Pál Mácsai

Pál Mácsai

Nascimento : 1961-03-31, Budapest, Hungary


Pál Mácsai
Pál Mácsai


The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Hercule Poirot
A collage crime movie from the first novel of Agatha Christie.
The Triptych of the Keeper
Experimental short movie adaptation of István Örkény's one-minute story "Information" by director Annabella Schnabel.
A hattyú
Jácint, a bátyja
The love of 34-year-old Dora's life, has broken up with her-or worse: he has remarried. Her only joy, the pastry shop she owns, also appears to be lost. She makes up her mind to get both her ex-boyfriend and her pastry shop back, even if it means she has to lie. Along the way, she meets other families, as well as her ex-boyfriend's new wife. These meetings make her realise the love she is clinging onto has no real basis. Dora stops living in a state of romantic self-pity, puts an end to the lying and opens up to the possibility of a new real relationship.
Unfinished Business
Géza Kovács
On the day the Berlin Wall falls, a determined young actress has a job interview at the National Theater. But, while a world-order falls apart outside, she is confronted to an old family-secret that will change everything.
A true story of a prisoner of the Siberian Gulag about hope. About hope, that we can stay human beings during the cruelest suffering.
Hope You Die Next Time :-)
Eszter, 16, is secretly in love with her English teacher, while Peter, also 16, is hopelessly in love with Eszter. One day, the teacher announces that he is leaving the school to move to London. That same day, Eszter receives a farewell e-mail message from him. An online affair begins and spirals into sexual abuse.
Corpo e Alma
Um homem e uma mulher, colegas de trabalho, passam a se conhecer melhor e acabam descobrindo que eles sonham as mesmas coisas durante o sono. Eles decidem torná-los realidade, apesar das dificuldades no mundo real.
Dear Betrayed Friends
Andor Czettl, in his early sixties, visits the secret service archives one day to read into the reports about himself and discovers a shocking fact. His very best friend János Pásztor was an informer, spying on him and writing reports about him for decades. Sára Cserhalmi's first feature focuses not so much on the actual problem of informing and betrayal as on the contradictory relationship of the two protagonists. It avoids any final judgments. First and foremost, it seeks answers to questions like how an informer can live in our present times and how the one being reported on can cope with this state. Can a close friendship that began decades ago last if such betrayal comes to light? How can someone live and cope with this fact?
Al F. Eveson
A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and completely filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to the whole of humanity in the space of a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research (RDI Reality Defense Institute). As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book increasingly well known, raising numerous controversies (political, scientific, religious and artistic). Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.
Brilho das Estrelas
Otto Walser
O ano é 1939, a Europa passa pela Segunda Guerra Mundial. Apesar da tensão social, o produtor Davide Rieti (Alfred Molina), decide rodar um filme épico nos estúdios da Cinecittà. Nesta efervescente atmosfera, começam as filmagens, mas fora dos sets os protagonistas se apaixonam e procuram formas de escapar da realidade da guerra através do álcool e das drogas. Porém, com a guerra batendo à porta, Rieti começa a sofrer pressão psicológica de todos os lados - pelo governo, pelos bancos, e principalmente pela imprensa, que descobre que Rieti se relaciona com um homem. Rodeado pelo escândalo sexual e político, o grande épico é ameaçado pela polícia secreta, mas determinado a continuar e enfrentar a ameaça da polícia, Rieti e seu elenco decidem fazer um final extraordinário para a realização do filme, em apenas uma noite.
Young honest public official is sworn in after his predecessor had to leave due to a corruption scandal. Soon, the young idealist discovers just how far-reaching the corruption is in his town and how easy it is to become corrupt yourself.
The Unburied Man
Vida Ferenc
One of the doyennes of Hungarian film deals with a dark period of national history: the Soviet regime in Hungary. She portrays it through the fate of the former prime minister and national hero, Imre Nagy. The script is based on the diary written by Imre Nagy, and the memories of his daughter, Erzsébet Nagy, as well as authentic documents and records.
Áron is a happy child in his family. But at some point things take a different turn, and his mother starts to lose her health rapidly. As this happens, the man in charge decides what's best for Áron without consulting the young boy's opinion, and the boy finds himself thrown out of his warm home into an orphanage in the woods. He's utterly displeased by what's happening, without knowing he has yet to face much worse...
The Rebellion of the Straw Men
Buda, 1851. Jeromos Hétszáz, a puppet maker living in Óbuda, and his wife, Óguszta, a childless couple, have given refuge to the orphans of those fallen in the war of liberty or jailed, most recently to Pál Penyige and Borbála Derelye. Overjoyed when the chief of police orders fifty straw puppets, they are distressed on learning that the puppets will be publicly hanged in effigy of Lajos Kossuth and the leaders of the war of liberty.
A Valencia rejtély
Cholnoky Sándor (fiatal)
Hungarian TV-movie, adaptation of a drama by Géza Ottlik.
The House-Warming
Váradi Róbert
The elite of political and business life of the country town gather to celebrate the namesday of László in the luxury villa. Everything begins just as usual, but now an incident disturbs the stag party.