John Kellogg
Nascimento : 1916-06-03, Hollywood, California, USA
Morte : 2000-02-22
Production Coordinator
Cody chega junto com sua mãe na casa de sua tia falecida. Enquanto sua mãe está ocupada limpando a casa de sua falecida irmã, Cody tem que passar o tempo sozinho. O garoto introvertido não consegue se relacionar muito bem com as crianças vizinhas, mas ele logo forma um elo incomum com o veterano rabugento de 83 anos, Del, da casa ao lado, uma amizade que toca em todos os aspectos da vida em sua leviandade casual.
Captain Wallace
In the early 1940s, a depressed young woman, who's been eclipsed all of her life by her beautiful twin sister, tries to overcome her low self-esteem with help from a crusty old sea captain.
Brothers Treat (Matthew Modine) and Philip (Kevin Anderson) have lived alone since they were kids, when a small time criminal enters their lives.
Ralph Sawyer
After fifteen years of traveling around the world, Gussie (Spacek), a famous photographer, returns to the Maryland coastal resort where she grew up. She meets her high school sweetheart Henry (Kline), now married and running the local newspaper he's inherited from his father. An awkward and tension-filled romance ensues.
Jim's Father
An innocent man is identified as a rapist, and the accusation ruins his life.
Dramatization of the four days of events leading up to the historic tragedy at Kent State University in May 1970, during the confrontation between National Guardsmen and students staging antiwar demonstrations.
Court President
A cadet at West Point is subjected to "internal exile," which means that other students refuse to talk to him or acknowledge his existence, after he is accused of violating the school's code of honor.
A mutilating knife-killer haunts the small Southwest-desert town of Mescal. Though most victims have been prostitutes, the first was none other than Travis Mescal, the only son of the town's first family. When the Sheriff proves unable to solve the case, the town leaders invite Investigator Burns to unravel the mystery.
Sgt. Major Marcy
The commander of an isolated frontier cavalry post tries to stop an Indian war and find his son, who has been kidnapped.
Mr. Fletcher
A man and his wife stumble upon a town whose inhabitants turn into zombies and head for the edge of town every night... he seems to be the only one unaffected. What is happening to the townsfolk? Who is the mysterious young women he keeps seeing? Why isn't he affected?
Dan Seaton
A bomb on board an airliner has an altitude-sensitive trigger. Unless a ransom is paid, it will explode when the plane descends to land.
After his death sentence is commuted to life in prison, John Resko is transferred from Sing-Sing to Dannemora where, with the help of a humane prison guard, he becomes a rehabilitated man and a successful painter.
An army deserter and a black dock worker join forces against a corrupt manager.
Sergeant Jed Drover
Kirby, Davis and Drover escort the wanted criminal Rene Carvel from central Africa to the coast, stopping every so often to watch wild animals attack one another.
At a carnival called the Garden of Evil, a man is murdered, apparently by a gorilla...or someone in a gorilla suit.
Mike Yurkil
Uma mulher leva suas quatro lindas filhas para Dawson City Yukon durante a corrida do ouro para encontrar sua fortuna.
Lem Slade, aka Sam Logan
A US Marshal hunts down three bank robbers that are living under new identities.
Frustrado com a falta de oportunidades em sua cidade natal, o jovem Jess Harker planeja deixa-la, mas o guarda da diligencia convence seu chefe a dar trabalho a Jess como condutor.
Jack Welch
A rancher who has staked a claim during the California gold rush goes after the gang of murderous claim-jumpers who have stolen his claim and murdered his wife.
Jeff Factor
Um homem em busca de vingança infiltra-se em um rancho, escondido em uma região inóspita, onde seu proprietário, Altar Keane, dá abrigo a foras-da-lei que fogem da lei em troca de um preço.
Um filme espetacular, bem à maneira de DeMille, que é também a maior homenagem que o cinema prestou ao mundo do circo. O grande circo que é o pano de fundo deste drama humano é o famoso Ringling Bros-Barnum & Bailey, e James Stewart é o palhaço que esconde um passado misterioso. Entre os convidados especiais encontramos Bing Crosby, Bob Hope e William Boyd. Oscar de melhor filme em 1952.
Bob Warren
Bomba the jungle boy swings into action when an elephant herd is threatened by ivory hunters.
Don Bell
Alcoholic newspaperman Lew Marsh hits bottom, loses his job and is rehabilitated by Charley Dolan. After six years on the wagon he gets his job back and devotes himself to other recovering alcoholics.
Dan Monroe
A man who spent his formative years in prison for murder is released, and struggles to adjust to the outside world and escape his lurid past. He gets involved with a cheap dancehall girl, and when her protector is accidentally killed, they go on the lam together, getting jobs as farm labourers. But some fellow workers get wise to them.
Após anos de investigação, o Promotor Assistente Distrital Martin Ferguson conseguiu construir um caso sólido contra um gangster fugidio cujo tenente-chefe está prestes a testemunhar…
Kerry 'Lefty' McGuire
A lawyer uncovers secrets behind a 12-year-old murder case.
Red Leg leader
Os irmãos Jesse e Frank James, além de Cole e James Younger e ainda Kit Dalton, juntam-se ao bando de Quantrill, um Confederado que após a Guerra de Secessão dedica-se a saquear e matar civis, pretensamente em nome da causa. Quando percebe que todos não passam de simples bandidos, Jesse tenta ir embora, mas é convencido a ficar por Kate, a amante de Quantrill. Entre um ataque e outro, os passos da quadrilha são descobertos pelos soldados Ianques, que se aprontam para desbaratá-la.
Fred Reed
Police sergeants Johnson and McManus take on Los Angeles confidence tricksters. Con man Tony Wells, lining up rich widow Jessica Royce as his latest mark, sets up a false paranormal society with other charlatans to convince the credulous Jessica that her late son is speaking to her through their sham seances. When the plan leads to murder, Johnson and McManus must bring the group down before they kill again.
Oscar nominated short Western film
Major Cobb
Um General assume o comando de uma unidade de bombardeiros sofrendo de moral baixa e dá duro para deixa-los em forma para a luta. Nesta história dos primeiros dias dos bombardeios a luz do dia sobre a Alemanha nazista, o General Frank Savage deve assumir o comando de um grupo de bombardeiros "azarado". Grande parte da história trata de sua luta para transformar seu grupo em uma unidade de combate disciplinada, apesar de pesadas perdas e ataques fulminantes dos caças alemães quando estão sobre seus alvos. Filmagens de combate real são usadas neste drama de guerra tensa.
Two narcotics agents go after a gang of murderous drug dealers who use ships docking at the New York harbor to smuggle in their contraband.
Gino Monetti (Edward G. Robinson) é um banqueiro ítalo-americano que trata sem muita consideração seus quatro filhos, que já são adultos. Gino participou de várias atividades ilegais para construir seu negócio e agora está preso. Embora os filhos sempre estivessem sabendo dos negócios questionáveis do pai, eles lhe recusam ajuda para ficar fora de prisão. Liderados por Joe Monetti (Luther Adler), o filho mais velho, três dos filhos assumem o negócio. Apenas Max Monetti (Richard Conte) se mantém leal ao seu pai, em razão disto seus três irmãos conspiram e Max também é mandado para a cadeia. Max promete ao agonizante Gino que irá se vingar dos seus traiçoeiros filhos, mas quando ele é libertado não consegue se vingar, nem mesmo depois que um dos seus irmãos, Tony (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.), tenta matá-lo. Max deixa seus irmãos e ruma para a Califórnia para ter uma nova vida com Irene Bennett (Susan Hayward), sua noiva.
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
A marshal goes up against a collection of vicious outlaws terrorizing his own.
When two US cavalrymen transporting a gold shipment get killed, US Army Intelligence investigator John Haven goes undercover to a mining and logging town to find the killers.
Sam Lang
An ex-convict, freed to fight in World War II, gets a factory job and is accused when a bracelet is missing.
Lee Garvin
Lee Garvin has eloped with the daughter of a railroad man who didn't approve of the marriage. Hoppy steps in when the young man is framed for murder.
Benny Deering
Lloyd Bridges plays a flying ace war hero who gets sucked into a counterfeiting scheme by opposing gangs of crooks.
Lou (uncredited)
O detetive privado Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum), foge do seu passado indo dirigir um posto de gasolina em uma pequena cidade do interior. Mas é obrigado a reviver sua turbulenta vida quando é localizado pelo gângster Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas). Jeff, outrora um experiente detetive, foi contratado por Whit e acabou pecando ao misturar negócios e romance, envolvendo-se com Kathie (Jane Greer).
Based on the novel Low Company. One of the most peculiar film noirs of the 1940s stars Barry Sullivan as a small-time hood who suffers a mental breakdown as his big plans begin to crumble. Beautiful Belita is the slumming society girlfriend who only fuels his paranoia.
When the bank is robbed, Gene and the boys are singing nearby and the Chief arrests them as gang members but lets them go thinking they will lead them to the others.
Danny Taggert
The deep unbreakable bond between a wild stallion and the boy he rescues is chronicled in this children's adventure.
An assistant district attorney gets mixed-up with a woman who is working for the group that he is investigating.
Charlie Cook
In this drama, a trucker's business is nearly destroyed after he is wrongfully accused of killing a policeman with whom he recently quarreled.
Junto a outro sócio, Johnny é proprietário de um cassino que passa por dificuldades, e para tentar resolver os problemas pede ajuda a um policial corrupto.
Joe (uncredited)
Um homem se reencontra com sua amiga de infância e seu marido, que acreditam conhecer a verdade sobre a morte de sua rica tia anos antes. Em 1928, a jovem herdeira Martha Ivers, envolvida em eventos fatais, não fugiu com seu amigo Sam Masterson. Anos mais tarde, Sam retorna para reencontrar Martha, o verdadeiro poder por trás da cidade de Iverstown, e ela se casou com o 'bom menino' Walter O'Neil, agora procurador do distrito. No início, Sam está mais interessado na deslocada loira Toni Marachek do que em seus amigos de infância, mas eles o atraem para uma teia complicada de tramas e objetivos cruzados.
Reporter (uncredited)
Kit Madden is traveling to Hollywood, where her best-selling novel is to be filmed. Aboard the train, she encounters Marines Rusty and Dink, who don't know she is the author of the famous book, and who don't think much of the ideas it proposes. She and Rusty are greatly attracted, but she doesn't know how to deal with his disdain for the book's author.
In the 1943 invasion of Italy, one American platoon lands, digs in, then makes its way inland to attempt to take a fortified farmhouse, as tension and casualties mount.
Members of a Jazz Band come under suspicion when a beautiful nightclub singer is murdered.
When a woman turns outlaw, she is suspected of murder.
Polish RAF Flyer (uncredited)
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na Polônia ocupada pelos nazistas, um grupo de atores de teatro deve ajudar a evitar que um espião, que possui informação sobre a resistência polonesa, entregue-a aos alemães.
Bombardier Sergeant
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Bill Edison
Inventor Thomas Edison's boyhood is chronicled and shows him as a lad whose early inventions and scientific experiments usually end up causing disastrous results. As a result, the towns folk all think Tom is crazy, and creating a strained relationship between Tom and his father. Tom's only solace is his understanding mother who believes he's headed to do great things.
Tommy Lee
A teenager who's been raised and home-schooled at her father's Texas ranch must adjust to her new surroundings and being with other students when she's sent to a San Antonio high-school.