Mathias Mlekuz
Nascimento : 1966-11-01, Lens, France
Serge Lantier
Um policial cuja filha foi assassinada entra em conflito com sua mãe sobre a identidade do assassino. Este violento desentendimento, que reabre velhas feridas, será a chave para resolver um assassinato muito mais complexo do que parece.
Juliette broke up with her husband Christophe but now he is about to marry a man, one year later. And she is in charge of organizing the wedding.
Raymond Daviel
In the backdrop of the Nazi occupation of France, taken to the hospital for a broken leg from an accident, twelve-year-old Maurice Gutman is narrowly spared from the mass roundup that will take his family from him and leave them imprisoned in a distant death camp. At the hospital, Dr. Daviel diagnoses him with tuberculosis and imposes a long treatment, perhaps a humane ruse to prevent him from being deported. Over the course of two years, while living with the hospital staff, Maurice and eight other young boarders unforgettably experience friendship, solidarity and extraordinary courage. These are the children of luck.
Gilbert Thiel
Angélique é professora de maternal. Ela adora as crianças dos outros e também as do seu namorado, Damien, que está se divorciando. É quando ela descobre que desenvolveu uma alergia muito rara: alergia a crianças!
The story takes place in Carhaix, in the heart of Brittany. A small hospital, with a calm maternity clinic, where few births take place. Mathilde, a mid-wife, Firmine, a pediatric nurse, and Louise, the owner of the Carhaix bowling alley, are all friends and lead a happy existence. Catherine, director of the establishment's Human Resources, is sent to restructure the hospital and, most importantly, to eventually shut down the maternity clinic, which is losing money. Four women whose age, personalities, and origins are different, but who will form a quartet overflowing with humanity and humor as they join forces to save the clinic. Life, love, friendship, Brittany and... bowling.
A brief but intense hug will have the effect of throwing a meticulously planned wedding into chaos. Is chance about to give fate a helping hand?
Charly Salengro
Franck Louvrier
A look at French president Nicolas Sarkozy's rise to power.
Olivier Guichard
Edouard Aubert
Antoine Méliot is around 40 years old and has everything he needs to be happy: a beautiful wife, two adorable children, friends he can count on, a pretty house in the Yvelines and money. But one day he decides to ruin everything in one weekend.
A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.
Alexandra, trente ans, s'apprête à passer les vacances d'été en famille. Au moment de prendre la route, elle apprend que sa mère a aussi invité son ex, accompagné d'une "fiancée" jeune et ravissante. Dans un café, elle croise un acteur au chômage et l'engage sur le champ pour tenir le rôle de son fiancé. Comme ça, elle pourra affronter son ex, en toute sérénité.
Walla (voice)
Marjane é uma jovem iraniana de oito anos, que sonha em ser uma profetisa do futuro, para assim salvar o mundo. Querida pelos pais cultos e modernos e adorada pela avó, ela acompanha avidamente os acontecimentos que conduzem à queda do xá e de seu regime brutal. A entrada da nova República Islâmica inaugura a era dos “Guardiões da Revolução”, que controlam como as pessoas devem agir e se vestir. Marjane, que agora deve usar véu, deseja se transformar numa revolucionária. Mas, para tentar protegê-la, seus pais a enviam para a Áustria.
O Comissário Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg não gosta da Primavera. Receia a subida de energia, os desejos de evasão, a explosão dos impulsos, todos os sinais que indiquem o regresso dos dias bonitos
E Adamsberg tem motivos
Camille, a sua noiva, fez as malas, e a sua ausência corta-lhe as asas no momento em que ele mais necessita: algo caiu sobre a capital, um enigma portador de maldição, que poderá tornar-se em desgraça, se ele não o resolver
Estranhos sinais espalham-se sobre as portas dos edifícios de Paris, e inquietantes e misteriosas palavras são gritadas em praça pública
Chega o que Adamsberg temia: um primeiro morto, um corpo escurecido, o rosto ensanguentado com uma expressão de terror.
Nicolas Dannequin
Since childhood, the farmer's daughter Sarah Minarel neighbors considered a strange child and bullied her. When she grew up and became an attractive girl, nothing changed. But Sarah paid no attention to the antics of neighbours, because was busy with interesting work — at the request of staff taxidermist Pacton she catches a rare bird…
Thirty-five-year-old Max has a successful career and a beautiful wife, but one day he realises that his life isn’t exactly as he’d planned. He decides to leave it all behind to live out his teenage dream of being in a rock band. But fulfilling his dream at this point in his life is harder than he had imagined.
Three women in their late thirties, one with marital problems, one trying to be perfect, and a spinster, discuss their relationship to men.
Bernard Mirande
Eudes l'avocat
Brice é um homem de 30 anos que se comporta como um adolescente, vivendo em Nice, numa vila do seu rico pai. Entre seus passatempos está o surfe, no qual investiu toda a sua vida, criando seu próprio estilo e acumulando recordes que niguém mais conseguiu: ser o único surfista na Riviera Francesa e nunca ter pego uma onda em toda a sua vida.
While playing football, two children stumble across the grave of a French WWI infantryman who died in the trenches in 1918. His name was Pierre Delpeuch and in the last days of his life he and his comrades shared an extraordinary human adventure. Exhausted, cut off from the front, huddled in their trench, Pierre and four others bravely stood firm. Facing them was another trench containing five similar exhausted and determined Germans. Their only aim was to resist, whatever the cost, until reinforcements arrived.
30 ans, l'âge des responsabilités... Martin s'apprête à partir en vacances avec sa femme Ariane et sa fille Cerise, 4 mois... C'est alors qu'il croise Constance, son ex, son amour de jeunesse, elle-même flanquée de deux marmots. C'est décidé : on passera quelques jours ensemble, au soleil, dans la maison familiale. Comme au bon vieux temps.
L'homme saoul
The story is inspired by the biblical myth of Lazarus. The main character is called Lazarus who was a follower of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary who was resurrected by Jesus.
French Captain
Em 1952 Saigon está em plena guerra, envolvida na luta pela libertação do local do domínio francês. É nesta época que chega Alden Pyle (Brendan Fraser), um agente da CIA idealista que é enviado para ajudar as forças locais. Lá ele conhece Thomas Fowler (Michael Caine), um veterano correspondente do jornal London Times, que lhe apresenta Phuong (Do Thi Hai Yen), uma bela vietnamita com quem está envolvido. Logo Pyle também se envolve com Phuong, criando um triângulo amoroso que traz uma série de revelações à tona.
Chauffeur d'Elise
Duas empresas, Magnatronic e Demonlover, estão lutando para ganhar controle de uma nova forma de mangá extremo e sua versão pornográfica 3D que pode ser usada na Internet. Magnatronic contrata a jovem Diane como espiã para se infiltrar na Demonlover e frustrar suas missões.
In Paris, a young Argentine screenwriter attempts to escape his daily routine through a fictional story set in Argentina. This attracts the attention of those around him, including Alice, a young actress. But his story gradually escapes him and he becomes inextricably entangled in dreams and reality.
Nine comedians meet at the Acteurs Anonymes, a rehab center for acting, lost in the heart of Aveyron.
Le garçon à la moto
A priceless statuette "Dancing God" is transfered from Africa to France. Scoundrels of all stripes are dreaming of steeling it. The most clever of them are trying to replace the original with the copy. Chases, adventures, breathtaking stunts, shootouts - life is not worth a penny, when the priceless treasure is on stake.