A woman was killed by a truck wheel, which flew off while the vehicle was in motion. As the freight company which owns the truck becomes the target of the public and the media’s wrath, Tokuro Akamatsu, the president of the freight company, realizes that a structural defect within the truck itself may have been to blame. A conspiracy of the wheel manufacturer's attempts to cover up a defective product is uncovered.
O estudante colegial Daisuke (Ryunosuke Kamiki) está apaixonado por sua colega de classe Hiromi. Numa viagem de escola o onibus em que estão sofre um acidente e quando Daisuke acorda ele descobre que morreu e esta sozinho no inferno.
Hirosue and Nagase will play a married couple in this tearjerker, based on a true story of two parents who are told that their daughter Miho (played by Manatsu Kimura) has one year left to live due to a brain tumor. The drama depicts the family's remaining time together, including the 359 letters that Miho drew before her death. --Dramawiki
A young man Tomoya Nagase and a girl Mayuko Fukuda both learn that they have an untreatable illness and are nearing death. When one reveals that they have never been to the ocean, they embark on a comical adventure to see the sea.
A história se passa no período Senkoku. Um rounin chamado Nanashi (que significa "sem nome") salva o garotinho Kotarou e seu cão Tobimaru em um templo abandonado. Kotarou não tem família, é perseguido por uma misteriosa milícia da China e contrata Nanashi como guardacostas. Entre os que perseguem Kotarou está um homem chamado Rarou, um guerreiro muito habilidoso com cabelo loiro e olhos azuis. Ele obedece um velho chamado Byakuran e é membro da milícia chinesa. Diferente de seus companheiros na milícia, ele não serve imperador algum e apenas deseja lutar com o mais forte.
Japanese detective Hayase is caught in the midst of a truck robbery on the way to the Seoul airport. Being forced to extend his stay and help identify the robbers, Hayase gets thrown into another situation -- as Japan's Foreign Minister is kidnapped before the upcoming Asian Summit. Is 72 hours enough?