Leon Chooluck

Nascimento : 1920-03-19, New York City, New York, USA

Morte : 2002-02-25


Ciranda de Ilusões
Production Supervisor
Gemma, uma adolescente com problemas afetivos e que vive com o avô desde que foi abandonada pela mãe. Quando ela vai para uma cidadezinha passar o verão, se reencontra com a mãe e cai de amores por um rude trabalhador rural.
Murder in Texas
Production Manager
Dramatization of the sensational Texas court case of the late '60s involving a noted Houston plastic surgeon accused of doing away with his socially prominent first wife in order to marry someone else.
Troca de Esposas
Unit Manager
Na luxuosa Beverly Hills, dois casais enfrentam crises de relacionamentos e choque de valores em uma época de novos padrões morais.
Apocalypse Now
Production Manager
Durante a guerra do Vietnã, o Capitão Willard recebe como missão ir ao Camboja para assassinar um Boina Verde renegado, o Coronel Kurtz. Este vive no meio de uma tribo local e é venerado como um deus. Mas, chegado ao seu destino, o Capitão Willard descobre que a sua missão é bem diferente do que imaginara.
Top Secret
Associate Producer
A hip American agent and his foxy associate try to recover a hundred pounds of stolen plutonium in Italy before it can be used by terrorists.
Cavalgada Infernal
Cavalgue com os mais duros homens do velho oeste, em um passeio pelo inferno... Com um chefe que é um osso duro de roer (Jim Brown), um jogador esperto (Fred Williamson) e um cruel e frio caçador de recompensas (Lee Van Cleef). Acrescente ainda a este grupo, um mestre das artes marciais (Jim Kelly), uma prostituta desesperada (Catherine Spaak) e vários pistoleiros loucos e gananciosos. Misture tudo isso e solte na fronteira mexicana, e veja todos correrem atrás de uma fortuna em dinheiro vivo, teremos um épico de ação que, conseguiu reunir todos os grandes astros num western urbano e clássico inigualável. Lendários de Hollywood como: Dana Andrews, Barry Sullivan e Harry Carey Jr. co-estrelam esta aventura fantástica, considerada pela crítica como o último grande western da década! Mais uma brilhante performance de Van Cleef, o grande mestre de filmes do gênero ao lado de Jim Brown, Fred Williamson e Catherine Spaak.
Strange Homecoming
First Assistant Director
A small-town sheriff is surprised to see his brother show up in town, a man whom he hasn't seen in 20 years--and who has graduated from petty thievery to murder.
Strange Homecoming
Production Manager
A small-town sheriff is surprised to see his brother show up in town, a man whom he hasn't seen in 20 years--and who has graduated from petty thievery to murder.
Three the Hard Way
Associate Producer
A record producer, a PR man, and a black belt in karate foil a white supremacist plot to poison the water supply.
Production Supervisor
Country singer Maury Dann lives life in the fast lane, counting on his rakish charm and raw talent to excuse his reckless behavior. Touring on the road in the rural south with his dedicated manager, his loyal driver and his long-suffering girlfriend, Maury seduces groupies, brawls and breaks the law, brashly relying on his team to cover for him. Heedlessly alienating all those who care for him, Maury blindly keeps the pedal to the metal.
Ainda Há Fogo Sob as Cinzas
Production Supervisor
When retired salesman Joseph Kotcher begins to feel pressure to move out of the house he shares with the family of his son, he opts to embark on a road trip instead of settling in a retirement home. Befriending Erica, a young pregnant woman and his grandson's former nanny, Kotch begins to finds new meaning in life as he helps her prepare to welcome her baby into the world.
Three Blondes In His Life
Tough insurance investigator Mahoney goes to LA to look into the murder of a fellow investigator. It's found that the murdered man knew three different women — all blondes — and with each he had had a love affair. What is their connection to the crime? And will Mahoney bed all of them as well?
El Cid
Production Manager
Filme épico sobre o lendário herói espanhol Rodrigo Diaz, "El Cid" para os seus seguidores, que, sem comprometer o seu rigoroso sentido de honra, consegue tomar a iniciativa e expulsar os mouros da Espanha cristã.
Studs Lonigan
Associate Producer
A young man tries to escape the South Side of 1920s Chicago.
Espinhos da Carne
Associate Producer
A young doctor returns to his Massachusetts home town at the request of a terminally ill old friend.
Quadrilha Maldita
Associate Producer
Fugindo com o saque de um assalto milionário, o implacável Jack Bruhn e seu bando de renegados dominam um remoto povoado do Oeste que está ilhado pela nevasca. Entre os moradores tomados como reféns está o rancheiro Blaise Starrett, que resolve usar de astúcia para enfrentar o bando de assassinos e salvar a cidade - e a mulher que ama.
Pânico Que Emudece
An escaped convict gets a hold of some radioactive material after his escape. Authorities desperately try to find the man that unknowingly is threating the lives of everyone in the city.
Cilada Mortífera
Claude is a ruthless and efficient contract killer. His next target, a woman, is the most difficult.
Anna Lucasta
Production Supervisor
Anna Lucasta has been walking the streets in San Diego since being thrown out of home, at 19, by her alcoholic father, Joe. She's estranged from her family, but when her father and brother-in-law see greedy potential in an arranged marriage to affluent Rudolph, Anna is called back home. Old wounds have hardly healed, though. Just as Anna starts to feel for Rudolph, Danny, an old friend, returns to make life difficult.
Fabricantes do Medo
Associate Producer
Veterano da guerra da Coréia retorna ao seu local de trabalho e o encontra totalmente modificado e passa a desconfiar das atividades que o caracterizam.
Plunder Road
A spectacular heist starts to unravel as the crooks take it on the lam.
Os Que Sabem Morrer
Assistant Director
Na Coréia, em 6 de Setembro de 1950, o tenente de pelotão Benson encontra-se isolado em território controlado pelos inimigo depois de uma retirada. Logo eles se juntam ao sargento Montana, cuja preocupação primordial é cuidar de seu coronel catatônico. Benson e Montana não podem se ajudar, mas, juntos eles chegam com os sobreviventes na Colina 465, onde esperam encontrar o resto da divisão. É uma longa e angustiante marcha, repleta de todos os perigos que o inimigo evasivo pode provocar. Quem vai sobreviver?
A Invasão dos Discos Voadores
Unit Manager
Ray Harryhausen apresenta pela primeira vez colorido. Estrelando Hugh Marlowe e Joan Taylor. Atenção! Perigo! Seres alienígenas estão por toda parte atacando o planeta Terra em um dos mais impressionantes filmes clássicos de ficção cientifica de Ray Harryhausen. O Dr. Russell Marvin (Hugh Marlowe) trabalha para a operação Skyhook, um projeto do governo que envia foguetes ao espaço para testar vôos futuros no espaço. Quando os foguetes começam a desaparecer misteriosamente, o Dr. Marvin começa uma investigação, juntamente com a sua mulher e assistente, Carol (Joan Taylor) e descobre que os foguetes têm sido interceptados por um exército de alienígenas que dão um ultimato a humanidade: Lealdade ou morte! Ao passo que os alienígenas começam a atacar cidades, incluindo um inesquecível ataque a Washington, D.C., o Dr. Marvin e sua mulher precisam encontrar uma maneira de parar os invasores antes que seja tarde demais.
Edge of Hell
Production Manager
In this heart-warming drama, a beggar and his performing dog, Flip, struggle to eke out a living upon the cruel streets. He is hired to perform at a rich kid's birthday party. There, the beggar is offered $500 for his beloved dog. He refuses and again hits the streets. Soon he becomes so impoverished that he can no longer provide food for his four-legged friend; he sells him for $20. The beggar is then beaten and robbed. Later he learns that Flip died. The man soon follows the dog to heaven where they begin performing for God.
Blackjack Ketchum Desperado
Unit Manager
A former gunslinger comes to the aid of ranchers battling a murderous land baron.
Teen-Age Crime Wave
Unit Manager
A delinquent girl involves an innocent friend in an armed robbery followed by a jail-break and hostage-taking with her equally delinquent boyfriend.
Chicago Syndicate
Unit Manager
An ex-military accountant is recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the mob in Chicago in an attempt to break open the rackets. To complicate his job, two women stand in his way, each with their own agenda.
O Monstro do Mar Revolto
Unit Manager
Neste suspense de ficção científica de Ray Harryhausen um polvo gigante radioativo comete o erro de atacar o submarino do capitão da marinha Pete Mathews (Kenneth Tobey) fazendo com que o bravo comandante persiga a criatura monstruosa por todo o oceano Pacífico antes que ele ataque outra pessoa. Enquanto os militares correm para criar uma arma que possa penetrar o cérebro do polvo mutante e destruí-lo de uma vez por todas, o monstro acaba descobrindo como sobreviver em terra, causando a maior confusão na ponte Golden Gate e depois no Embarcadero. Agora os moradores aterrorizados de São Francisco vão ter que lutar por suas vidas.
O Cadáver Atômico
Unit Manager
Murders, with victims dying from spines broken by brute strength, erupt in the city and the killers, when encountered, walk away unharmed by police bullets which strike them. A police doctor's investigation of the deaths leads to the discovery of an army of dead criminal musclemen restored to life, remotely controlled by a vengeful former crime boss and a former Nazi scientist, from the latter's laboratory hidden in the suburbs.
A Mulher e os Índios
Unit Manager
An angry Seminole chief wages war after his tribe is relocated from Florida to the American West.
Jungle Moon Men
Unit Manager
Priestess Oma is forever young in this Jungle Jim knockoff of "She" or the La of Opar stories from "Tarzan". The Jungle Jim-type character is played by Weissmuller using his own name.
Porto da Violência
Unit Manager
William Castle directed this Sam Katzman production, a gritty crime thriller about a newly-discharged sailor who gets a job as a longshoreman in The Big Easy. He swiftly discovers mob corruption throughout the docks, and when a friend is killed by the gangsters, he convinces the police to let him go undercover and take matters into his own hands. Filmed on location on the docks and in the French Quarter.
Ases do Gatilho
Unit Manager
O xerife de Dodge City, Bat Masterson (George Montgomery), está tentando provar que um grupo de pecuaristas falsamente acusaram Merrick por assassinato, pois ele negociou um tratado que concede aos índios Kiowas uma reserva no campo que os pecuaristas queriam como terra de pastagem. Sabendo que as tribos vão declarar guerra novamente se Merrick for executado, Masterson começa uma busca por Clay Bennett, que testemunhou o assassinato. Junto com ele na caça estão duas das maiores lendas do oeste: Marshal Wyatt Earp (Bruce Cowling) e Doc Holliday (James Griffith). Embora Masterson e Holliday tenham uma rixa de longa data, o último é convencido pela filha de Merrick a ajudar.
Riding with Buffalo Bill
Unit Manager
Columbia Pictures elevated a run-of-the-mill B-western supporting player, Marshall Reed, to the title role in this equally run-of-the-mill western serial released in 15 chapters. Like most serials in the '50s, Riding with Buffalo Bill consisted of quite a bit of budget-stretching stock footage telling a highly fictionalized account of Buffalo Bill Cody aiding a group of ranchers in their defeat of a local crime lord. The serial's assistant director, Leonard Katzman, later produced the long-running television series Gunsmoke and Dallas.
Jim das Selvas O Homem Crocodilo
Unit Manager
Jungle Jim fights enemy agents who are trying to steal cobalt while disguised as crocodiles.
Homens Indomáveis
Production Supervisor
Quatro de julho. Dan Ballard (John Payne), um respeitado morador de Silver Lode, é surpreendido em seu casamento pela chegada de quatro estranhos. O líder do grupo, Ned McCarty (Dan Duryea), acusa o noivo de assassinato e roubo. Enquanto tenta provar sua inocência, o antes insuspeito Ballard passa a ser visto com desconfiança pelos moradores da cidade, que logo desejam também vê-lo atrás das grades.
The Twonky
Assistant Director
A college professor, left alone by his wife for the weekend, discovers his new TV set is not only alive, but determined to take control of his entire life.
The Thief
Assistant Director
1952 black and white Cold War spy film, entirely without dialog
Champanhe Para César
Assistant Director
When jobless genius Beauregard Bottomley interviews with Burnbridge Waters for a position at Waters' soap company, the owner rudely turns Bottomley down. As revenge, Bottomley enters a TV quiz show that Waters' company sponsors, with the goal of winning until he bankrupts the businessman. When Bottomley keeps acing the questions, becoming a media sensation, Waters desperately calls on vixen Flame O'Neal to uncover Bottomley's area of weakness.
The Prairie
Production Manager
The Prairie is set at the time of the Louisiana Purchase. Hoping to find their destiny in the new territory, the Bush Family heads southward in a covered wagon. Sharing the family's numerous dangers and hardships are Ellen Wade (Lenore Aubert), sole survivor of an Indian attack, and army mapmaker Paul Hover (Alan Baxter). Cousins Abiram (Russ Vincent) and Asa (Jack Mitchum) duke it out over Ellen's affections