Inspired by true events, the story begins with Japanese rugby officials dwelling on a humiliating anniversary, a 145-17 defeat by the New Zealand All Blacks in the 1995 World Cup. Officials question their decision to appoint Eddie Jones, to coach their national team for the 2015 World Cup. Jones plans to defy convention in order to put a stop to Japan being the laughing stock of world rugby.
Inspired by true events, the story begins with Japanese rugby officials dwelling on a humiliating anniversary, a 145-17 defeat by the New Zealand All Blacks in the 1995 World Cup. Officials question their decision to appoint Eddie Jones, to coach their national team for the 2015 World Cup. Jones plans to defy convention in order to put a stop to Japan being the laughing stock of world rugby.
Kentaro is an unsocial 35-year-old who lives with his parents and has never dated a woman. When Kentaro’s parents set up an arranged marriage interview with a girl named Nahoko and her parents, he falls in love for the first time in his life. However, the pair soon run into unexpected obstacles. Nahoko is vision impaired and can’t seem to break free of her doting parents. Meanwhile, Kentaro has no idea how to deal with the surge of new emotions he’s feeling.
O filme é baseado em best-seller de Barry Eisler. Perseguido pela CIA, John Rain é um assassino profissional altamente especializado, contratado para resgatar um pen drive que contém informações confidenciais, antes que elas vazem. Rain intercepta o portador, que acaba morto, mas não encontra o que procurava. No rastro do pen drive, ele se depara com a filha do tal homem, ambos passam a ficar na mira da CIA... e a correr todos os perigos!
Tokyo Sonata é o retrato de uma família japonesa aparentemente normal. O pai que bruscamente perde seu trabalho esconde a verdade de toda família; o filho mais velho que quase não pára em casa quer se alistar no exército de outro país; o mais novo, começa a fazer aulas de piano escondido dos pais, e a mãe, que sabe que seu papel é manter a família unida, não encontra suficiente vontade para isso. De alguma maneira, um profundo abismo aparece dentro da família, e se estende rápido e silenciosamente para desintegrá-los.
The story of three people whose lives are pulled into review and assessment when their paths cross. The initial sparks of what could be a new romance plays off against a couple falling out of love, a student and teacher, a father and son, a mother's influence and competing suitors - all explored with sensitivity, delicacy and refined artistry.
The story of three people whose lives are pulled into review and assessment when their paths cross. The initial sparks of what could be a new romance plays off against a couple falling out of love, a student and teacher, a father and son, a mother's influence and competing suitors - all explored with sensitivity, delicacy and refined artistry.