Jack Rader
Nascimento : 1921-02-23, Los Angeles, California, USA
Mr. Tarnley
Mary Giodano (Alicia Silverstone) desde a infância é fascinada por crimes mas nenhum a intrigou tanto quanto o assassinatos de sua colega de classe Kathleen Donlevy. Seguindo seus extintos Mary inicia sua própria investigação. Tony Campbell (Kevin Dillon), um jovem e ambicioso policial torna-se seu parceiro extra-oficial na procura do assassino. Mas ela acaba se apaixonando por Tony e terá que lutar contra seus novos e excitantes sentimentos, quando encontra no apartamento de Tony, provas que o incriminam, Mary poderá ser forçada a provar que o homem que amo é o autor dos crimes e se não detê-lo, ela será a próxima vítima.
Mr. Lacy
When his star recruit botches a Major League Baseball debut, humiliated talent scout, Al Percolo gets banished to rural Mexico, where he finds a potential gold mine in the arm of young phenom Steve Nebraska. Soon, the Bronx Bombers put a $55 million contract on the table—provided a psychiatrist can affirm Nebraska's mental stability.
Duas famílias em férias fazem viagem de carro pelo deserto americano. Ao pararem para checar os carros, um dos homens quase é atropelado por um carro em alta velocidade, e as famílias passam então a ser perseguidas por psicótico e sua gangue.
Um amargo e vingativo fugitivo, um caçador de recompensas e um homem da lei convergem para uma pequena localidade e suas ações virem a fazer justiça contra um ganancioso e implacável especulador ferroviário.
Lieth Von Stein and his wife, Bonnie Von Stein are attacked while sleeping in their Smallwood home in North Carolina. Bonnie Von Stein survived. Lieth was not so lucky. Bonnie has trouble dealing with the fact that her own son, Christopher Pritchard, along with two friends consipired to have her and her husband killed. Neal Henderson and Christopher Pritchard plead guilty and testified at the trial of James Upchurch, who was convicted and sentenced to die. Several years later, however, his sentence was vacated and Upchurch is now serving a life sentence.
A fire breaks out on the 12th floor of the First Interstate Tower building in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Paul and Susan are working late on the 37th floor, along with cleaning staff, security, and building engineers, some of whom are installing sprinklers. The fire spreads rapidly and those in the building quickly become trapped.
Captain Robert Grimm
Based on the true story of Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez who terrorized California in 1985 and the two Los Angeles police detectives who try to track him down.
James White
Baseado na história real da menina de um ano e meio Jessica McClure, que caiu em um encanamento abandonado na casa de sua tia, no Texas, enquanto brincava. O cano em que ficou presa media cerca de 20 centímetros de diâmetro e tinha seis metros de profundidade. O resgate foi extremamente difícil, pois a largura do cano não permitia que nenhum bombeiro descesse para pegar a menina e havia o medo de utilizar máquinas que abalassem o terreno, o que poderia provocar o rompimento do encanamento ou que Jéssica caísse ainda mais.
Dick Hafdahl
David is a six-year-old boy who is caught in the middle of his two feuding (& divorced) parents. His father, Charles, kidnaps him to California, where he eventually sets him on fire as a means of revenge against Marie, David's mother (Young David receives third-degree burns over 90% of his body). This movie chronicles David's struggle to recover and the obstacles he faces along the way.
Saigon, 1975 O Coronel James Braddock deixou para trás mais do que recordações: seu filho. E está vivo ! Agora... 12 anos depois, não é só um soldado perseguindo o inimigo, é um pai procurando pelo filho. Até que descobre uma geração ignorada. Os órfãos de uma guerra esquecida. Agora Braddock está numa heróica missão de clemência. Está lutando por todo mundo que não pode revidas. E que ninguém se ponha em seu caminho. Eu tiro do caminho! Fechando com chave de ouro a trilogia Braddock.
Long Beach Doctor
This biographical film was based on the book The Times of My Life written by Chris Chase and Betty Ford.
Based on a true story, this film depicts the life of Ted Bundy, the serial killer. In 1974, after having murdered several young women, he leaves Seattle for Utah, where he is a law student and where other girls disappear. It takes the cooperation of a number of police forces to work efficiently on this case. Soon, but not soon enough, the police eliminate endless possibilities and close in on him. Bundy is tried in the media and his good-boy attitude brings him sympathy but also the hatred of many.
Dick Post
An over-the-hill rodeo champion gets fired from his assembly line job in Texas. He and a buddy then decide to head to Wyoming to get a job herding mustangs. His wife gives him her his blessing, knowing he needs to find something which satisfies his spirit. They sign up for a roundup headed by a veteran cowboy. With the job, he finds himself cross-wise of a corrupt government official, who is making big profits on the illegal sale of wild horses.
Employment Agent
Chicago, 1935. Sem trabalho, Sol Gann aceita um emprego em Washington e promete buscar a filha quando puder. Mas Natty não quer esperar, e viaja clandestinamente nos trens que cruzam o país, enfrenta fome, frio e muitos perigos.
Alfred Johnson
Who Will Love My Children? is a 1983 American made-for-television biographical film based on the life of Lucile Fray. Lucile Fray was diagnosed with cancer in 1952 and wanted to find suitable homes for her ten children, since she felt her husband could not properly care for them. Prior to her death, she succeeded. The film was directed by John Erman, written by Michael Bortman, and starred Ann-Margret in her first television film. It was originally broadcast on American Broadcasting Company. The same evening as its original broadcast, February 14, 1983, the children of Lucile Fray appeared on That's Incredible!, an ABC program.
C.J. Forrester
A woman in a Hollywood dubbing studio struggles with race and preconceptions.
Elaine's Husband
A young woman agonizes over whether or not to have an abortion and learns that her mother did the same 20 years prior.
Sgt. Fitzgerald
In March 1970, a U.S. Army officer arrived at the Iowa farm of Peg and Gene Mullen and informed them that their son Michael had been killed in Vietnam by "friendly fire." Their determined attempts to learn more about the circumstances of their son's death are the subject of this true account film.
Filmed on location at Alcatraz Island, this two-part "whole story" actually concentrates on a handful of the denizens behind the cold grey walls of "The Rock". Michael Beck plays the real-life Clarence Carnes, an Oklahoma Choctaw Indian said to be the youngest man ever incarcerated in the notorious maximum security prison. Serving a 99-year sentence for a gas station holdup and murder, Carnes makes periodic attempts to escape, the final attempt being the most violent. Many of the subordinate characters are fictional (as are most of the details concerning Carnes' escape efforts); the one exception is Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz", here portrayed by Art Carney as a gentle, kindly philosopher. Telly Savalas, a costar of the Burt Lancaster vehicle Birdman of Alcatraz, also guest starred in the 1980 film. Originally titled Alcatraz and Clarence Carnes, this made-for-TV movie wavers between gritty realism and "I'm bustin' outta here!" artifice.
A young street-tough-turned-boxer struggles to reach the top while finding his romance with an attractive TV reporter is complicated by an incestuous relationship with his mother.
Sean Burke
A rebellious 17-year-old girl ignores parental advice and joins her friends as a beach-bound regular on the local hitchhiking circuit, being picked up, ultimately, by a homicidal maniac.
IAD Captain
An LA police officer is murdered in the onion fields outside of Bakersfield. However, legal loopholes could keep his kidnappers from receiving justice, and his partner is haunted by overwhelming survivor's guilt.
Imperial Guard Officer
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo battle evil Imperial forces to help Chewbacca reach his imperiled family on the Wookiee planet - in time for Life Day, their most important day of the year!
Sheriff Muncey
Alexander Armsworth and his family move to an authentic antebellum mansion which once was owned by a river pirate. Alexander is drawn into a century-old mystery when he sees the ghost of a little girl and she asks for his help in finding the "child of glass" by reciting a riddle. He has only a day or two to solve the riddle...or be haunted for the rest of his life!
Quando o submarino nuclear U.S.S. Neptune se choca comum cargueiro norueguês, ele rapidamente afunda até a borda de um instável canion no fundo do oceano. A única esperança para o capitão Paul Blanchard e sua tripulação está em um submersível experimental pilotado por David Carradine e Stacy Keach. Agora, os sobreviventes encaram uma corrida contra o tempo para não ficarem sem oxigênio, terem o casco do submarino esmagado pela pressão da água, ou caírem na profunda fossa oceânica.
Dr. Julie Farr presides over three impending births and cannot help but get involved in the lives of her troubled patients.
The bizarre story behind the man accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy and what might have happened had he been brought to trial.
In this sequel to Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway, Alexander's story is told in both the past and the present. Alexander's parents send him away from home for being too sensitive and not helping enough on their farm. He goes to Los Angeles in hopes of going to art school, but when he can't find a job as a minor, he turns to prostitution. After being arrested, he wants to head to Arizona to marry Dawn, but he falls into a lucrative job/relationship with a gay football star.
An Israeli anti-terrorist agent must stop a disgruntled Vietnam vet cooperating in a Black September PLO plot to commit a terrorist attack at the Super Bowl.
Ralph Martelli
A 15-year-old girl becomes pregnant by her boyfriend and decides to keep the baby and raise her on her own, instead of initially choosing abortion at the insistence of her boyfriend, or raising the baby at home with her meddling mother.
A teenage girl spends the summer on the notorious Fire Island off of New York. She has sex with a variety of people, while the others in her group engage in both straight and gay sex with each other. She succeeds in seducing her brother, then both hatch a plot to try to convert their parents to their newfound "lifestyle".