Jiří Hálek

Jiří Hálek

Nascimento : 1930-09-10, Praha, Československo

Morte : 2020-12-18


Jiří Hálek, his native name Hugo Frischmann (* September 10, 1930 in Prague) is a Czech actor. After studying at DAMU in Prague, he first worked briefly in Ostrava at the Municipal Youth Theater, [2] then served basic military service in the army ensemble "Winning Wings", after playing military service in Mladá Boleslav from where he then went to the Paravan Theater. From 1965 until 2002 he was a member of the ensemble at the Prague Drama Club. It is an actor of small body growth, a distinctive profile in the face, as well as a distinctive voice speech. He debuted in Czech film in 1948 in the film Crossroads of Life, then performed in a number of predominantly minor roles, for example in Marek, give me a pen! or How the world comes to the poets. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jiří Hálek
Jiří Hálek


Petr's father
A career woman's struggle and fight against a male dominated society.
Čerte, tady straší!
O perlové panně
Jak vyženit z pekla štěstí
Čarodějné námluvy
O třech rytířích, krásné paní a lněné kytli
The Uninvited Guest
A run-of-the-mill family is terrorized by strangers dressed in military garb who invade their private realm.
Podivné odpoledne dr. Zvonka Burkeho
Divoká svině
The Gentle Barbarian
muž z ulice
A commemorative and essayistic meditative piece on the Prague quarter Libeň during the 1950s.
The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night
Train Dispatcher
An allegory set in an archetypal Czech village, it tells of what happens when a sequence of mysterious events take place, including the disappearance of the stationmaster. While everything has a rational explanation, collective paranoia takes hold and everyone’s worst instincts are released. Interrogations, the abolition of rights and the search for scapegoats ultimately lead to murder
Podivné přátelství herce Jesenia
Romance o vodníkovi
Nedosněné sny
Dobří holubi se vracejí
O princezně na klíček
Do zubů a do srdíčka
Bianka Braselli – dáma s dvěma hlavami
Dva t. č. v zel. hl. dvě veselé nekuř.
The Three Veterans
It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.
O princezně Solimánské
The Explosion Will Be at Five
This tale is about young Ludvik (Robert Nespor) an erstwhile, budding scientist whose practical sense leads him to experiment before his common sense has figured out the results. Due to that unfortunate pattern, he variously floods the bathroom while working on displacement of volume and weight in water, he shatters the harvest pumpkins but not the law of gravity, and now he is eyeing the neighbor's rabbits for an electricity experiment. While the rabbits remain safe for awhile, Ludvik's parents wish he would follow in their more traditional footsteps and dedicate himself to music. Instead, Ludvik has learned that the proper mixture of a certain carbide and water can be explosive, and while he works on that technique, a friend tips off the physics teacher about these potentially disastrous plans.
The Very Late Afternoon of a Faun
A bachelor named Faun with a Don Juan complex, seized with a hypochondriac's fear of the ineluctable approach of death, enters a race against time's passage. Faun's sexual love is imbued with the narcissistic vanity of a self-satisfied bacchant who even towards old age can't manage to forgo his lifelong pose as an irresistable seducer of women. He desperately searches for meaning in superficial, fleeting sex.
Chief, It's Amazing
Ing. Frantisek Kos
Criminal comedy, a first movie from the "Chief" series.
Waiter, Scarper!
profesor Přikryl
It is the story of a man who had financial troubles. He was married several times and had to pay for several kids. He wanted to earn some extra money by playing in a cafe. But one drunken guest supposes he is a waiter and pays his bill to him. So the main hero finds his chance - he goes through restaurants, pretending that he is a waiter and asks people to hand their cash to him...
O vysoké věži
Monkey's Playtime
The fisherman Fuksa fishes in the creek an old bottle and he sells it to innkeeper Merta. When Merta opens it, a genie appears, who can fulfill all his wishes.
Šestapadesát neomluvených hodin
Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea
Joseph Goebbels (voice)
Former Nazi Klaus Abard survives to the 1990s by taking anti-ageing pills. He plans to use a time travel trip to return to Germany in 1944 and present Hitler with a hydrogen bomb, so that he can win the war. Unfortunately the pilot, woman-chasing Karel Bures, dies on the morning of the trip and his earnest twin brother Jan impersonates him, without knowing about the plot. The plot goes wrong when they lose the bomb and land near Hitler's bunker in 1941, at a time that the Nazis sense victory. Bures, with two of the plotters, escape capture by the Nazis and make it back to the time machine. Bures programs the machine to return one day before they left, because he figures he can then save his brother and foil the plot.
Povídky Svatopluka Čecha
(segment "Mluvící kapr")
The Case of Dead Schoolmates
dentista Gardavský
A West German businessman Friedrich Schmidt is arriving to Czechoslovakia with private mission and mission for Intelligence service. He wants to settle the old event from the time of the Second World War when he as a student of the Czech grammar school in the town of Kostelec took part at the denunciation of his schoolmate Pavel Richter. Pavel was during the period of Nazi terror following the assassination of Acting Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Heydrich executed. Schmidt has also to enter into relations with persons suitable for cooperation with the West Intelligence service. Schmidt - earlier, before the German occupation Smíd - meets the schoolmates and endeavors to avert suspicion that arose already at the time of the tragic event.
Flying Saucers Over Our Village
A model Communist village is visited by a flying saucer.
O Terezce a paní Madam
O třech bratřích
Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!
ředitel školy
This comedy is about one average family. The father works as master in the factory and his son is studying on high school. One day father must start to visit the evening school. It's the same school as his son visiting. The lives both students are connecting together. The son must teach the math and physics his own father. The father getting to know, that the life of the students is not simple as he supposed.
A Girl Fit to Be Killed
The waitress Gita from the hotel "Bobí vrch" approaches her lover who has not left his wife yet and gives him an ultimatum: if he does not do all according to her wish, she will announce to the police his machinations with foreign currency.
Město nic neví
Zrcadlo pro Kristýnu
A Star Is Falling Upwards
The Motive for Murder
Wie füttert man einen Esel
Due to his profession, Fred, an easy-going and charming long-haul truck-driver, sees a lot of the world. Along his routes he enjoys the company of a lot of girlfriends who sweeten his spare time. One day, he suffers an accident in Prague which puts his co-driver Orje out of action. The beautiful Hungarian Jana persuades him to make her his new co-driver and does her utmost to take care of the stressful job. The more time the uneven couple spends on the road together, the more Jana feels attracted to Fred.
People from the Subway
Three short stories. Prague finally sees the approval of the subway construction. Thousands of individuals took part in preparing, course and finalizing construction of subway and their lives crossed at certain points of this construction.
The Legend of the Silver Fir
According to one Beskydy Mountains legend, if you do a good deed you will see silver trees. Little Ondra knows trees like that. In his family's cottage hangs a picture showing silver firs, a person falling from a height and a watch. In art lessons Ondra paints trees of the same kind. - One day Lojzek Hojgr, a man who climbs fir trees to gather the seeds, comes to see Ondra's parents. Long-ago Ondra's father has had such a job and Lojzek is his long-time friend. Hojgr moves into a half-ruined wood cabin. Ondra's father takes him on a visit to Lojzek and both demonstrate the beautiful but dangerous work of seed-gathering to the boy.
Princess Goldilocks
A princess was so beautiful and had such golden hair that she was known as Pretty Goldilocks. A neighboring king fell in love with her from her description, but much to the king's disappointment, she rejected his ambassador, saying she had no wish to be married...
Bratranec Pons
About Show-White
Sixth-grade pupil Katka daydreams during a math class about being Snow White and being freed by a prince who looks very much like Dzery from the eighth grade. Katka, her girl friends Lenka and Martina, and her fellow-pupils Franta, Joska and freckled Vrabcák, have spent five years going to the same little one-class school in their home mountain village of Pastvina. Their kind teacher Smetácek was very understanding about their games and fantasies, but he didn't teach them much about arithmetic. They are now laughed at for their ignorance by the strict Bidlo, their new teacher at the near-by little town. As he does every year, Smetácek is preparing a theatre performance with the local children. Katka suggests the fairytale about Snow White
Straw Hat
Slacker Maurice Fadinar wasted his whole inheritance and the only way out of this situation, as it seems, to marry Helen Nonankur - daughter of a wealthy farmer. At the last meeting with his mistress in a nearby forest Fadinar's horse eats straw hat which belongs to a married lady, spending time in the company of young and hot Lieutenant Emil. Emil literally puts a knife to Maurice throat - or the lady will get back the exact same hat immediately, or he will arrange such a scandal that no wedding will not happen ...
Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by criminal cases. Therefore he is the only one who does not see that his violin has no future. He solves the criminal mysteries in passing but the final test shows that the famous detective is tone-deaf.
Pan Tomšík
Carlsbad Ponies
Angelika, a ten years old daughter of a spa visitor Bachmann is terribly bored in Karlovy Vary spa. Her father enjoys different spa procedures, trying to lose some weight, but the little girl feels to be only waiting for something to enjoy. Moreover, she cannot speak any Czech unlike her father. Kája, a son of the hotel receptionist Vlasta, attempts to amuse her despite he cannot speak German. Both children make friends although there is the language barrier.
Hogo Fogo Homolka
The Homolka family celebrates a great occasion: they were finally able to buy a car. They immediately begin to drive for small trips to Hradcany, to the airport, and plan further trips. Their euphoria is spoiled by a letter from their great-grandmother. Their great-grandfather is dying and the family is expected to come along to say goodbye. The annoyed Homolkas therefore set off to the South Bohemian village where the grandparents live.
Cesta mstitele své cti
Produzido para a televisão, relata uma tensa história sobre três soldados e um disparo fatídico.
Case for a Rookie Hangman
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) has had a car accident and continues his journey across the unknown countryside on foot. On the road he finds a dead rabbit dressed like a man and takes a watch from its waistcoat breast pocket. The half-ruined house that he enters reminds Lemuel of his childhood and brings up a painful memory of a dearly loved girl Markéta who was drowned years ago. Gulliver finds himself in Balnibarbi, a country where he doesn't understand the laws and habits and so continually offends against public decency. It is a day when people are ordered to keep their mouths shut and they force their visitor to follow suit. He faces harsh interrogation and finds it difficult to explain that he is not the rabbit Oscar whose watch has been found in his possession.
I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen
This futuristic science fiction comedy features an atomic bomb blast that causes women to grow beards and lose the ability to have children. A summit meeting is held at the United Nations, with the proposed solution of building a time machine. The decision is made to travel back in time and murder Einstein, with the hopeful result being that without the noted mathematician's research there will be no atomic bombs.
O Cremador
Rámar Holý
Em uma Tchekoslovakia prester a ser invadida pelas forças alemãs durante a guerra, cremador nacionalista se contamina pela ideologia nazista e passa gradualmente a demonstrar comportamento estranho e obsessivo para com seus compatriotas e sua família. A situação se complica quando ele descobre que sua esposa pode ter sangue judeu.
The Most Beautiful Age
An artist's studio is descended upon by a group of retired men and a young mother who agree to model in the nude for money. Comedy ensues as the students and the local bureaucracy react to the models, all in need of extra money. Several running gags border on slapstick as the officials and the students don't know what to do with the nude models.
Krvavý román
The television adaptation of Jaroslav Hašek's satirical short story.
Crime in the Night Club
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Spravedlnost pro Selvina
The Garden
Frank visits his friend Josef, who introduces him to his pedigree rabbits and his wife Mary. Frank is more interested in the slightly unsettling fact that Josef and Mary's garden fence is entirely made up of living people holding hands. Finally, Frank asks Josef how he manages to keep the fence together..
The Limping Devil
A baleful limping man walks through Prague. He is Asmodeus (Juraj Herz), the fiend of lustfulness, entertaining himself by putting together by magic couples of lovers. He only fails at the swimming pool. Zuzana (Jana Sulcová), the good-looking blonde, ignores the men whom the devil foists off onto her. She loves Honza (Václav Neckár) and the boy shares her feelings. The fiend is annoyed by the couple and tries to provoke a row. He sends heavy rain to force them into a hotel and then warns Zuzana's father by phone, but the young lovers manage to get out in time. Then the obstinate Asmodeus takes Honza in his sleep to the Institute for Emotional Disorders, where he shows him the ugly sides of love - hysteria, voyeurism, fetishism, suicide attempts...
Muž, který stoupl v ceně
Bedtime Story
Comedy based on short Sean O'Casey play. John Jo Mulligan finds himself in a situation with which his pious conscience cannot cope. He has spent a night with the cunning seductress Angela. Full of remorse and dreading the ruin of his reputation, he tries to get rid of her, fearing that his pal Halibut or his landlady Miss Mossie might get to know. Angela sees her chance, turns gold-digger and does not leave before relieving John of a considerable amount of money.
Wedding Under Supervision
A comedy about two bumbling policemen investigating an alleged rape in a small Czech town. One of the alleged rapists is supposed to get married the day he's locked up.
Trens Estreitamente Vigiados
Numa pequena cidade ainda ocupada pelos alemães enquanto a maré da Segunda Guerra Mundial está se voltando para os Aliados, o aprendiz de despachante de trens Milos não se importa com a guerra. Em vez disso, ele está obcecado por ter sua primeira experiência sexual. Apesar dos favores do chefe maquinista Masa, Milos não tem sorte. Sua busca o leva a uma combatente da Resistência que, de passagem, o recruta para a causa. Quando Milos finalmente encontra o amor, o perigo da guerra se aproxima. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Křižovatka života