Carlos Bardem
Nascimento : 1963-03-07, Madrid, Spain
Carlos Encinas Bardem é um ator espanhol. Ele é filho da atriz Pilar Bardem e irmão dos atores Mónica e Javier Bardem. Carlos Bardem venceu o "Newcomer Award for Male", da União dos Atores Espanhóis, em 2008, pela La Zona.
Para pagar a dívida da mãe de seu filho, um piloto de moto passa a transportar drogas para um cartel, arriscando suas chances no esporte e a própria vida.
Cinco pessoas discutem com si mesmas diante do espelho antes da comemoração dos 50 anos da empresa de cosméticos onde trabalham.
Two dancers who fall in love when they are cast as co-leads on a major production
Manuel Santacana
Um homem desencadeia uma vingança sangrenta no bairro de Las 3.000 Viviendas em Sevilha quando sua filha morre em um acidente suspeito.
Carlos Bardem
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Após a morte da mãe, quatro irmãs descobrem um assustador segredo de família e partem numa jornada para descobrir a verdade sobre suas origens.
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Adolescentes aspirantes a ladrões aprendem com um mestre na arte da trapaça o que é preciso para ter sucesso como batedor de carteiras nas ruas de Bogotá.
Por meio de uma tecnologia revolucionária que destrava suas memórias genéticas, Callum Lynch experimenta as aventuras de seu ancestral, Aguilar, na Espanha do século XV. Callum descobre que é descendente de uma misteriosa sociedade secreta, os Assassinos, e acumula conhecimentos e habilidades incríveis para enfrentar a organização opressiva e poderosa dos Templários nos dias de hoje.
Rubén Caravedo
Set against the backdrop of an international finance deal in New York and Peru, Oliver's Deal is an intense political drama which explores how far people will go to get what they want.
Elvira had a fight with her husband, he went to purchase some cigarettes but he never came back, now Elvira is searching for him.
Pastor Elías
González lives in a dilapidated room in Mexico City, a lost soul in
one of the world’s biggest metropolises. Desperate to be someone
in life—and to pay off his debts—he embarks on a journey into the
increasingly magnetic world of big-box Christianity. Religion seems
to offer a quick path to becoming rich and soon González is willing
to do anything in his power in order to make it happen. A thriller that
evokes the gritty style of Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver, Gonzalez:
The False Prophet is a suspenseful ride through the darker side of
charismatic preachers and upstart religions that flourish on the hardearned
money of desperate people in need of hope.
O surfista Nick (Josh Hutcherson) viaja para a Colômbia e fica encantado com as lagoas, as praias de marfim, as ondas perfeitas e a bela Maria (Claudia Traisac), por quem se apaixona perdidamente. Tudo parece um verdadeiro paraíso, até que a jovem o apresenta ao seu tio: Pablo Escobar (Benicio Del Toro).
Um antigo narcotraficante, que agora vive em paz nas colinas da Calábria, é arrastado de volta para a dinastia do tráfico de drogas da sua família pelo seu impetuoso filho adolescente.
Diamantes Negros tells the long journey undertaken by two young boys from Mali who arrive in Spain after being persuaded to pursue their dream of escaping from poverty by becoming professional football players.
Situada em uma Espanha multicultural, a trama "Romeu e Julieta" narrará o romance entre um neonazista chamado Alacrán (Alex Gonzalez), e uma imigrante latina (Judith Diakhate).
Situada em uma Espanha multicultural, a trama "Romeu e Julieta" narrará o romance entre um neonazista chamado Alacrán (Alex Gonzalez), e uma imigrante latina (Judith Diakhate).
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Com a morte da mãe que mora na Califórnia, Martin vai até lá para trasladar o corpo para a França e vender a casa. Ele sempre pensou que a mãe não dava a mínima para ele e, desde garoto foi para a Europa viver com o pai. Ao chegar a Los Angeles, o que parecia ser se torna constatação porque a casa a mãe deixou para Lola, uma mexicana a quem queria como filha. Lola foi deportada e vive agora em Tijuana. Sem pensar, Martin vai em busca dela, numa literal 'bad trip', em busca do passado esquecido.
Victima X
Mexico City. 2002, 2006, 2010. A cop. A hostage. A wife. Corruption, violence, vengeance. Three destinies, during 30 days, during three Soccer World Cups. Three ways to fight in order to survive.
Entre lobos (Among Wolves) tells the remarkable story of a poor country boy named Marcos, who at the age of 7 is handed over to his father's employer, a rich landowner, who in turn delivers him to a life of labor with a hermetic goatherd in an isolated valley. The old man, who lives in a cave, is unused to human company and at first seems not very interested in having a live-in apprentice. The boy, who was abused by his parents, is frightened and equally aloof initially. Despite this, the shepherd begins teaching Marcos how to herd the goats, as well as how to care for himself and how to survive in the wilderness by trapping and fishing.
Juan Oliver sofre um acidente em seu primeiro dia de trabalho na prisão, pouco tempo antes do início de uma rebelião no setor onde estão os presos mais perigosos, liderada pelo bandido Mala Madre. Os seus companheiros fogem para se salvar e abandonam Juan desacordado na cela 211. Quando Juan acorda e entende o que aconteceu, passa a se fingir de presidiário perante os amotinados. Agora, ele corre perigo e terá que contar com muita astúcia para sobreviver a base de mentiras.
Commissioner Pulido
Adolescente argentina apaixona-se pela empregada da família. A diferença de classe social e a falta de apoio da sociedade em que vivem faz com que cometam um crime para tentar mudar para o Paraguai e começar uma vida juntas.
Moisés Guevara
Em 1967, com poucas tropas e recursos, além de uma saúde fraca, Che e diversos voluntários cubanos levantaram uma pequena guerrilha para derrotar o movimento militar boliviano e assim espalhar a revolução no país.
Em 1952, na Argentina, um detetive medíocre atende casos insignificantes e entediantes ao lado de seu sócio. Uma enigmática Gloria aparece na agência com um caso mais atraente: seguir e fotografar um homem envolvido em uma rede corrupta.
Residents of an enclosed neighborhood in the middle of Mexico DF are shocked by a violent crime, and for one resident in particular, young Alejandro, the drama is ratcheted up when he encounters the lone kid who escaped the event and is hiding out within the neighborhood's borders.
French Colonel
Nos primeiros anos do século XIX, em meio ao radicalismo da Inquisição e à iminente invasão da Espanha pelas tropas de Napoleão Bonaparte (Craig Stevenson), o gênio artístico do pintor espanhol Francisco Goya (Stellan Skarsgård) é reconhecido na corte do Rei Carlos IV (Randy Quaid). Inés (Natalie Portman), a jovem modelo e musa do pintor, é presa sob a falsa acusação de heresia. Nem as intervenções do influente Frei Lorenzo (Javier Bardem), também retratado por Goya, conseguem evitar que ela seja brutalmente torturada nos porões da Igreja. Estes personagens e os horrores da guerra, com os seus fantasmas, alimentam a pintura de Goya, testemunha atormentada de uma época turbulenta.
O espadachim do século XVII Diego Alatriste é contratado para matar o Príncipe de Gales e o duque de Buckingham sem saber que se trata deles. Ao descobrir a identidade de seus alvos, entende que terá que enfrentar pessoas muito poderosas.
Ramon, a twelve year old visit a bicycle shop to fix a puncture. There he meets an old man named Mario, a former amateur cyclist, and was fascinated by a bike that just built with parts from different models. The old man decides to give it away.
Film director Mikel de Garay and the attractive young producer Andrea Bilbao, who hide an obscure past, are going to make a film based on the latest novel by Rosendo Carballo, a successful writer with homosexual tendencies who has put an end to his marriage of convenience and is sharing his life with a young gay man. Rosendo is going to meet with Mikel and Andrea, and three friends of the writer, Fernando, Beatriz and Nacho, join the group. Conflict arises unexpectedly when the characters start to play a dangerous game: digging around in their respective pasts in the hope that this will produce a catharsis.
During a night of debauchery in a refined mansion a young student he preferred to go away nauseated while the old lady Mithilde continued to spy on the movements of the other guys. Late at night, she has to find the lifeless body of Raymond Couchet, owner of a renowned pharmaceutical laboratory, lying on his desk in his office. Someone killed him with a pistol and robbed her safe. Inspector Maigret is called to investigate a story that has many dark sides.
The story revolves around Goya's womanising and the mysterious death of the Duchess of Alba at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th Centuries, at a time when Madrid was wobbling through a difficult time and setting the scene for the following Prim vs Crown uprising.
Torrente, The Stupid Arm of The Law by Santiago Segura stars Javier Cámara as a corrupt, poor, delusional, sexist, egocentric, drunk and right-winged Madrid cop named Torrente. This over the top comedy shows Torrente on his search for heroin drug dealers and the outrageous characters he passes on his way. A cult film and one of the funniest Spanish films was the most successful box-office film.
Reggie San Pedro
She's sexy, shameless and loves taking people to their limit. She's a dangerous young woman who dreams about a jaguar that licks her naked body and sleeps by her side. Her past is bathed in blood and weird passions. Now she's met the man of her wildest dreams. He's dark, tough and mysterious. He likes robbing banks, trafficking in corpses and spicing it all with voodoo rituals. Together, the duo sets off toward Mexico destined to become the most feared outlaws in the continent.
From the land of Almodovar comes a hot new film about drugs, sex & everything else!