagining having a family with him.
In Motion
Modern Russian take on Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" focuses on a few days from one popular Moscow journalist's life and the essential attributes of his life: Sex, betrayal, love, friendship, murders, etc.
Para Sempre Lilya
Lilya tem dezesseis anos e vive em alguma parte da antiga União Soviética (provavelmente a Estônia), quando é abandonada pela mãe que foge com o namorado para os EUA. A menina fica com a tia, mas as condições financeiras (que já eram ruins) começam a ficar péssimas, e Lilya começa a ficar cada vez mais próxima da prostituição.
A movie about two sisters - thirteen year old Sveta, poor and abandoned by her father, who longs to go off and be a sniper in the army, and spoilt eight-year old Dina, doted on by her gangster father...
I am
A young man who writes avant-garde plays in the Russian province tells the story of how he voluntarily let himself be admitted to a psychiatric ward to avoid military service.